1,617 research outputs found

    Concepts on the fluctuations in the Indian Oil Sardine fishery - A Review

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    Oil sardine resources of the Indian Ocean, especially along the West Coast of India contribute considerably to our total marine fish produ.ctioll . If properly exploited and suitably processed, this can even be utilised to earn foreign exchange, besides being a 'Kudumbam Pularthy ' for our poverty•stricken fishermen folk

    A Low Cost Real Time Embedded Control System Design Using Infrared Signal Processing with Application to Vehicle Accident Prevention

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    Vehicle accidents are most common if the driving is inadequate. These happen on most factors if the driver is drowsy or if heis alcoholic. Driver drowsiness is recognized as an important factor in the vehicle accidents. It was demonstrated that drivingperformance deteriorates with increased drowsiness with resulting crashes constituting more than 20% of all vehicleaccidents. But the life lost once cannot be re-winded. Advanced technology offers some hope avoid these up to some extent.A car simulator study was designed to collect physiological data for validation of this technology. Methodology for analysisof physiological data, independent assessment of driver drowsiness and development of drowsiness detection algorithm bymeans of sequential fitting and selection of regression models is presented. In this paper proposes an approach towardsdesign of a Low cost real time embedded control system which involves measure and controls the eye blink using sensor. Ascar manufacturers / industrial automotive communities, incorporate intelligent vehicle systems in order to satisfy theconsumer’s ever increasing demand for more assistant systems for comfort, navigation, or communication, to address theissue of increased level of cognitive stress on drivers to the sources of distraction from the most basic task at hand, i.e.,driving the vehicle. Driver’s drowsiness detection systems are actually receiving a large interest in the academic andindustrial automotive communities for their potentiality to reduce fatalities Eye detection is a crucial aspect in many usefulapplications ranging from face recognition / detection to human computer interface for, driver behavior analysis. Visionbaseddriver fatigue detection which is non-contact has a key advantage over applicability. In this paper proposes a simpleand economical prototype design as a solution in developing a intelligent vehicles based on IR signal processing formonitoring the driver’s drowsiness level, vigilance and alerting the driver to prevent accidents. This approach is economicaland all the lower income side vehicle owners can afford to installation of this system.Keywords- Intelligent Vehicles, Driver Vigilance, Human fatigue, Safe Navigatio


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    Objective: To develop an accurate, precise and linear Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method and validate as per ICH guidelines for the quantitative estimation of Solifenacin succinate (5mg) in tablets. Methods: The optimized method uses a reverse phase column, Enable Make C18G (250 X 4.6 mm; 5μ), a mobile phase of triethylammonium phosphate buffer (pH 3.5): acetonitrile in the proportion of 30:70 v/v, flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and a detection wavelength of 210 nm using a UV detector. Results: The developed method resulted in Solifenacin succinate eluting at 3.5 min. Solifenacin succinate exhibited linearity in the range 10-30μg/ml. The precision is exemplified by relative standard deviation of 0.76%. Percentage Mean recovery was found to be in the range of 98â€102, during accuracy studies. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitiation (LOQ) was found to be 7.65μg/ml and 23.19μg/ml respectively. Conclusion: A rapid, accurate, precise and linear RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for the quantitative estimation of solifenacin succinate in SOLITEN (5mg) tablets as per ICH guidelines and hence it can be used for routine analysis in various pharmaceutical industries

    Image Compression and Watermarking scheme using Scalar Quantization

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    This paper presents a new compression technique and image watermarking algorithm based on Contourlet Transform (CT). For image compression, an energy based quantization is used. Scalar quantization is explored for image watermarking. Double filter bank structure is used in CT. The Laplacian Pyramid (LP) is used to capture the point discontinuities, and then followed by a Directional Filter Bank (DFB) to link point discontinuities. The coefficients of down sampled low pass version of LP decomposed image are re-ordered in a pre-determined manner and prediction algorithm is used to reduce entropy (bits/pixel). In addition, the coefficients of CT are quantized based on the energy in the particular band. The superiority of proposed algorithm to JPEG is observed in terms of reduced blocking artifacts. The results are also compared with wavelet transform (WT). Superiority of CT to WT is observed when the image contains more contours. The watermark image is embedded in the low pass image of contourlet decomposition. The watermark can be extracted with minimum error. In terms of PSNR, the visual quality of the watermarked image is exceptional. The proposed algorithm is robust to many image attacks and suitable for copyright protection applications.Comment: 11 Pages, IJNGN Journal 201

    Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract leaves of Murraya koenigii linn in small animal models

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    Background: The present study was carried out to evaluate the analgesic activity of aqueous extract leaves of Murraya koenigii linn in Albino rats using tail flick method, Eddy’s hot plate methods and anti-inflammatory activity in Carrageenan induced paw edema in rats.Methods: The analgesic activity was evaluated using Eddy’s hot plate induced hyperalgesia and tail flick method, which served as thermal induced pain, where the animal were placed on the hot plate and the reaction time to (lick the paw/jump out) from the hot plate was observed, 0, 30, 60, 90 mins. Murraya 300 mg, 600 mg/kg/body weight (BW) and ibuprofen (5 mg/kg BW) was administered per oral. The anti-inflammatory activity was measured by Carrageenan induced paw edema volumes at 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hrs using mercury plethysmometer, which served as chemical induced pain models.Results:  The mean reaction time in Murraya at a dose of 600 mg/kg at 0 min 5.45±0.72, at 30 mins 6.52±1.03, at 60 mins 7.6±0.81, at 90 mins 8.8±0.63 respectively. The mean reaction time increased significantly with Murraya at dose of 600 mg/kg when compared with control.In the ibuprofen group, the mean reaction time at 0 hr was 0.28±0.04, at 1 hr 0.34±0.05, at 2 hrs 0.46±0.03, at 3 hrs 0.61±0.05, at 4 hrs 0.76±0.05. The mean reaction time Murraya in group 600 mg/kg at 0 hr 0.27±0.04, at 1 hrs 0.39±0.03, at 2 hrs 0.48±0.06, at 3 hrs 0.68±0.05, at 6 hrs 0.80±0.03, respectively.Conclusions: The results indicate that the aqueous extract of Murraya (leaf) extract revealed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory in thermal and chemical induced pain models

    From synthesis to bioactivity: A comprehensive study of Cu-based biocidal tool

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    The present study reports on the biogenic synthesis of a copper-based biocidal material through the fermentation of gruel, a traditional non-alcoholic beverage. This process may involve a bio-beneficiation mechanism, in which the indigenous microorganisms in the ferment interact with the material. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the powder's crystalline copper composition. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the crucial role of organic acids in the capping process. Transmission electron microscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, and antimicrobial susceptibility tests were conducted to characterize the powder. Furthermore, the biocidal material was combined with the anticancer drug curcumin to explore its additional anti-proliferative effects, including apoptosis, on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines in vitro. These findings highlight the potential of this biogenic copper material as a promising candidate for biomedical applications