37 research outputs found

    Unter UnzuverlÀssigkeitsverdacht

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    In Valerij Brjusovs ErzĂ€hlung „Respublika JuĆŸnogo Kresta“ (1904–1905), die in Form einer Reportage gestaltet ist, berichtet ein Journalist von einer Epidemie in einer futuristischen Republik am SĂŒdpol. Obwohl er mehrfach betont, dass sich sein Bericht einzig auf belegbares Faktenmaterial stĂŒtzen wĂŒrde, hat der Rezipient gute GrĂŒnde, an der GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit des Reporters zu zweifeln, da sich seine Fakten als zweifelhaft herausstellen. In der Diplomarbeit wird die These aufgestellt, dass es sich bei dem Journalisten um einen „UnzuverlĂ€ssigen ErzĂ€hler“ handelt. In der Forschungsliteratur zu dieser Science-Fiction-ErzĂ€hlung wird gemeinhin die Ansicht vertreten, dass im Text die Ereignisse der Russischen Revolution von 1905 ihren Niederschlag finden. In diesen Interpretationen wird aber die Bedeutung der erzĂ€hlerischen Mittel ĂŒbersehen. Im Anschluss an eine Übersicht ĂŒber die Publikationsgeschichte und den Forschungsstand werden die erzĂ€hlerischen und stilistischen Besonderheiten herausgearbeitet, um zu zeigen, dass der Text den pseudowissenschaftlichen Diskurs des ErzĂ€hlers unterlĂ€uft.In Valery Bryusovs short-story "The Republic of the Southern Cross" (1904-1905) a journalist reports on a plague in a futuristic republic on the South Pole. Even though he stresses the fact that his account given is based solely on hard facts, the reader has reason to doubt his reliability for the facts turn out to be quite problematic. In the thesis the question is posed whether the journalist can be described as an "unreliable narrator". In the scholarly discussion the story is commonly interpreted in relation to the historical events of the abortive Russian revolution of 1905 but this kind of interpretation overlooks the importance of narra-tive technique in the story. After an overview of the history of publication and the scholarly discussion on the text, the narrative devices and the stylistitc features are analyzed to point out that the text undermines the pseudo-scientific discourse of the narrator

    On the Connection between Temperature and Volatility in Ideal Agent Systems

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    Models for spin systems known from statistical physics are applied by analogy in econometrics in the form of agent-based models. Researchers suggest that the state variable temperature TT corresponds to volatility σ\sigma in capital market theory problems. To the best of our knowledge, this has not yet been theoretically derived, for example, for an ideal agent system. In the present paper, we derive the exact algebraic relation between TT and σ\sigma for an ideal agent system and discuss implications and limitations.Comment: Theoretical Contributio

    A closer look at the chemical potential of an ideal agent system

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    Models for spin systems known from statistical physics are used in econometrics in the form of agent-based models. Econophysics research in econometrics is increasingly developing general market models that describe exchange phenomena and use the chemical potential Ό\mu known from physics in the context of particle number changes. In statistical physics, equations of state are known for the chemical potential, which take into account the respective model framework and the corresponding state variables. A simple transfer of these equations of state to problems in econophysics appears difficult. To the best of our knowledge, the equation of state for the chemical potential is currently missing even for the simplest conceivable model of an ideal agent system. In this paper, this research gap is closed and the equation of state for the chemical potential is derived from the econophysical model assumptions of the ideal agent system. An interpretation of the equation of state leads to fundamental relationships that could also have been guessed, but are shown here by the theory.Comment: 11 Pages, 0 Figures, Working Paper, Theoretical Contributio

    Collaborative Encoding of Text Genesis: A Pedagogical Approach for Teaching Genetic Encoding with the TEI

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    The paper discusses the question of how genetic encoding can be taught in order to introduce encoding strategies of text genesis to less technologically adept scholars. The TEI Guidelines have offered ways to encode manuscript genetics for almost a decade (chapter 11.7). However, this topic is considered to be relatively advanced, and is rarely covered in introductory courses or teaching materials. The paper is based on two encoding workshops at the University of Vienna in different settings. Participants produced a dossier génétique (genetic dossier) in a collaborative writing process. They had at their disposal several writing tools (pens, typewriters) and different kinds of paper, in order to produce a text with several layers, while the whole process was recorded on video. The products were then digitized, and each group got digital copies of a different one. Participants analyzed the specific phenomena of the primary sources, such as additions, corrections, deletions or scribal hands. The participants were then introduced to the necessary encoding strategies to represent the genesis of texts. After the introduction to the transcription tool Transkribus, the students transcribed one of the texts, exported it, and enriched it further with Oxygen Author using a dedicated framework


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    Die HerausgeberInnen der 1. Nummer der Wiener Digitalen Revue fĂŒhren in den Schwerpunkt „TagebĂŒcher 1945–1955. Zwischen zeitgeschichtlicher und poetischer Reflexion“ ein. Dessen BeitrĂ€ge gehen zurĂŒck auf eine gleichnamige Konferenz, die am 21. September 2017 an der UniversitĂ€t Wien stattfand und bei der deutschsprachige AutorInnentagebĂŒcher aus der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit auf ihren literarhistorischen Wert und zeithistorischen Dokumentationscharakter hin befragt wurden. Dementsprechend versuchen die BeitrĂ€ge des Schwerpunkts das VerhĂ€ltnis von Dichtung und Zeitzeugenschaft, Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit sowie Autorschaft und literarisches Feld mit Fokus auf die Jahre 1945–1955 auszuloten. The editors of the first number of Wiener Digitale Revue introduce the focus on “Diaries 1945–1955. Between contemporary history and poetic reflection.” Its contributions were first presented at a conference at the University of Vienna by the same title on 21 September 2017, and address the literary historical and documentary value for contemporary history of German language authors’ diaries from the immediate post-war era. The focal topic contributions range from explorations of the relationship between poetry and the role of contemporary testimony, the private and the public, to authorship and the literary field with a focus on the years between 1945 and 1955.The editors of the first number of Wiener Digitale Revue introduce the focus on “Diaries 1945–1955. Between contemporary history and poetic reflection.” Its contributions were first presented at a conference at the University of Vienna by the same title on 21 September 2017, and address the literary historical and documentary value for contemporary history of German language authors’ diaries from the immediate post-war era. The focal topic contributions range from explorations of the relationship between poetry and the role of contemporary testimony, the private and the public, to authorship and the literary field with a focus on the years between 1945 and 1955