865 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Tingley, Alonzo B. (Chapman, Aroostook County)

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    QuickSNP: an automated web server for selection of tagSNPs

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    Although large-scale genetic association studies involving hundreds to thousands of SNPs have become feasible, the associated cost is substantial. Even with the increased efficiency introduced by the use of tagSNPs, researchers are often seeking ways to maximize resource utilization given a set of SNP-based gene-mapping goals. We have developed a web server named QuickSNP in order to provide cost-effective selection of SNPs, and to fill in some of the gaps in existing SNP selection tools. One useful feature of QuickSNP is the option to select only gene-centric SNPs from a chromosomal region in an automated fashion. Other useful features include automated selection of coding non-synonymous SNPs, SNP filtering based on inter-SNP distances and information regarding the availability of genotyping assays for SNPs and whether they are present on whole genome chips. The program produces user-friendly summary tables and results, and a link to a UCSC Genome Browser track illustrating the position of the selected tagSNPs in relation to genes and other genomic features. We hope the unique combination of features of this server will be useful for researchers aiming to select markers for their genotyping studies. The server is freely available and can be accessed at the URL http://bioinformoodics.jhmi.edu/quickSNP.pl

    Prevention of an additional surgery for regional lymphadenectomy in melanoma: rapid intraoperative immunostaining of sentinel lymph node imprint smears

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    BACKGROUND: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is performed at many institutions and is considered a standard of care in the management of cutaneous melanoma. The discriminatory immunostaining pattern with the 'MCW Melanoma Cocktail' (a mixture of MART-1 {1:500}, Melan- A {1:100}, and Tyrosinase {1:50} monoclonal antibodies) allows intraoperative immunocytochemical evaluation of imprint smears of SLNs for melanoma metastases. Cohesive cells of benign capsular melanocytic nevi that were also immunoreactive with the cocktail do not exfoliate easily for imprint smear detection. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated 73 lymph nodes (70 SLN & 3 non-SLN) from 41 cases (mean 1.8, 1 to 4 SLNs/case) of cutaneous melanoma using a rapid 17-minute immunostaining previously published protocol. The results were compared with permanent sections also immunostained with 'the cocktail'. RESULTS: 19.5%, 8/41 cases (12%, 9/73 lymph nodes) were positive for melanoma metastases on permanent sections immunostained with the 'MCW melanoma cocktail'. Melanoma metastases in 87.5% (7/8) of these cases were also detected in rapidly immunostained imprint smears, with 100% specificity and 90% sensitivity. None of the 7 SLNs from 7 cases with capsular nevi showed false positive results. CONCLUSION: Melanoma metastases could be detected in imprint smears immunostained with 'MCW Melanoma Cocktail' utilizing a rapid intraoperative protocol. The cohesive cells of the capsular nevi do not readily exfoliate and do not lead to false positive interpretation. In a majority of positive cases, a regional lymphadenectomy could have been completed during the same surgery for SLN biopsy and wide excision of primary melanoma site, potentially eliminating the need for an additional surgery

    Análisis geomorfológico y dinámica fluvial del río Huallaga en la localidad de Yurimaguas

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    The Huallaga River is one of the main Amazon rivers. The research area located in the Amazon plain is characterized by presenting a homogeneous relief, however due to the dynamics of the river the physiographic aspect is varied, these range from the flood areas to higher areas called hills. The flow regime varies throughout the year, showing months of low water and others with abundant recharge, the average flow is 2 969.5 m3/s, in the research area the average width is 325 m and has a maximum depth of 16 m. Due to its dimensions, the Huallaga river presents a great dynamism, evidencing that in the period of analysis it has occurred in a sector, which has changed its direction, leaving an abandoned channel, the dynamics is along its bed, noting that in the areas where the river changes direction, it has migrated even up to more than 2 km.El río Huallaga es uno de los principales de los ríos amazónicos. El área de investigación ubicada en la llanura amazónica se caracteriza por presentar un relieve homogéneo, sin embargo por la dinámica del río el aspecto fisiográfico es variado, estos van desde las zonas inundables hasta zonas más elevadas denominadas colinas. El régimen del caudal varía a lo largo del año evidenciándose meses de estiaje y otros de abundante recarga, el caudal promedio es de 2 969.5 m3/s, en el área de investigación el ancho promedio es de 325 m y presenta una profundidad máxima de 16 m. Por sus dimensiones, el río Huallaga presenta un gran dinamismo, evidenciándose que en el período de análisis se ha producido en un sector, que este, ha cambiado su dirección dejando un cauce abandonado, la dinámica es a lo largo de su lecho notándose que en las zonas en donde el río cambia de dirección, esta ha migrado incluso hasta más de 2 km

    Estrategias de comunicación y de interacción, empleadas por padres, madres de familia o tutores en el manejo de la temática de la afectividad y sexualidad en el Instituto Profesional y Técnico Louis Martinz y Colegio Elena Chávez de Pinate durante el tercer trimestre del período académico 2013

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    Este trabajo documenta la investigación descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo llevado a cabo con un grupo de veinte estudiantes y veinte padres de familia de séptimo grado del Instituto Profesional y Técnico Louis Martínz y el colegio Elena Chávez de Pinate durante el período académico 2013. El propósito es describir las variables de la investigación y analizar su incidencia e interrelación en un momento dado; es decir, que explique por qué las cosas suceden o no de una forma determinada en una población. La muestra se realizó con veinte (20) participantes, madres y padres de familia en edades de (31 - y más) y veinte (20) estudiantes en edades de (12-14), de género masculino y femenino con un nivel educativo y estrato socioeconómico heterogéneo. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: entrevista estructurada por ser una herramienta adecuada para este tipo situación. Al tabular la información se comprobó que los resultados eran positivos y se integraban entre sí. Para conocer el impacto de la investigación descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo, surgen las siguientes preguntas de investigación: 1. ¿Cómo se maneja la comunicación entre padres y adolescentes en temas de sexualidad (erótico, afectivo y espiritual), y relaciones de pareja? 2. ¿De qué manera el tipo de interacción entre padres e hijos se convierte en factor protector o de riesgo? Como resultado se observa que los participantes muestran que la sociedad promueve formas de comportamientos que generan la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres, que debe existir mayor comunicación entre la pareja en cuanto a la salud sexual y reproductiva, en cuanto al placer se debe fomentar y promover programas de prevención de conductas sexuales en los colegios y en relaciones entre padres e hijos; los mismos no hablan con sus hijos de su vida y sus planes futuros. La investigación permite concluir que hay una estrecha relación entre la valoración de los sentimientos del adolescente por parte de la familia, el nivel de comprensión y el prestar atención que ésta le brinda eran sumamente importantes para su resiliencia y para su salud emocional y física

    TrkA expression decreases the in vivo aggressiveness of C6 glioma cells

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    We stably expressed the nerve growth factor receptor trkA or a truncated trkA lacking the kinase domain (trkA delta) in a highly tumorigenic rat glioma cell line, C6. Survival of rats with large intrastriatal inocula of C6trkA cells was significantly longer than for rats bearing C6 or C6trkA delta cells. Histological studies revealed that C6trkA cells were much less invasive than C6 or C6trkA delta cells and had a greater rate of apoptosis. There was no apparent induction of differentiation of C6 cells by trkA. Therefore, unlike what is observed in neuroblastomas, trkA decreases tumorigenicity by modulating invasiveness and tumor cell death independent of inducing differentiation. This novel mechanism suggests a new therapeutic strategy for malignant gliomas

    Analytic Tableaux for Simple Type Theory and its First-Order Fragment

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    We study simple type theory with primitive equality (STT) and its first-order fragment EFO, which restricts equality and quantification to base types but retains lambda abstraction and higher-order variables. As deductive system we employ a cut-free tableau calculus. We consider completeness, compactness, and existence of countable models. We prove these properties for STT with respect to Henkin models and for EFO with respect to standard models. We also show that the tableau system yields a decision procedure for three EFO fragments