342 research outputs found

    Protecting the User Interest in Railroad Reorganization

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    Disclosure of Maternal HIV Status to Children: To Tell or Not To Tell . . . That Is the Question

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    HIV-infected mothers face the challenging decision of whether to disclose their serostatus to their children. From the perspective of both mother and child, we explored the process of disclosure, providing descriptive information and examining the relationships among disclosure, demographic variables, and child adjustment. Participants were 23 mothers and one of their noninfected children (9 to 16 years of age). Sixty-one percent of mothers disclosed. Consistent with previous research, disclosure was not related to child functioning. However, children sworn to secrecy demonstrated lower social competence and more externalizing problems. Differential disclosure, which occurred in one-third of the families, was associated with higher levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms. Finally, knowing more than mothers had themselves disclosed was related to child maladjustment across multiple domains. Clinical implications and the need for future research are considered

    Microfluidics for the detection of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia patients using circulating leukemic cells selected from blood

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    Microfluidic assay for the selection of circulating leukemic cells from peripheral blood for the early detection of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia patients

    Emotions in business-to-business service relationships

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    Emotion in business-to-business service relationships regarding cargo services is explored. The service relationship is characterised by mutual trust and cooperation. Contact is mainly via telephone or e-mail with some face-to-face interactions and participants providing a complex, multi-skilled seamless service. Experience rather than training plays a vital role with long-term service relationships built up and maintained. Emotional sensitivity is acquired partly by experience and a repeat customer base but mainly through a genuine desire to help and get to know others. In contrast to the view of emotional labour bringing managerial control or adverse affects to service staff, the emotion engendered by this work is authentic expression bringing personal satisfaction

    Proterozoic Basin evolution and tectonic geography of Madagascar: implications for an East Africa connection during the Paleoproterozoic

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    Madagascar hosts several Paleoproterozoic sedimentary sequences that are key to unraveling the geodynamic evolution of past supercontinents on Earth. New detrital zircon UPb and Hf data, and a substantial new database of ∼15,000 analyses are used here to compare and contrast sedimentary sequences in Madagascar, Africa, and India. The Itremo Group in central Madagascar, the Sahantaha Group in northern Madagascar, the Maha Group in eastern Madagascar, and the Ambatolampy Group in central Madagascar have indistinguishable age and isotopic characteristics. These samples have maximum depositional ages >1700 Ma, with major zircon age peaks at c. 2500 Ma, c. 2000 Ma, and c. 1850 Ma. We name this the Greater Itremo Basin, which covered a vast area of Madagascar in the late Paleoproterozoic. These samples are also compared with those from the Tanzania and the Congo cratons of Africa, and the Dharwar Craton and Southern Granulite Terrane of India. We show that the Greater Itremo Basin and sedimentary sequences in the Tanzania Craton of Africa are correlatives. These also tentatively correlate with sedimentary protoliths in the Southern Granulite Terrane of India, which together formed a major intra-Nuna/Columbia sedimentary basin that we name the Itremo-Muva-Pandyan Basin. A new Paleoproterozoic plate tectonic configuration is proposed where central Madagascar is contiguous with the Tanzania Craton to the west and the Southern Granulite Terrane to the east. This model strongly supports an ancient Proterozoic origin for central Madagascar and a position adjacent to the Tanzania Craton of East Africa

    Impact of exposure measurement error in air pollution epidemiology: effect of error type in time-series studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Two distinctly different types of measurement error are Berkson and classical. Impacts of measurement error in epidemiologic studies of ambient air pollution are expected to depend on error type. We characterize measurement error due to instrument imprecision and spatial variability as multiplicative (i.e. additive on the log scale) and model it over a range of error types to assess impacts on risk ratio estimates both on a per measurement unit basis and on a per interquartile range (IQR) basis in a time-series study in Atlanta.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Daily measures of twelve ambient air pollutants were analyzed: NO<sub>2</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub>, O<sub>3</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CO, PM<sub>10 </sub>mass, PM<sub>2.5 </sub>mass, and PM<sub>2.5 </sub>components sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, elemental carbon and organic carbon. Semivariogram analysis was applied to assess spatial variability. Error due to this spatial variability was added to a reference pollutant time-series on the log scale using Monte Carlo simulations. Each of these time-series was exponentiated and introduced to a Poisson generalized linear model of cardiovascular disease emergency department visits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Measurement error resulted in reduced statistical significance for the risk ratio estimates for all amounts (corresponding to different pollutants) and types of error. When modelled as classical-type error, risk ratios were attenuated, particularly for primary air pollutants, with average attenuation in risk ratios on a per unit of measurement basis ranging from 18% to 92% and on an IQR basis ranging from 18% to 86%. When modelled as Berkson-type error, risk ratios per unit of measurement were biased away from the null hypothesis by 2% to 31%, whereas risk ratios per IQR were attenuated (i.e. biased toward the null) by 5% to 34%. For CO modelled error amount, a range of error types were simulated and effects on risk ratio bias and significance were observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For multiplicative error, both the amount and type of measurement error impact health effect estimates in air pollution epidemiology. By modelling instrument imprecision and spatial variability as different error types, we estimate direction and magnitude of the effects of error over a range of error types.</p

    Estimating malaria transmission risk through surveillance of human–vector interactions in northern Ghana

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    Background: Vector bionomics are important aspects of vector-borne disease control programs. Mosquito-biting risks are affected by environmental, mosquito behavior and human factors, which are important for assessing exposure risk and intervention impacts. This study estimated malaria transmission risk based on vector–human interactions in northern Ghana, where indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) have been deployed. Methods: Indoor and outdoor human biting rates (HBRs) were measured using monthly human landing catches (HLCs) from June 2017 to April 2019. Mosquitoes collected were identified to species level, and Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (An. gambiae s.l.) samples were examined for parity and infectivity. The HBRs were adjusted using mosquito parity and human behavioral observations. Results: Anopheles gambiae was the main vector species in the IRS (81%) and control (83%) communities. Indoor and outdoor HBRs were similar in both the IRS intervention (10.6 vs. 11.3 bites per person per night [b/p/n]; z = −0.33, P = 0.745) and control communities (18.8 vs. 16.4 b/p/n; z = 1.57, P = 0.115). The mean proportion of parous An. gambiae s.l. was lower in IRS communities (44.6%) than in control communities (71.7%). After adjusting for human behavior observations and parity, the combined effect of IRS and ITN utilization (IRS: 37.8%; control: 57.3%) on reducing malaria transmission risk was 58% in IRS + ITN communities and 27% in control communities with ITNs alone (z = −4.07, P < 0.001). However, this also revealed that about 41% and 31% of outdoor adjusted bites in IRS and control communities respectively, occurred before bed time (10:00 pm). The mean directly measured annual entomologic inoculation rates (EIRs) during the study were 6.1 infective bites per person per year (ib/p/yr) for IRS communities and 16.3 ib/p/yr for control communities. After considering vector survival and observed human behavior, the estimated EIR for IRS communities was 1.8 ib/p/yr, which represents about a 70% overestimation of risk compared to the directly measured EIR; for control communities, it was 13.6 ib/p/yr (16% overestimation). Conclusion: Indoor residual spraying significantly impacted entomological indicators of malaria transmission. The results of this study indicate that vector bionomics alone do not provide an accurate assessment of malaria transmission exposure risk. By accounting for human behavior parameters, we found that high coverage of ITNs alone had less impact on malaria transmission indices than combining ITNs with IRS, likely due to observed low net use. Reinforcing effective communication for behavioral change in net use and IRS could further reduce malaria transmission