224 research outputs found

    Growth of relational model: Interdependence and complementary to big data

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    A database management system is a constant application of science that provides a platform for the creation, movement, and use of voluminous data. The area has witnessed a series of developments and technological advancements from its conventional structured database to the recent buzzword, bigdata. This paper aims to provide a complete model of a relational database that is still being widely used because of its well known ACID properties namely, atomicity, consistency, integrity and durability. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to highlight the adoption of relational model approaches by bigdata techniques. Towards addressing the reason for this in corporation, this paper qualitatively studied the advancements done over a while on the relational data model. First, the variations in the data storage layout are illustrated based on the needs of the application. Second, quick data retrieval techniques like indexing, query processing and concurrency control methods are revealed. The paper provides vital insights to appraise the efficiency of the structured database in the unstructured environment, particularly when both consistency and scalability become an issue in the working of the hybrid transactional and analytical database management system

    Improving Asynchronous Interview Interaction with Follow-up Question Generation

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    The user experience of an asynchronous video interview system, conventionally is not reciprocal or conversational. Interview applicants expect that, like a typical face-to-face interview, they are innate and coherent. We posit that the planned adoption of limited probing through follow-up questions is an important step towards improving the interaction. We propose a follow-up question generation model (followQG) capable of generating relevant and diverse follow-up questions based on the previously asked questions, and their answers. We implement a 3D virtual interviewing system, Maya, with capability of follow-up question generation. Existing asynchronous interviewing systems are not dynamic with scripted and repetitive questions. In comparison, Maya responds with relevant follow-up questions, a largely unexplored feature of irtual interview systems. We take advantage of the implicit knowledge from deep pre-trained language models to generate rich and varied natural language follow-up questions. Empirical results suggest that followQG generates questions that humans rate as high quality, achieving 77% relevance. A comparison with strong baselines of neural network and rule-based systems show that it produces better quality questions. The corpus used for fine-tuning is made publicly available

    The Effect of Particle Drag and Wall Absorption on Mass Transfer in Concentric Annulus Flows

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    The effects of the irreversible boundary reaction and the particle drag on mass transfer are studied analytically in concentric annulus flows. The solution of mathematical model, based on the generalized dispersion model brings out the mass transport following by the insertion of catheter on an artery in terms of the three effective transport coefficients, viz., the exchange, convection and diffusion coefficient. A general expression is derived which shows clearly the time dependent nature of the coefficients in the dispersive model. The complete time dependent expression for the exchange coefficient is obtained explicitly and independent of velocity distribution in the flow; however it does depend on the initial solute distribution. Because of the complexity of the problem only asymptotic large time evaluations are made for the convective and diffusion coefficients, but these are sufficient to give the physical insight into the nature of the problem of the effects of drag and absorption parameters. It is found that as absorption parameter increases exchange and convection coefficients will be enhanced, but diffusion coefficient will be reduced. After certain period of time exchange coefficient will be constant for different values annular gap. As the drag parameter increases convection and diffusion coefficients will be reduced. With the enhancement of catheter radius i.e., the annular gap will be reduced then the convection and diffusion coefficients will be decreased

    Broad protection against influenza infection by vectored immunoprophylaxis in mice

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    Neutralizing antibodies that target epitopes conserved among many strains of influenza virus have been recently isolated from humans. Here we demonstrate that adeno-associated viruses (AAV) encoding two such broadly neutralizing antibodies are protective against diverse influenza strains. Serum from mice that received a single intramuscular AAV injection efficiently neutralized all H1, H2 and H5 influenza strains tested. After infection with diverse strains of H1N1 influenza, treated mice showed minimal weight loss and lung inflammation. Protection lasted for at least 11 months after AAV injection. Notably, even immunodeficient and older mice were protected by this method, suggesting that expression of a monoclonal antibody alone is sufficient to protect mice from illness. If translated to humans, this prophylactic approach may be uniquely capable of protecting immunocompromised or elderly patient populations not reliably protected by existing vaccines

    Functional and radiological outcome in surgically managed posterior wall and column fractures of acetabulum

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    Background: The incidence of acetabular fractures has increased following road traffic accidents. The aim of the study is to evaluate functional and radiological outcome in surgically managed posterior wall and column fractures of acetabulum.Methods: This is a prospective study done at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad between May 2018 and May 2020. The sample size is 20 patients between the age group 18-60 years who presented to the hospital with closed posterior wall and/or column fractures of acetabulum with or without posterior dislocation of hip joint. Functional outcome is assessed by using the modified Merle D’ Aubigne Postel clinical grading system, radiological outcome by Matta et al and perioperative complication are assessed by retrospectively analyzing medical records and radiographics examination.Results: Functional outcome according to Merle D’ Aubigne and Postel score 16 patients (75%) showed good, 3 patients (20%) showed fair, 1 patient (5%) showed poor outcome. Radiological outcome according to Matta criteria, 16 patients (75%) showed excellent quality of joint reduction, 4 patients (25%) showed good quality of reduction of joint. There was significant correlation between anatomic reduction of the joint surface and functional outcome of the patient in our study (p value <0.05).Conclusions: Accurate joint reduction is of utmost importance in reduction of posterior wall or column fractures of acetabulum as posterior wall is the weight bearing zone. Functional outcome depends on fracture type, associated injuries, selection of patient, time between injury and surgery and postoperative rehabilitation

    Lentiviral Vector Delivery of Human Interleukin-7 (hIL-7) to Human Immune System (HIS) Mice Expands T Lymphocyte Populations

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    Genetically modified mice carrying engrafted human tissues provide useful models to study human cell biology in physiologically relevant contexts. However, there remain several obstacles limiting the compatibility of human cells within their mouse hosts. Among these is inadequate cross-reactvitiy between certain mouse cytokines and human cellular receptors, depriving the graft of important survival and growth signals. To circumvent this problem, we utilized a lentivirus-based delivery system to express physiologically relevant levels of human interleukin-7 (hIL-7) in Rag2-/-Ξ³c-/- mice following a single intravenous injection. hIL-7 promoted homeostatic proliferation of both adoptively transferred and endogenously generated T-cells in Rag2-/-Ξ³c-/- Human Immune System (HIS) mice. Interestingly, we found that hIL-7 increased T lymphocyte numbers in the spleens of HIV infected HIS mice without affecting viral load. Taken together, our study unveils a versatile approach to deliver human cytokines to HIS mice, to both improve engraftment and determine the impact of cytokines on human diseases

    Effect of incorporation of detoxified karanja (Pongamia pinnata) and neem (Azadirachta indica) seed cakes in total mixed rations on milk yield, composition and efficiency in crossbred dairy cows

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    In the present study, neem seed cake (51.55% CP) and karanja seed cake (37.91% CP) were used as a partial replacement of soybean protein cake. Three iso-nitrogenous total mixed rations (TMR) were prepared namely T1-control where soybean meal was incorporated at 9.6% of TMR, in T -dNC and T -dKC, the cakes were incorporated at 3.85 and 5.85% of TMR and fed to eighteen crossbred cows in three groups for 90 days. Milk yield (kg/day) and FCM yield (kg/day) was found to be higher in dNC compared to dKC groups. After 90 days of feeding, both milk yield (kg/ day) and FCM yield (kg/day) increased in all the groups. The average milk fat was found to be lower in (P<0.05) in T3-dKC group (5.03) compared to T1-control (6.13). Total solids was found to be lower in T2-dNC and T3-dKC groups compared to T1 control. DMI (kg) required for kg FCM was same in all the groups (1.38 in T1-control; 1.30 in T2- dNC and 1.66 in T3-dKC). It was concluded that detoxified neem cake (dNC) and detoxified karanja cake (dKC) can be included in total mixed rations of medium producing dairy cattle (5–8 liters of milk per day) replacing standard soybean meal without adversely affecting milk composition and milk production efficiency

    Vectored immunoprophylaxis protects humanized mice from mucosal HIV transmission

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    The vast majority of new HIV infections result from relatively inefficient transmission of the virus across mucosal surfaces during sexual intercourse. A consequence of this inefficiency is that small numbers of transmitted founder viruses initiate most heterosexual infections. This natural bottleneck to transmission has stimulated efforts to develop interventions that are aimed at blocking this step of the infection process. Despite the promise of this strategy, clinical trials of preexposure prophylaxis have had limited degrees of success in humans, in part because of lack of adherence to the recommended preexposure treatment regimens. In contrast, a number of existing vaccines elicit systemic immunity that protects against mucosal infections, such as the vaccines for influenza and human papilloma virus. We recently demonstrated the ability of vectored immunoprophylaxis (VIP) to prevent intravenous transmission of HIV in humanized mice using broadly neutralizing antibodies. Here we demonstrate that VIP is capable of protecting humanized mice from intravenous as well as vaginal challenge with diverse HIV strains despite repeated exposures. Moreover, animals receiving VIP that expresses a modified VRC07 antibody were completely resistant to repetitive intravaginal challenge by a heterosexually transmitted founder HIV strain, suggesting that VIP may be effective in preventing vaginal transmission of HIV between humans
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