387 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Impacts of Restructuring on the Turkish State-Owned Banks

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    The subject of this research is to compare the performance based on determined criteria of the state owned banks in Turkey before 10 years and after 14 years from 2001 the date they were included in a restructure program. The t-test method is used in the study. According to the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the most successful state-owned bank was Halkbank with a small margin in front of Ziraat Bank after the year that the restructuring program was implemented. Ziraat Bank, as well as having the second most positive development of public banks in terms of analysis ratios, it has almost equal proportions with Halkbank in terms of asset quality and branch ratios. Halkbank is ranked first as usual in terms of branch ratios. All state owned banks are subject to the close rates for branch ratios. When evaluating the performance of public banks in general over a total of 36 criteria, they showed positive development for 26 criteria. That means after the restructuring program that we called 2nd period in the study public banks became more successful based on established criteria

    Global Asymptotic Stability for Discrete Single Species Population Models

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    We present some basic discrete models in populations dynamics of single species with several age classes. Starting with the basic Beverton-Holt model that describes the change of single species we discuss its basic properties such as a convergence of all solutions to the equilibrium, oscillation of solutions about the equilibrium solutions, Allee’s effect, and Jillson’s effect. We consider the effect of the constant and periodic immigration and emigration on the global properties of Beverton-Holt model. We also consider the effect of the periodic environment on the global properties of Beverton-Holt model

    Türkiye’deki ticari bankaların web sitesi performansları

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    The purpose of this paper is to measure the performances of commercial banks’ websites in Turkey by using “MultiCriteria Decision Making” (MCDM). The use of three MCDM methods (AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR) consecutively constitutes the originality of this study. Based on the literature and expert opinions, 6 performance criteria (load time, page speed, markup, speed index, visitors, pageviews) and 5 website analysis tools were determined. First, the significance weights of the criteria were calculated with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Second, the data obtained in the 2-month period were analyzed by TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) methods. “Page speed” was found to be the most important criterion in performance of banks’ websites. Most successful banks in terms of website efficiency are Garanti BBVA, Isbank and QNB Finansbank according to TOPSIS whereas QNB Finansbank, Garanti BBVA and Halkbank according to VIKOR results. It is observed that banks with high deposits and number of branches and employees do not show the same success in website performance. The results are expected to shed light on managers who want to set policies and strategies for digital banking applications.Bu çalışmanın amacı, “Çok Kriterli Karar Verme” (ÇKKV) yöntemlerini kullanarak, Türkiye’deki ticari bankaların web sitesi performanslarını ölçmektir. Bu kapsamda üç ÇKKV yönteminin (AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR) bir arada kullanılması, çalışmanın özgünlüğünü oluşturmaktadır. Literatüre ve uzmanların görüşlerine dayanarak, 6 performans kriteri (yükleme süresi, sayfa hızı, biçimlendirme, hız endeksi, ziyaretçiler, sayfa görünümleri) ve 5 web sitesi analiz aracı belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında AHP (Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci) yöntemi ile kriterlerin önem ağırlıkları hesaplanmıştır. İkinci aşamada, 2 aylık periyotta elde edilen verilerin TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) ve VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) yöntemleri ile analizi yapılmıştır. Bulgulara göre, “sayfa hızı” değişkeninin, banka web sitelerinin performans değerlendirmesinde en önemli kriter olduğu saptanmıştır. TOPSIS yönteminde Garanti BBVA, İş Bankası ve QNB Finansbank web sitesi performansında en başarılı Türk ticari bankaları olmuştur. VIKOR yöntemine göre ise QNB Finansbank, Garanti BBVA ve Halkbank en başarılı bankalardır. Mevduat hacmi büyük, şube ve çalışan sayısı yüksek olan bankaların, web sitesi performansında aynı başarıyı göstermedikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçların, dijital bankacılık uygulamalarına yönelik politika ve strateji belirlemek isteyen yöneticilere ışık tutması beklenmektedir

    Innovation Vision of the Turkish Construction Industry: A Comparative Qualitative Content Analysis of Strategic Roadmaps

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    Construction plays a crucial role in Turkey’s economic development, accounting for nearly 8-9% of GDP.The growing global competitiveness of Turkish contractors also contributes significantly to the balance ofpayments of Turkey. It is widely acknowledged that competitiveness of firms depends on national“innovation systems,” that is shaped by government policy, and an innovation vision is needed at theindustry-level as well as supporting mechanisms such as funding schemes for research and developmentin the priority areas, and platforms to enable knowledge transfer between various stakeholders. In thispaper, we will discuss the innovation vision within the Turkish construction industry, by referring to variousconstruction industry-specific reports. Specifically, we will investigate the vision and conceptualization ofinnovation in the “Construction Industry Roadmap” as a part of the 10th Development Plan that wasprepared by the Turkish Ministry of Development. A comparative study has been carried out between thisreport and a white paper entitled as “Shaping the Future of Construction: Insights to redesign the industry”that was prepared by the World Economic Forum (WEF) by conducting a content analysis using NVivo.Although the content of two documents in terms of the “drivers” and “enablers” of innovation coincides toa large extent, the innovation was approached in a broader sense considering concepts such as “systemicinnovation”, “lessons learned”, “disruptive innovation”, “eco-innovation”, “incremental innovation” and“open source innovation” in the WEF’s report. Potential benefits of looking at the innovation system froma wider lens will be discussed as well as recommendations for further studies

    Basins of Attraction of Period-Two Solutions of Monotone Difference Equations

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    We investigate the global character of the difference equation of the form xn+1 = f (xn, xn–1), n = 0,1, . . . with several period-two solutions, where f is increasing in all its variables. We show that the boundaries of the basins of attractions of different locally asymptotically stable equilibrium solutions or period-two solutions are in fact the global stable manifolds of neighboring saddle or non-hyperbolic equilibrium solutions or period-two solutions. As an application of our results we give the global dynamics of three feasible models in population dynamics which includes the nonlinearity of Beverton-Holt and sigmoid Beverton-Holt types. MSC: 39A10; 39A20; 37B25; 37D1

    Murgul bakır madeni ve çevresindeki toprak ve sedimentlerde meydana gelen ağır metal kirliliğinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Abstract Aim of study: This study focuses on the changes of heavy metal pollution in soil and sediment. Study area: The study area covers Murgul district of Artvin located over the Eastern Black Sea region, Turkey. Material and method: Sampling areas were determined at distances in the direction of surface flow along the stream route where waste water was discharged by assuming the Copper Plant as the central point. A total of 54 soil and 10 sediment samples were taken from sampling points. Main results: The results of analysis of soil and sediment samples indicated that the mean values of Copper, Lead and Zinc were remarkably higher than the threshold values and the soil pH decreased as it moved away from the center point. The contaminated sediments, deposited over the years in the river bank sediments may act as secondary source of pollution to the covering water column in the river. Research highlights: Heavy metals from the soil during the rehabilitation activities to be applied in the mining sites, it is suggested to investigate the phytoremediation techniques, which are very successful and effective methods both economically and ecologically, and to use appropriate plant species in the rehabilitation areasÇalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışmada; toprak ve sedimentteki ağır metal kirliliğinin mesafeye bağlı olarak değişimi ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma alanı: Türkiye’nin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde yer alan Artvin İli, Murgul İlçesi sınırları içerisinde yer alan bakır işletmesi ve güzergâhını kapsamaktadır. Materyal ve yöntem: Örnek alanlar, merkez noktası bakır işletmesi kabul edilerek atık suyun boşaltıldığı dere güzergâhı boyunca yüzeysel akış yönünde belirlenmiştir. Örneklemede toplamda 0-10 ve 10-20 cm derinlik kademelerinden 54 adet toprak ve 0-10 cm derinlik kademesinden ise 10 adet sediment örneği alınmıştır. Temel sonuçlar: Toprak ve sediment örneklerinin ağır metal analiz sonuçlarına bakıldığında özellikle kirletici kaynağa yakın alanlarda Bakır, Kurşun ve Çinko değerlerinin ortalamaları sınır değerlerin çok üzerinde olduğu ve merkez noktadan uzaklaştıkça toprak asitliğinin azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma vurguları: Maden sahalarında yapılacak rehabilitasyon çalışmalarında ağır metallerin topraktan giderilmesine katkı yapmak üzere, hem ekonomik hem de ekolojik bakımdan oldukça başarılı ve etkin bir yöntem olan fitoremediasyon tekniklerinin araştırılması ve uygun bitki türlerinin belirlenerek kullanılması önerilmektedir.Artvin Coruh University: F10.02.0


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    In this study, the financial performances of SMEs listed in the BIST SME Industrial Index are evaluated by using TOPSIS multicriteria decision-making method. The data of the study acquired from annual financial statements that reported between the 2016-2018 period. Financial performance ranks of SMEs are determined for each year and thus comparative financial performances of SMEs are detected.BIST SME Industrial Index is an index that includes stocks of industrial SMEs traded in BIST Stars, BIST Main, and BIST Emerging Companies markets. SMEs have great importance for the Turkish economy, with their dynamizing roles and with their crucial roles in regional development and job creation. According to the Turkey Statistical Institute data, Turkish SMEs constitute 99.8 % of all enterprises in Turkey. At the same time, Turkish SMEs provide 72.7% of total employment, 62% of total sales, and 58% of the total investments of the Turkish Economy.Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is one of the multicriteria decision-making methods that commonly used in the evaluation of financial performances of firms. The TOPSIS method is based on two main points: the positive ideal solution and the negative ideal solution. With the help of the TOPSIS method, the distances positive ideal solutions and negative ideal solutions of all options are calculated. Options are ranked according to their proximity to the positive ideal solution and their distance to the negative ideal solution.

    The Effectiveness Of Pss (Plays, Stories, Songs) Method In Learning English AS A Foreign Language: An Experimental Study At State Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 1 Of Palembang

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the PSS method in teaching English as a foreign language at State Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 1 of Palembang. This study is also to determine the effect of PSS method in improving student learning outcomes.This research is a quantitative researchusingthe classes that already exist as a group, both for the experimental class and the control class, which is estimated at the same condition. The experimental study class consisted of 36 students and a control class also consists of 36 students.The result of the analysis show that the experimental class of 36 students on average score of 4.5 on the learning outcomes of pre-test and 5.97 at post-test. While the control class scored on average of 4.91 on the learning outcomes of the pre-test and 4.97 at post-test. The results of the SPSS hypothesis analysis that has been done in the paired samples t-test show that the mean of the experimental group is -1.472 with standard deviation 2.131. And t value is -4.145, while significant (2-tailed) of 0.000˂0.05. It can be concluded that rejected Ho, and can be said that there is a significant difference of students\u27 achievement before and after the application of PSS method

    Contributions of Enlightenment Movement to Modern Education

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    The Enlightenment is an intellectual movement that emerged as a result of several centuries of processes in Western Europe. The main purpose of this movement is to save people from the tutelage and immaturity. In fact, where the process in which people use their own minds begins, the history of humanity underwent radical changes with the influence of other movements. In the environment where human societies and the systems that serve the society, underwent great changes, the education sector also went through the same processes. Post-enlightenment education, as a requirement of the main argument of enlightenment, was personalized and focused on the development of the individual. Educational models after this process have been in the understanding of educating people who are democratic, secular and fulfill their responsibilities towards their society and state. In addition, different philosophies and approaches in education emerged during this period. Contrary to previous periods, education has spread to the whole society and has been determined as a right that everyone will benefit equally

    Contributions of Enlightenment Movement to Modern Education

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    The Enlightenment is an intellectual movement that emerged as a result of several centuries of processes in Western Europe. The main purpose of this movement is to save people from the tutelage and immaturity. In fact, where the process in which people use their own minds begins, the history of humanity underwent radical changes with the influence of other movements. In the environment where human societies and the systems that serve the society, underwent great changes, the education sector also went through the same processes. Post-enlightenment education, as a requirement of the main argument of enlightenment, was personalized and focused on the development of the individual. Educational models after this process have been in the understanding of educating people who are democratic, secular and fulfill their responsibilities towards their society and state. In addition, different philosophies and approaches in education emerged during this period. Contrary to previous periods, education has spread to the whole society and has been determined as a right that everyone will benefit equally