92 research outputs found

    Numerical solution of non-homogenous fractional oscillator equation in integral form

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    In this paper, a non-homogenous fractional oscillator equation in finite time interval is considered. The fractional equation with derivatives of order α ∈ (0, 1] is transformed into its corresponding integral form. Next, a numerical solution of the integral form of the considered equation is presented. In the final part of this paper, some examples of numerical solutions of the considered equation are shown

    Filozofia egzytencjalna Alberta Camusa

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    The article describes the most important problems of philosophy of Albert Camus: life as the experience of absurdity, and rebellion as a human reaction to it. It also depicts the relations between that postulates and explains Camus’s ways of reasoning and argumentation. Furthermore, the article shows Camus’s answers to the basic philosophical questions. It proves that the Nobel prize winner was not only a writer, but a philosopher and an existentialist as well.

    The Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem - a numerical solution using the Control Volume Method

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    The solution of the 1D Sturm-Liouville problem using the Control Volume Method is discussed. The second order linear differential equation with homogeneous boundary conditions is discretized and converted to the system of linear algebraic equations. The matrix associated with this system is tridiagonal and eigenvalues of this system are an approximation of the real eigenvalues of the boundary value problem. The numerical results of the eigenvalues for various cases and the experimental rate of convergence are presented

    The time‐cost trade‐off analysis in construction project using computer simulation and interactive procedure

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    Several criteria must be considered while preparing the schedule of a construction project. The completion time and project cost are analyzed in most cases. Additionally, the risk related to the criteria has to be taken into account as well. Thus, project planning problem can be denned as a multicriteria decision problem under risk. In this paper, a project scheduling problem including time‐cost trade‐offs is analyzed. We assume that various resource allocations can be considered. A new technique based on computer simulation and interactive approach is proposed. In the first step, simulation experiments are performed to evaluate decision alternatives with respect to the criteria. An interactive technique INSDECM is employed for generating the final solution of the problem. The procedure uses stochastic dominance rules for comparing decision alternatives with respect to the criteria. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the applicability of the technique. Santrauka Rengiant statybos projekto įvykdymo grafiką reikia įvertinti keletą kriterijų. Daugeliu atvejų analizuojamas projekto baigimo laikas ir sąmatinė kaina. Taip pat gali būti įvertinama rizika. Taigi projekto planavimo problema gali būti apibūdinama kaip daugiakriterinė sprendimo problema įvertinant riziką. Straipsnyje analizuojama projekto planavimo problema, suderinant projekto įvykdymo laiką ir kainą. Remiamasi prielaida, kad galimi įvairūs išteklių paskirstymai. Pasiūlyta nauja metodologija, pagrįsta kompiuteriniu modeliavimu ir interaktyvaus metodo taikymu. Pirmuoju etapu imitaciniais modeliais įvertinamos sprendimo alternatyvos. Antruoju etapu galutiniam problemos sprendimui taikoma interaktyvi INSDECM metodologija. Šioje procedūroje, siekiant palyginti sprendimo alternatyvas pagal kriterijus, taikomos stochastinės dominavimo taisyklės. Naujos metodologijos taikymą iliustruoja skaitmeninis pavyzdys.  First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: projekto planavimas, daugiakriterinių sprendimų priėmimo automatizavimas, laiko ir kainos suderinamumas, interaktyvi metodologija, modeliavimas

    Koncentracije koštanog morfogenog proteina-15 (bmp15) i faktora diferencijacije rasta-9 (gdf-9) u folikularnim cistama, mono i poliovocitnim folikulima nazimica

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    The objective of the study was to determine the concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9 in the fl uid of follicular cysts and ovarian follicles, and to compare their concentrations in mono- and polyoocyte follicles in gilts. The study involved two experiments conducted on the ovaries collected post-slaughter from gilts (7-8 months old). The fi rst experiment covered 31 follicular single cyst gilts (15-25 mm in diameter) and 41 gilts without cysts. Follicular fl uid from follicles of 8-10 mm in diameter (n=41) and 5-8 mm in diameter (n=41), and cystic fl uid (n=31) were collected for analysis. The second experiment involved collecting follicular fl uid from poly- (n=19) and monooocyte (n=22) follicles. The concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9 was then determined in the samples using specimen-specifi c ELISA kits. The differences in the concentration of these factors were calculated by means of analysis of variance and a posthoc test. Duncan’s multiple range test was used to verify the signifi cance of differences at P<0.05 and P<0.01. In addition, correlations between the factors were calculated. BMP-15 and GDF-9 levels in the cystic fl uid were signifi cantly higher than those in the follicular fl uid (P<0.01). However, no differences were observed between various size follicles or between mono- and polyoocyte follicles. BMP-15 and GDF-9 concentrations were found to be positively correlated (P<0.01). Differences in BMP-15 and GDF-9 concentrations in ovarian follicles and follicular cysts, as evidenced by our study, indicate that these factors may be related to folliculogenesis disorders in gilts. What is more, the number of oocytes in ovarian follicles does not infl uence the intrafollicular concentration of BMP-15 and GDF-9.Cilj studije je bio da se odredi koncentracija BMP-15 i GDF-9 u tečnosti folikularnih cista i folikula ovarijuma kao i da se uporede njihove koncentracije kod mono i poliovocitnih folikula kod nazimica. Studija je obuhvatala dva eksperimenta koji su obavljeni na ovarijumima sakupljenim na liniji klanja od nazimica (starosti 7-8 meseci). Prvi eksperiment je obuhvatao ispitivanje 31 nazimice sa po jednom folikularnom cistom (15-25 mm u prečniku) i 45 nazimica bez cista. Sakupljene su i analizirane folikularne tečnosti iz folikula prečnika 8-10 mm (n=41) i 5-8 mm u prečniku (n=41) kao i tečnost cista (n=31). Drugi eksperiment je uključivao sakupljanje folikularne tečnosti od poli (n=19) i od monoovocitnih (n=22) folikula. Koncentracije BMP-15 i GDF-9 su određivane u uzorcima tečnosti korišćenjem ELISA kitova specifičnih za vrstu. Razlike u koncentracijama ovih faktora su izračunavane pomoću analize varijanse i posthok testom. U cilju određivanja statističke značajnosti razlika, upotrebljen je Duncan-ov višestrani test i to za P<0,05 i P<0,01. Korelacije između navedenih faktora su takođe izračunavane. Koncentracije BMP-15 i GDF-9 u tečnostima cista su bile značajno veće u odnosu na one u folikularnoj tečnosti (P<0,01). Međutim, nije ustanovljena razlika između folikula različitih veličina kao i između mono i poliovocitnih folikula. BMP-15 i GDF-9 koncentracije su bile u pozitivnoj korelaciji (P<0,01). Razlike u BMP15 i GDF-9 koncentracijama u folikulima ovarijuma i folikularnim cistama, kako je to prikazano studijom, ukazuju da ovi faktori mogu biti povezani sa poremećajima folikulogeneze kod nazimica. Štaviše, broj ovocita u folikulima ovarijuma ne utiče na intrafolikularnu koncentraciju BMP-15 i GDF-9

    Transformation of the second order boundary value problem into integral form - different approaches and a numerical solution

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    In this paper we present different approaches to the transformation of the second order ordinary differential equation, with respect to adequate boundary conditions, into integral equations. The obtained equations are Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. Next, a numerical method based on quadrature methods has been proposed to get an approximate solution of these equations

    The role of selected themes and formats in social media marketing communication of CSR activities

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    PURPOSE: The adoption of sustainability efforts by organisations, which respect people and the environment, has become standard. Nowadays, great importance is attached to the marketing communication of these activities - so that it is authentic and at the same time consistent with the overall marketing strategy. That effects in selection of themes and formats, which were particularly crucial in the undertaken research. Presentation of its results is the purpose of this article.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The authors chose large companies in Poland because of their commitment to helping Ukraine and their overall high level of implementation of CSR solutions. In order to realize the research objective, authors used a netnographic study focused on activities within social media of selected enterprises.FINDINGS: The results of the research include CSR communication matrix of: proenvironmental and pro-social activities, static and dynamic formats, local and global content, product and non-product posts. These results will update and complement the existing knowledge and will serve practitioners in undertaking future activities in the area of CSR-related marketing communication.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Employees of large enterprises responsible for content publication on social media platforms should primarily focus on publishing non-product content related to CSR and strive for a balanced approach between environmentally friendly and socially oriented communication.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The presented article highlights the trends arising from the 2022 published content of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on social media platforms by the top large companies in Poland from the Responsible Companies Report. An analysis of marketing communication also pays attention to the communicative aspects related to the ongoing war in Ukraine in terms of assistance provided by companies operating in Poland.peer-reviewe

    Concept and First Results of Optical Navigational System

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    The paper presents a concept of the optical coastal navigational system. The task of the system is to provide information about object position in coastal areas based on optical information. The system is intended for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles that operate in GPS denied environments. In addition to the concept itself, the paper also outlines the first results achieved during the research on the system

    Effect of photoperiod modulation in American mink males on their testosterone concentrations and mating performance

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    The aim of the study was observation of the effect of light modulation on blood testosterone levels and libido in male American mink. The study was performed on 64 Black Velvet male mink on a farm located in the north-west of Poland. Day length was modified using artificial lighting placed above mink cages. Two variants of lighting programs were applied to males: (I) from 8 of February and (II) from 12 of February. In order to measure blood testosterone concentration samples were collected from males of the experimental groups and the control groups (animals kept under natural light conditions). As a result of the experiment, the males subjected to extended lighting were found to have had slightly higher libido than those outside the treatment, although no strong or clear effect of lighting on the pattern of testosterone levels in male mink has been found. It remains unexplained whether slightly, non-significantly higher libido of the experimental males is related to the applied modulation of photoperiod. In order to unambiguously clarify the effect of day light modulation on the results of males sexual activity, further studies should be performed on a larger population and possibly using modified extended lighting programs