678 research outputs found

    Kosztolányi Dezső levelezésének kritikai kiadásáról

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    This paper discusses the correspondence of Derső Kosztolányi and the related ongoing editing project. Recently work has been started on the critical edition of Kosztolányi's oeuvre with the author of this paper participating in the project team that is preparing for publication the correspondence of Kosztolányi, who was a seminal poet and writer of the Nyugat generation. Despite being on of the best known and most highly acclaimed modern Hungarian classics, his correspondence is not fully known. Most of the letters written by him have been published, yet letters written to him have not, and since the act of corresponding presumes a dialogic situation, a sequel of questions followed by answers, the former cannot be understood without the latter. The edition now in preparation is also designed to deal with that. Obviously, every document will have to be treated with textual scrutiny, since the texts previously published are not always trustworthy; we are aware of a case, for instance, when certain sentences of Kosztolányi fell prey to political censorship. The edition will also correct the errors and the deliberate lapses of memoirs based on retrospective and will present so far unknown references in Kosztolányi's literary career, also letting a glimpse into his private life. A lot of letters make reference to the works themselves, their making, publication, as well as their afterlives, also containing purely literary issues. The first volume of the critical edition of Kosztolányi's correspondence is bound to appear in 20I0. The author of this paper also plans to write a monograph on Kosztolányi using, among others, the letters proven original

    Fractional solutions for capacitated NTU-games, with applications to stable matchings

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    Abstract. In this paper we investigate some new applications of Scarf’s Lemma. First, we introduce the notion of fractional core for NTU-games, which is always nonempty by the Lemma. Stable allocation is a general solution concept for games where both the players and their possible cooperations can have capacities. We show that the problem of finding a stable allocation, given a finitely generated NTU-game with capacities, is always solvable by a variant of Scarf’s Lemma. Then we describe the interpretation of these results for matching games. Finally we consider an even more general setting where players ’ contributions in a joint activity may be different. We show that a stable allocation can be found by the Scarf algorithm in this case as well, and we demonstrate the usage of this method for the hospitals resident problem with couples. This problem is relevant in many practical applications, such as NRM

    A nehézion ütközésekben létrehozott új anyag tulajdonságainak vizsgálata = Investigation of a new form of matter produced in heavy ion reactions

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    Eredményeinket két, igen jelentős nemzetközi visszhangot kiváltó publikáció foglalja mintegy keretbe. Az első a PHENIX kollaboráció működésének első 5 évét összefoglaló munka. Legfontosabb megállapítása, hogy a RHIC gyorsító Au+Au ütközéseiben egy új, igen forró és sűrű anyagforma jön létre, amely a várakozásokkal ellentétben nem az aszimptotikus szabadság következményeként várható, szinte kölcsönhatás mentes kvarkok és gluonok gázaként, hanem egymással erősen kölcsönható szabadsági fokok folyadékaként viselkedik. Ennek a cikknek és a tökéletes kvarkfolyadék felfedezésének kiemelkedő sikerét a kiemelkedő számú, a zárójelentés beadásáig beérkezett 869 hivatkozás is mutatja. A Phys. Rev. Lettersben 2010 elején publikált PHENIX-e cikkünk pedig az első szakfolyóiratban megjelent olyan cikk volt, amely a hadronok létezésének határhőmérsékletét lényegesen meghaladó 300 MeV-es hőmérséklet értékeket közölt szakmai folyóiratokban. Ezek az adatok a RHIC-nél előállított kvark-gluon plazma hőmérsékletének első kísérleti meghatározását jelentik. Ezeket a kísérleti eredményeket részletes elméleti hidrodinamikai publikációkkal is alátámasztottuk. Számos új és alapvető elméleti eredményt értünk el továbbá a nem-extenzív termodinamika elméletében és nehézion fizikai alkalmazásaiban, továbbfejlesztettük az ALCOR és a Buda-Lund modelleket, új eredményeket értünk el a kvantum-statisztikus korrelációk és kvantum-optikai módszerek nagyenergiás fizikai alkalmazásai területén. | Two renowned papers highlight the main results of this OTKA project. The first paper summarized the results of the first years of PHENIX measurements at RHIC. This paper reported, that in Au+Au collisions at RHIC a new, hot and dense form of matter is created. Expectations suggested that at high temperatures and energy densities a gas of quasi free quarks and gluons will be created. Instead, a fluid phase consisting of strongly interacting quarks and gluons has been observed. This paper and the discovery of a nearly perfect fluid at RHIC received 869 citations by the time of filing this grant report. Another milestone PHENIX paper was published in the Physical Review Letters in early 2010 about the direct photon spectrum in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. For the first time in a refereed scientific journal, initial temperatures of at least 300 MeV were reported. These data indicate the first experimental determination of the initial temperature of the quark-gluon plasma created in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. We have supplemented these results with detailed theoretical publications. We have published fundamental theoretical papers in the theory of non-extensive thermodynamics and its applications in high energy heavy ion physics, we have continued to develop the ALCOR and the Buda-Lund hydrodynamical models, and achieved several new results in the field of quantum-statistical correlations and the applications of quantum-optical methods to the field of high energy physics

    Recent technique for thermal-fatigue simulation of heat-resistant steels

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    Gleeble 3800 thermal-mechanical physical simulator is introduced in this study. Thermal fatigue tests can be carried out in Gleeble simulator in highly controlled conditions. Applying the same tested material, specimen geometry and temperature range, the load of the specimen can alter more than one order of magnitude depending on the control parameters. Some investigations have been done to demonstrate the effect of the boundary conditions (simulation combinations) on the load and strain of the tested specimen

    TRP Channels and Pruritus

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