418 research outputs found

    Variability of a portion of RNA 3 containing the coat protein gene of Citrus variegation virus (CVV) using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP)

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    A portion of RNA 3 of Citrus variegation virus (CVV), comprising part of the intergenic region and the coat protein (CP) gene from eight viral isolates, was amplified by RT-PCR and cloned. The clones were compared for intra and inter-isolate variations by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis. Some of the results were compared with sequence data previously obtained. The test discriminated between clones differing in as little as 3.2% of the nucleotides. Most isolates included several variants, in some cases with a predominant pattern, which, however, could no longer be recognised in new RT-PCR products obtained 13 months later. This procedure can there-fore be used to identify and detect variations between CVV isolates. It is rapid, inexpensive and may reduce the amount of sequencing needed for comparing viral isolates

    Synthesis analysis of the free form curves and surfaces parametrical models

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    Parametrical models have become an important mathematical tool for free form curves and surface description. they allow the use of state-of-the-art computers to do the various processing and analysis with respect to shape (calculation of the volume and surface area, vibration analysis, NC programs preparation, etc.). Without these models, the current product design and manufacturing would be difficult. The paper presents an analysis study for the most important parametrical models of free form curves and surfaces description (Ferguson, Coons, Bezier, B-Spline and rational models). Firstly, it emphasises external and mathematical properties of each model. Secondly, it gives the most interesting interfaces between models. Thus the process of complex surface design and manufacturing would be more efficient in view this analysis. Finally for validation, the study is ended by an application to the design of a car bonnet.Parametrical models have become an important mathematical tool for free form curves and surface description. they allow the use of state-of-the-art computers to do the various processing and analysis with respect to shape (calculation of the volume and surface area, vibration analysis, NC programs preparation, etc.). Without these models, the current product design and manufacturing would be difficult. The paper presents an analysis study for the most important parametrical models of free form curves and surfaces description (Ferguson, Coons, Bezier, B-Spline and rational models). Firstly, it emphasises external and mathematical properties of each model. Secondly, it gives the most interesting interfaces between models. Thus the process of complex surface design and manufacturing would be more efficient in view this analysis. Finally for validation, the study is ended by an application to the design of a car bonnet

    Genomic variability of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates introduced into Morocco

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    Genomic variability of the coat protein gene of Citrus tristeza virus isolates obtained from old Meyer lemon introductions in Morocco and more recent budwood introductions from Spain were studied. The coat protein gene of the virus was amplified directly from infected tissue by immunocapture RT-PCR and analysed by single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing. Each isolate consisted of several related genomic variants, typical of a quasi-species. Although SSCP analysis has only limited typing ability it could be used in an initial screening to discriminate between isolates of different origin and to analyse the genomic structure of each isolate. Sequence analysis showed that the isolates of Spanish origin were closely related to mild isolates characterised in Florida and in Portugal. The Meyer lemon isolate on the other hand was related to severe strains of Meyer lemon characterised in Florida some years ago and to other severe strains from Brasil. A knowledge of the coat protein gene sequence is useful to trace the origin of the isolates

    Overview of Evidence of Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Food Chain

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health problem. Bacteria carrying resistance genes can be transmitted between humans, animals and the environment. There are concerns that the widespread use of antimicrobials in the food chain constitutes an important source of AMR in humans, but the extent of this transmission is not well understood. The aim of this review is to examine published evidence on the links between antimicrobial use (AMU) in the food chain and AMR in people and animals. The evidence showed a link between AMU in animals and the occurrence of resistance in these animals. However, evidence of the benefits of a reduction in AMU in animals on the prevalence of resistant bacteria in humans is scarce. The presence of resistant bacteria is documented in the human food supply chain, which presents a potential exposure route and risk to public health. Microbial genome sequencing has enabled the establishment of some links between the presence of resistant bacteria in humans and animals but, for some antimicrobials, no link could be established. Research and monitoring of AMU and AMR in an integrated manner is essential for a better understanding of the biology and the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance

    New (e,2e) Studies of Atomic and Molecular Targets

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    We report new coplanar (e,2e) measurements characterised by large energy transfer and close to minimum momentum transfer from the projectile to the target. Ionisation of the two-electron targets He and H2 is investigated under these particular kinematics. The experimental data are compared with the predictions of the most elaborate theoretical models. The obtained good agreement motivated us to extend our research to the case of more complex targets such as Ar. Comparison with the most elaborate models in the case of multi-electron targets is excellent. Destructive and constructive interference effects in the case of H2 are observed and discussed


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    Introduction: Adult dermatopolymyositis is associated with cancer in 15 to 50% of cases. The aim of our study was to search for predictive factors of cancer among adults with dermatomyositis. Methods: We made a retrospective survey of 1981 to 2005 to the department of Dermatology Ibn Sina of Rabat. We collected 44 cases of DM. The parameters assessed were: age, gender, cutaneous extension lesion, cutaneous necrosis, muscular weakness, articular reach, muscular enzymes, intensity of the inflammatory syndrome, electromyographic abnormalitis and the improvement or not with the corticothérapie. Results: cancers were diagnosed in six cases. Mean age was of 65 years and sex-ratio (F/H) was 2.the beginning was brutal with muscular weakness in 1/3 of cases, none of our patients didn't have a skin necrosis. The 2 / 3 of our patients had normal muscular enzymes. The VS was accelerated for 04 of our patients. Our patients didn't improve whith the corticothérapie. Conclusion: In our limited set, the advanced age, muscular weakness, articular reach, inflammatory syndrome, electromyographic abnormalities, the no improvement with the corticothérapie seemed to be prédictive.Introduction : Les dermatopolymyosites de l’adulte sont associées à une néoplasie dans 15 à 50% des cas. L’objectif de notre étude était de rechercher les signes cliniques et paracliniques prédictifs  de l’association DM et néoplasie. Matériel et méthodes: Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective de 1981 à 2005 au service de dermatologie du CHU Ibn Sina de Rabat. Nous avons collecté 44 cas de DM. Les critères évalués étaient : l’âge, le sexe, l’extension des lésions cutanées, la nécrose cutanée, l’intensité de l’atteinte musculaire, l’atteinte articulaire, les enzymes musculaires, l’intensité du syndrome inflammatoire,  anomalies eléctromyographiques et l’absence ou la réponse à la corticothérapie. Résultats : Six  malades sur 44 étudiés avait une néoplasie associée, soit 14,28% .L’âge moyen était  de 65 ans, Le sexe ratio H/F était de deux .Le mode de début était brutal avec une atteinte musculaire intense dans un tiers des cas, aucun de nos malades n’avait une nécrose cutanée. Les deux tiers de nos patients avaient un taux d’enzymes musculaires normal. La vitesse de sédimentation (VS) était accélérée pour quatre de nos malades. Nos malades n’ont pas répondu à la corticothérapie. Conclusion : Dans notre série limitée, l’âge avancé, l’intensité de l’atteinte musculaire, l’atteinte articulaire, le syndrome inflammatoire, les anomalies électromyographiques, et la non réponse à la corticothérapie semblaient être prédictifs

    Capturing systematically users' experience of evaluation tools for integrated AMU and AMR surveillance

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    Tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a goal for many countries. Integrated surveillance of antimicrobial use (AMU) and resistance is a prerequisite for effective risk mitigation. Regular evaluation of any surveillance is needed to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency. The question is how to evaluate specifically integrated surveillance for AMU and AMR. In an international network called CoEvalAMR, we have developed guidelines for selection of the most appropriate tools for such an evaluation. Moreover, we have assessed different evaluation tools as examples using a country case format and a methodology with a focus on the user's experience. This paper describes the updated methodology, which consists of a brief introduction to the case and to the tool separately. Moreover, there are 12 functional aspects and nine content themes which should be scored using a 4-tiered scale. Additionally, four Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) questions should be addressed. Results are illustrated using radar diagrams. An example of application of the updated methodology is given using the ECoSur evaluation tool. No tool can cover all evaluation aspects comprehensively in a user-friendly manner, so the choice of tool must be based upon the specific evaluation purpose. Moreover, adequate resources, time and training are needed to obtain useful outputs from the evaluation. Our updated methodology can be used by tool users to share their experience with available tools, and hereby assist other users in identifying the most suited tool for their evaluation purpose. Additionally, tool developers can get valuable information for further improvements of their tool

    Coincidence Angular Correlation in Electron Impact Single or Double Ionisation of Atoms and Molecules

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    Experimental results obtained with our multi-parameter multi-coincidence spectrometer are presented for the (e,3e) double ionisation of Ar and (e,2e) single ionisation of small molecules. The (e,3e) measurements are discussed in terms of competition between the two double ionisation processes present under the chosen kinematics, and qualitative conclusions are given. The results for the ionisation of H2 and the outer orbital of N2 are compared with the predictions of the most elaborate available theoretical models for description of the molecular ionisation process. Overall reasonable agreement is observed and tentative interpretations for the discrepancies are discussed
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