1,379 research outputs found

    The Use of Continuous System Processor for Reducing Color AndTurbidity Content in the Peat Water

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    Peat water is naturally brownish colored and it has high turbidity and thus it is not sufficient to support the life of fish, especially Cyprinus carpio. To understand the effectiveness of the continuous system processor to reduce the color and turbidity in the peat water and to understand the ability of C. carpio to live in the treated peat water, a study has been conducted in May 2014. The peat water was obtained from the Tarai River and then was processed using “a continuous processor”. The water was pumped into water tank (120L), added with lime (225 gr), Aluminum Sulphate (225 gr), aerated and filtered with layers of zeolit, charcoal and sand. Sampling was conducted 4 times, once/week. Results shown that after being treated, the color of the water become clear (from around 890 to 7.49 PtCo) and the effectiveness was 99.17%. The turbidity decrease, from 40.0 NTU into 2.61 NTU (effectiveness 93.41%). Survival rate of Cyprinus carpio that were reared in the treated water was 100%. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the continuous system is effective to reduce the color and turbidity of the peat water


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hasil belajar siswa dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Gruop Investigation dengan siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaraan kooperatif tipe STAD pada mata diklat dasar-dasar teknik digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre-Experimental dengan rancangan “Posttest-Only Control Design”.Desain ini terdapat kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol.Pada dua kelas ini hanya diberikan post-test untuk mengetahui hasil belajar setelah diberikan perlakuan.Analisis hasil belajar, peneliti menggunakan uji-t untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Berdasarkan hasil analisis nilai posttest dengan uji normalitas dan homogenitas diperoleh bahwa kedua kelas berdistribusi normal dan homogen. (2) Berdasarkan analisis nilai posttest dengan uji-t satu pihak diperoleh thitung = 8,351 > ttabel = 1,67 (α = 0,05) dengan rata-rata nilai posttest kelas eksperimen 84,58 dan kelas kontrol 76,87 menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Gruop Investigation lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. (3) Respon siswa terhadap pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation secara keseluruhan adalah positif dengan rata-rata 87,61 % dan termasuk kriteria respon sangat baik. Kata kunci    : Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Gruop Investigation, pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD, hasil belajar siswa dan respon siswa. Abstract This study aims to determine differences of student learning outcomes after the implementation of the cooperative group investigation with the student using cooperative STAD on the basis of competency standards applying digital techniques. The study method used Pre-Experimental with  Posttest - Only Control. These designs are experimental class and control class . These two classes are only given a post-test to determine learning after a given treatment . Analysis of learning outcomes, researchers used t-test to determine the student learning outcomes. The results were : ( 1 ) Based on the results of the  scores analysis posttest with a test for normality an homogeneity obtained that two classes are normally distributed and homogeneously. ( 2 ) Based on the analysis of the fastest with a t-test of analysis obtained thitung = 8,351 > ttabel = 1,67 (α = 0,05) with the average value of posttest experimental class is 84.58 and control class is 76.87 indicates that is student learning outcomes  that uses cooperative group investigation is better than the student cooperative STAD. ( 3 ) Students’ responses to the application of problem based learning as a whole is positive with an average of 87.61 % and includes a very good response criteria. Keyword    : Cooperative Group Investigation, Cooperative STAD , student learning outcomes and student response

    Sebaran Tumpahan Minyak Dengan Pendekatan Model Hidrodinamika Dan Spill Analysis Di Perairan Cilacap, Jawa Tengah

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    Perairan Cilacap memiliki pelabuhan laut yang berfungsi sebagai pelabuhan ekspor-impor termasuk aktivitas bongkar muat minyak dari kapal-kapal tanker yang menyebabkan perairan Cilacap rentan terhadap tumpahan minyak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pola sebaran dan proses pelapukan (weathering) yang meliputi waktu pemaparan, proses disolusi, proses dispersi vertikal, proses emulsifikasi, dan proses evaporasi pada tumpahan minyak mentah dan aspal di Perairan Cilacap yang dimodelkan menggunakan model hidrodinamika 2D dan Spill Analysis. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi data arus laut, data pasang surut, data angin, data suhu air laut, data batimetri, data suhu udara, data cloudiness, data oil properties, dan data lalu lintas kapal. Hasil simulasi model sebaran tumpahan minyak mentah dan aspal memperlihatkan sebaran menuju ke arah barat laut saat pasang tertinggi, sebaliknya minyak menyebar ke arah tenggara saat surut terendah. Penyebaran tumpahan minyak berbentuk lintasan saat kondisi perbani dan partikel minyak berbentuk acak saat kondisi purnama. Waktu pemaparan aspal berlangsung lebih lama, yaitu berkisar 280 jam daripada waktu pemaparan minyak mentah, yaitu berkisar 259 jam. Proses pelapukan pada tumpahan minyak terhadap lamanya waktu tumpahan minyak menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan laju emulsifikasi berlawanan dengan laju evaporasi dan sebanding dengan laju dispersi vertikal, sedangkan laju disolusi tidak mengalami Perubahan signifikan. Tumpahan minyak setelah 24 jam memperlihatkan bahwa proses disolusi, dispersi vertikal, dan evaporasi pada minyak mentah lebih tinggi daripada aspal. Namun, proses emulsifikasi pada aspal lebih tinggi daripada minyak mentah

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah PT. WOM Finance Wonogiri

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    Analysis of Service Quality Towards Customer Satisfaction PT. WOM Finance Wonogiri. Thesis, Management Study Program (S1). Surakarta Batik Islamic University, 2019. This study aims to determine the effect of service quality consisting of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy simultaneously and partially on customer satisfaction at PT WOM Finance Wonogiri.. This research uses quantitative research methods. Data sources used in this study were respondents or people who responded or answered the researchers' questions, namely customers of PT. WOM Finance Wonogiri. Data collection methods used observation, questionnaire, and documentation. This study uses classical assumption test techniques, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing (t test,f test, and coefficient of determination). The results of data analysis obtained there are tangibles,reliability, responsiveness, assurance,empathy effect simultaneously and partially to customer satisfaction at PT WOM Finance Wonogiri. Keywords: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy (empathy), customer satisfactio

    Correlation Analysis of Agronomic Characters and Grain Yield of Rice for Tidal Swamp Areas

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    Development of rice varieties for tidal swamp areas is emphasized on the improvement of rice yield potential in specific environment. However, grain yield is a complex trait and highly dependent on the other agronomic characters; while information related to the relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield in the breeding program particularly for tidal swamp areas is very limited. The objective of this study was to investigate relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield of rice as a basis for selection of high yielding rice varieties for tidal swamp areas. Agronomic characters and grain yield of nine advanced rice breeding lines and two rice varieties were evaluated in a series of experiments in tidal swamp areas, Karang Agung Ulu Village, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, for four cropping seasons in dry season (DS) 2005, wet season (WS) 2005/2006, DS 2006, and DS 2007. Result from path analysis revealed that the following characters had positive direct effect on grain yield, i.e. number of productive tillers per hill (p = 0.356), number of filled grains per panicle (p = 0.544), and spikelet fertility (p = 0.215). Plant height had negative direct effect (p = -0.332) on grain yield, while maturity, number of spikelets per panicle, and 1000-grain weight showed negligible effect on rice grain yield. Present study suggests that indirect selection of high yielding tidal swamp rice can be done by selecting breeding lines which have many product tive tillers, dense filled grains, and high spikelet fertility
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