1,086 research outputs found

    Computed microtomography visualization and quantification of mouse ischemic brain lesion by nonionic radio contrast agents.

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    AIM: To explore the possibility of brain imaging by microcomputed tomography (microCT) using x-ray contrasting methods to visualize mouse brain ischemic lesions after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). ----- METHODS: Isolated brains were immersed in ionic or nonionic radio contrast agent (RCA) for 5 days and subsequently scanned using microCT scanner. To verify whether ex-vivo microCT brain images can be used to characterize ischemic lesions, they were compared to Nissl stained serial histological sections of the same brains. To verify if brains immersed in RCA may be used afterwards for other methods, subsequent immunofluorescent labeling with anti-NeuN was performed. ----- RESULTS: Nonionic RCA showed better gray to white matter contrast in the brain, and therefore was selected for further studies. MicroCT measurement of ischemic lesion size and cerebral edema significantly correlated with the values determined by Nissl staining (ischemic lesion size: P=0.0005; cerebral edema: P=0.0002). Brain immersion in nonionic RCA did not affect subsequent immunofluorescent analysis and NeuN immunoreactivity. ----- CONCLUSION: MicroCT method was proven to be suitable for delineation of the ischemic lesion from the non-infarcted tissue, and quantification of lesion volume and cerebral edema

    A multi-faceted approach to addressing the achievement gap through early intervention

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    Project (Ed.S., School Psychology)--California State University, Sacramento, 2015.This project addresses the issues contributing to the achievement gap and\ud provides problem-solving solutions for early intervention. After investigating the issue of\ud the achievement gap among culturally, linguistically, and socially diverse students, the\ud presentation addresses the need to implement evidence-based interventions that are\ud culturally appropriate and relevant to closing the achievement gap. The resulting\ud professional development presentation includes research studies that examine promising\ud approaches to effectively work with students, staff, and parents. Resources for\ud implementing interventions are provided.School Psycholog

    Panel: Climate Change and Climate Justice

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    This article is a transcript of a panel discussion from the 2022 Richmond Public Interest Law Review\u27s Symposium on Environmental Justice

    Streaming Tree Transducers

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    Theory of tree transducers provides a foundation for understanding expressiveness and complexity of analysis problems for specification languages for transforming hierarchically structured data such as XML documents. We introduce streaming tree transducers as an analyzable, executable, and expressive model for transforming unranked ordered trees in a single pass. Given a linear encoding of the input tree, the transducer makes a single left-to-right pass through the input, and computes the output in linear time using a finite-state control, a visibly pushdown stack, and a finite number of variables that store output chunks that can be combined using the operations of string-concatenation and tree-insertion. We prove that the expressiveness of the model coincides with transductions definable using monadic second-order logic (MSO). Existing models of tree transducers either cannot implement all MSO-definable transformations, or require regular look ahead that prohibits single-pass implementation. We show a variety of analysis problems such as type-checking and checking functional equivalence are solvable for our model.Comment: 40 page

    Evaluación térmica, lumínica y termográfica de una solución habitacional de madera en clima templado cálido para el hábitat popular

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    El acceso a la vivienda en los sectores sociales de bajos ingresos plantea la necesidad de una reflexión relevante para América Latina. En este contexto, se ha desarrollado una Solución Habitacional Modular (SHM) de madera en un barrio de la periferia de CABA llamado el Partido de La Plata, orientada a la mejora habitacional de sectores populares y gestionada por una cooperativa de trabajo, la universidad y el sector científico-técnico. Se tiene por objetivo evaluar el comportamiento térmico, lumínico y las condiciones de estanqueidad en la envolvente edilicia de una SHM de madera del sector Partido de la Plata en un clima templado-cálido. Para ello, en primer lugar, se realizó un monitoreo interior y exterior (temperatura, humedad relativa e iluminación natural), luego se evaluaron los calefactores solares de aire y finalmente se realizó termografía digital nocturna. Los resultados muestran desempeños favorables en el aspecto lumínico diurno y una buena respuesta térmica diurna en épocas frías. No obstante, también se encontraron fenómenos por mejorar, como la necesidad de acondicionamiento térmico nocturno, de mejora de la estanqueidad de la envolvente, de ventilación nocturna en épocas cálidas de refuerzo del sombreo y del aislamiento térmico.O acesso à moradia nas camadas sociais de baixa renda levanta a necessidade de uma reflexão relevante para a América Latina. Nesse contexto, foi desenvolvida uma Solução Habitacional Modular (SHM) de madeira em um bairro da periferia da CABA (Cidade Autônoma de Buenos Aires) chamado Partido de La Plata, com foco na melhoria habitacional das camadas populares e gerenciada por uma cooperativa de trabalho, a universidade e o setor científico-tecnológico. O objetivo é avaliar o desempenho térmico, lumínico e as condições de estanqueidade do envelope construtivo de uma SHM de madeira na região do Partido de La Plata em um clima temperado-quente. Para isso, em primeiro lugar, foi realizado um monitoramento interno e externo (temperatura, umidade relativa e iluminação natural), em seguida, foram avaliados os aquecedores solares de ar e, por fim, foi realizada termografia digital noturna. Os resultados mostram desempenhos favoráveis na iluminação diurna e uma boa resposta térmica diurna durante períodos frios. No entanto, também foram encontrados aspectos a serem melhorados, como a necessidade de condicionamento térmico noturno, melhoria na estanqueidade do envelope, ventilação noturna em períodos quentes, reforço do sombreamento e isolamento térmico.Access to housing in low-income sectors brings up the need for a relevant reflection on Latin America. In this context, a wood-based Modular Housing Solution (MHS) has been developed in a neighborhood on the outskirts of CABA called La Plata, oriented to a housing improvement for working-class sectors, and managed by a labor cooperative, the university, and the scientific-technical sector. The objective is to evaluate the thermal and light behavior and the airtightness conditions of the building envelope of a wooden MHS in the La Plata district in a warm-temperate climate. For this purpose, first, indoor and outdoor monitoring (temperature, relative humidity, and natural lighting) was carried out, then the solar air heaters were evaluated, and finally, digital thermography was performed at night. The results show favorable daytime lighting performance and good daytime thermal response in cold weather. However, there was also room for improvement, such as the need for thermal conditioning at night, improvement of the airtightness of the envelope, night ventilation in warm seasons, reinforcement of shading, and thermal insulation