216 research outputs found

    A sparse grid approach to balance sheet risk measurement

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    In this work, we present a numerical method based on a sparse grid approximation to compute the loss distribution of the balance sheet of a financial or an insurance company. We first describe, in a stylised way, the assets and liabilities dynamics that are used for the numerical estimation of the balance sheet distribution. For the pricing and hedging model, we chose a classical Black & Scholes model with a stochastic interest rate following a Hull & White model. The risk management model describing the evolution of the parameters of the pricing and hedging model is a Gaussian model. The new numerical method is compared with the traditional nested simulation approach. We review the convergence of both methods to estimate the risk indicators under consideration. Finally, we provide numerical results showing that the sparse grid approach is extremely competitive for models with moderate dimension.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures. CEMRACS 201

    Hedging Valuation Adjustment for Callable Claims

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    Darwinian model risk is the risk of mis-price-and-hedge biased toward short-to-medium systematic profits of a trader, which are only the compensator of long term losses becoming apparent under extreme scenarios where the bad model of the trader no longer calibrates to the market. The alpha leakages that characterize Darwinian model risk are undetectable by the usual market risk tools such as value-at-risk, expected shortfall, or stressed value-at-risk.Darwinian model risk can only be seen by simulating the hedging behavior of a bad model within a good model. In this paper we extend to callable assets the notion of hedging valuation adjustment introduced in previous work for quantifying and handling such risk. The mathematics of Darwinian model risk for callable assets are illustrated by exact numerics on a stylized callable range accrual example. Accounting for the wrong hedges and exercise decisions, the magnitude of the hedging valuation adjustment can be several times larger than the mere difference, customarily used in banks as a reserve against model risk, between the trader's price of a callable asset and its fair valuation

    Imagined urbanities : L.A. across genres and media at the turn of the twenty first century

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    ThĂšse numĂ©risĂ©e par la Direction des bibliothĂšques de l'UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al.[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : ThĂšses et mĂ©moires - FAS - DĂ©partement de littĂ©rature comparĂ©e

    "It's our home" : expressions de la relation au territoire des Dane-zaa de Doig River (Colombie-Britannique, Canada)

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    AxĂ© autour du concept de territoire, ce mĂ©moire est une prĂ©sentation de ce que cette notion recouvre pour un groupe de chasseurs-cueilleurs de l’ouest canadien. InstallĂ©s depuis des millĂ©naires sur les contreforts des Montagnes Rocheuses au nord-est de la Colombie-Britannique et en Alberta, les Dane-zaa (« le vrai peuple »), intimement engagĂ©s dans cet environnement, ont dĂ©veloppĂ© des savoirs et des techniques spĂ©cifiques adaptĂ©s Ă  une gestion logique et durable du territoire et peaufinĂ©s par les gĂ©nĂ©rations successives. La relation entretenue recouvre cependant bien plus qu’une exploitation physique puisque les humains et les non-humains, voisins sur un pied d’égalitĂ©, interagissent dans un rapport d’échange et de respect. Depuis l’arrivĂ©e des Euro-canadiens et la signature du TraitĂ© 8 en 1900 lequel ordonna la crĂ©ation d’une rĂ©serve, le territoire des Dane-zaa, cet espace de vie, d’histoire et de mĂ©moire, s’est vu fragmenter et est devenu le lieu d’enjeux et d’intĂ©rĂȘts politiques et Ă©conomiques souvent divergents et difficilement conciliables.Focused on the concept of land, this master’s degree thesis is a presentation of what this notion represents for a group of hunter-gatherers of western Canada. Settled for thousands of years on the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in North-East British-Columbia and in Alberta, the Dane-zaa (“The Real People”), intimately engaged in their environment, have been developing knowledge and technics adapted to a rational and sustainable land management, generation after generation. However, this relationship does not only concern the exploitation of the resources the land provides, but also the bonds between humans and non-humans who share it. Since the arrival of the first euro-Canadians settlers and the signature of Treaty 8 in 1900 which ordered the creation of a reserve, the land of the Dane-zaa, their “home” and a space of history and memory, has been fragmented and has become the site of political and economic stakes and interests often divergent and which can hardly been reconciled

    La fosse du deuxiÚme ùge du Fer des Estanyols (Pia, Pyrénées-Orientales)

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    Depuis une vingtaine d’annĂ©es, le dĂ©veloppement considĂ©rable de l’archĂ©ologie prĂ©ventive a permis d’investir de maniĂšre bien plus large les espaces ruraux. Parmi les vestiges observĂ©s, un type d’amĂ©nagement excavĂ© se rencontre assez rĂ©guliĂšrement. Toutefois, malgrĂ© de nouveaux Ă©lĂ©ments recueillis, notamment lors de la fouille fine d’une telle structure sur le site des Estanyols Ă  Pia (66), mise en perspective avec d’autres fosses identifiĂ©es dans la plaine roussillonnaise, sa fonction reste difficile Ă  dĂ©terminer. De mĂȘme, le lien qu’elle peut entretenir avec l’habitat est encore mal apprĂ©hendĂ©, quoique plusieurs indices tendent Ă  montrer qu’elle puisse faire partie de l’équipement annexe de certains Ă©tablissements ruraux protohistoriques.Since the 1990’s, considerable development of preventive archeology has invested much more broadly rural areas. Among all vestiges observed, a particular type of pit appears regularly. However, despite new evidence collected, especially during the excavation of such a fine structure on the site des Estanyols (Pia, 66), put into perspective with other pits identified in the Roussillon plain, its function remains unclear. Similarly, the relationship it may have with the habitat is still poorly understood, although several indices suggest that it can be part of the ancillary equipment of some protohistoric rural settlements

    An optimal transport approach for the multiple quantile hedging problem

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    We consider the multiple quantile hedging problem, which is a class of partial hedging problems containing as special examples the quantile hedging problem (F{\"o}llmer \& Leukert 1999) and the PnL matching problem (introduced in Bouchard \& Vu 2012). In complete non-linear markets, we show that the problem can be reformulated as a kind of Monge optimal transport problem. Using this observation, we introduce a Kantorovitch version of the problem and prove that the value of both problems coincide. In the linear case, we thus obtain that the multiple quantile hedging problem can be seen as a semi-discrete optimal transport problem, for which we further introduce the dual problem. We then prove that there is no duality gap, allowing us to design a numerical method based on SGA algorithms to compute the multiple quantile hedging price

    Welches Weltethos begrĂŒndet die Menschenrechte?

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    Les graffitis latins du Mas Sauvy (Villeneuve-de-la-Raho, Pyrénées Orientales)

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    Nous prĂ©sentons dans ce travail une sĂ©rie de graffitis latins inĂ©dits mis au jour sur le site du Mas Sauvy, Ă  mi-chemin entre les agglomĂ©rations antiques de Ruscino (ChĂąteau-Roussillon, Perpignan) et d’Illiberis (Elne), et qui prĂ©sente des points communs avec les ensembles des Sedes Ă  Peyrestortes et du Petit Clos Ă  Perpignan. Les graffitis du Mas Sauvy sont datables de ca. 80-120 de notre Ăšre ou lĂ©gĂšrement plus tard ; ils ont Ă©tĂ© gravĂ©s aprĂšs cuisson, la plupart du temps sur des cruches et portent des inscriptions de propriĂ©tĂ©. MalgrĂ© leur caractĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ralement fragmentaire, le graffito le mieux conservĂ© est une inscription parlante, pour laquelle on trouve de nombreux parallĂšles dans la rĂ©gion

    Observations sur les techniques de production des doliums prĂ©romains de Ruscino,(Perpignan, PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales) et leur diffusion rĂ©gionale (IIIe s. et dĂ©but du IIe s. av. n. Ú.)

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    Le recensement des dĂ©couvertes de doliums estampillĂ©s appartenant Ă  la fin du deuxiĂšme Ăąge du Fer, en Roussillon, notamment Ă  Ruscino (Perpignan, PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales), et diffusĂ©s jusqu’à Pech-Maho (Sigean, Aude) a soulevĂ© il y a quelques annĂ©es la question de l’existence d’une production doliaire roussillonnaise. L’examen minutieux des nombreuses traces de façonnage conservĂ©es sur les exemplaires des collections de Ruscino permet maintenant de caractĂ©riser les aspects technologiques de cette production. Cette premiĂšre Ă©tude, loin de rĂ©pondre Ă  toutes les questions, soulĂšve l’aspect singulier d’une production Ă  diffusion micro-rĂ©gionale, et pose la problĂ©matique de l’itinĂ©rance des techniques et des artisans potiers.The inventory of the discoveries of stamped doliums from the end of the second Iron Age, in Roussillon, particularily in Ruscino, and spread up to Pech-Maho (Sigean, Aude) brought up the question a few years ago of the existence of a production of dolium in the Roussillon. The meticulous examination of the numerous preserved shaping tracks on the collection of Ruscino (Perpignan, PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales) now allows to characterize the technological aspects of this production. This first study, far from answering all the questions, brings up the singular aspect of a small-circulation production, and raises the problematic of the roaming of techniques and artisan potters. Dolium, shaping, cords of reinforcement, Ruscino, Pech-Maho, Elne, second Iron Age
