20 research outputs found

    Chronology of Weichselian main ice marginal positions in north-eastern Germany

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    Bisher basierte die Chronologie des Weichsel-Pleniglazials in Nord-Ost-Deutschland im Wesentlichen auf morphostratigraphischen Befunden und Radiokohlenstoffdatierungen organischer Sedimente aus dem Liegenden glazigener Ablagerungen. Im Laufe der letzen Jahre kamen im Rahmen verschiedener Studien Datierungsmethoden zum Einsatz, mit deren Hilfe es möglich war, die glazigenen Sedimente direkt zu datieren: Optisch Stimulierte Lumineszenz (OSL) von glazifluvialen Sedimenten und OberflĂ€chen-Expositionsdatierungen (surface exposure dating, SED) von erratischen Blöcken. Wir fassen die Ergebnisse dieser Studien zusammen und bewerten sie auf der Grundlage eines prozessbasierten Interpretationsschemas neu, um somit eine neue Chronologie fĂŒr die weichselzeitlichen Haupteisrandlagen in Nord-Ost-Deutschland vorstellen zu können. Auf der Grundlage der verfĂŒgbaren Daten lassen sich zwei Phasen wĂ€hrend des letzten Glazials nachweisen, wobei die Brandenburger Phase einen Eisvorstoß im spĂ€ten Marinen Isotopenstadium (MIS) 3 bis frĂŒhen MIS 2 reprĂ€sentiert, wĂ€hrend die Pommersche Phase einen Eisvorstoß widerspiegelt, der seinen Maximalstand um ~20 ka erreichte. Hinsichtlich der endgültigen Stabilisierung der GelĂ€ndeoberflĂ€chen nach der initialen Eisfreiwerdung zeigt sich eine hohe AbhĂ€ngigkeit von Phasen aktiver Transformation unter periglazialen Bedingungen. Erste Ergebnisse numerischer Datierungen deuten auf eine solche AktivitĂ€tsphase um ~15 ka hin.researc

    Lithostratigraphical studies in the outcrop at Ujscie, TorĂșn-Eberswalde Pradolina, western Poland

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    Der Aufschluß in Usch liegt am SĂŒdrand des Thorn-Eberswalder Urstromtales zwischen der Frankfurter Staffel und dem Pommerschen Stadium. Die rund 50 m mĂ€chtige Sedimentfolge wird aus vier GeschiebemergelbĂ€nken mit zwischengeschalteten glazifluvialen Sanden gebildet. Neben Geschiebeeinregelungsmessungen, granulometrischen Analysen und der Bestimmung des Karbonatgehaltes liegt der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen in den petrographischen Analysen der Kiesanteile der Geschiebemergel in der Fraktion 4 - 12,5 mm und in der Leitgeschiebebestimmung. Beide Methoden geben Erkenntnisse ĂŒber Eisfließrichtungen im Inlandeis. Der oberste Geschiebemergel (Kolmarer Staffel) enthĂ€lt viel ostbaltisches Material mit Åland-Graniten, vielen palĂ€ozoischen Kalksteinen und relativ vielen devonischen Dolomiten. Der zweite Gechiebemergel (Brandenburger-Frankfurter Stadium) enthĂ€lt im Vergleich dazu weniger ostbaltisches Material und weniger palĂ€ozoische Kalke, dagegen nimmt der Feuerstein-Anteil etwas zu, was ebenfalls auf ein weiter westlich gelegenes Herkunftsgebiet hinweist. Der dritte Geschiebemergel hat saalezeitliches Alter; die zahlreichen Dolomite sowie die sonstige Geschiebezusammensetzung weisen wieder auf ein ostbaltisches Herkunftsgebiet hin, das typisch fĂŒr warthezeitliche Glazialablagerungen ist. Der unterste Geschiebemergel mit Geschieben aus Dalarna und SmĂ„land lĂ€ĂŸt auf einen Eistransport aus Norden schließen. Diese MorĂ€ne ist wahrscheinlich ebenfalls saalezeitlich, ein elsterzeitliches Alter kann jedoch nicht völlig ausgeschlossen werden.researc

    Late Quaternary landform evolution and sedimentary successions in the Miaoli Tableland, northwestern Taiwan

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    Elevated Quaternary sedimentary complexes in the western foreland of the central mountain ranges of Taiwan are called tablelands. Their mostly flat surfaces are deeply incised by fluvial processes. The landforms and the fluvial systems in the Miaoli Tableland are investigated by high-resolution terrain analyses based on different datasets. Sediments are described in 51 outcrops and characterized by grain size composition. The outcrops revealed complete or incomplete sequences of the general scheme from bottom to top: sandy tidal–coastal units overlain by gravel- and cobble-rich fluvial deposits always with a fine-grained silt-rich top cover layer influenced by aeolian deposits. All layers are unconsolidated sediments. Three subtypes of this sequence were identified, with respect to the occurrence of the fluvial deposits. The relation of tectonic and erosional processes including the rework of gravels is discussed. The results reveal a tableland surface much more disaggregated than previously mapped, suggesting that individual tableland segments represent remnants of an inferred palaeotopography. The tableland surfaces have been separated into Sedimentary Highlands (SH-I and SH-II) and Sedimentary Terraces (ST) by geometrical properties. The Alluvial and Coastal Plains (AL) represent broad valley bottoms (“box-shaped valleys”) in the dendritic drainage systems below 150 m and the coastal plains. The landforms and predominantly the sediment sequences are discussed in the context of the existing stratigraphical schemes of the Toukoshan Formation and the so far rarely used Lungkang Formation. The latter is recommended as the stratigraphical term for the refined subdivision of the uppermost part of late Quaternary sediments in the Miaoli Tableland

    Neubewertung der geomorphologischen Entwicklung der Umgebung des Rangsdorfer Sees

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    FĂŒr eine Neubewertung der geomorphologischen Entwicklung der Umgebung des Rangsdorfer Sees wurde eine Strategie entwickelt, die die technischen Analysemöglichkeiten eines GIS mit der geomorphologischen Arbeit im GelĂ€nde kombiniert. Die digitale Aufarbeitung von geologischen und topographischen Karten verschiedenen Alters bildet die Datengrundlage fĂŒr die Arbeit im GIS. Im Zentrum stand hierbei die Aktualisierung der Preußischen Geologischen Karten aus dem ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert. Nach der Verschneidung dieser Daten mit einem eigens erstellten DGM konnte ein vorlĂ€ufiges Modell zur geomorphologischen Entwicklung mit folgenden wesentlichen Punkten erstellt werden: Ein durch saalezeitliche Stauchungskomplexe vorgeprĂ€gtes Ausgangsrelief unterliegt weichselzeitlich einer intensiven Zerschneidung durch subglaziale SchmelzwĂ€sser. Im Zuge der Eisfreiwerdung kommt es zu subaerischen AbflĂŒssen mit vorwiegend akkumulierender Wirkung und damit in den Rinnenbereichen zur VerschĂŒttung großer Mengen an Toteis, deren spĂ€teres Austauen zur Entstehung einer ausgedehnten Seenlandschaft fĂŒhrt. Im SpĂ€tglazial werden DĂŒnen aufgeweht. Im HolozĂ€n dominieren akkumulative Prozesse, was eine Nivellierung des Reliefs zur Folge hat. Bei der Verifizierung dieses Modells mit Hilfe von GelĂ€ndearbeiten zeigte sich, dass die saalezeitliche VorprĂ€gung des Reliefs von noch grĂ¶ĂŸerer Bedeutung ist als zunĂ€chst angenommen: Sowohl die Vollformen als auch die Tiefenlinien waren bereits saalezeitlich angelegt. Für das Weichsel-Glazial konnte die auf den HochflĂ€chen vorwiegend glazial-erosive und im Bereich der Niederungen vorwiegend glazial-akkumulative PrĂ€gung bestĂ€tigt werden.researc

    Late Quaternary formation of the Miaoli Tableland in northwest Taiwan, an interplay of tectonic uplift and fluvial processes dated by OSL

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    The “tablelands” in Taiwan are sedimentary terraces occurring in the foreland basin west of the Neogene mountain ranges. The Miaoli Tableland consists of elevated Late Quaternary sedimentary successions, representing a change from tidal to coastal and fluvial to eolian depositional environments. The present-day morphology is a result of combined processes, including differential tectonic uplift, ongoing fluvial aggradation, and incision. Selected deposits in 10 outcrops were sampled and studied by optical dating. The deposition of fluvial sediments started after the last interglacial (<100 ka) in the southeast of the tablelands. Uplift and sea-level lowering caused a base-level fall, resulting in a stepwise redeposition of the fluvial sediments. Additionally, enhanced remobilization of fluvial sediments occurred during the cold/dry climate during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stages (MIS) 4 and 2. The depositional ages of the coastal sediments enabled the estimation of long-term uplift rates of ca. 0.5 to 3.5 mm/yr. The eolian cover sediments yielded MIS 3 (east) to Holocene ages (west). Our results provide new insight into the interplay of climate, sea-level changes, remobilization of sediments, and tectonism leading to tableland formation during the Late Quaternary

    From the northern ice shield to the Alpine glaciations

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    The route of the field trip described in this excursion guide follows a section through Germany from North to South, from the area of the Northern glaciation, to the Alpine glacial advances. It includes several places of historical importance, where milestones in Quaternary research have been achieved in the past, as well as new interesting sites where results of recent research is presented.excursionguid

    Glaciations and periglacial features in Central Europe

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    Taipei et son patrimoine (Taipei and its heritage)

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    Summary. - Taipei, the capital of the Republic of China, is located on the island of Formosa. The original inhabitants of the island were not Chinese, but an increasing number of Chinese people have come to Formosa since the 17th century. At that time, the Dutch and the Spanish tried to colonize the island. However, in 1683 Formosa was integrated into the Chinese Empire. Taipei was founded in 1875 as the seat of a prefecture. The rectangular pattern of that time is still to be seen, and has been continued during the different phases of the city's enlargement within the basin in which Taipei is situated. During the Japanese period (1895-1945) Taipei grew considerably and the foundation of educational institutions and the governmental buildings have given the city a new aspect. After the Republic of China was founded in 1949, Chiang Kai Shek chose Taipei as the capital as well. Taipei was the key to the rapid urbanisation of the whole surrounding area. As a modern city, a center of higher education and of international trade, Taipei represents an interesting mixture of modern high-tech, an economically powerful capital, and Chinese traditions.RĂ©sumĂ©. - Taipei, capitale de la RĂ©publique de Chine est situĂ©e sur l'Ăźle de Formose. Cette Ăźle dont les habitants indigĂšnes ne sont pas des Chinois a vu croĂźtre sa population chinoise depuis le XVIIe siĂšcle. ParallĂšlement, l'Ăźle a connu des tentatives de colonisation par les Hollandais et les Espagnols. Les Chinois ont gouvernĂ© Formose dĂšs 1683. La ville de Taipei ne fut fondĂ©e qu'en 1875 comme siĂšge prĂ©fectoral. Son plan rectangulaire, encore bien visible, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©largi au cours de l 'urbanisation de tout le bassin dans lequel elle se trouve. Pendant l'Ă©poque japonaise (1895-1945), Taipei a Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rablement agrandie. Les bĂątiments des institutions Ă©ducatives ainsi que les bĂątiments gouvernementaux ont toujours marquĂ© de leur empreinte la ville de Taipei. AprĂšs la crĂ©ation de la RĂ©publique de Chine en 1949, Chiang Kai Shek avait Ă©galement choisi cette ville comme capitale. Au cours des deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, Taipei a jouĂ© le rĂŽle d'un noyau d'urbanisation rapide pour sa banlieue. Taipei, cette ville moderne, ce centre Ă©ducatif et de commerce international, est un mĂ©lange intĂ©ressant oĂč se cĂŽtoient la modernitĂ© d'une capitale de puissance Ă©conomique et les traditions chinoises.Böse Margot. Taipei et son patrimoine (Taipei and its heritage). In: Bulletin de l'Association de gĂ©ographes français, 79e annĂ©e, 2002-3 ( septembre). Terroirs, patrimoine et pays, sous la direction de Henri Rougier. pp. 325-331

    Die geomorphologische Entwicklung im westlichen Berlin nach neueren stratigraphischen Untersuchungen

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    Summary: Berlin is situated in a region whose relief was formed by the Brandenburg advance of the Weichselian glaciation. The morphogenesis and age of these relief forms were investigated, especially as various authors have expressed different opinions: 1. ASSMANN (1957) established the existence of two Weichselian tills, which are also marked on the geological maps of Berlin, whereas CEPEK (1972) found only one Weichselian till south of the Pomeranian end moraines in the GDR. 2. The formation of the prominent surface forms of the Grunewald and its southern continuation east of the Havel were classified as Saale period by BERENDT (1899) and SOLGER (1958), whereas other authors (WOLDSTEDT, 1961; ASSMANN, 1957; HAGEDORN & HÖVERMANN, 1962; MOLLE & SCHULZ, 1975) consider them to be Weichselian. Sandpits were preferred for the investigations since they offer better possibilities for methodic study and show more easily recognizable sedimentary patterns than drillings. The most important stratigraphic methods used were pollen analysis, radiocarbon dating and the analysis of pebbles and boulders. The sandpit at Berlin-Kladow proved to be the most important exposure because of its clearly classifiable key horizons. A late Saalian periglacial drop soil was exposed over Saalian glacioïŹ‚uvial sands. On top of this was a layer of mud and peat, dated as Eemian by pollen analysis. A layer of sand separated this mud/peat layer from overlying layers of Weichselian interstadial organogenic and calcareous sediments, remains of a Lower-Weichselian till, consisting of local material in a sandy facies. This series was topped by 15-m-thick glacioïŹ‚uvial sands and a second Weichselian till. Both tills contained the range of gravel which, according to CEPEK (1536?), is typical for the Weichselian glacial period, and differed clearly from the underlying Saalian material. This is the first time that two Weichselian tills were found on top of interglacial sediments south of the Pomeranian ice marginal grounds. Key horizons like the Eemian deposits at Kladow do not exist in the other sandpits, so only lithofacial and morphological investigations were possible. It was not always possible to distinguish Saalian from Weichselian sediments by means of pebble and boulder analysis. At the bottom of the sandpit at the Postfenn, on the eastern slope of the Grunewald hills, a till was found at an altitude of 35 m above sea level. This means that the Grunewald hills have a Saalian core. It seems that the overlying stratiïŹed sands are Weichselian and that the second Weichselian ice advance is documented here by these pushed sands. However, the surface till cannot be dated by pebble and boulder analyses unless the many young surface forms are morphologically interpreted. It was not possible to date the sediments in the Potsdamer Chaussee sandpit, situated, like the Kladow sandpit, on the eastern Nauen till plain, on the basis of pebble and boulder analyses because their Saalian composition contradicts the morphological situation. Up to now the furthest inland ice advances were dated only from radiocarbon dates from icefree areas. In order to obtain a more precise date, radiocarbon analyses were made of samples of organic material from glacioïŹ‚uvial sands. At Kladow, interglacial and interstadial deposits were also analysed. The results were surprising: In the Pleistocene sands contaminations are possible up to a depth of 18 m below the surface and cannot be eliminated by separating the organogenic remains of humic acids by means of NaOH. Several separate analyses of components insoluble by NaOH and of humic acids from the same samples gave a greater age for the humic acids than for the other components. Thus all radiocarbon dates only give minimum ages and have no chronostratigraphic value. From a methodological point of view, the following results were obtained: Scepticism seems justified with regard to all radiometric dates that cannot be checked by another method, e. g. pollen analysis of interglacial sediments. This is the case with all allochthonous material and is probably true of most 14C dates. Pollen analysis supplied a clear stratigraphic classification for the Eem interglacial, but for the interstadial it was only able to document a short period of vegetational evolution whose exact age is unknown. Pebble and boulder counts proved to be still unsatisfactory as no systematic relationship to the morphology could be established, even in a small study area. A morphological interpretation of these results indicates the existence of two ice covers in this area at the maximum of the Weichselian glaciation: 1. Under periglacial climatic conditions, the long pre-Weichselian depressions, such as the Havel and Grunewaldseen "Rinnen”, acted as spillways for the advancing ice sheet. 2. The first ice advance came from the N and NE, depositing the Grunewald sands as a frontal apron. The “Grunewaldrinne" (a long depression east of the Grunewald hills) diverted the meltwater away from the Saalian core of the hills. 3. When the ice sheet reached the far edge of the Brandenburg stage south of Berlin the entire area was covered by ice, but east of the Havel near the Grunewald hills there ran the seam joining the Brandenburg and the Berlin ice streams (BEHRMANN, 1949/50), so that the ice there was less thick. 4. During the melting phase the ice melted most quickly along this seam, and sand was deposited in kame-form between the east- and west-lying stagnant ice. 5. The ice melted over the whole area; only the depressions were still filled by dead ice. 6. A second ice advance, particularly marked on the Nauen till plain. followed a main route from NW, with a secondary push direction from NE. It compressed the kames east of the Havel into push-moraines, leaving the dead ice remains in front of them in the Grunewald channel, and formed the hills stretching from SE to NW across the Nauen plain (Zedlitz Berg, Krampnitz Berg, Langer Berg, Hitz-Berge, Schwarzer Berg). During this second advance, the Teltow till plain was either free of ice, with the glacier edge on the southern margin of the Berlin spillway. or covered by only thin ice, which soon melted again. Thus the meltwater of the bigger western ice stream flowed over the Grunewald hills and changed the sands of the Grunewald crest into a gentle slope inclining from W to E, in the opposite direction to their original deposition (MOLLE & SCHUIZ, 1975). 7. During the melting of the last ice advance. kames terraces were formed in places along the W-slope of the Grunewald hills. Translation by A. BeckresearchDFG, SUB Göttingen, FU Berli

    De la morphostratigraphie à la chronostratigraphie. La géomorphologie quaternaire moderne comme fondement aux recherches sur le climat

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    Lors de la préparation de la conférence internationale de géomorphologie (IAG) à Paris en 2013, nous avons discuté avec nos collÚgues français et ceux d'autres pays des propositions de sessions. Hanna Bremer, géomorphologue allemande internationalement reconnue, a participé de maniÚre informelle à cette discussion et proposé une session portant sur le Quaternaire. Je me suis impliquée dans ce projet comme géomorphologue et présidente de l'association allemande de l'étude du Quaternaire (DEUQU..