261 research outputs found

    Demokratiefeindlichkeit : auch ein TĂ€tigkeitsfeld fĂŒr die Soziale Arbeit

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    Die Demokratiefeindlichkeit wird in der Schweiz sichtbarer. Ein Grund dafĂŒr ist das verĂ€nderte Informationsverhalten. Was kann die Soziale Arbeit beitragen, um die Demokratie zu stĂ€rken bzw. Demokratiefeindlichkeit abzuwehren

    Ukrainische FlĂŒchtlinge in der Schweiz : Ergebnisse einer Befragung zu Fluchterfahrungen und zur Lebenssituation

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    Am 24. Februar 2022 begann die Invasion russischer Truppen in die Ukraine und damit ein völkerrechtswidriger Angriffskrieg Russlands. Als Ergebnis sind bislang zehntausende tote Menschen unter der Zivilbevölkerung wie unter den Soldat:innen zu beklagen. Zudem sind ca. 6,3 Millionen Menschen in die europĂ€ischen Nachbarstaaten geflĂŒchtet. In der Schweiz wurden – Stand Ende November 2022 – 70'000 flĂŒchtende Personen aus der Ukraine registriert. Hier erhalten die GeflĂŒchteten den sog. Schutzstatus S, d.h. ein Aufenthaltsrecht, ohne dass ein ordentliches Asylverfahren durchlaufen werden muss.3 Die starke Zuwanderung ukrainischer FlĂŒchtlinge stellte die Behörden, nicht nur in der Schweiz, vor grosse Herausforderungen, insbesondere mit Blick auf die zeitnahe, adĂ€quate Unterbringung und die Bereitstellung von UnterstĂŒtzung zu minimaler Integration. Nur aufgrund der Bereitschaft der Bevölkerung, geflĂŒchtete Personen privat zu beherbergen, konnte die vorlĂ€ufige Unterbringung von allen Schutzsuchenden gewĂ€hrleistet werden. Die vorlĂ€ufige private Unterbringung war anfĂ€nglich auf drei Monate begrenzt und rund drei Viertel der Schutzsuchenden fanden eine Unterkunft in Privathaushalten. Allerdings finden sich Anzeichen dafĂŒr, dass dieses private Engagement nicht dauerhaft aufrechterhalten werden kann. Im Kanton Aargau bspw. sank die Prozentzahl der Schutzsuchenden, welche privat unterbracht werden, im November auf 52 %. Die Flucht von Millionen Menschen innerhalb kurzer Zeit ist ein ungesteuerter, in Teilen chaotischer Prozess. Zu beachten dabei ist, dass insbesondere Frauen, Kinder und Ă€ltere sowie (schwer-)kranke Menschen, d.h. sog. vulnerable Gruppen die Flucht antraten. Schon sehr bald nach Beginn der Fluchtbewegung mehrten sich dann auch die Hinweise darauf, dass diese flĂŒchtenden Personen erhöhten Risiken wie (sexuellen) Übergriffen, Ausbeutung und Menschenhandel ausgesetzt sind – und dies nicht nur wĂ€hrend der Flucht, sondern auch nach der Ankunft in der Schweiz und der Unterbringung sowohl in privaten als auch in Gemeinschafts-UnterkĂŒnften. Bislang liegen jedoch keine systematisch gewonnenen, empirischen Kenntnisse dazu vor, wie die in der Schweiz lebenden geflĂŒchteten Personen aus der Ukraine die Flucht erlebt haben, wie ihre Lebenssituation in der Schweiz derzeit ist und inwieweit sie Viktimisierungen in verschiedenen Bereichen ausgesetzt waren bzw. sind. Standardisierte Befragungen, die eine grössere Anzahl an GeflĂŒchteten erreichen können und dadurch verallgemeinerbare Aussagen zu deren Situation zulassen, liegen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung dieses Berichts zumindest in veröffentlichter und zitierbarer Form nicht vor. Das Institut fĂŒr Delinquenz und KriminalprĂ€vention startete daher bereits im August 2022 mit der DurchfĂŒhrung einer solchen standardisierten Befragung, deren Ergebnisse nachfolgend vorgestellt werden

    Analysis of an artificially triggered avalanche at the nepheline syenite mine on StjernĂžya, Alta, Northern Norway

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    Since 1961, a Nepheline Syenite mine is operated on the island of StjernĂžya in the Altafjord, Northern Norway. The facilities are located in Lillebukt, on the southern side of the island. Above the facilities, the Nabbaren mountain is rising to a height of 727 m a.s.l. Rockfall during summer season and snow avalanches during wintertime pose potential hazards from its slopes. Due to this setting, the mining company has long experience with both physical and non-physical hazard mitigation measures. Apart from physical installations against rockfall and snow avalanches, artificial triggering of the Nabbaren avalanche forms part of this mitigation strategy.The winter of 2013/2014 was characterized by an unusual snow scarcity between December 2013 and March 20, 2014. After this date, large amounts of snow fell during a short period. Due to this new snow loading, together with intensive snowdrift, the mining company decided to artificially trigger the Nabbaren avalanche on April 8, 2014. A D4 slab avalanche was released, subsequently evolving into a mixed dry avalanche of impressive scale. In contrast to avalanches triggered in other years, this avalanche overtopped the avalanche deflecting wall at its one end causing slight damages to some of the factory installations. In order to document the avalanche, an on-site study was carried out shortly after the event. In addition, a WorldView-1 panchromatic satellite image was obtained to map the non-accessible parts of the avalanche. Here, we present findings from the field visit, from image analyses and first modellings of the avalanche run-out

    Avalanche size estimation and avalanche outline determination by experts: reliability and implications for practice

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    Consistent estimates of avalanche size are crucial for communicating not only among avalanche practitioners but also between avalanche forecasters and the public, for instance in public avalanche forecasts. Moreover, applications such as risk management and numerical avalanche simulations rely on accurately mapped outlines of past avalanche events. Since there is not a widely applicable and objective way to measure avalanche size or to determine the outlines of an avalanche, we need to rely on human estimations. Therefore, knowing about the reliability of avalanche size estimates and avalanche outlines is essential as errors will impact applications relying on this kind of data. In the first of three user studies, we investigate the reliability in avalanche size estimates by comparing estimates for 10 avalanches made by 170 avalanche professionals working in Europe or North America. In the other two studies, both completed as pilot studies, we explore reliability in the mappings of six avalanches from oblique photographs from 10 participants and the mappings of avalanches visible on 2.9 km2 of remotely sensed imagery in four different spatial resolutions from 5 participants. We observed an average agreement of 66 % in the most frequently given avalanche size, while agreement with the avalanche size considered “correct” was 74 %. Moreover, European avalanche practitioners rated avalanches significantly larger for 8 out of 10 avalanches, compared to North Americans. Assuming that participants are equally competent in the estimation of avalanche size, we calculated a score describing the factor required to obtain the observed agreement rate between any two size estimates. This factor was 0.72 in our dataset. It can be regarded as the certainty related to a size estimate by an individual and thus provides an indication of the reliability of a label. For the outlines mapped from oblique photographs, we noted a mean overlapping proportion of 52 % for any two avalanche mappings and 60 % compared to a reference mapping. The outlines mapped from remotely sensed imagery had a mean overlapping proportion of 46 % (image resolution of 2 m) to 68 % (25 cm) between any two mappings and 64 % (2 m) to 80 % (25 cm) when compared to the reference. The presented findings demonstrate that the reliability of size estimates and of mapped avalanche outlines is limited. As these data are often used as reference data or even ground truth to validate further applications, the identified limitations and uncertainties may influence results and should be considered

    Automated avalanche mapping from SPOT 6/7 satellite imagery with deep learning: results, evaluation, potential and limitations

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    Spatially dense and continuous information on avalanche occurrences is crucial for numerous safety-related applications such as avalanche warning, hazard zoning, hazard mitigation measures, forestry, risk management and numerical simulations. This information is today still collected in a non-systematic way by observers in the field. Current research has explored the application of remote sensing technology to fill this information gap by providing spatially continuous information on avalanche occurrences over large regions. Previous investigations have confirmed the high potential of avalanche mapping from remotely sensed imagery to complement existing databases. Currently, the bottleneck for fast data provision from optical data is the time-consuming manual mapping. In our study we deploy a slightly adapted DeepLabV3+, a state-of-the-art deep learning model, to automatically identify and map avalanches in SPOT 6/7 imagery from 24 January 2018 and 16 January 2019. We relied on 24 778 manually annotated avalanche polygons split into geographically disjointed regions for training, validating and testing. Additionally, we investigate generalization ability by testing our best model configuration on SPOT 6/7 data from 6 January 2018 and comparing it to avalanches we manually annotated for that purpose. To assess the quality of the model results, we investigate the probability of detection (POD), the positive predictive value (PPV) and the F1 score. Additionally, we assessed the reproducibility of manually annotated avalanches in a small subset of our data. We achieved an average POD of 0.610, PPV of 0.668 and an F1 score of 0.625 in our test areas and found an F1 score in the same range for avalanche outlines annotated by different experts. Our model and approach are an important step towards a fast and comprehensive documentation of avalanche periods from optical satellite imagery in the future, complementing existing avalanche databases. This will have a large impact on safety-related applications, making mountain regions safer

    Safety-for-refugees.ch: eine Informations- und Meldewebseite fĂŒr Ukraine-FlĂŒchtlinge : Schlussbericht

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    Websites in deutscher Sprache sind fĂŒr GeflĂŒchtete eine grosse HĂŒrde. Um diese Menschen besser vor Missbrauch auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und bei Fragen zum Wohnen zu unterstĂŒtzen, wurde eine mehrsprachige Website mit einem Chatbot entwickelt. Das Projekt, die Umsetzung sowie die Auswertung ist Gegenstand des vorliegenden Berichtes

    Massive Arteriovenous Malformation with Stroke-Like Presentation

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    We report of a 75-year-old patient with stroke-like presentation, where cerebral imaging led to the diagnosis of a massive arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of the whole left hemisphere. We suggest considering AVM as a differential diagnosis in patients with symptoms of acute stroke despite age and, in the absence of contraindications, in this setting to obtain MRI or CT angiography of the brain
