9 research outputs found

    Upstream sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow : observations from a high-resolution mooring array

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 112 (2016): 94-112, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.02.007.We present the first results from a densely instrumented mooring array upstream of the Denmark Strait sill, extending from the Iceland shelfbreak to the Greenland shelf. The array was deployed from September 2011 to July 2012, and captured the vast majority of overflow water denser than 27.8 kgm-3 approaching the sill. The mean transport of overflow water over the length of the deployment was 3.54 ± 0.16 Sv. Of this, 0.58 Sv originated from below sill depth, revealing that aspiration takes place in Denmark Strait. We confirm the presence of two main sources of overflow water: one approaching the sill in the East Greenland Current and the other via the North Icelandic Jet. Using an objective technique based on the hydrographic properties of the water, the transports of these two sources are found to be 2.54 ± 0.17 Sv and 1.00 ± 0.17 Sv, respectively. We further partition the East Greenland Current source into that carried by the shelfbreak jet (1.50 ± 0.16 Sv) versus that transported by a separated branch of the current on the Iceland slope (1.04 ± 0.15 Sv). Over the course of the year the total overflow transport is more consistent than the transport in either branch; compensation takes place among the pathways that maintains a stable total overflow transport. This is especially true for the two East Greenland Current branches whose transports vary out of phase with each other on weekly and longer time scales. We argue that wind forcing plays a role in this partitioning.The mooring and analysis work was supported by NSF OCE research grants OCE-0959381 and OCE-1433958, by the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013) under grant agreement n. 308299 NACLIM, and and by the Research Council of Norway through the Fram Centre Flaggship project 6606-299.2017-03-2

    Upstream sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow : observations from a high-resolution mooring array

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 112 (2016): 94-112, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.02.007.We present the first results from a densely instrumented mooring array upstream of the Denmark Strait sill, extending from the Iceland shelfbreak to the Greenland shelf. The array was deployed from September 2011 to July 2012, and captured the vast majority of overflow water denser than 27.8 kgm-3 approaching the sill. The mean transport of overflow water over the length of the deployment was 3.54 ± 0.16 Sv. Of this, 0.58 Sv originated from below sill depth, revealing that aspiration takes place in Denmark Strait. We confirm the presence of two main sources of overflow water: one approaching the sill in the East Greenland Current and the other via the North Icelandic Jet. Using an objective technique based on the hydrographic properties of the water, the transports of these two sources are found to be 2.54 ± 0.17 Sv and 1.00 ± 0.17 Sv, respectively. We further partition the East Greenland Current source into that carried by the shelfbreak jet (1.50 ± 0.16 Sv) versus that transported by a separated branch of the current on the Iceland slope (1.04 ± 0.15 Sv). Over the course of the year the total overflow transport is more consistent than the transport in either branch; compensation takes place among the pathways that maintains a stable total overflow transport. This is especially true for the two East Greenland Current branches whose transports vary out of phase with each other on weekly and longer time scales. We argue that wind forcing plays a role in this partitioning.The mooring and analysis work was supported by NSF OCE research grants OCE-0959381 and OCE-1433958, by the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013) under grant agreement n. 308299 NACLIM, and and by the Research Council of Norway through the Fram Centre Flaggship project 6606-299.2017-03-2

    Tides and Transport: Application to Lofoten and Vester°alen, Northern Norway

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    Tides are important drivers for the motion in many coastal seas. While tides mainly move water back and forth, the interaction between tidal currents and topography might induce residual currents and fluxes, providing an important transport component. The coastal sea around Lofoten and VesterÄlen is an area where strong tidal currents interact with complex coastlines and topography. However, the tidally-induced transport has gained little attention. The coastal sea around Lofoten and VesterÄlen is the main spawning ground for the Northeast Arctic cod, the most important species in Norwegian fisheries. The recruitment of this fish stock depends on ocean currents transporting eggs and larvae to its nursing ground in the Barents Sea. Thus, to identify vulnerable areas and predict fish recruitment for sustainable fisheries management, understanding the processes determining transport pathways is vital. This thesis shows the importance of tidally-induced transport in Lofoten and VesterÄlen. The thesis comprises theoretical and model studies investigating different transport processes and a comparison study on particle transport with and without tides. The results show that tides largely impact the particle transport in the region, both by increasing the transport from a spawning-ground in Vestfjorden to the shelf and by influencing which routes the particles take

    Flow separation, dipole formation, and water exchange through tidal straits

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    We investigate the formation and evolution of dipole vortices and their contribution to water exchange through idealized tidal straits. Self-propagating dipoles are important for transporting and exchanging water properties through straits and inlets in coastal regions. In order to obtain a robust dataset to evaluate flow separation, dipole formation and evolution, and the effect on water exchange, we conduct 164 numerical simulations, varying the width and length of the straits as well as the tidal forcing. We show that dipoles form and start propagating at the time of flow separation, and their vorticity originates in the velocity front formed by the separation. We find that the dipole propagation velocity is proportional to the tidal velocity amplitude and twice as large as the dipole velocity derived for a dipole consisting of two point vortices. We analyze the processes creating a net water exchange through the straits and derive a kinematic model dependent on dimensionless parameters representing strait length, dipole travel distance, and dipole size. The net tracer transport resulting from the kinematic model agrees closely with the numerical simulations and provides an understanding of the processes controlling net water exchange

    Flow separation, dipole formation, and water exchange through tidal straits

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    We investigate the formation and evolution of dipole vortices and their contribution to water exchange through idealized tidal straits. Self-propagating dipoles are important for transporting and exchanging water properties through straits and inlets in coastal regions. In order to obtain a robust dataset to evaluate flow separation, dipole formation and evolution, and the effect on water exchange, we conduct 164 numerical simulations, varying the width and length of the straits as well as the tidal forcing. We show that dipoles form and start propagating at the time of flow separation, and their vorticity originates in the velocity front formed by the separation. We find that the dipole propagation velocity is proportional to the tidal velocity amplitude and twice as large as the dipole velocity derived for a dipole consisting of two point vortices. We analyze the processes creating a net water exchange through the straits and derive a kinematic model dependent on dimensionless parameters representing strait length, dipole travel distance, and dipole size. The net tracer transport resulting from the kinematic model agrees closely with the numerical simulations and provides an understanding of the processes controlling net water exchange

    On group velocity and spatial damping of diurnal continental shelf waves

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    Diurnal continental shelf waves (CSWs) are studied theoretically for an idealized shelf topography. Wave attenuation is caused by the exchange of fluid on the sloping shelf with an inner region through a permeable coastline. As an example, we consider the region outside Lofoten-VesterÄlen in north Norway. Here CSWs with diurnal tidal frequencies are possible in a small wave number range centered around zero group velocity. A previous investigation with a Robin condition (a weighted combination of Dirichlet and Neumann conditions) at the permeable boundary has shown that the spatial damping coefficient becomes infinitely large when the group velocity of the CSWs approaches zero. Here we demonstrate that this is not a result of the mathematical formulation, but reflects a physical reality. We show this by modelling the highly convoluted inner archipelagic region as a series of densely packed vertical Hele Shaw cells. By comparing the two ways of describing a permeable coastal boundary (Robin/Hele Shaw), we may express the Robin parameter in terms of the physical parameters (permeability, eddy viscosity) that characterize the flow on the inner porous shelf. The radiation stresses that drive the Lagrangian mean currents are the same in the two cases. This means that the spatial mean current distribution over the sloping shelf becomes unaltered when we compare the Robin case and the porous inner shelf case

    Diurnal continental shelf waves with a permeable coastal boundary: Application to the shelf northwest of Norway

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    Spatially damped continental shelf waves (CSWs) with diurnal tidal frequency outside Lofoten–VesterĂ„len in north-west Norway are studied theoretically for an idealized shelf topography. Wave damping is caused by the exchange of fluid on the shelf with an inner archipelago through a permeable coastline. This exchange is modelled by the application of a Robin condition at the coastal boundary. It is shown that CSWs with diurnal frequencies are possible in a small wave number range centred around zero group velocity. By calculating the nonlinear radiation stress components in the spatially damped CSWs, we find the time- and depth averaged Lagrangian mean drift current to second order along the coast. We show that the Lagrangian mean drift current is independent of the value of the damping coefficient, however small, as long as it is nonzero. This illustrates the singular behaviour of the Lagrangian wave drift problem for CSWs

    Rectified tidal transport in Lofoten–VesterĂ„len, northern Norway

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    Vestfjorden in northern Norway, a major spawning ground for the northeast Arctic cod, is sheltered from the continental shelf and open ocean by the Lofoten–VesterĂ„len archipelago. The archipelago, however, is well known for hosting strong and vigorous tidal currents in its many straits, currents that can produce significant time-mean tracer transport from Vestfjorden to the shelf outside. We use a purely tidally driven unstructured-grid ocean model to look into non-linear tidal dynamics and the associated tracer transport through the archipelago. Of particular interest are two processes: tidal pumping through the straits and tidal rectification around islands. The most prominent tracer transport is caused by tidal pumping through the short and strongly non-linear straits Nordlandsflaget and Moskstraumen near the southern tip of the archipelago. Here, tracers from Vestfjorden are transported tens of kilometers westward out on the outer shelf. Further north, weaker yet notable tidal pumping also takes place through the longer straits Nappstraumen and GimsĂžystraumen. The other main transport route out of Vestfjorden is south of the island of RĂžst. Here, the transport is primarily due to tracer advection by rectified anticyclonic currents around the island. There is also an anticyclonic circulation cell around the island group Mosken–VĂŠrĂžy, and both cells have flow speeds up to 0.2 m s−1, magnitudes similar to the observed background currents in the region. These high-resolution simulations thus emphasize the importance of non-linear tidal dynamics for transport of floating particles, like cod eggs and larvae, in the region

    Rectified tidal transport in Lofoten–VesterĂ„len, northern Norway

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    Vestfjorden in northern Norway, a major spawning ground for the northeast Arctic cod, is sheltered from the continental shelf and open ocean by the Lofoten–VesterĂ„len archipelago. The archipelago, however, is well known for hosting strong and vigorous tidal currents in its many straits, currents that can produce significant time-mean tracer transport from Vestfjorden to the shelf outside. We use a purely tidally driven unstructured-grid ocean model to look into non-linear tidal dynamics and the associated tracer transport through the archipelago. Of particular interest are two processes: tidal pumping through the straits and tidal rectification around islands. The most prominent tracer transport is caused by tidal pumping through the short and strongly non-linear straits Nordlandsflaget and Moskstraumen near the southern tip of the archipelago. Here, tracers from Vestfjorden are transported tens of kilometers westward out on the outer shelf. Further north, weaker yet notable tidal pumping also takes place through the longer straits Nappstraumen and GimsĂžystraumen. The other main transport route out of Vestfjorden is south of the island of RĂžst. Here, the transport is primarily due to tracer advection by rectified anticyclonic currents around the island. There is also an anticyclonic circulation cell around the island group Mosken–VĂŠrĂžy, and both cells have flow speeds up to 0.2 m s−1, magnitudes similar to the observed background currents in the region. These high-resolution simulations thus emphasize the importance of non-linear tidal dynamics for transport of floating particles, like cod eggs and larvae, in the region