1,748 research outputs found

    Origin of germ cells and formation of new primary follicles in adult human ovaries

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    Recent reports indicate that functional mouse oocytes and sperm can be derived in vitro from somatic cell lines. We hypothesize that in adult human ovaries, mesenchymal cells in the tunica albuginea (TA) are bipotent progenitors with a commitment for both primitive granulosa and germ cells. We investigated ovaries of twelve adult women (mean age 32.8 ± 4.1 SD, range 27–38 years) by single, double, and triple color immunohistochemistry. We show that cytokeratin (CK)+ mesenchymal cells in ovarian TA differentiate into surface epithelium (SE) cells by a mesenchymal-epithelial transition. Segments of SE directly associated with ovarian cortex are overgrown by TA, forming solid epithelial cords, which fragment into small (20 micron) epithelial nests descending into the lower ovarian cortex, before assembling with zona pellucida (ZP)+ oocytes. Germ cells can originate from SE cells which cover the TA. Small (10 micron) germ-like cells showing PS1 meiotically expressed oocyte carbohydrate protein are derived from SE cells via asymmetric division. They show nuclear MAPK immunoexpression, subsequently divide symmetrically, and enter adjacent cortical vessels. During vascular transport, the putative germ cells increase to oocyte size, and are picked-up by epithelial nests associated with the vessels. During follicle formation, extensions of granulosa cells enter the oocyte cytoplasm, forming a single paranuclear CK+ Balbiani body supplying all the mitochondria of the oocyte. In the ovarian medulla, occasional vessels show an accumulation of ZP+ oocytes (25–30 microns) or their remnants, suggesting that some oocytes degenerate. In contrast to males, adult human female gonads do not preserve germline type stem cells. This study expands our previous observations on the formation of germ cells in adult human ovaries. Differentiation of primitive granulosa and germ cells from the bipotent mesenchymal cell precursors of TA in adult human ovaries represents a most sophisticated adaptive mechanism created during the evolution of female reproduction. Our data indicate that the pool of primary follicles in adult human ovaries does not represent a static but a dynamic population of differentiating and regressing structures. An essential mission of such follicular turnover might be elimination of spontaneous or environmentally induced genetic alterations of oocytes in resting primary follicles

    Magnetic Skyrmions Under Confinement

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    We present a variational treatment of confined magnetic skyrmions in a minimal micromagnetic model of ultrathin ferromagnetic films with interfacial Dzylashinksii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in competition with the exchange energy, with a possible addition of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Under Dirichlet boundary conditions that are motivated by the asymptotic treatment of the stray field energy in the thin film limit we prove existence of topologically non-trivial energy minimizers that concentrate on points in the domain as the DMI strength parameter tends to zero. Furthermore, we derive the leading order non-trivial term in the Gamma\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Γ\Gamma \end{document}-expansion of the energy in the limit of vanishing DMI strength that allows us to completely characterize the limiting magnetization profiles and interpret them as particle-like states whose radius and position are determined by minimizing a renormalized energy functional. In particular, we show that in our setting the skyrmions are strongly repelled from the domain boundaries, which imparts them with stability that is highly desirable for applications. We provide explicit calculations of the renormalized energy for a number of basic domain geometries

    Multi-strange baryon measurements at LHC energies, with the ALICE experiment

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    The status of the charged multi-strange baryon analysis (Xi-, anti-Xi+, Omega-, anti-Omega+) at LHC energies is presented. This report is based on the results obtained with ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment), profiting from the characteristic cascade-decay topology. A special attention is drawn to the early pp data-taking period (2009-2010) and subsequently, on the uncorrected pT-spectra extracted at mid-rapidity for centre of mass energies of 0.9 TeV and 7 TeV.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Hot Quarks 2010 proceedings, La Londe Les Maures, France, June 2010 (to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

    Learning shapes cortical dynamics to enhance integration of relevant sensory input

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    Adaptive sensory behavior is thought to depend on processing in recurrent cortical circuits, but how dynamics in these circuits shapes the integration and transmission of sensory information is not well understood. Here, we study neural coding in recurrently connected networks of neurons driven by sensory input. We show analytically how information available in the network output varies with the alignment between feedforward input and the integrating modes of the circuit dynamics. In light of this theory, we analyzed neural population activity in the visual cortex of mice that learned to discriminate visual features. We found that over learning, slow patterns of network dynamics realigned to better integrate input relevant to the discrimination task. This realignment of network dynamics could be explained by changes in excitatory-inhibitory connectivity among neurons tuned to relevant features. These results suggest that learning tunes the temporal dynamics of cortical circuits to optimally integrate relevant sensory input

    In Situ Reduction and Oxidation of Nickel from Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in a Titan ETEM

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    Environmental transmission electron microscopy was used to characterize in situ the reduction and oxidation of nickel from a Ni/YSZ solid oxide fuel cell anode support between 300-500°C. The reduction is done under low hydrogen pressure. The reduction initiates at the NiO/YSZ interface, then moves to the center of the NiO grain. At higher temperature the reduction occurs also at the free NiO surface and the NiO/NiO grain boundaries. The growth of Ni is epitaxial on its oxide. Due to high volume decrease, nanopores are formed during reduction. During oxidation, oxide nanocrystallites are formed on the nickel surface. The crystallites fill up the nickel porosity and create an inhomogeneous structure with remaining voids. This change in structure causes the nickel oxide to expand during a RedOx cycle

    Geographical range in liverworts: does sex really matter?

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    AimWhy some species exhibit larger geographical ranges than others remains a fundamental, but largely unanswered, question in ecology and biogeography. In plants, a relationship between range size and mating system was proposed over a century ago and subsequently formalized in Baker's Law. Here, we take advantage of the extensive variation in sexual systems of liverworts to test the hypothesis that dioecious species compensate for limited fertilization by producing vegetative propagules more commonly than monoecious species. As spores are assumed to contribute to random long-distance dispersal, whereas vegetative propagules contribute to colony maintenance and frequent short-distance dispersal, we further test the hypothesis that monoecious species exhibit larger geographical ranges than dioecious ones.LocationWorldwide.MethodsWe used comparative phylogenetic methods to assess the correlation between range size and life history traits related to dispersal, including mating systems, spore size and production of specialized vegetative propagules.ResultsNo significant correlation was found between dioecy and production of vegetative propagules. However, production of vegetative propagules is correlated with the size of geographical ranges across the liverwort tree of life, whereas sexuality and spores size are not. Moreover, variation in sexual systems did not have an influence on the correlation between geographical range and production of asexual propagules.Main conclusionsOur results challenge the long-held notion that spores, and not vegetative propagules, are involved in long-distance dispersal. Asexual reproduction seems to play a major role in shaping the global distribution patterns of liverworts, so that monoecious species do not tend to display, on average, broader distribution ranges than dioecious ones. Our results call for further investigation on the spatial genetic structure of bryophyte populations at different geographical scales depending on their mating systems to assess the dispersal capacities of spores and asexual propagules and determine their contribution in shaping species distribution ranges

    The imprint of the analogue Hawking effect in subcritical flows

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    We study the propagation of low-frequency shallow water waves on a one-dimensional flow of varying depth. When taking into account dispersive effects, the linear propagation of long-wavelength modes on uneven bottoms excites new solutions of the dispersion relation which possess a much shorter wavelength. The peculiarity is that one of these new solutions has a negative energy. When the flow becomes supercritical, this mode has been shown to be responsible for the (classical) analog of the Hawking effect. For subcritical flows, the production of this mode has been observed numerically and experimentally, but the precise physics governing the scattering remained unclear. In this work, we provide an analytic treatment of this effect in subcritical flows. We analyze the scattering of low-frequency waves using a new perturbative series, derived from a generalization of the Bremmer series. We show that the production of short-wavelength modes is governed by a complex value of the position: a complex turning point. Using this method, we investigate various flow profiles and derive the main characteristics of the induced spectrum

    Association of mesenchymal cells and immunoglobulins with differentiating epithelial cells

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    BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal-epithelial interactions play an important role in the physiology and pathology of epithelial tissues. Mesenchymal cells either associate with epithelium basement membrane [pericytes and perivascular monocyte-derived cells (MDC)] or reside within epithelium (MDC and T cells). Although intraepithelial mesenchymal cells were suggested to contribute to the epithelium physiology, their association with particular steps in differentiation of epithelial cells, interactions among themselves, and their fate remain unclear. We studied epitopes of mesenchymal cells and their products (immunoglobulins) in stratified epithelium of uterine ectocervix, which is one of the prototypes of complete cellular differentiation from stem into the aged cells. RESULTS: Perivascular CD14 primitive MDC associated with basal (stem) epithelial cells. Thy-1 pericytes of microvasculature secreted intercellular vesicles, which associated with Ki67 postmitotic epithelial cells expressing MHC class I. Intraepithelial T cells showed an association with veiled type MDC [dendritic cell (DC) precursors] among parabasal cells, and exhibited fragmentation after entering intermediate (mature) epithelial layers. Mature DC secreted CD68 and exhibited fragmentation after reaching mid intermediate layers. Binding of IgM was detected at the top of each layer: in the upper parabasal, upper intermediate, and most surface epithelial cells. IgG was confined to the entire superficial layer. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the phylogenetically and ontogenetically developed hierarchy of mesenchymal cells (MDC, pericytes, T cells) and immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG) accompanies differentiation of epithelial cells from immature into the mature and aged phenotype. Further studies of an involvement of mesenchymal cells in the regulation of tissue homeostasis may bring novel approaches to the prevention and therapy of tissue dysfunctions characterized by permanent tissue immaturity (muscular dystrophy) or accelerated aging (degenerative diseases)

    A database and deep learning toolbox for noise-optimized, generalized spike inference from calcium imaging

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    Inference of action potentials (‘spikes’) from neuronal calcium signals is complicated by the scarcity of simultaneous measurements of action potentials and calcium signals (‘ground truth’). In this study, we compiled a large, diverse ground truth database from publicly available and newly performed recordings in zebrafish and mice covering a broad range of calcium indicators, cell types and signal-to-noise ratios, comprising a total of more than 35 recording hours from 298 neurons. We developed an algorithm for spike inference (termed CASCADE) that is based on supervised deep networks, takes advantage of the ground truth database, infers absolute spike rates and outperforms existing model-based algorithms. To optimize performance for unseen imaging data, CASCADE retrains itself by resampling ground truth data to match the respective sampling rate and noise level; therefore, no parameters need to be adjusted by the user. In addition, we developed systematic performance assessments for unseen data, openly released a resource toolbox and provide a user-friendly cloud-based implementation