37 research outputs found
Project management information systems are used to support project management processes. The typical project management processes are defined by the project management methodologies, such as PMBOK. It is necessary to formalize representation of these processes to use them in modelling, analysis and implementation of the project management information systems. The purpose of the article is defined key processes of project management and to identify appropriate techniques and tools for their formal representation. In the article groups of the project management processes are listed and representation techniques such as UML, XPDL and YAWL are evaluated. The comparison of process representation techniques is shows that the most appropriate is XPDL. Guidelines for project management process definition using XPDL are formulated. These formalized processes further will be used in configuration of the project management information systems
Project Management Knowledge Retrieval: Project Classification
Project management knowledge contains a wide range of information that can be accumulated from theory and practice. This knowledge is not always readily available to project manager and that can leave a significant impact on project management efficiency and success. Therefore, this knowledge is necessary to store in the project management knowledge repository and then to retrieve it when necessary. To find this knowledge it is necessary to define attributes for searching relevant projects and knowledge associated with these projects. The objective of this paper is to develop a set of project classification attributes that can be used to describe project characteristics and use them in similarity definition. The project classification attributes are defined as a part of the architecture of project management knowledge retrieval. They are identified by analyzing several project management methodologies and are validated by classifying twenty two empirical information technology projects
Capability driven development: an approach to designing digital enterprises
The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0[EN] The need for organizations to operate in changing environments is addressed by proposing an approach that integrates organizational development with information system (IS) development taking into account changes in the application context of the solution. This is referred to as Capability Driven Development (CDD). A meta-model representing business and IS designs consisting of goals, key performance indicators, capabilities, context and capability delivery patterns, is being proposed. The use of the meta-model is validated in three industrial case studies as part of an ongoing collaboration project, whereas one case is presented in the paper. Issues related to the use of the CDD approach, namely, CDD methodology and tool support are also discussed.This work has been partially supported by the EU-FP7 funded project no: 611351 CaaS - Capability as a Service in Digital Enterprises.Berzisa, S.; Bravos, G.; Cardona Gonzalez, T.; Czubayko, U.; España, S.; Grabis, J.; Henkel, M.... (2015). Capability driven development: an approach to designing digital enterprises. Business and Information Systems Engineering. 57(1):15-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0S1525571ArchiMate (2013) An enterprise modeling language from the Open Group. http://www.opengroup.org/archimate/ . Accessed 3 Dec 2014Asadi M, Ramsin R (2008) MDA-based methodologies: an analytical survey. In: Proceedings Model driven architecture – foundations and applications (ECMDA-FA 2008), LNCS 5095, pp 419–431Barney JB (1991) Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. J Manag 17(1):99–120Bērziša S, Bravos G, Gonzalez Cardona T, Czubayko U, España S, Grabis J, Henke lM, Jokste L, Kampars J, Koc H, Kuhr J, Llorca C, Loucopoulos P, Juanes Pascua lR, Sandkuh lK, Simic H, Stirna J, Zdravkovic J (2014) Deliverable 1.4: Requirements specification for CDD, CaaS – capability as a service for digital enterprises. FP7 project no 611351, Riga Technical University, Latvia. Submitted for reviewBubenko JA Jr, Persson A, Stirna J (2001) User guide of the knowledge management approach using enterprise knowledge patterns. Deliverable D3, IST programme project hypermedia and pattern based knowledge management for smart organisations. project no. IST-2000-28401, Royal Institute of Technology, SwedenBriand LC, Yue T, Labiche Y (2011) A systematic review of transformation approaches between user requirements and analysis models. Requir Eng 16:75–99De Kinderen S, Gordijn J, Akkermans H (2009) Reasoning about customer needs in multi-supplier ICT service bundles using decision models. In: Proceedings 11th international conference on enterprise information systems (ICEIS 2009), pp 131–136Deloitte (2009) Cloud computing: forecasting change. Deloitte Consulting, New York. http://public.deloitte.no/dokumenter/2_Cloud_Computing%5B1%5D.pdf . Accessed 3 Dec 2014Dey A (2001) Understanding and using context. Pers Ubiquitous Comput 5(1):4–7Gamma E, Helm R, Johnson R, Vlissides J (1995) Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software architecture. Addison-Wesley, BostonGomes D, Gonçalves JM, Santos R, Aguiar R (2010) XMPP based context management architecture. In: Proceedings GLOBECOM workshop, IEEE, pp 1372–1377González A, España S, Ruiz M, Pastor Ó (2011) Systematic derivation of class diagrams from communication-oriented business process models. In: 12th working conference on business process modeling, development, and support (BPMDS’11). Springer LNBIP 81, pp 246–260Henkel M, Stirna J (2010) Pondering on the key functionality of model driven development tools: the case of mendix. In: Forbrig P, Günther H (eds) Proceedings business informatics research (BIR 2010), Springer LNBIP 64, pp 146–160Hervas R, Bravo J, Fontecha J (2010) A context model based on ontological languages – a proposal for information visualisation. J Univers Comput Sci 16(12):1539–1555Jarke M, Loucopoulos P, Lyytinen K, Mylopoulos J, Robinson W (2011) The brave new world of design requirements. Information Syst 36(7):992–1008Kaplan RS, Norton DP (2004) Strategy maps: converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes. Harvard Business School Press, BostonKleppe A, Warmer J, Bast W (2013) MDA explained. Addison-Wesley, BostonLoniewski G, Insfran E, Abrahao L (2010) A systematic review of the use of requirements engineering techniques in model-driven development. In: Proceedings model driven engineering languages and systems (MODELS 2010), Part II, LNCS 6395, pp 213–227Mohagheghi P, Dehlen V (2008) Where is the proof? - a review of experiences from applying MDE in industry. In: Proceedings model driven architecture – foundations and applications (ECMDA-FA 2008). LNCS 5095. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 432–443Nilsson AG, Tolis C, Nellborn C (eds) (1999) Perspectives on business modelling: understanding and changing organisations. Springer, HeidelbergOASIS (2011) Reference architecture foundation for service oriented architecture version 1.0, committee specification draft 03/public review draft 02 06 July 2011. http://docs.oasis-open.org/soa-rm/soa-ra/v1.0/soa-ra.pdf . Accessed 3 Dec 2014OMG (2011a) UML superstructure. http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.4.1/ . Accessed 3 Dec 2014OMG (2011b) Business process model and notation. http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/ . Accessed 3 Dec 2014Osterwalder A, Pigneur Y (2003) Modeling value propositions in e-business. Proc 5th international conference on electronic commerce (ICEC 2003). ACM Conference Proceedings Series 50Papazoglou MP, Yang J (2002) Design methodology for web services and business processes. In: Proceedings 3rd international workshop on technologies for e-services (TES 03). LNCS 2444. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 54–64Pastor O, Giachetti G (2010) Linking goal-oriented requirements and model-driven development. In: Intentional perspectives on information systems engineering. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 257–276Porter ME (1985) Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. Free Press, New YorkRuiz M, Costal D, España S, Franch X, Pastor Ó (2014) Integrating the goal and business process perspectives in information system analysis. In: 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2014). LNCS 8484. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 332–346Sheng Q, Yu J, Dustar S (eds) (2010) Enabling context-aware web services: methods, architectures, and technologies. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca RatonSmanchat S, Ling S, Indrawan M (2008) A survey on context-aware workflow adaptations. In: Proceedings 6th international conference on advances in mobile computing and multimedia (MoMM 2008), New York, pp 414–417Stirna J, Grabis J, Henkel M, Zdravkovic J (2012) Capability driven development – an approach to support evolving organizations. In: The practice of enterprise modeling (PoEM 2012). LNBIP 134. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 117–131Vale S, Hammoudi S (2009) COMODE: a framework for the development of context-aware applications in the context of MDE. In: Proceedings 4th international conference on internet and web applications and services (ICIW 2009). IEEE, Venice, pp 261–266Wesenberg H (2011) Enterprise modeling in an agile world. In: Johannesson P, Krogstie J, Opdahl AL (eds) The practice of enterprise modeling (PoEM 2011). LNBIP 92. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 126–130Zdravkovic J, Stirna J, Henkel M, Grabis J (2013) Modeling business capabilities and context dependent delivery by cloud services. In: Proceedings advanced information systems engineering (CAiSE 2013). LNCS 7908. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 369–38
XML-based Specification of the Project Management Domain and Its Application
Project management is a complex process regulated by project management methodologies, standards and other requirements. Different project management information systems are used to support this process. To ensure that the project management information system delivers expected results, it should be configured according requirements of the chosen methodology. In this configuration process XML is used for standardize definition and description of project management requirements. This paper describes structure and application of the aforementioned XML schema, which is referred as XML schema for Configuration of Project Management information systems (XCPM). XCPM is based on a comprehensive project management concept model. Each entity from the concept model can be described using the XCPM schema. The paper also surveys approaches for project management information system configuration. Configuration of the change control process in the project management information system is described to illustrate application of the XCPM
Project Phase Dependent Configuration of Project Management Information Systems
The objective of this paper is to adapt an approach for configuration of project management information systems for definition of requirements that depend upon the user role and project phase
Zināšanu un labās prakses izmantošana projektu vadības informācijas sistēmu konfigurēšanā
Projektu vadības informācijas sistēmas izmanto, lai projektos nodrošinātu informācijas apmaiņu un procesu īstenošanu. Šīs sistēmas tiek konfigurētas atbilstoši uzņēmumā izmantotajai projektu vadības metodoloģijai un konkrēta projekta izvirzītajām prasībām. Promocijas darbā ir risināta atbilstošākās sistēmās konfigurācijas izvēles un ieviešanas problēma. Darba mērķis ir izstrādāt projektu vadības informācijas sistēmu konfigurēšanas pieeju, kas uzņēmumiem ļauj identificēt konkrētajai situācijai atbilstošāko sistēmas konfigurāciju un automatizēt konfigurēšanas procesu.
Izstrādātā pieeja apvieno sevī standartizētu konfigurēšanas prasību aprakstu, zināšanu izmantošanu konfigurācijas sagatavošanas laikā un automatizētu projektu vadības informācijas sistēmu konfigurēšanu. Standartizēts konfigurācijas prasību apraksts ir veidots XML shēmas veidā, kuras pamatā ir projektu vadības problēmapgabala konceptuālais modelis. Projektu vadības zināšanu un sistēmu konfigurēšanas labās prakses izmantošana nodrošina konfigurēšanas ieteikumu ģenerēšanu prasību aprakstīšanas laikā, balstoties uz zināšanu repozitorijā uzkrātās informācijas apstrādi, kas ir apkopota no teorētiskajiem un empīriskajiem datiem un izgūta, izmantojot uz gadījumu balstītas spriešanas pieeju. Transformējot standartizēto konfigurācijas aprakstu uz projektu vadības informācijas sistēmu konfigurācijas apraksta struktūrām, ir iespējams nodrošināt automātisku, projektam nepieciešamās, sistēmas konfigurācijas sagatavošana, atbilstoši izvēlētās projektu vadības informācijas sistēmas konfigurēšanas iespējām.
Darbā izstrādātās pieejas aprobācija ir veikta divās fāzēs. Pirmajā fāzē novērtēta standartizēta konfigurācijas prasību apraksta kvalitāte, aprakstot reālu projektu konfigurācijas prasības. Otrajā fāzē novērtēta zināšanu izmantošanas ietekme uz konfigurāciju kvalitāti, izveidojot konfigurācijas variantu esošam projektam, izmantojot tikai uzkrātās informācijas apstrādes rezultātus.
Promocijas darba apjoms - 196 lappuses, 27 tabulas, 47 attēli, 13 pielikumi, izmantoti 142 literatūras avoti
Application of Project Management Information Systems in Efficiency Improvement of Quality Management System
Project management information systems (PMIS) and quality management system (QMS) are two components in the project oriented organization that helps to achieve required quality of the project product. QMS define quality framework and PMIS helps to ensure quality framework requirement related to the projects. The objective of paper is to evaluate and demonstrate PMIS options for efficiency QMS development and maintenance. QMS requirements are identified according to ISO 9001:2008 standard and PMIS options of efficiency improvement are evaluated according to ISO 9004:2009 self-assessment tool
Project Management Knowledge Retrieval: Project Classification
Project management knowledge contains a wide range of information that can be accumulated from theory and practice. This knowledge is not always readily available to project manager and that can leave a significant impact on project management efficiency and success. Therefore, this knowledge is necessary to store in the project management knowledge repository and then to retrieve it when necessary. To find this knowledge it is necessary to define attributes for searching relevant projects and knowledge associated with these projects. The objective of this paper is to develop a set of project classification attributes that can be used to describe project characteristics and use them in similarity definition. The project classification attributes are defined as a part of the architecture of project management knowledge retrieval. They are identified by analyzing several project management methodologies and are validated by classifying twenty two empirical information technology project
Gamification in Software Development Projects
Gamification is one of the many ways to motivate employees and introduce more fun in daily activities. The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of gamification method on the software development projects. The paper contains results of a literature review about application areas of gamification, methods, positive and negative effects on projects. The paper also presents an overview of the gamification tools used in software development projects and attempts to answer the question about benefits of gamification usage: whether gamification in the project leads to the desired results and increases the employee productivity and motivation
Towards an XML Scheme for Configuration of Project Management Information Systems: Conceptual Modelling
Project management is a complex process which is governed by project management methodologies, standards and other regulatory requirements. This process is supported by project management information systems, which could be configured according to requirements of particular methodologies represented in a standardized manner. This standardized representation is based on a comprehensive project management domain model. However, existing conceptualizations of the project management domain have limited scope. Therefore, this paper proposes to elaborate a comprehensive conceptual model of the project management domain to be used for development of XML schema for configuration of project management information systems. Development of the comprehensive concept model is based on analysis and integration of existing conceptualizations of project management and conceptual model integration. Four existing conceptualizations are integrated, and the integrated project management domain concept model incorporates data, process and knowledge related entities