204 research outputs found

    Gender Development in Indonesian Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disorders of Sex Development

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    Abstract In most Western countries, clinical management of disorders of sex development (DSD), including ambiguous gen-italia, begins at diagnosis soon after birth. For many Indonesian patients born with ambiguous genitalia, limited medical treat-ment is available. Consequently, affected individuals are raised with ambiguous genitalia and atypical secondary sex character-istics. We investigated gender identity and gender role behavior in 118 Indonesian subjects (77 males, 41 females) with different types of DSD in comparison with 118 healthy controls matched forgender,age,andresidentialsetting(rural,suburban,orurban).In Study 1, we report on methodological aspects of the investigation, including scale adaptation, pilot testing, and determining reliability and validity of measures. In Study 2, we report on gender devel-opment in 60 children (42 boys, 18 girls), 24 adolescents (15 boys, 9 girls), and 34 adults (19 men, 15 women) with DSD. The majority of participants with DSD never received any medical or surgical treatmentpriortothisstudy.Weobservedagenderchangeinallage groups, with the greatest incidence in adults. Among patients who changed, most changed from female to male, possessed a 46,XY karyotype, and had experienced significant masculinization during life. Gender identity confusion and cross-gender behavior was more frequently observed in children with DSD raised as girls compared to boys. Puberty and associated masculinization were related to gender problems in individuals with 46,XY DSD raised female. An integrated clinical and psychological follow-up on gender outcome is necessary prior to puberty and adulthood

    Emotional and behavioral problems in late-identified Indonesian patients with disorders of sex development

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate emotional and behavioral problems among Indonesian patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) who recently came under clinical management. As diagnostic proce-dures and treatment had been delayed, patients progressively developed ambiguous bodies, difficult to conceal from outsiders. Method: We compared 118 Indonesian patients with DSD aged 6–41 years (60 children, 24 adolescents, 34 adults) and 118 healthy control subjects matched for age, gender, and residential settings. We used the Child Be-havioral Checklist (CBCL), Youth Self-Report (YSR), and Adult Self-Report (ASR) to examine differences between patient and control groups as well as differences within patients groups. Results: On the CBCL, parents of young children with DSD reported significantly more emotional and behavioral problems than parents of matched control. Parents of daughters with CAH reported that their daughters withdrew themselves from social interactions. On the ASR, adults with DSD reported significantly more internalizing problems than controls, particularly anxiety and depression. No other differences in emotional functioning were found across different diagnostic groups. Conclusions: Indonesian patients with DSD who were untreated for most of their lives suffered more emotional and behavioral problems than matched controls. Differences and similarities between our findings and observations in patients from Western countries will be discussed

    Body Image and Sexuality in Indonesian Adults with a Disorder of Sex Development (DSD)

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    In Indonesia, disorders of sex development (DSDs) are not well recognized and medical care for affected individuals is scarce. Consequently, many patients live with ambiguous genitalia and appearance. We compared reported outcomes on body image, sexual functioning, and sexual orientation of 39 adults with DSDs (aged 18 to 41) and 39 healthy controls matched for gender, age, and residential setting (urban, suburban, rural). Differences in gender and treatment status (treated or untreated) were also explored. On body image, adults with DSDs reported dissat-isfaction with sex-related body parts. Compared to the matched controls, women with DSDs reported greater sexual distress, and men with DSDs reported lower erectile and ejaculation fre-quencies, and more dissatisfaction with sexual life but not with sexual desire and activities. Men with DSDs who had undergone genital surgery reported higher erectile and ejaculation frequen-cies than untreated men. More women than men in the DSDs group reported a nonexclusive heterosexual orientation. DSDs and infertility had a great impact on sexuality. Fear of ostra-cism complicated DSD acceptance. Findings were compared to those of Western studies. Based on these results, education about DSDs and their psychosexual consequences may help reduce the sexual distress and problems in adults with DSDs and improve quality of life

    Morphology of the foramen magnum in young Eastern-European adults

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    Background: The foramen magnum is an important anatomical opening in the base of the skull through which the posterior cranial fossa communicates with the vertebral canal. It is also related to a number of pathological conditions including Chiari malformations, various tumours, and occipital dysplasias. The aim of the study was to evaluate the morphology of the foramen magnum in adult individuals in relation to sex. Material and methods: The morphology of the foramen magnum was evaluated using 3D computer tomography images in 313 individuals (142 male, 171 female) aged 20–30 years.Results: The mean values of the foramen length (37.06 ± 3.07 vs. 35.47 ± 2.60 mm), breadth (32.98 ± 2.78 vs. 30.95 ± 2.71 mm) and area (877.40 ± 131.64 vs. 781.57 ± 93.74 mm2) were significantly higher in males than in females. A significant, positive correlation was found between foramen length and breadth. Significant correlations were reported for breadth and area of the foramen magnum and corresponding external cranial diameters in females. Round as well as longitudinal and horizontal oval-like types of the foramen shape were established according to the breadth/length index of the structure. All the cranial and foramen measurements were significantly higher in individuals with round-like type of the foramen magnum. Conclusions: There was a sexual dimorphism of the foramen magnum among the examined individuals. It was related mainly to its linear diameters and area, not to the shape. Unlike males, female skulls had higher correlation between the examined parameters of the foramen and proper external cranial measurements, which indicates more homogeneous growth in girls

    Do Surgical Interventions Influence Psychosexual and Cosmetic Outcomes in Women with Disorders of Sex Development?

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    Clinical practice developed to promote psychosexual well-being in DSD is under scrutiny. Although techniques for genital surgery have much improved lately, long-term studies on psychosexual functioning and cosmetic outcome on which to base treatment and counseling are scarce. We studied 91 women with a DSD. Feminizing surgery was performed in 64% of the women; in 60% of them, resurgery in puberty was needed after a single-stage procedure. Both patients and gynecologists were satisfied with the cosmetic appearance of the genitalia. However, forty percent of these females experienced sexuality-related distress and 66% was at risk for developing a sexual dysfunction, whether they had surgery or not. Recognizing the difficulty of accurate assessment, our data indicate that feminizing surgery does not seem to improve nor hamper psychosexual outcome, especially in patients with severe virilization

    Challenges in clinical and laboratory diagnosis of androgen insensitivity syndrome: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Androgen is a generic term usually applied to describe a group of sex steroid hormones. Androgens are responsible for male sex differentiation during embryogenesis at the sixth or seventh week of gestation, triggering the development of the testes and penis in male fetuses, and are directed by the testicular determining factor: the gene <it>SRY </it>(sex determining region on Y chromosome) located on the short arm of chromosome Y. The differentiation of male external genitalia (penis, scrotum and penile urethra) occurs between the 9th and 13th weeks of pregnancy and requires adequate concentration of testosterone and the conversion of this to another more potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone, through the action of 5α-reductase in target tissues.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>This report describes the case of a teenage girl presenting with a male karyotype, and aims to determine the extension of the mutation that affected the AR gene. A Caucasian girl aged 15 was referred to our laboratory for genetic testing due to primary amenorrhea. Physical examination, karyotype testing and molecular analysis of the androgen receptor were critical in making the correct diagnosis of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Sex determination and differentiation depend on a cascade of events that begins with the establishment of chromosomal sex at fertilization and ends with sexual maturation at puberty, subsequently leading to fertility. Mutations affecting the <it>AR </it>gene may cause either complete or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. The case reported here is consistent with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, misdiagnosed at birth, and consequently our patient was raised both socially and educationally as a female. It is critical that health care providers understand the importance of properly diagnosing a newborn manifesting ambiguous genitalia. Furthermore, a child with a pseudohermaphrodite phenotype should always undergo adequate endocrine and genetic testing to reach a conclusive diagnosis before gender is assigned and surgical interventions are carried out. Our results show that extreme care must be taken in selecting the genetic tools that are utilized for the diagnosis for androgen insensitivity syndrome.</p