10 research outputs found
Specification and modification of Hungarian military HR strategies 2nd part (HR strategy of Ministry of Defense during the regime change and the establishment of professional armed forces)
Present article is the second part of a series analysing certain periods during the transformation of the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF), based on the ideas mentioned above. The parts of the study released earlier (Gradus, Conference book of GMTK 2015, Kecskemét) presented general survey about the different specifications of military HR strategies and showed how much of them came true in the given period (2008-2012). The series primarily intends to shed light on what conditions helped/hindered the implementation of these strategies in everyday life, and to what extent has the previous person- centred HR strategy changed to an organization-oriented one. What were the characteristics of Hungarys military HR strategies in 2000, what were the plans and what could be realized from them? This second part intends to present the specifics of the military HR strategy in the period of forming the professional military staff (2003) from a similar point of view. The study reflects the authors the author's thesis
Specification and modification of Hungarian military HR strategies 1st part (HRM basics - general survey - its characteristics during the political transformation)
According to the experts of social and economic sciences, HR and its appropriate management is an indispensable element of efficient and successful work. When analysing organizational performance, a complex Phenomenon emerges, where causes and effects or connections cannot be strictly separated from each other without distorting their significance and role, therefore these concepts should be reviewed on a strategic level. Present article is the first part of a series. The article - after the presentation of the general survey - analyses certain periods during the transformation of the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF), based on the ideas mentioned above. What were the characteristics of Hungarys regime change, what were the plans and what could be realized of them? The parts of the study released earlier (Conference book, GMTK 2015, Kecskemét) presented the different specifications of military HR strategies and showed how much of them came true in the given period (e.g. 2008, 2012). The study reflects the authors thesis
"A gútai nemzet". Gúta mezőváros társadalma, 1768–1870
In my thesis, I presented the 18th–19th century society of my hometown, Gúta (Kolárovo, Slovakia), based on the results of decades of research. Primarily relying on archival sources, I used quantitative and qualitative methods to describe the social, demographic, and economic processes that took place in the market town from the 1768 urbarial regulation to the first official Hungarian census in 1870. In the course of researching the archival sources, I strived for completeness, analysing the phenomena by taking into account the complete time series instead of samples. In addition to a basically macro-level approach to the topic, my work also includes several micro-historical elements, genealogy and the presentation of individual life paths.
The population of the town, under the jurisdiction of the landowner, was almost homogeneous in the period under study, of Hungarian ethnicity and Roman Catholic religion. In terms of order, the population was almost exclusively made up of non-nobles, serfs. The share of nobles in the town was only a few percent. The serf population of the market town mainly subsisted from animal husbandry, meadow cultivation, fishing and fruit growing. Corn was largely grown in the surrounding puszta.
Until the abolishment of serfdom, the period under study was characterised by stagnant urbarial conditions, despite the existing privileges of market towns, and a stricter, more bound system of villeinage, which limited peasant development. Gradually, the puszta came under the administration of the landlord, the Archbishopric of Esztergom, and farmsteads were established on land once leased by the inhabitants of Gúta.
As the agricultural means of earning a livelihood of the peasantry was shrinking, there was also a steady population growth. Birth control was unknown in the society of the market town, and population growth was only disrupted by recurrent epidemics and famines. In addition to the shrinking of farmland and rapid population growth, the system of male inheritance also contributed to the process of pauperisation and the fragmentation of plots in villain tenure. The society of Gúta tried to respond to the negative trends towards impoverishment in various ways. The period under study witnessed the increasing complexity of households, a high proportion of multi-family households, and the co-farming and co-housing of related families. The aim was to preserve the status of family members and prevent them from falling into deeper poverty (becoming cotters) or emigrating. The collective response of the inhabitants of the town to these adverse developments was to take legal action against the archdiocese for the possession of the puszta, for the rights, both real and perceived, which ended in a negative outcome for the town
A környezetvédelem alapjai
A jegyzet célja a környezetvédelem általános, globális kérdéseinek ismertetése, inter-, illetve
multidiszciplináris jellegének bemutatása, valamint a különböző szakterületeken dolgozó szerzők
közreműködésével annak szemléltetése, hogyan kapcsolódik össze a környezetvédelemben a
tudomány, a politikum, és a gyakorlati tevékenység. A jegyzet számos olyan, napjainkban kiemelt figyelmet kívánó globális problémával foglalkozik, amelyekről naponta hallunk a médiában, de tudományos hátterük nem minden esetben közismert. A jegyzetben helyet kapott a fenntartható társadalom, a fenntartható energiagazdálkodás, a túlnépesedés, a hulladékgazdálkodás, a vízminőség-védelem, a szennyvíztisztítás, a levegőszennyezés és éghajlatváltozás, illetve a zajszennyezés kérdése is. Külön fejezet foglalkozik a környezetvédelem nemzetközi és hazai jogi szabályozásával. Jegyzetünket nem csak a környezettan, illetve környezettudomány szakos hallgatóknak szánjuk, reményeink szerint belőle bármely más természettudományos, gazdasági vagy jogi érdeklődésű személy is hasznos, új és naprakész információval gazdagodhat
Data to the spider fauna (Araneae) of Lake Velence
153 spider species were collected in the reedbed of Lake Velence. This is the first faunistical surveyabout the area