77 research outputs found

    Novel methods in retinal vessel calibre feature extraction for systemic disease assessment

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    Retina and its vascular network have unique branching characteristics morphology of which will change as a result of some systemic diseases, including hypertension, stroke and diabetes. Therefore, retinal image has been used as non-invasive screening window for risk assessment and prediction of such disease condition especially at the baseline. The assessment is based on a number of features among which vessel diameter (both individual and summary) and fractal dimension (FD) are the ones mostly associated with risk of diabetes and stroke. The association is linked to the higher risk of diabetes and stroke in people with narrower retinal arteriole diameter or change in overall fractal dimension independent of any risk factor (i.e. blood pressure, cardiovascular risk factors). Diameter measurement requires vessel edges to be located and tracked however; accurate edge perception is subject to image contrast, shadows, lighting condition and even presence of retinopathy legions close to vessel boundaries. This will lead to imprecision and inconsistencies between different automatic measurement techniques and may affect the significance of its association with disease condition in risk-assessment studies. As accuracy and success of diameter measurement is subject to large variations due to image artifacts it may not be suitable for fully automatic applications. In order to compensate for such error, at first two novel automatic vessel diameter measurement techniques were proposed and validated which were more robust in the presence of such image artifacts compared to similar methods. However, sometimes the exact edge location and actual diameter value is not of interest. In most case-control studies, it is of importance to comparatively evaluate the variations in retinal vessel diameter as a sign of retinopathy such as arteriolar nicking as an example of hypertensive retinopathy. Vessel diameter is often required to be compared with a reference value in many analytical assessments for diagnostic purpose. This includes monitoring the diameter variations of a specific vessel segment within single subject overtime or across multiple subjects. This helps ophthalmologists to understand whether it has undergone any significant change and perhaps associate it with a disease abnormality. A technique that can effectively quantify that change without being impaired by image artifacts is of more importance and one of the rationales of this study. This research hypothesized an edge independent solution for quantifying diameter variations when the actual diameter value is not required and proposed a new feature based on fractal analysis of vessel cross-section profile as a time series signal. This feature provides a link between FD as a global measure of the complexity and diameter variation as local property of a specific vessel segment. The clinical application of this feature has been validated on two population studies which showed promising result for assessment of mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and 10-year stroke. This research work has also investigated whether the FD of retinal microvasculature would be affected by cyclic pulsations of retinal vessels and whether ECG synchronization is required prior to taking fundus images to compensate for this potential source of variations

    Zone specific fractal dimension of retinal images as predictor of stroke incidence

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    Fractal dimensions (FDs) are frequently used for summarizing the complexity of retinal vascular. However, previous techniques on this topic were not zone specific. A new methodology to measure FD of a specific zone in retinal images has been developed and tested as a marker for stroke prediction. Higuchi's fractal dimension was measured in circumferential direction (FDC) with respect to optic disk (OD), in three concentric regions between OD boundary and 1.5 OD diameter from its margin. The significance of its association with future episode of stroke event was tested using the Blue Mountain Eye Study (BMES) database and compared against spectrum fractal dimension (SFD) and box-counting (BC) dimension. Kruskal-Wallis analysis revealed FDC as a better predictor of stroke (H=5.80, P=0.016, α=0.05) compared with SFD (H=0.51, P=0.475, α=0.05) and BC (H=0.41, P=0.520, α=0.05) with overall lower median value for the cases compared to the control group. This work has shown that there is a significant association between zone specific FDC of eye fundus images with future episode of stroke while this difference is not significant when other FD methods are employed

    Retinal microvascular parameters are not associated with reduced renal function in a study of individuals with type 2 diabetes

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    Abstract The eye provides an opportunistic “window” to view the microcirculation. There is published evidence of an association between retinal microvascular calibre and renal function measured by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Beyond vascular calibre, few studies have considered other microvascular geometrical features. Here we report novel null findings for measures of vascular spread (vessel fractal dimension), tortuosity, and branching patterns and their relationship with renal function in type 2 diabetes over a mean of 3 years. We performed a nested case-control comparison of multiple retinal vascular parameters between individuals with type 2 diabetes and stable (non-progressors) versus declining (progressors) eGFR across two time points within a subset of 1072 participants from the GoDARTS study cohort. Retinal microvascular were measured using VAMPIRE 3.1 software. In unadjusted analyses and following adjustment for age, gender, systolic blood pressure, HbA1C, and diabetic retinopathy, no associations between baseline retinal vascular parameters and risk of eGFR progression were observed. Cross-sectional analysis of follow-up data showed a significant association between retinal arteriolar diameter and eGFR, but this was not maintained following adjustment. These findings are consistent with a lack of predictive capacity for progressive loss of renal function in type 2 diabetes

    CD164 identifies CD4+ T cells highly expressing genes associated with malignancy in Sézary syndrome: the Sézary signature genes, FCRL3, Tox, and miR-214

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    Sézary syndrome (SS), a leukemic variant of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), is associated with a significantly shorter life expectancy compared to skin-restricted mycosis fungoides. Early diagnosis of SS is, therefore, key to achieving enhanced therapeutic responses. However, the lack of a biomarker(s) highly specific for malignant CD4+ T cells in SS patients has been a serious obstacle in making an early diagnosis. We recently demonstrated the high expression of CD164 on CD4+ T cells from Sézary syndrome patients with a wide range of circulating tumor burdens. To further characterize CD164 as a potential biomarker for malignant CD4+ T cells, CD164+ and CD164-CD4+ T cells isolated from patients with high-circulating tumor burden, B2 stage, and medium/low tumor burden, B1-B0 stage, were assessed for the expression of genes reported to differentiate SS from normal controls, and associated with malignancy and poor prognosis. The expression of Sézary signature genes: T plastin, GATA-3, along with FCRL3, Tox, and miR-214, was significantly higher, whereas STAT-4 was lower, in CD164+ compared with CD164-CD4+ T cells. While Tox was highly expressed in both B2 and B1-B0 patients, the expression of Sézary signature genes, FCRL3, and miR-214 was associated predominantly with advanced B2 disease. High expression of CD164 mRNA and protein was also detected in skin from CTCL patients. CD164 was co-expressed with KIR3DL2 on circulating CD4+ T cells from high tumor burden SS patients, further providing strong support for CD164 as a disease relevant surface biomarker

    Foxp3 and Treg cells in HIV-1 infection and immuno-pathogenesis

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    FoxP3+CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells are implicated in a number of pathologic processes including elevated levels in cancers and infectious diseases, and reduced levels in autoimmune diseases. Treg cells are activated to modulate immune responses to avoid over-reactive immunity. However, conflicting findings are reported regarding relative levels of Treg cells during HIV-1 infection and disease progression. The role of Treg cells in HIV-1 diseases (aberrant immune activation) is poorly understood due to lack of a robust model. We summarize here the regulation and function of Foxp3 in Treg cells and in modulating HIV-1 replication. Based on recent findings from SIV/monkey and HIV/humanized mouse models, a model of the dual role of Treg cells in HIV-1 infection and immuno-pathogenesis is discussed

    A novel method for segmentation of infrared scanning laser ophthalmoscope (IR-SLO) images of retina

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    Retinal vessel segmentation forms an essential element of automatic retinal disease screening systems. The development of multimodal imaging system with IR-SLO and OCT could help in studying the early stages of retinal disease. The advantages of IR-SLO to examine the alterations in the structure of retina and direct correlation with OCT can be useful for assessment of various diseases. This paper presents an automatic method for segmentation of IR-SLO fundus images based on the combination of morphological filters and image enhancement techniques. As a first step, the retinal vessels are contrasted using morphological filters followed by background exclusion using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) and Bilateral filtering. The final segmentation is obtained by using Isodata technique. Our approach was tested on a set of 26 IR-SLO images and results were compared to two set of gold standard images. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The system has an average accuracy of 0.90 for both the sets

    A novel approach for quantification of contour irregularities of diabetic foot ulcers and its association with ischemic heart disease

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    Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a common and global health problem in patients suffering from Diabetes. Delayed healing of these ulcers lead to serious problems, such as infection and amputation, apart from the problems faced in carrying out daily activities. This work has hypothesized the change in irregularity of wound contour may be linked to patient's clinical conditions. So far, fractal dimension is known to describe the change in irregularity of the fractal objects with change in scale but it fails to show any relation with the medical conditions in case of DFUs. This work introduces a new approach to quantify the irregularity of the wound contour and studies its association with some medical conditions. It was found that the change in irregularity of the wound contour from week 1 to week 4 had a close relation with ischemic heart disease as an important factor affecting the healing of DFUs

    Measured vessel length in retinal vessel diameter measurement

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    Retinal vessel diameters have been used to assess the vascular changes associated with possible systemic abnormality. The measured vessel lengths vary in different measurement protocols. This has impact on reliability of retinal vascular assessment but is lack of study. To study this impact, we developed a method to assess the diameter longitudinal change along the retinal vessel walls. Results demonstrate that the longer length of measured vessel has less variation and provides a more reliable result. It also suggests that the minimum measured vessel length should be over 400μm. This finding will be useful for the methodology and protocol development of retinal vessel diameter measurement

    A novel color space of fundus images for automatic exudates detection

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    This paper has compared the performance of different color spaces of fundus images for automatic detection of exudates. A convolutional neural network was employed to assess the performances of different color spaces generated by orthogonal transformation of the original colors in red/green/blue (RGB) space. Experiments were conducted on two publicly available databases: (1) DIARETDB1 and (2) e-Ophtha. Based on the experimental results, this study has proposed a new color space of fundus images with three channels: (i) second eigenchannel of the RGB space, (ii) hue and (iii) saturation channels of Hue/Saturation and Intensity (HSI) space. This achieved an accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 98.2%, 0.99 and 0.98, respectively. Twenty times 20-fold cross validation technique confirmed that proposed color space obtained higher replicability compared with conventional color spaces