12 research outputs found

    Wild dog

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    34 s. :obr.Divoký pes je projekce využívající obrázků nalezených a stažených z internetu, ze kterých je následně náhodně generován pohyblivý obraz. Tématem je evoluce virtuálního světa vyjádřená skrz fenomén GIF a jeho opětovnou stále stoupající popularita na internetu, především díky šíření krátkých mikropříběhů na sociálních sítích

    Genetic conflict outweighs heterogametic incompatibility in the mouse hybrid zone?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Mus musculus musculus/M. m. domesticus </it>contact zone in Europe is characterised by sharp frequency discontinuities for sex chromosome markers at the centre of wider clines in allozyme frequencies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identify a triangular area (approximately 330 km<sup>2</sup>) where the <it>musculus </it>Y chromosome introgresses across this front for up to 22 km into <it>domesticus </it>territory. Introgression of the Y chromosome is accompanied by a perturbation of the census sex ratio: the sex ratio is significantly female biased in <it>musculus </it>localities and <it>domesticus </it>localities lacking Y chromosome introgression. In contrast, where the <it>musculus </it>Y is detected in <it>domesticus </it>localities, the sex ratio is close to parity, and significantly different from both classes of female biased localities. The geographic position of an abrupt cline in an X chromosome marker, and autosomal clines centred on the same position, seem unaffected by the <it>musculus </it>Y introgression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that sex ratio distortion is playing a role in the geographic separation of speciation genes in this section of the mouse hybrid zone. We suggest that clines for genes involved in sex-ratio distortion have escaped from the centre of the mouse hybrid zone, causing a decay in the barrier to gene flow between the two house mouse taxa.</p

    Behavioural and genetic study of premating isolation in the house mouse hybrid zone

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    SUMMÁRY oF. Ph.D.THESIS Behaviouralisolation includes all differencesin courtshipbehaviourthat allow the recognitionand successf,rlmating only within membersof the same species and therewithreducethe probability of maladaptivehybridization.It can be an efficient barrier to gene flow betweenclosely related taxa and contributeto or potentially completetheirspeciation.An idealopportunityto studytheroleofbehaviouralisolation duringthespeciationprocessrepresentcloselyrelatedor recentlydivergingtax4 where theexchangeofgenes still occursandtheprocessofspeciationwas not achieved.The housemousecan be seenas a uniquemodel to addressspeciationgeneticquestions. This speciesis a greatlaboratoryanimalwith describedgenomesequencein one side andwiththenaturalhybridzonesbetweendifferentmousesubspeciesontheotherhand. In my thesisI studiedthe role of assortativematingleadingto behaviouralisolation betweentwo subspeciesof the house mouse Mzs musculusmusculus utd M. m. domesticusin both naturalpopulationsliom the Czech-Bavariantransectacrosstheir hybridzoneas well as in thelaboratory,usingwild-derivedinbredstrainsrepresenting bothsubspecies. I foundthatthereis a strongdivergencein boththe signalandpreferencepartsof the subspecies-specificrecognitionsystembetweenthetwo subspecies.I analysedtherole ofsalivary..

    Behavioural and genetic study of premating isolation in the house mouse hybrid zone

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    SUMMÁRY oF. Ph.D.THESIS Behaviouralisolation includes all differencesin courtshipbehaviourthat allow the recognitionand successf,rlmating only within membersof the same species and therewithreducethe probability of maladaptivehybridization.It can be an efficient barrier to gene flow betweenclosely related taxa and contributeto or potentially completetheirspeciation.An idealopportunityto studytheroleofbehaviouralisolation duringthespeciationprocessrepresentcloselyrelatedor recentlydivergingtax4 where theexchangeofgenes still occursandtheprocessofspeciationwas not achieved.The housemousecan be seenas a uniquemodel to addressspeciationgeneticquestions. This speciesis a greatlaboratoryanimalwith describedgenomesequencein one side andwiththenaturalhybridzonesbetweendifferentmousesubspeciesontheotherhand. In my thesisI studiedthe role of assortativematingleadingto behaviouralisolation betweentwo subspeciesof the house mouse Mzs musculusmusculus utd M. m. domesticusin both naturalpopulationsliom the Czech-Bavariantransectacrosstheir hybridzoneas well as in thelaboratory,usingwild-derivedinbredstrainsrepresenting bothsubspecies. I foundthatthereis a strongdivergencein boththe signalandpreferencepartsof the subspecies-specificrecognitionsystembetweenthetwo subspecies.I analysedtherole ofsalivary..

    Wild dog

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    Behaviorální a genetické studium prezygotické izolace v hybridní zóně myši domácí

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    soUHRN DISERTAčNÍ PRÁCE Etologická izolace zahrnujeveškeré,častorifualizovanéprvky chovaníobou pohlavi, kteréumoŽňujítozpoznimi příslušnílďvlastníhodruhuna úkorostatnícha snižujitak pravděpodobnost nevýhodného mezidnrhového křížení. Schopnost ÍozpozÍ}at příslušníkyvlastníhodruhu a přednostně se s nimi pá'řit můžepředstavovat si|nou bariérutoku genůmezi blízcepříbuztt1ýrnidruhy a podíletse tak na dokončeníjejich speciace. Ideá{ním prostorem pro studium vmiku a mechanismu působení reprodukčněizolačníchbariérpředstavují hybridní zóny' oblasti, kde dochríaíke kontaktučastečněizolovaných populací'jejich kříženiavznlktt hybridníhopotomstva. Díky svým vlastnostem ideáního laboratomíhoorganismu, zriimé sekvenci ce|ého genomu a přítomnosti několika hybrídních zbn mezi jednotlivými poddruhy, představujemyšdomácíidealnímodeloý organismuspro speciačněgenetickésfuďe. Ve svédisertačnípráci jsem se zab:ývalaýztamem etologickéizolace při speciaci dvou poddruhůmyši domácí:Mus musculusmusculusa M. m. domestlczs.odlišnost poddruhově-specific\ých ptířícíchsignálů a schopnost v'ýběrovéhopáření byly sfudovtí'Ítyjak v přírodních populacích podél česko-bavorskéhotransektu napříč hybridní zónou, tak u inbredníchkmenůodvozených od divokých populací obou poddruhů. Slinné Androgen vrížícíproteiny (ABP) byly navÉenyjako signaly v...SUMMÁRY oF. Ph.D.THESIS Behaviouralisolation includes all differencesin courtshipbehaviourthat allow the recognitionand successf,rlmating only within membersof the same species and therewithreducethe probability of maladaptivehybridization.It can be an efficient barrier to gene flow betweenclosely related taxa and contributeto or potentially completetheirspeciation.An idealopportunityto studytheroleofbehaviouralisolation duringthespeciationprocessrepresentcloselyrelatedor recentlydivergingtax4 where theexchangeofgenes still occursandtheprocessofspeciationwas not achieved.The housemousecan be seenas a uniquemodel to addressspeciationgeneticquestions. This speciesis a greatlaboratoryanimalwith describedgenomesequencein one side andwiththenaturalhybridzonesbetweendifferentmousesubspeciesontheotherhand. In my thesisI studiedthe role of assortativematingleadingto behaviouralisolation betweentwo subspeciesof the house mouse Mzs musculusmusculus utd M. m. domesticusin both naturalpopulationsliom the Czech-Bavariantransectacrosstheir hybridzoneas well as in thelaboratory,usingwild-derivedinbredstrainsrepresenting bothsubspecies. I foundthatthereis a strongdivergencein boththe signalandpreferencepartsof the subspecies-specificrecognitionsystembetweenthetwo subspecies.I analysedtherole ofsalivary...Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Divergent gut microbiota in two closely related house mouse subspecies under common garden conditions

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    International audienceThe gastrointestinal microbiota (GM) is considered an important component of the vertebrate holobiont. GM–host interactions influence the fitness of holobionts and are, therefore, an integral part of evolution. The house mouse is a prominent model for GM–host interactions, and evidence suggests a role for GM in mouse speciation. However, previous studies based on short 16S rRNA GM profiles of wild house mouse subspecies failed to detect GM divergence, which is a prerequisite for the inclusion of GM in Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities. Here, we used standard 16S rRNA GM profiling in two mouse subspecies, Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus, including the intestinal mucosa and content of three gut sections (ileum, caecum, and colon). We reduced environmental variability by sampling GM in the offspring of wild mice bred under seminatural conditions. Although the breeding conditions allowed a contact between the subspecies, we found a clear differentiation of GM between them, in all three gut sections. Differentiation was mainly driven by several Helicobacters and two H. ganmani variants showed a signal of codivergence with their hosts. Helicobacters represent promising candidates for studying GM–host coadaptations and the fitness effects of their interactions