58 research outputs found

    Hard Thermal Loops, Static Response and the Composite Effective Action

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    First, we investigate the static non-Abelian Kubo equation. We prove that it does not possess finite energy solutions; thereby we establish that gauge theories do not support hard thermal solitons. A similar argument shows that "static" instantons are absent. In addition, we note that the static equations reproduce the expected screening of the non-Abelian electric field by a gauge invariant Debye mass m=gT sqrt((N+N_F/2)/3). Second, we derive the non-Abelian Kubo equation from the composite effective action. This is achieved by showing that the requirement of stationarity of the composite effective action is equivalent, within a kinematical approximation scheme, to the condition of gauge invariance for the generating functional of hard thermal loops.Comment: 17 pages, MIT preprint CTP#2261. An Appendix [including one (appended) PS figure] presenting a numerical analysis of the static solutions has been included. A note relating our approach to alternative ones has been added. We have also added references and comments in Section II

    A Simple Derivation of the Hard Thermal Loop Effective Action

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    We use the background field method along with a special gauge condition, to derive the hard thermal loop effective action in a simple manner. The new point in the paper is to relate the effective action explicitly to the S-matrix from the onset.Comment: 11 pages, Latex; lost text after sect. 2 reinserte

    Bosonic Description of Spinning Strings in 2+12+1 Dimensions

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    We write down a general action principle for spinning strings in 2+1 dimensional space-time without introducing Grassmann variables. The action is written solely in terms of coordinates taking values in the 2+1 Poincare group, and it has the usual string symmetries, i.e. it is invariant under a) diffeomorphisms of the world sheet and b) Poincare transformations. The system can be generalized to an arbitrary number of space-time dimensions, and also to spinning membranes and p-branes.Comment: Latex, 12 page

    Classical Open String Models in 4-Dim Minkowski Spacetime

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    Classical bosonic open string models in fourdimensional Minkowski spacetime are discussed. A special attention is paid to the choice of edge conditions, which can follow consistently from the action principle. We consider lagrangians that can depend on second order derivatives of worldsheet coordinates. A revised interpretation of the variational problem for such theories is given. We derive a general form of a boundary term that can be added to the open string action to control edge conditions and modify conservation laws. An extended boundary problem for minimal surfaces is examined. Following the treatment of this model in the geometric approach, we obtain that classical open string states correspond to solutions of a complex Liouville equation. In contrast to the Nambu-Goto case, the Liouville potential is finite and constant at worldsheet boundaries. The phase part of the potential defines topological sectors of solutions.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, preprint TPJU-28-93 (the previous version was truncated by ftp...

    Classical Lattice Gauge Fields with Hard Thermal Loops

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    We propose a formulation of the long-distance dynamics of gauge theories at finite temperature on a lattice in Minkowski space, including the effects of hard thermal loops on the dynamics of the long wavelength modes. Our approach is based on the dual classical limits of quantum fields as waves and particles in the infrared and ultraviolet limits, respectively. It exhibits manifest invariance under space-dependent lattice gauge transformations and conserves Gauss' law.Comment: 11 pages, plain latex file, with major revisions to include details on the algorith

    Transport Theory of Massless Fields

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    Using the Schwinger-Keldysh technique we discuss how to derive the transport equations for the system of massless quantum fields. We analyse the scalar field models with quartic and cubic interaction terms. In the ϕ4\phi^4 model the massive quasiparticles appear due to the self-interaction of massless bare fields. Therefore, the derivation of the transport equations strongly resembles that one of the massive fields, but the subset of diagrams which provide the quasiparticle mass has to be resummed. The kinetic equation for the finite width quasiparticles is found, where, except the mean-field and collision terms, there are terms which are absent in the standard Boltzmann equation. The structure of these terms is discussed. In the massless ϕ3\phi^3 model the massive quasiparticles do not emerge and presumably there is no transport theory corresponding to this model. It is not surprising since the ϕ3\phi^3 model is anyhow ill defined.Comment: 32 pages, no macro

    Chern-Simons Theory and the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    The generating functional for hard thermal loops in QCD is important in setting up a resummed perturbation theory, so that all terms of a given order in the coupling constant can be consistently taken into account. It is also the functional which leads to a gauge invariant description of Debye screening and plasma waves in the quark-gluon plasma. We have recently shown that this functional is closely related to the eikonal for a Chern-Simons gauge theory. In this paper, this relationship is explored and explained in more detail, along with some generalizations.Comment: 28 pages (4 Feynman diagrams not included, available upon request

    Effective QED Actions: Representations, Gauge Invariance, Anomalies and Mass Expansions

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    We analyze and give explicit representations for the effective abelian vector gauge field actions generated by charged fermions with particular attention to the thermal regime in odd dimensions, where spectral asymmetry can be present. We show, through ζ\zeta-function regularization, that both small and large gauge invariances are preserved at any temperature and for any number of fermions at the usual price of anomalies: helicity/parity invariance will be lost in even/odd dimensions, and in the latter even at zero mass. Gauge invariance dictates a very general ``Fourier'' representation of the action in terms of the holonomies that carry the novel, large gauge invariant, information. We show that large (unlike small) transformations and hence their Ward identities, are not perturbative order-preserving, and clarify the role of (properly redefined) Chern-Simons terms in this context. From a powerful representation of the action in terms of massless heat kernels, we are able to obtain rigorous gauge invariant expansions, for both small and large fermion masses, of its separate parity even and odd parts in arbitrary dimension. The representation also displays both the nonperturbative origin of a finite renormalization ambiguity, and its physical resolution by requiring decoupling at infinite mass. Finally, we illustrate these general results by explicit computation of the effective action for some physical examples of field configurations in the three dimensional case, where our conclusions on finite temperature effects may have physical relevance. Nonabelian results will be presented separately.Comment: 36 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Lyapunov Exponent and Plasmon Damping Rate in Nonabelian Gauge Theories

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    We explain why the maximal positive Lyapunov exponent of classical SU(NN) gauge theory coincides with (twice) the damping rate of a plasmon at rest in the leading order of thermal gauge theory. [This is a substantially revised and expanded version of the manuscript.]Comment: 18 pages, one figure included as PostScript file, REVTeX, revised version, DUKE-TH-94-7

    The problem of nonlinear Landau damping in quark-gluon plasma

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    On the basis of the semiclassical equations for quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and Yang-Mills equation, the generalized kinetic equation for waves with regard to its interaction is obtained. The physical mechanisms defining nonlinear scattering of a plasmon by QGP particles are analysed. The problem on a connection of nonlinear Landau damping rate of longitudinal oscillation with damping rate, obtained on the basis of hard thermal loops approximation, is considered.Comment: 33 page