7,344 research outputs found

    A phenomenological theory giving the full statistics of the position of fluctuating pulled fronts

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    We propose a phenomenological description for the effect of a weak noise on the position of a front described by the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov equation or any other travelling wave equation in the same class. Our scenario is based on four hypotheses on the relevant mechanism for the diffusion of the front. Our parameter-free analytical predictions for the velocity of the front, its diffusion constant and higher cumulants of its position agree with numerical simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    How genealogies are affected by the speed of evolution

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    In a series of recent works it has been shown that a class of simple models of evolving populations under selection leads to genealogical trees whose statistics are given by the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent rather than by the well known Kingman coalescent in the case of neutral evolution. Here we show that when conditioning the genealogies on the speed of evolution, one finds a one parameter family of tree statistics which interpolates between the Bolthausen-Sznitman and Kingman's coalescents. This interpolation can be calculated explicitly for one specific version of the model, the exponential model. Numerical simulations of another version of the model and a phenomenological theory indicate that this one-parameter family of tree statistics could be universal. We compare this tree structure with those appearing in other contexts, in particular in the mean field theory of spin glasses

    An Intrisic Topology for Orthomodular Lattices

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    We present a general way to define a topology on orthomodular lattices. We show that in the case of a Hilbert lattice, this topology is equivalent to that induced by the metrics of the corresponding Hilbert space. Moreover, we show that in the case of a boolean algebra, the obtained topology is the discrete one. Thus, our construction provides a general tool for studying orthomodular lattices but also a way to distinguish classical and quantum logics.Comment: Under submission to the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Sensible and latent heat flux from radiometric surface temperatures at the regional scale: methodology and validation

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    The CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy (CERES) was designed to develop and test a range of methodologies to assess regional surface energy and mass exchange of a large study area in the south-western part of France. This paper describes a methodology to estimate sensible and latent heat fluxes on the basis of net radiation, surface radiometric temperature measurements and information obtained from available products derived from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary meteorological satellite, weather stations and ground-based eddy covariance towers. It is based on a simplified bulk formulation of sensible heat flux that considers the degree of coupling between the vegetation and the atmosphere and estimates latent heat as the residual term of net radiation. Estimates of regional energy fluxes obtained in this way are validated at the regional scale by means of a comparison with direct flux measurements made by airborne eddy-covariance. The results show an overall good matching between airborne fluxes and estimates of sensible and latent heat flux obtained from radiometric surface temperatures that holds for different weather conditions and different land use types. The overall applicability of the proposed methodology to regional studies is discusse

    Anderson transition on the Cayley tree as a traveling wave critical point for various probability distributions

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    For Anderson localization on the Cayley tree, we study the statistics of various observables as a function of the disorder strength WW and the number NN of generations. We first consider the Landauer transmission TNT_N. In the localized phase, its logarithm follows the traveling wave form lnTNlnTNˉ+lnt\ln T_N \simeq \bar{\ln T_N} + \ln t^* where (i) the disorder-averaged value moves linearly ln(TN)ˉNξloc\bar{\ln (T_N)} \simeq - \frac{N}{\xi_{loc}} and the localization length diverges as ξloc(WWc)νloc\xi_{loc} \sim (W-W_c)^{-\nu_{loc}} with νloc=1\nu_{loc}=1 (ii) the variable tt^* is a fixed random variable with a power-law tail P(t)1/(t)1+β(W)P^*(t^*) \sim 1/(t^*)^{1+\beta(W)} for large tt^* with 0<β(W)1/20<\beta(W) \leq 1/2, so that all integer moments of TNT_N are governed by rare events. In the delocalized phase, the transmission TNT_N remains a finite random variable as NN \to \infty, and we measure near criticality the essential singularity ln(T)ˉWcWκT\bar{\ln (T)} \sim - | W_c-W |^{-\kappa_T} with κT0.25\kappa_T \sim 0.25. We then consider the statistical properties of normalized eigenstates, in particular the entropy and the Inverse Participation Ratios (I.P.R.). In the localized phase, the typical entropy diverges as (WWc)νS(W-W_c)^{- \nu_S} with νS1.5\nu_S \sim 1.5, whereas it grows linearly in NN in the delocalized phase. Finally for the I.P.R., we explain how closely related variables propagate as traveling waves in the delocalized phase. In conclusion, both the localized phase and the delocalized phase are characterized by the traveling wave propagation of some probability distributions, and the Anderson localization/delocalization transition then corresponds to a traveling/non-traveling critical point. Moreover, our results point towards the existence of several exponents ν\nu at criticality.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures, comments welcom

    Reweighting of the form factors in exclusive B --> X ell nu decays

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    A form factor reweighting technique has been elaborated to permit relatively easy comparisons between different form factor models applied to exclusive B --> X l nu decays. The software tool developped for this purpose is described. It can be used with any event generator, three of which were used in this work: ISGW2, PHSP and FLATQ2, a new powerful generator. The software tool allows an easy and reliable implementation of any form factor model. The tool has been fully validated with the ISGW2 form factor hypothesis. The results of our present studies indicate that the combined use of the FLATQ2 generator and the form factor reweighting tool should play a very important role in future exclusive |Vub| measurements, with largely reduced errors.Comment: accepted for publication by EPJ

    X-ray characterisation of bulk stones from the patina to the depth stone

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    The aim of this study on monumental limestone alteration is to characterise the superficial stone called patina where transformation processes due to air and water occur. We present results on stones from the Chambord castle, so Tuffeau limestone, from the Loire Valley. Three samples has been studied and compared in relationship with their position on the monument (outside or inside). In order to describe these samples, different techniques have been used : chemical analysis, optical microscopy. The three main phases are calcite (CaCO 3), quartz and opal (SiO 2), with various granulometry. X-ray diffraction has been performed on bulk samples. A special sample holder allows to analyse very thin zones, so to describe the mineralogical composition from the epidermis to the depth stone [1]. The stones are constituted of small crystallites which differ in dimension and orientation. This conducts to a semi-quantitative description. Protecting layer of the stone is associated to the rate of dissolution of calcite in patina zone

    Statistics at the tip of a branching random walk and the delay of traveling waves

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    We study the limiting distribution of particles at the frontier of a branching random walk. The positions of these particles can be viewed as the lowest energies of a directed polymer in a random medium in the mean-field case. We show that the average distances between these leading particles can be computed as the delay of a traveling wave evolving according to the Fisher-KPP front equation. These average distances exhibit universal behaviors, different from those of the probability cascades studied recently in the context of mean field spin-glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Fluctuations of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas

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    Momentum-conserving one-dimensional models are known to exhibit anomalous Fourier's law, with a thermal conductivity varying as a power law of the system size. Here we measure, by numerical simulations, several cumulants of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas. We find that the cumulants, like the conductivity, vary as power laws of the system size. Our results also indicate that cumulants higher than the second follow different power laws when one compares the ring geometry at equilibrium and the linear case in contact with two heat baths (at equal or unequal temperatures). keywords: current fluctuations, anomalous Fourier law, hard particle gasComment: 5 figure