7 research outputs found

    Awareness, views and experiences of Citizen Science among Swedish researchers — two surveys

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    In 2021 Sweden’s first national portal for citizen science will be launched to help researchers practice sustainable and responsible citizen science with different societal stakeholders. This paper present findings from two surveys on attitudes and experiences of citizen science among researchers at Swedish universities. Both surveys provided input to the development of the national portal, for which researchers are a key stakeholder group. The first survey (n=636) was exclusively focused on citizen science and involved researchers and other personnel at Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU). 63% of respondents at SLU had heard about citizen science (CS) prior to the survey; however a majority of these (61%) had not been involved in any CS initiative themselves. Dominant reasons for researchers choosing a CS approach in projects were to enable collection of large amounts of data (68%), improving the knowledge base (59%), improving data quality (25%), promote participants’ understanding in research (21%) and promote collaboration between the university and society (20%). The other survey (n=3 699) was on the broader topic of communication and open science, including questions on CS, and was distributed to researchers from all Swedish universities. 61% of respondents had not been engaged in any research projects where volunteers were involved in the process. A minority of the researchers had participated in projects were volunteers had collected data (18%), been involved in internal or external communication (16%), contributed project ideas (14%) and/or formulated research questions (11%). Nearly four out of ten respondents (37%) had heard about CS prior to the survey. The researchers were more positive towards having parts of the research process open to citizen observation, rather than open to citizen influence/participation. Our results show that CS is a far from well-known concept among Swedish researchers. And while those who have heard about CS are generally positive towards it, researchers overall are hesitant to invite citizens to take part in the research process

    2.4-Å structure of the double-ring Gemmatimonas phototrophica photosystem.

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    Phototrophic Gemmatimonadetes evolved the ability to use solar energy following horizontal transfer of photosynthesis-related genes from an ancient phototrophic proteobacterium. The electron cryo-microscopy structure of the Gemmatimonas phototrophica photosystem at 2.4 Å reveals a unique, double-ring complex. Two unique membrane-extrinsic polypeptides, RC-S and RC-U, hold the central type 2 reaction center (RC) within an inner 16-subunit light-harvesting 1 (LH1) ring, which is encircled by an outer 24-subunit antenna ring (LHh) that adds light-gathering capacity. Femtosecond kinetics reveal the flow of energy within the RC-dLH complex, from the outer LHh ring to LH1 and then to the RC. This structural and functional study shows that G. phototrophica has independently evolved its own compact, robust, and highly effective architecture for harvesting and trapping solar energy

    Inventering av blodtoppblomvecklare (Eupoecilia sanguisorbana) pÄ Gotland 2007-2009

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    Denna rapport summerar inventeringen av blodtoppblomvecklare 2007–2009 och sammanfattar de hittills kĂ€nda resultaten frĂ„n genomförandet av Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogrammet. Inventeringen omfattar bĂ„de vuxna fjĂ€rilar och larver. De vuxna fjĂ€rilarna har inventerats med hĂ„vning, lysning pĂ„ duk och lysning med ljusfĂ€llor. Vid larvundersökningen eftersöktes larver och larvangrepp i blomhuvuden av vĂ€rdvĂ€xten blodtopp Sanguisorba officinalis. Av totalt 26 undersökta lokaler pĂ„trĂ€ffades arten pĂ„ 20 stycken. 17 lokaler var nya för Gotland, respektive Sverige. Av dessa kunde tvĂ„ sammanhĂ€ngande omrĂ„den med livskraftiga populationer med arten urskiljas. Det södra lĂ€ngs kanaler i odlingslandskapet mellan socknarna Ala, KrĂ€klingbo och Anga och det norra omfattande vĂ€tar pĂ„ BĂ€lsalvret och Filehajdar. I bĂ„da omrĂ„dena har fjĂ€rilspopulationerna goda möjligheter till kontakt och spridning.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frĂ„n MDP 2015-05</p

    Inventering av svartflÀckig blÄvinge (Maculinea arion) pÄ Gotland 2007-2008

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    Under juli och början av augusti 2007 och 2008 inventerades svartflÀckig blÄvinge Maculinea arion pÄ Gotland.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frÄn MDP 2015-05</p

    The function of the legislative body under the constitutions of ČSR, ČSSR, ČSFR and ČR

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    V bakaláƙskĂ© prĂĄci se v prvnĂ­ části zabĂœvĂĄm problematikou Ășstavy jako takovĂ©, v části druhĂ© popisuji vĂœvoj zĂĄkonodĂĄrstvĂ­ z hlediska historickĂ©ho vĂœvoje a v historickĂœch souvislostech, ve tƙetĂ­ části popisuji vznik a charakter současnĂ© platnĂ© Ășstavy a ve čtvrtĂ© části se snaĆŸĂ­m porovnat model a funkci senĂĄtu tzv. prvnĂ­ republiky a nynĂ­.DokončenĂĄ prĂĄce s Ășspěơnou obhajobo

    Inequality persists in a large citizen science programme despite increased participation through ICT innovations

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    Biological recording is a prominent and widely practised form of citizen science, but few studies explore long-term demographic trends in participation and knowledge production. We studied long-term demographic trends of age and gender of participants reporting to a large online citizen science multi-taxon biodiversity platform (www.artportalen.se). Adoption by user communities and continually developing Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) greatly increased the number of participants reporting data, but profound long-term imbalances in gender contribution across species groups persisted over time. Reporters identifying as male dominated in numbers, spent more days in the field reporting and reported more species on each field day. Moreover, an age imbalance towards older participants amplified over time. As the first long-term study of citizen participation by age and gender, our results show that it is important for citizen science project developers to account for cultural and social developments that might exclude participants, and to engage with underrepresented and younger participants. This could facilitate the breadth of engagement and learning across a larger societal landscape, ensure project longevity and biodiversity data representation (e.g. mitigate gender bias influence on the number of reports of different species groups)