134 research outputs found

    The Amyloid Precursor Protein Intracellular Domain-Fe65 Multiprotein Complexes: A Challenge to the Amyloid Hypothesis for Alzheimer's Disease?

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    Since its proposal in 1994, the amyloid cascade hypothesis has prevailed as the mainstream research subject on the molecular mechanisms leading to the Alzheimer's disease (AD). Most of the field had been historically based on the role of the different forms of aggregation of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ). However, a soluble intracellular fragment termed amyloid precursor protein (APP) intracellular domain (AICD) is produced in conjunction with Aβ fragments. This peptide had been shown to be highly toxic in both culture neurons and transgenic mice models. With the advent of this new toxic fragment, the centerpiece for the ethiology of the disease may be changed. This paper discusses the potential role of multiprotein complexes between the AICD and its adapter protein Fe65 and how this could be a potentially important new agent in the neurodegeneration observed in the AD

    Bioinformatics Approaches for Predicting Kinase–Substrate Relationships

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    Protein phosphorylation, catalyzed by protein kinases, is the main posttranslational modification in eukaryotes, regulating essential aspects of cellular function. Using mass spectrometry techniques, a profound knowledge has been achieved in the localization of phosphorylated residues at proteomic scale. Although it is still largely unknown, the protein kinases are responsible for such modifications. To fill this gap, many computational algorithms have been developed, which are capable to predict kinase–substrate relationships. The greatest difficulty for these approaches is to model the complex nature that determines kinase–substrate specificity. The vast majority of predictors is based on the linear primary sequence pattern that surrounds phosphorylation sites. However, in the intracellular environment the protein kinase specificity is influenced by contextual factors, such as protein–protein interactions, substrates co-expression patterns, and subcellular localization. Only recently, the development of phosphorylation predictors has begun to incorporate these variables, significantly improving specificity of these methods. An accurate modeling of kinase–substrate relationships could be the greatest contribution of bioinformatics to understand physiological cell signaling and its pathological impairment

    Inclusion of macroalgae meal (Macrocystis pyrifera) as feed ingredient for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effect on flesh fatty acid composition

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    The use of macroalgae as an additional component in animal feeding has been studied. However, information on how it could influence muscle composition of fish body is scarce. This study evaluates four diets with different macroalgae inclusion levels (0%, 1.5%, 3% and 6%) to test the effect on body fatty acid composition of rainbow trout. Tanks with a volume of 600 L were stocked with 60.6 ± 7.9 g fish at a density of 45 individuals tank-1 and fed for 124 days. At the end of the experiment there were not significant differences (P<0.05) in muscle proximate composition among fish fed the different treatments. However, it was determined that inclusion of 3% and 6% of macroalgae meal resulted in a significant increase (P<0.05) of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in muscle. In summary, macroalgae meal in rainbow trout diets do not enhance the quantity of protein and lipid contents at muscle level but an addition of 3-6% might contribute to increase the level of PUFAs, specially EPA, DHA and LIN. Thus, use of macroalgae meal might help to increase lipid quality content in the final product due the beneficial effects of PUFAs for human health

    Dynamic resource allocation in different ultrawideband optical network topologies

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    We study the blocking performance of dynamic resource allocation strategies in ultrawideband elastic optical networks under different topologies. State-of-the-art heuristics are evaluated on four different network topologies. Results show consistent better performance of heuristics that prioritise allocation based on the connections bitrate

    Heuristic Approaches for Dynamic Provisioning in Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks

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    Multi-band elastic optical networks are a promising alternative to meet the bandwidth demand of the ever-growing Internet traffic. In this letter, we propose a family of band allocation algorithms for multi-band elastic optical networks. Employing simulation, we evaluate the blocking performance of 3 algorithms of such a family and compare their performance with the only heuristic proposed to date. Results show that the three new algorithms outperform the previous proposal, with up to one order of magnitude improvement. We expect these results to help advance the area of dynamic resource allocation in multi-band elastic optical networks

    Declaración Universal sobre Bioética y Derechos Humanos de la Unesco y la discapacidad

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    La Unesco propugna que la Declaración Universal sobre Bioética y Derechos Humanos puede y debe ser considerada como un marco de principios y pautas bioéticas que se deben aplicar, también, en el tratamiento de las cuestiones de la discapacidad. Este libro aporta claves que permiten a los estados y al resto de agentes implicados adoptar la perspectiva de la diversidad funcional y las capacidades diferenciadas que evite la exclusión, desde un enfo­que basado en los derechos humanos

    Surface Microstructure Changes Induced by Ion Beam Irradiation

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    As a study result of irradiation-induced damage, various mathematical models have been developed to explain the phenomenon of irradiation-induced surface sputtering, these models are currently used in technological fields as diverse as materials characterization and in thin film deposition used in the manufacture of electronic or medical components. However, the phenomenon is not fully understood due to its high complexity, this work has the goal to present experimental evidence of the changes induced in the surface of hypereutectic alloy Ni-22% at Si promoted by the nickel ion beam irradiation, the surface changes induced will be explained in terms of the Sigmund theory of surface sputtering