2,349 research outputs found

    Measurements of heavy ion beam losses from collimation

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    The collimation efficiency for Pb ion beams in the LHC is predicted to be lower than requirements. Nuclear fragmentation and electromagnetic dissociation in the primary collimators create fragments with a wide range of Z/A ratios, which are not intercepted by the secondary collimators but lost where the dispersion has grown sufficiently large. In this article we present measurements and simulations of loss patterns generated by a prototype LHC collimator in the CERN SPS. Measurements were performed at two different energies and angles of the collimator. We also compare with proton loss maps and find a qualitative difference between Pb ions and protons, with the maximum loss rate observed at different places in the ring. This behavior was predicted by simulations and provides a valuable benchmark of our understanding of ion beam losses caused by collimation.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figure

    Simulations on a potential hybrid and compact attosecond X-ray source based on RF and THz technologies

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    We investigate through beam dynamics simulations the potential of a hybrid layout mixing RF and THz technologies to be a compact X-ray source based on Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS), delivering few femtoseconds to sub-femtosecond pulses. The layout consists of an S-band gun as electron source and a dielectric-loaded circular waveguide driven by a multicycle THz pulse to accelerate and longitudinally compress the bunch, which will then be used to produce X-ray pulses via ICS with an infrared laser pulse. The beam dynamics simulations we performed, from the photocathode up to the ICS point, allows to have an insight in several important physical effects for the proposed scheme and also in the influence on the achievable bunch properties of various parameters of the accelerating and transverse focusing devices. The study presented in this paper leads to a preliminary layout and set of parameters able to deliver at the ICS point, according to our simulations, ultrashort bunches (around 1 fs rms), at 15 MeV, with at least 1 pC charge and transversely focused down to around 10 um rms or below while keeping a compact beamline (less than 1.5 m), which has not yet been achieved using only conventional RF technologies. Future studies will be devoted to the investigation of several potential ways to improve the achieved bunch properties, to overcome the limitations identified in the current study and to the definition of the technical requirements. This will lead to an updated layout and set of parameters.Comment: To be published in Nucl. Inst. Meth. A as proceedings of the EAAC17 conference 9 pages, 11 figure

    Produção de gado de corte e acĂșmulo de matĂ©ria seca em sistemas de integração lavoura: pecuĂĄria em presença e ausĂȘncia de trevo branco e nitrogĂȘnio.

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    O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de verificar a influĂȘncia da adubação nitrogenada em uma pastagem de azevĂ©m (Lolium multiflorium L.) e aveia (Avena strigosa Scherb) em presença e ausĂȘncia de trevo branco (Trifolium repens L.), conferida pelo acĂșmulo e produção de matĂ©ria seca, ganho mĂ©dio diĂĄrio, ganho de peso vivo e carga animal no sistema de integração lavoura-pecuĂĄria sob sistema de plantio direto. A cultura antecessora da pastagem foi a soja (Glycine Max L.). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e trĂȘs repetiçÔes. Nas parcelas, foram testadas quatro doses de nitrogĂȘnio (0, 100, 200 e 300 kg.ha-1) e nas subparcelas, a combinação de presença e ausĂȘncia de trevo branco. A elevação das doses crescentes de N aumentaram de forma linear crescente o acĂșmulo e a produção de matĂ©ria seca da pastagem. A carga animal e o ganho de peso vivo por hectare de bovinos aumentaram com o incremento de nitrogĂȘnio. Os resultados demonstram o efeito da adubação nitrogenada no acĂșmulo diĂĄrio, na produção de matĂ©ria seca, carga animal e no ganho de peso vivo

    Efficiency for the imperfect LHC collimation system

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    The LHC collimation system requires a high cleaning efficiency in order to prevent magnet quenches due to regular beam diffusion. The cleaning efficiency is significantly reduced due to imperfections of the collimator jaws and the machine optics. Tracking tools have been set up to predict the cleaning efficiency in presence of multiple imperfections. The deterioration of cleaning efficiency is quantified for different errors, including collimator surface non-flatness, collimator alignment errors, beta beating, orbit errors, non-linear field errors, and chromatic effects

    Program transformations using temporal logic side conditions

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    This paper describes an approach to program optimisation based on transformations, where temporal logic is used to specify side conditions, and strategies are created which expand the repertoire of transformations and provide a suitable level of abstraction. We demonstrate the power of this approach by developing a set of optimisations using our transformation language and showing how the transformations can be converted into a form which makes it easier to apply them, while maintaining trust in the resulting optimising steps. The approach is illustrated through a transformational case study where we apply several optimisations to a small program

    Beam Line Design for the CERN Hiradmat Test Facility

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    The LHC phase II collimation project requires beam shock and impact tests of materials used for beam intercepting devices. Similar tests are also of great interest for other accelerator components such as beam entrance/exit windows and protection devices. For this purpose a dedicated High Radiation Material test facility (HiRadMat) is under study. This facility may be installed at CERN at the location of a former beam line. This paper describes the associated beam line which is foreseen to deliver a 450 GeV proton beam from the SPS with an intensity of up to 3×10**13 protons per shot. Different beam line designs will be compared and the choice of the beam steering and diagnostic elements will be discussed, as well as operational issues

    Measurements of the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo diffusion in the Tevatron and in the LHC

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    Beam-beam forces and collision optics can strongly affect beam lifetime, dynamic aperture, and halo formation in particle colliders. Extensive analytical and numerical simulations are carried out in the design and operational stage of a machine to quantify these effects, but experimental data is scarce. The technique of small-step collimator scans was applied to the Fermilab Tevatron collider and to the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo dynamics. We describe the technique and present a summary of the first results on the dependence of the halo diffusion coefficient on betatron amplitude in the Tevatron and in the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders (BB2013), Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 March 201

    Beam Dynamics and Tolerance Studies of the THz-driven Electron Linac for the AXSIS Experiment

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    A dielectric-loaded linac powered by THz-pulses is one of the key parts of the "Attosecond X-ray Science: Imaging and Spectroscopy" (AXSIS) project at DESY, Hamburg. As in conventional accelerators, the AXSIS linac is designed to have phase velocity equal to the speed of light which, in this case, is realized by tuning the thickness of the dielectric layer and the radius of the vacuum channel. Therefore, structure fabrication errors will lead to a change in the beam dynamics and beam quality. Additionally, errors in the bunch injection will also affect the acceleration process and can cause beam loss on the linac wall. This paper numerically investigates the process of electron beam acceleration in the AXSIS linac, taking into account the aforementioned errors. Particle tracking simulations were done using the code ECHO, which uses a low-dispersive algorithm for the field calculation and was specially adapted for the dielectric-loaded accelerating structures.Comment: EAAC'17 conference proceeding

    Protection of the LHC against Unsynchronised Beam Aborts

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    An unsynchronised beam abort in the LHC could damage downstream accelerator components, in particular the extraction septum magnets, the experimental low-beta triplet magnet apertures and the tertiary collimators. Although the LHC beam dumping system includes design features to minimise their frequency, such unsynchronised aborts cannot be excluded. A system of protection devices comprising fixed and moveable diluters and collimators will protect the downstream LHC aperture from the misdirected bunches in case of such a failure. The sources of unsynchronised aborts are described, together with the requirements and design of the protection devices and their expected performance. The accompanying operational requirements and envisaged solutions are discussed, in particular the problem of ensuring the local orbit at the protection devices
