1,676 research outputs found

    Defects in the Compound Bi2te3 Caused by Irradiation with Protons

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    Defects in single crystals of bismuth telluride caused by proton irradiatio

    Machine Translation Using Open NLP and Rules Based System “English to Marathi Translator”

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    This paper presents a proposed system for machine translation of English Interrogative and Assertive sentences to their Marathi counterpart. The system takes simple all English sentences as an input and performs its lexical analysis using parser. Every token produced by parser is searched in the English lexicon using Lexical analysis. If the token is found in then lexicon, its morphological information is preserved. Here we broadly use Open NLP and Rule Based System. Machine Translation is main areas which focusing to Natural Language Processing where translation is done from One Language to Another Language preserving the meaning of the sentence. Big amount of research is being done in this Machine Translation. However, research in Natural Language processing remains highly centralized to the particular source and due to the large variations in the syntactical building of languages

    Need for increased clinical awareness of tuberculosis during pregnancy and puerperium in India

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    TB is leading cause of morbidity and mortality in women of reproductive age in India. TB is under-diagnosed among women due to a number of barriers to care. The timely diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) during pregnancy is of utmost importance to both the mother and the fetus. Strategic efforts to identify and document active Tb disease in pregnant and post-partum cases are key steps to successful treatment and program execution. To stay on track with the Sustainable Development Goal 2030 by WHO to end Tb by 2030 and reduce tuberculosis-related morbidity and mortality, more concentrated efforts on tuberculosis in pregnant and postpartum women is critical and innovative approaches to case detection are needed. Intensified research and innovation are the important pillars and components of sustainable Development Goals 2030 and discovery, development and rapid uptake of new tools, interventions and strategies are called for. This systematic review aimed to gather and evaluate evidence based studies on TB diagnosis in pregnancy, as per WHO standard guidelines for TB care - RNTCP, in order to recommend proposals for better practices to improve active TB diagnosis for pregnant women, aligned with the End Tb Strategy of SDG2030. The data search for studies on TB care in pregnancy the authors intended to select those addressing screening/diagnosis, prevention of mother-to-child transmission for women in pregnancy. The authors put forth evidence that there should be special provision made for screening, timely diagnosis and management of pregnant women with TB

    Game Theoretic Approach for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio is a promising approach to make efficient use of spectrum by rapidly adapting the changes in wireless environment. In such networks, nodes are expected to be aware of their environment and must be able to learn from the outcomes of past decisions. Game theory which comprise of analytical tools designed to study interactive decision-making processes can be applied effectively to solve some of such complex problems. This paper discusses the significance of using game theory for cognitive radio networks and resource allocation, and various game theoretic approaches used for it. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15059

    Chemical synthesis and study of structural and optoelectronic properties of CdS thin films: Effect of SILAR growth cycles

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    CdS thin films were deposited on glass substrates by using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method at room temperature. The effect of SILAR growth cycles on structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of the films has been studied. The thickness of the deposited film is measured by employing weight difference method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) studies showed that all the films exhibit polycrystalline nature and are covered well with glass substrates. The values of average crystallite size were found to be 53 nm, 58 nm, 63 nm and 71 nm corresponding to the thin films deposited with 30, 40, 50 and 60 SILAR growth cycles respectively. From the UV–VIS spectra of the deposited thin films, it was seen that both the absorption properties and energy bandgap of the films changes with increasing number of SILAR growth cycles. A decrease of electrical resistivity has been observed with increasing SILAR growth cycles. &nbsp
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