194 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of black holes with an infinite effective area of a horizon

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    In some kinds of classical dilaton theory there exist black holes with (i) infinite horizon area AA or infinite FF (the coefficient at curvature in Lagrangian) and (ii) zero Hawking temperature THT_{H}. For a generic static black hole, without an assumption about spherical symmetry, we show that infinite AA is compatible with a regularity of geometry in the case TH=0T_{H}=0 only. We also point out that infinite THT_{H} is incompatible with the regularity of a horizon of a generic static black hole, both for finite or infinite AA. Direct application of the standard Euclidean approach in the case of an infinite ''effective'' area of the horizon Aeff=AFA_{eff}=AF leads to inconsistencies in the variational principle and gives for a black hole entropy SS an indefinite expression, formally proportional to THAeffT_{H}A_{eff}. We show that treating a horizon as an additional boundary (that is, adding to the action some terms calculated on the horizon) may restore self-consistency of the variational procedure, if FF near the horizon grows not too rapidly. We apply this approach to Brans-Dicke black holes and obtain the same answer S=0 as for ''usual'' (for example, Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m) extreme classical black holes. We also consider the exact solution for a conformal coupling, when AA is finite but FF diverges and find that in the latter case both the standard and modified approach give rise to an infinite action. Thus, this solution represents a rare exception of a black hole without nontrivial thermal properties.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Charged C-metric with conformally coupled scalar field

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    We present a generalisation of the charged C-metric conformally coupled with a scalar field in the presence of a cosmological constant. The solution is asymptotically flat or a constant curvature spacetime. The spacetime metric has the geometry of a usual charged C-metric with cosmological constant, where the mass and charge are equal. When the cosmological constant is absent it is found that the scalar field only blows up at the angular pole of the event horizon. The presence of the cosmological constant can generically render the scalar field regular where the metric is regular, pushing the singularity beyond the event horizon. For certain cases of enhanced acceleration with a negative cosmological constant, the conical singularity disappears all together and the scalar field is everywhere regular. The black hole is then rather a black string with its event horizon extending all the way to asymptotic infinity and providing itself the necessary acceleration.Comment: regular article, no figures, typos corrected, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    "No-Scalar-Hair" Theorems for Nonminimally Coupled Fields with Quartic Self-Interaction

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    Self-gravitating scalar fields with nonminimal coupling to gravity and having a quartic self-interaction are considered in the domain of outer communications of a static black hole. It is shown that there is no value of the nonminimal coupling parameter ζ\zeta for which nontrivial static black hole solutions exist. This result establishes the correctness of Bekenstein ``no-scalar-hair'' conjecture for quartic self-interactions.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX

    A simple theorem to generate exact black hole solutions

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    Under certain conditions imposed on the energy-momentum tensor, a theorem that characterizes a two-parameter family of static and spherically symmetric solutions to Einstein's field equations (black holes), is proved. A discussion on the asymptotics, regularity, and the energy conditions is provided. Examples that include the best known exact solutions within these symmetries are considered. A trivial extension of the theorem includes the cosmological constant {\it ab-initio}, providing then a three-parameter family of solutions.Comment: 14 pages; RevTex; no figures; typos corrected; references adde

    Large-Angle Electron Diffraction Structure in Laser-Induced Rescattering from Rare Gases

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    We have measured full momentum images of electrons rescattered from Xe, Kr, and Ar following the liberation of the electrons from these atoms by short, intense laser pulses. At high momenta the spectra show angular structure (diffraction) which is very target dependent and in good agreement with calculated differential cross sections for the scattering of free electrons from the corresponding ionic cores

    Conformally dressed black hole in 2+1 dimensions

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    A three dimensional black hole solution of Einstein equations with negative cosmological constant coupled to a conformal scalar field is given. The solution is static, circularly symmetric, asymptotically anti-de Sitter and nonperturbative in the conformal field. The curvature tensor is singular at the origin while the scalar field is regular everywhere. The condition that the Euclidean geometry be regular at the horizon fixes the temperature to be T=9r+16πl2T=\frac{9\, r_+}{16\pi l^2}. Using the Hamiltonian formulation including boundary terms of the Euclidean action, the entropy is found to be 23\frac{2}{3} of the standard value (14A\frac{1}{4} A), and in agreement with the first law of thermodynamics.Comment: LaTeX ,RevTeX, 13pages, no figure

    Computational psychiatry approach to stigma subtyping in patients with mental disorders: explicit and implicit internalized stigma

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    BACKGROUND: Psychiatric stigma has potentially controversial effects on patients health-related behaviors. It appears that both stigmatization and motivation in psychiatric patients are heterogeneous and multi-dimensional, and that the relationship between stigma and treatment motivation may be more complex than previously believed. AIM: To determine psychiatric stigma subtypes as they relate to treatment motivation among inpatients with various mental disorders. METHODS: Sixy-three psychiatric inpatients were examined by the Treatment Motivation Assessment Questionnaire (TMAQ) and the Russian version of Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness scale (ISMI). K-Means cluster and dispersion analysis were conducted. RESULTS: Cluster 3 (25 subjects) was the least stigmatized. Cluster 1 (18 subjects) showed an explicit stigma. Cluster 2 (20 subjects) showed an implicit stigma that took the form of the lowest treatment motivation compared to other clusters. Implicitly stigmatized patients, in contrast to explicitly stigmatized individuals, showed a decline in 3 out of 4 TMAQ factors (Mean dif.=1.051.67). CONCLUSION: Cooperation with doctors, together with reliance on ones own knowledge and skills to cope with the disorder, might be the way to overcome an internalized stigma for patients with mental disorders

    Black hole polarization and new entropy bounds

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    Zaslavskii has suggested how to tighten Bekenstein's bound on entropy when the object is electrically charged. Recently Hod has provided a second tighter version of the bound applicable when the object is rotating. Here we derive Zaslavskii's optimized bound by considering the accretion of an ordinary charged object by a black hole. The force originating from the polarization of the black hole by a nearby charge is central to the derivation of the bound from the generalized second law. We also conjecture an entropy bound for charged rotating objects, a synthesis of Zaslavskii's and Hod's. On the basis of the no hair principle for black holes, we show that this last bound cannot be tightened further in a generic way by knowledge of ``global'' conserved charges, e.g., baryon number, which may be borne by the object.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex, Regularization of potential made clearer. Error in energy of the particle corrected with no consequence for final conclusions. New references adde

    Field-free orientation of CO molecules by femtosecond two-color laser fields

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    We report the first experimental observation of non-adiabatic field-free orientation of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule (CO) induced by an intense two-color (800 and 400 nm) femtosecond laser field. We monitor orientation by measuring fragment ion angular distributions after Coulomb explosion with an 800 nm pulse. The orientation of the molecules is controlled by the relative phase of the two-color field. The results are compared to quantum mechanical rigid rotor calculations. The demonstrated method can be applied to study molecular frame dynamics under field-free conditions in conjunction with a variety of spectroscopy methods, such as high-harmonic generation, electron diffraction and molecular frame photoemission

    Genes of the Glutamatergic System and Tardive Dyskinesia in Patients with Schizophrenia

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    Background: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is an extrapyramidal side effect of the long-term use of antipsychotics. In the present study, the role of glutamatergic system genes in the pathogenesis of total TD, as well as two phenotypic forms, orofacial TD and limb-truncal TD, was studied. Methods: A set of 46 SNPs of the glutamatergic system genes (GRIN2A, GRIN2B, GRIK4, GRM3, GRM7, GRM8, SLC1A2, SLC1A3, SLC17A7) was studied in a population of 704 Caucasian patients with schizophrenia. Genotyping was performed using the MassARRAY Analyzer 4 (Agena Bioscience™). Logistic regression analysis was performed to test for the association of TD with the SNPs while adjusting for confounders. Results: No statistically significant associations between the SNPs and TD were found after adjusting for multiple testing. Since three SNPs of the SLC1A2 gene demonstrated nominally significant associations, we carried out a haplotype analysis for these SNPs. This analysis identified a risk haplotype for TD comprising CAT alleles of the SLC1A2 gene SNPs rs1042113, rs10768121, and rs12361171. Nominally significant associations were identified for SLC1A3 rs2229894 and orofacial TD, as well as for GRIN2A rs7192557 and limb-truncal TD. Conclusions: Genes encoding for mGlu3, EAAT2, and EAAT1 may be involved in the development of TD in schizophrenia patients