43 research outputs found


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    exposição ao mercúrio, seja ele orgânico ou inorgânico, é um fator de risco cardiovascular. No entanto, os mecanismos pelos quais este metal promove alterações cardiovasculares ainda não estão bem esclarecidos. Por isso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar se a exposição crônica a baixa concentração de HgCl2, durante 30 dias, afeta a modulação endotelial da circulação coronariana e da função cardíaca. Ratos Wistar foram tratados durante 30 dias com HgCl2 (primeira dose: 4.6 mg/kg e doses subseqüentes: 0.07 mg/kg/dia) ou salina. Foram utilizadas artérias coronárias esquerdas e corações ao final de 30 dias de tratamento. Para verificar quais os mecanismos envolvidos nas alterações encontradas em artérias coronárias também utilizamos células endoteliais explantadas de coronárias suínas incubadas durante 24 horas com HgCl2 O tratamento com mercúrio aumenta a reatividade de artérias coronárias à 5-HT e reduz o relaxamento a acetilcolina. Em artérias isoladas há menor produção de NO e também menor participação deste importante vasodilatador na resposta a acetilcolina e a 5-HT em artérias de ratos expostos ao metal. Quando utilizamos o tiron (1 mmol/L), varredor não enzimático de O2- e a SOD (150 U/mL) observamos redução da resposta vasocontrictora a 5-HT e a utilização de tiron (1 mmol/L) e apocinina (0.3 mmol/L) também aumentaram o relaxamento a ACh. Em artérias coronárias há maior produção de ânions, maior expressão gênica de NOX-1, NOX-4 e SOD-2.O inibidor da COX, indometacina (10 μmol/L), diminuiu a resposta a 5-HT e aumentou o relaxamento a ACh em ratos tratados. Também observamos que o TEA (2 mmol/L), inibidor de canais para potássio dependentes de cálcio, potencializou a resposta a 5-HT. Em corações isolados de ratos expostos ao mercúrio não há modificação da pressão de perfusão coronariana e na pressão diastólica, no entanto há redução da pressão sistólica isovolumétrica do ventrículo esquerdo assim como da pressão desenvolvida. Nestes corações, a prefusão durante 60 minutos com L-NAME (100 μmol/L) diminuiu a pressão desenvolvida e aumentou a pressão distólica. A pressão de perfusão aumentou em ambos os grupos após perfusão com o inibidor da NOS, no entanto esse aumento foi maior em corações de ratos expostos ao metal. Quando avaliamos a expressão protéica observamos que o tratamento promove redução da expressão da SERCA e do PLB fosforilado na serina-16 enquanto há aumento da expressão do fosfolambam. Como conseqüência vimos redução da razão SERCA/PLB. Também há redução da expressão do NCX, da eNOS, iNOS e da isoforma α-1 da NKA. A expressão da isoforma α-2 da NKA não foi alterada. A exposição durante 30 dias ao HgCl2 promove disfunção endotelial em artérias coronárias, evidenciado por redução da biodisponibilidade de NO relacionado ao aumento do estresse oxidativo. Essas alterações da função coronariana aumentam a resistência ao fluxo, o que sobre condições de sobrecarga, pode causar disfunção do relaxamento e contração do músculo cardíaco. Nossos achados reforçam as evidências que o mercúrio, mesmo em baixas concentrações, é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares

    Models for the Reliability Analysis of Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants

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    The objective of this chapter is to discuss two approaches for reliability analysis of digital instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants taking into account the regulatory side. Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology (DFM) and Markov/Cell-to-Cell Mapping Technique (CCMT) are discussed and case studies developed are presented. These case studies involve simplified control systems for a steam generator and a pressurizer of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plant for the purpose of evaluating each method. Advantages and limitations of each approach are addressed. For the DFM approach, three concerns in the literature are addressed: modeling of the system itself, incorporation of the methodology results into existing Probabilistic Safety Assessments (PSA), and identification of software failures. The Markov/CCMT, which has been used in dynamic probabilistic safety assessments, is approached by means of a simplified digitally controlled water volume control system. The Markov/CCMT methodology results in detailed data of the system reliability behavior in relation to time. However, it demands a higher computational effort than usual as the complexity (i.e., number of components and failure states) of the system increases. As a regulatory research conclusion, the methodologies presented can be used on PSA risk informed assessment, contributing to the regulatory side

    Acute exposure to lead increases myocardial contractility independent of hypertension development

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    Abstract We studied the effects of the acute administration of small doses of lead over time on hemodynamic parameters in anesthetized rats to determine if myocardial contractility changes are dependent or not on the development of hypertension. Male Wistar rats received 320 mg/kg lead acetate iv once, and their hemodynamic parameters were measured for 2 h. Cardiac contractility was evaluated in vitro using left ventricular papillary muscles as were Na + ,K + -ATPase and myosin Ca 2+ -ATPase activities. Lead increased left-(control: 112 ± 3.7 vs lead: 129 ± 3.2 mmHg) and right-ventricular systolic pressures (control: 28 ± 1.2 vs lead: 34 ± 1.2 mmHg) significantly without modifying heart rate. Papillary muscles were exposed to 8 mM lead acetate and evaluated 60 min later. Isometric contractions increased (control: 0.546 ± 0.07 vs lead: 0.608 ± 0.06 g/mg) and time to peak tension decreased (control: 268 ± 13 vs lead: 227 ± 5.58 ms), but relaxation time was unchanged. Post-pause potentiation was similar between groups (n = 6 per group), suggesting no change in sarcoplasmic reticulum activity, evaluated indirectly by this protocol. After 1-h exposure to lead acetate, the papillary muscles became hyperactive in response to a b-adrenergic agonist (10 mM isoproterenol). In addition, post-rest contractions decreased, suggesting a reduction in sarcolemmal calcium influx. The heart samples treated with 8 mM lead acetate presented increased Na + ,K + -ATPase (approximately 140%, P , 0.05 for control vs lead) and myosin ATPase (approximately 30%, P , 0.05 for control vs lead) activity. Our results indicated that acute exposure to low lead concentrations produces direct positive inotropic and lusitropic effects on myocardial contractility and increases the right and left ventricular systolic pressure, thus potentially contributing to the early development of hypertension

    Efeitos Cardiovasculares da Exposição Crônica a Cloreto de Mercúrio em Ratos

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    A avaliação da exposição ambiental a pequenas quantidades de mercúrio tem demonstrado que o metal afeta o sistema cardiovascular. Sua exposição crônica promove hipertensão arterial e correlaciona-se com eventos cardiovasculares e, em baixas concentrações, promove stress oxidativo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da exposição por 30 dias à 20 nM de HgCl2 sobre parâmetros hemodinâmicos e a contratilidade miocárdica. Ratos Wistar foram separados aleatoriamente em dois grupos. O grupo Controle recebeu, durante 30 dias, injeções intramusculares (IM) de salina e o grupo tratado recebeu no primeiro dia de tratamento uma injeção IM de solução de HgCl2 suficiente para alcançar a concentração plasmática de 20 nM. Até o término do tratamento, os ratos recebiam diariamente doses de reforço para manter a concentração desejada. Após 30 dias os ratos eram anestesiados, heparinizados e submetidos à canulação da artéria carótida e da veia jugular direitas para medidas da pressão arterial sistólica, arterial diastólica, arterial média, e pressões sistólica e diastólica de VE e VD e suas derivadas temporais. Foram avaliados os parâmetros contráteis de corações isolados perfundidos pela técnica de Langendorff. Um balão de látex, conectado a um transdutor de pressão, foi utilizado para determinação da pressão diastólica (PD) e mensuração da pressão sistólica isovolumétrica do VE. Os protocolos realizados foram: resposta ao aumento da PD e resposta à estimulação ?-adrenérgica. Durante todo o experimento também foi medida a pressão de perfusão coronariana (PPC). Também foram analisados, em músculos papilares de VE: o inotropismo cardíaco, os parâmetros temporais, a atividade funcional do retículo arcoplasmático, a permeabilidade da membrana sarcolemal ao cálcio e a responsividade das proteínas contráteis. Por fim, foram medidas as atividades específicas da Na+-K+-ATPase (NKA) e da Ca2+ ATPase miosínica cardíacas. Análise estatística: ANOVA duas vias ou teste t-Student. p< 0,05 foi considerado significante. Os parâmetros hemodinâmicos mostraram uma única alteração, aumento da pressão diastólica final de VE (PDfVE) no grupo Mercúrio em relação ao Controle. No entanto, em corações isolados observamos, no grupo exposto ao HgCl2, diminuição da pressão desenvolvida e das derivadas temporais na condição basal e em praticamente todas as PD estudadas. Os corações do grupo Mercúrio também apresentaram diminuição da resposta ?-adrenérgica. No entanto, o tratamento crônico com HgCl2 não foi capaz de alterar os parâmetros contráteis em músculos papilares do VE, mas aumentou a atividade da e Ca2+ ATPase miosínica e inibiu a atividade específica da NKA. Possivelmente, o aumento da PDfVE in vivo e o efeito inotrópico negativo em corações isolados se devem a inibição da NKA, que causa aumento da concentração intracelular de cálcio, induzindo defeito no relaxamento por sobrecarga de cálcio no músculo cardíaco. Como os parâmetros hemodinâmicos encontram-se preservados in vivo, podemos especular que fatores neuro-humorais estejam participando da manutenção do inotropismo cardíaco e pressão arterial. O aumento da atividade da Ca2+ ATPase miosínica também poder ser um mecanismo compensatório do músculo cardíaco. Sugerimos que a diminuição da resposta ?-adrenérgica é conseqüência da dessensibilização dos receptores ? cardíacos, por uma ativação simpática aumentada, como mecanismo compensatório, durante a exposição ao HgCl2. Podemos concluir que a exposição a baixa concentração de HgCl2 promove efeito inotrópico negativo em corações isolados, déficit de relaxamento in vivo, aumento da ATPase miosina e inibição da NKA

    Effects of non-erodible particles on aeolian erosion: Wind-tunnel simulations of a sand oblong storage pile

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    International audienceNon-erodible particles have strong influence on the aeolian erosion phenomena. An oblong stockpile model of sand (bimodal granulometry) was implemented to perform wind-tunnel experiments as similar literature works have only carried out experimental investigations on a flat bed of particles. Thus, the influence of the fluid flow structures around the complex obstacle will be analysed. The tested configurations consisted of two different values of non-erodible particles cover rate (10% and 20%), and three free stream velocities (6, 7 and 8 m s1). Good repeatability was found. The results showed that the largest amount of particles emitted was for the highest wind velocity and the smallest cover rate. Thetemporal decreasing of emitted mass flux was found steeper for larger amount of non-erodible particles and higher velocity. The mass flux of particles decreases very strongly in the first four minutes of measurements and the cover rate influences this downward sloping. The same analysis applies for the effects of the free stream velocity. The qualitative analysis (high quality photographic system) of the stockpile surface gradual change has shown that non-erodible particles aggregation induces a pavement effect on some areas of the pile. This analysis indicated typical wind erosion zones: high wall friction on the crest line and lateral sides; low wall friction on the windward wall near the ground and on the recirculation downstream the leeward wall. The results and discussions presented here allows for the understanding of the impact of non-erodible particle on dust emissions

    Wind tunnel and CFD analysis of dust re-emission potential from ground regions around successive stockpiles

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    Open industrial yards of granular materials can result in a large amount of particles emitted into the atmosphere due to wind erosion, offering risks to the environment and to the human health. It is important to estimate these emissions in order to manage dust control techniques and environmental polices requirements. There are several studies on particles emission from stockpiles surfaces, but there are few studies considering the re-emission that can occur from the regions around the stockpiles. Therefore, the present work aims to investigate the influence of the fluid flow complex structures near the ground region surrounding stockpiles and how they can influence the re-emission of particles. Experimental work using the oil-film technique and numerical simulations of the flow over one and two successive stockpiles oriented 30°, 60° and 90° to the incoming flow were performed. The results showed that a stockpile or successive stockpiles oriented 60° must be avoided in industrial sites as they promote high values of re-emitted mass around the piles. On the other hand, piles oriented 90° to the incoming flow showed the lowest re-emission potential for the surroundings. Finally, the gap between successive stockpiles showed insignificant influence on the emission estimates

    Experimental surface flow visualization and numerical investigation of flow structure around an oblong stockpile

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    International audienceEmission factors are largely used to quantify particle emissions from industrial open storage piles. These factors are based on the knowledge of velocity distribution and flow patterns over the stockpile surface which still requires further research. The aim of the present work is to investigate the airflow characteristics over a single typical oblong pile and in its near-ground surroundings for various wind flow directions. Wind tunnel experiments using an oil-film surface coating technique were carried out for near-wall flow visualization. Numerical simulation results, favorably compared to PIV measurements, were used to allow comparison analysis of flow features. For the stockpile oriented 90◦ to the wind maindirection, typical topology of flow around wall-mounted obstacles were observed, notably a wake zone downstream the pile including two main counter-rotating vortices. Further analysis of numerical wall shear stress distribution and streamlines indicates that two complexthree-dimensional vortical flow structures develop downstream the pile. For other incoming wind flow directions (30 and 60◦), the flow characteristics over the storage pile greatly differ as a single helical main vortex develops from the pile’s crest. Corresponding high values ofwall shear stress are noticed downstream the storage pile. For each configuration studied, downwash and upwash zones are induced by the vortical structures developed. This near-wall flow topology combined with areas of high friction levels may be linked to potential dust emission from the ground surface surrounding industrial stockpiles

    Description of two females of Leptagrion Selys (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

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    Furieri, Karina S., Fraga, Felipe B., Tribull, Carly, Colombo, Wesley D. (2020): Description of two females of Leptagrion Selys (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 4821 (2): 343-352, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4821.2.

    Influence of non-erodible particles with multimodal size distribution on aeolian erosion of storage piles of granular materials

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    International audienceAeolian erosion of granular materials is investigated by means of a mathematical emission model and experimental wind tunnel measurements. Main model input data are: friction velocity, relationship between cover rate (CR) and eroded height (H) and particle properties (density, size distribution). It is proposed: (1) to evaluate the linearity of the relation between CR and H considering the presence of a multimodal distribution of particle sizes, (2) to validate the mathematical model with wind tunnel data, (3) to evaluate the protective effect of non-erodible particles and (4) to qualitatively evaluate the final stage of erosion through experimental photographs of the oblong stockpile. The relationship between CR and H may still be considered linear for the tested mixture of particles. The modelled emission, when compared with experimental data, showed that the physical tendency of the aeolian erosion phenomenon was well predicted. The model showed to be useful in comparative analysis between scenarios but not in absolute values due to errors found. It is valid for the monitoring of air quality degradation due to aeolian erosion of open yards of storage piles. Detailed analysis of emitted mass explained that the smallest diameters among the non-erodible particles create a less effective protection effect leading to higher emissions. The qualitative analysis of high-quality photographs of the experiments showed that the non-erodible particle agglomeration on the stockpile surface can be well explained if one evaluates simultaneously, on the pile, the angle of velocity vectors (which influences the threshold friction velocity value) and shear stress. © 2018, Springer Nature B.V

    Numerical modelling of aeolian erosion over a surface with non-uniformly distributed roughness elements

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    International audienceThe present study is focused on the analysis of the mean wall friction velocity on a surface including roughness elements exposed to a turbulent boundary layer. These roughness elements represent non-erodible particles over an erodible surface of an agglomeration of granular material on industrial sites. A first study has proposed a formulation that describes the evolution of the friction velocity as a function of geometrical parameters and cover rate with different uniform roughness distributions. The present simulations deal with non-uniform distributions of particles with a random sampling of diameters, heights, positions and arrangements. The evolution (relative to geometrical parameters of the roughness elements) of the friction velocity for several non-uniform distributions of roughness elements was analysed by the equation proposed in the literature and compared to the results obtained with the numerical simulations. This comparison showed very good agreement. Thus, the formulation developed for uniform particles was found also to be valid for a larger spectrum of particles noted on industrial sites. The present work aims also to investigate in detail the fluid mechanics over several roughness particles. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd