511 research outputs found

    Analysis of four PCR/SNaPshot multiplex assays analyzing 52 SNPforID markers

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    The SNPforID consortium identified a panel of 52 SNPs forensic analysis that has been used by several laboratories worldwide. The original analysis of the 52 SNPs was based on a single multiplex reaction followed by two single-base-extension (SBE) reactions each of which was analyzed using capillary electrophoresis. The SBE assays were designed for high throughput genetic analyzers and were difficult to use on the single capillary ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer and the latest generation 3500 Genetic Analyzer, as sensitivity on the 310 was low and separation of products on the 3500 with POP-7™ was poor. We have modified the original assay and split it into four multiplex reactions, each followed by an SBE assay. These multiplex assays were analyzed using polymer POP-4™ on ABI 310 PRISM® and polymers POP-4™, POP-6™ and POP-7™ on the 3500 Genetic Analyzer. The assays were sensitive and reproducible with input DNA as low as 60 pg using both the ABI 310 and 3500. In addition, we found that POP-6™ was most effective with the 3500, based on the parameters that we assessed, achieving better separation of the small SBE products; this conflicted with the recommended use of POP-7™ by the instrument manufacturer. To support the use of the SNP panel in casework in Malaysia we have created an allele frequency database from 325 individuals, representing the major population groups within Malaysia. Population and forensic parameters were estimated for all populations and its efficacy evaluated using 51 forensic samples from challenging casework

    Energy Efficient Control of a Boosting System with Multiple Variable-Speed Pumps in Parallel

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    Optimal Scheduling and Control of a Multi-Pump Boosting System

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    Seniorarbejdslivet skal være både bedre og længere

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    Vores velfærdssamfund drives af, at dem, der kan, bidrager. I takt med at vi lever længere, og det generelle sundhedsniveau løbende er blevet forbedret, er det glædeligt, at danskerne i stigende grad vælger at tage nogle ekstra år på arbejdsmarkedet. Alligevel kan vi se, at de 60-64 årige i mindre grad arbejder end den øvrige befolkning. Samtidig peger fl ere studier på, at mange gerne vil arbejde så længe som muligt. Derfor nedsatte den daværende regering i maj 2018 Seniortænketanken til at komme med anbefalinger til, hvordan kvaliteten i seniorarbejdslivet kan forbedres, så vi kan give fl ere seniorer, der kan og vil, lyst til og mulighed for at blive længere på arbejdsmarkedet. Nu har vi i tænketanken afsluttet arbejdet og kommer derfor med anbefalinger til regeringen. I denne kronik vil jeg komme ind på de udfordringer, der har været udgangspunktet for Seniortænketankens arbejde, samt de virkemidler, vi i tænketanken vurderer kan hjælpe fl ere til at blive længere på arbejdsmarkedet
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