2,460 research outputs found

    Welfare States, Social Structure and the Dynamics of Poverty Rates. A comparative study of 16 countries, 1980-2000.

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold. The primary purpose is to try and explain both the temporal and the spatial variation of poverty rates in terms of unemployment insurance indicators and structural/sociodemographic factors. Secondly, the paper aims to test the 'convergence hypothesis' of the poverty rate, i.e. whether or not poverty rates in modern welfare states have converged in recent decades. The analyses tentatively suggest that structural change in terms of the unemployment rate, the proportion of single-earner households, the female labour-force participation rate, and the proportion of families with children primarily explains the temporal variation in poverty rates. The unemployment insurance factors primarily explain the spatial variation, i.e. variation between countries. In part, however, the temporal variation is explained but the cuts in net replacements in unemployment insurance. This factor alone explains a larger share of the overall variance than all the structural factors put together. Where the convergence hypothesis is concerned, a random-effects model is proposed as a statistical tool for testing convergence (and disperson). The results of this analysis suggest that for the 16 countries and the time frame under review the convergence hypothesis must be rejected, an outcome that is in line with some other analyses presented recently.Welfare States; Social Structure; Poverty Rates

    Local food options - a linear programming perspective on three organic farms in South Savolax, Finland

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    The options for three case farms to maintain and increase localized organic food production and circulation were analysed, and a standard linear programming method was used. Several scenarios were developed for each case farm; as a result, possibilities for co-operation between farmers through local markets could be analysed

    Childhood Poverty and Labour Market Exclusion. Findings from a Swedish Birth Cohort.

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    Research has consistently shown that poverty and economic hardship have negative consequences for children. Few studies, however, have examined whether these consequences persists into adulthood. In the present paper we broaden the focus and analyse how living conditions during childhood and adolescence structure socio-economic circumstances also in midlife. How does exposure to poverty during childhood and adolescence affect future probabilities for labour market exclusion and inclusion in early adulthood and in midlife? The data are drawn from a new longitudinal Swedish data set – the Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) – in which we can follow a cohort of Swedes from birth (1953) to the age of 48 (2001). Our results show that childhood poverty clearly has a negative impact on attainment in adulthood. Persistent poverty in the family of origin and entering poverty in adolescence are particularly detrimental for life chances. This is most salient in the analysis of exclusion in midlife. Educational achievement and deviant behaviour (criminality and drug abuse) are identified as important intervening variables. The results are interpreted as a process of cumulative disadvantage. In our final analyses we focus on those excluded from the labour market in early adulthood and their likelihood to be included in midlife. We find that resource attainment in terms of education and family has positive effects for the chance for inclusion and may in that respect be regarded as turning points.childhood poverty; socio-economic circumstances; labour market exclusion

    Sustainable rural development with emphasis on agriculture and food security within the climate change setting : SARD-climate final report

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    Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development (SARD) is considered an essential step toward achieving the first Millenium Development Goal (MDG) of eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. In order to achieve this important goal, first it is important to find ways of increasing the incomes of the rural poor, who mostly depend on upon agriculture for their livelihoods. This means improving development, cooperation, trade and agricultural policy to improve agriculture's contribution to economic development and poverty reduction. Current projects estimate that 1.02 billion people will go hungry in 2009 alone; an indication that if efforts are not directed at reversing this trend it would most likely continue. The research on climate change effect on productivity and rural development is scarce. The high uncertainty of climate change effects and the implications on agriculture is based on extrapolations and scenarios. Our knowledge on local environmental issues and agriculture is insufficient and local agricultural research data do mostly not exist. The agricultural sector requires investments and incentives that can guarantee sustainable development. Farmers need credit possibilities in order to buy input, to make investments and to finance adaptation measures. Fair Trade certification offers one way to guarantee minimum prices for farmers

    Hur vi pÄ daghem kan skapa en trygg miljö för barnet : Diskussionsunderlag för samtal med barn kring daghemmets miljö

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    Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete handlar om en resiliensförstĂ€rkande och mobbningsförebyggande metod i form av ett diskussionsunderlag för samtal med barn om daghemmets miljö. Syftet med diskussionsunderlaget Ă€r att skapa en trygg daghemsmiljö tillsammans med barnen, genom att stĂ€rka delaktigheten. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna i arbetet Ă€r: Hur kan personalen skapa en trygg miljö pĂ„ daghemmet tillsammans med barnen? Hur kan personalen beakta barnens egna tankar om daghemsmiljön genom ett diskussionsunderlag? Hur kan personalen involvera barnen i vardagsrutinerna pĂ„ daghem? Arbetet bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ centrala delar: En teoretisk referensram och en produkt. I den teoretiska referensramen behandlas livsvĂ€rld och daghemmets inlĂ€rningsmiljö. Vidare behandlas pedagogens roll och mĂ€nniskosyn. Produkten Ă€r ett diskussionsunderlag innehĂ„llande bottnar och kort, som skall fungera som hjĂ€lpmedel för att konkretisera och tydliggöra innehĂ„llet i en diskussion om daghemmets miljö. För att barnet skall kunna kĂ€nna delaktighet Ă€r det betydelsefullt att barnet kĂ€nner trygghet och fĂ„r förstĂ„else. Det Ă€r viktigt att barnet upplever att han/hon kan pĂ„verka sin situation och sin omgivning.TiivistelmĂ€ TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyö kĂ€sittelee resilienssiĂ€ vahvistavaa ja kiusaamista ehkĂ€isevÀÀ menetelmÀÀ. Mallina on keskustelumalli, jota voi kĂ€yttÀÀ pĂ€ivĂ€kotiympĂ€ristössĂ€ lasten kanssa. Keskustelumallin tavoitteena on luoda lasten kanssa turvallinen pĂ€ivĂ€kotiympĂ€ristö, vahvistamalla lasten osallisuutta. OpinnĂ€ytetyön kysymyksenasettelu on: Kuinka henkilökunta voi luoda turvallisen ympĂ€ristön pĂ€ivĂ€kodissa yhdessĂ€ lasten kanssa? Kuinka henkilökunta voi huomioida lasten omat ajatukset pĂ€ivĂ€kotiympĂ€ristöstĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€n keskustelumallin avulla? Kuinka henkilökunta voi saada lapset mukaan pĂ€ivĂ€kodin arkirutiineihin? Työ koostuu kahdesta keskeisestĂ€ osasta: teoreettisesta referenssikehyksestĂ€ ja tuotteesta. Teoreettisessa referenssikehyksessĂ€ kĂ€sitellÀÀn lapsen omaa kĂ€sitystĂ€ olemassa olevasta ympĂ€ristöstĂ€ ja pĂ€ivĂ€kodin kasvatus- ja oppimisympĂ€ristöstĂ€. LisĂ€ksi kĂ€sitellÀÀn henkilökunnan roolia ja ihmiskĂ€sitystĂ€. Tuote, keskustelumalli, sisĂ€ltÀÀ pohjia ja kortteja, jotka toimivat apuvĂ€lineinĂ€ kun keskustelua konkretisoidaan ja selkiytetÀÀn. Voidakseen tuntea osallisuutta tulee lapsen voida tuntea turvallisuutta ja saada osakseen ymmĂ€rrystĂ€. On tĂ€rkeÀÀ, ettĂ€ lapset kokevat voivansa vaikuttaa olemassa oleviin tilanteisiinsa ja ympĂ€ristöönsĂ€.Summary The theme of this BachelorÂŽs Thesis is a resilience strengthening and bullying preventing method. The method takes practical form in a discussion board, the purpose of which is to talk about the environment of the daycare together with the children. The goal of the discussion board is to make a safe environment together with the children by strengthening participation. The following questions find their answers in this thesis: How could the staff together with the children make the environment of the daycare safe? How can the children’s thoughts be taken into consideration by the staff, using a discussion board? How can the staff get the children involved in the daily routines? The thesis consists of two principal parts: a theoretical reference frame and a product. The theoretical reference consists of the following subjects: the life world and the environment of the daycare, the role of the educationalist and human outlook. The product, in form of a discussion board, completed with bottoms and cards, works as a tool for concretizing and making the discussion come clear. For the child to feel participation, a safe environment is important, as well as being understood. It is important for a child to feel that it is able to influence its situation and surroundings

    Rekrytointiprosessin kehittÀminen

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyö tehtiin henkilöstöpalvelualan yritykselle, jonka pÀÀtoimialaa on henkilöstön vuokraus ja rekrytointipalvelut. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ kuinka yrityksen rekrytointiprosessia voisi kehittÀÀ erityisesti rekrytointikanavia hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin yrityksen henkilöstön mielipiteitĂ€ ja kokemuksia erilaisista rekrytointikanavista ja niiden kĂ€ytöstĂ€. Tarkoitus oli tutkia miten rekrytointikanavia kannattaisi kĂ€yttÀÀ, jotta rekrytointiprosessista tulisi mahdollisimman tuloksellinen ja jotta haastaviinkin hakuihin löytyisi hyviĂ€ ehdokkaita. Työn teoreettisessĂ€ viitekehyksessĂ€ kĂ€siteltiin rekrytointia ja sen vaiheita sekĂ€ perehdyttiin erilaisiin rekrytointikanaviin ja henkilöstöpalveluyritysten toimintaan. TyössĂ€ kartoitettiin yrityksen rekrytointiprosessinvaiheet ja rekrytointikanavien kĂ€ytön nykytilanne. TyössĂ€ hyödynnettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmÀÀ. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin neljÀÀ yrityksen rekrytoivaa henkilöÀ teemhaastattelulla. Haastatteluiden avulla saatiin hyvĂ€ kuva rekrytointikanavien kĂ€ytöstĂ€ kohdeyrityksessĂ€. Perinteiset rekrytointikanavat hallitaan yrityksessĂ€ hyvin, mutta nykyajan jatkuvasti uudistuvat keinot ja kanavat ovat jÀÀneet vĂ€hemmĂ€lle huomiolle. Tutkimuksen mukaan rekrytointikanavien tehokkuuden seurantaan tulisi panostaa, jotta tulevaisuudessa voitaisiin kohdentaa työpaikkailmoituksia oikeisiin kanaviin. TĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ yrityksessĂ€ ei seurata rekrytointikanavien tehokkuutta juuri ollenkaan ja samaan aikaan ongelmaksi on muodostunut erikoisosaajien löytĂ€misen haastavuus. LisĂ€koulutus hakukanavista olisi tarpeen, sillĂ€ haastatteluissa ilmeni tiedonpuutteen olevan suurin syy hakukanavien yksipuoliselle hyödyntĂ€miselle. Tietoa olisi hyvĂ€ lisĂ€tĂ€, jotta kaikilla rekrytoivilla henkilöillĂ€ olisi mahdollisimmat hyvĂ€t tiedot ja taidot erilaisten kanavien kĂ€ytöstĂ€. Tietoa löytyy yrityksen sisĂ€ltĂ€ jonkin verran, joten tĂ€tĂ€ tulisi hyödyntÀÀ entistĂ€ enemmĂ€n tulevaisuudessa.This thesis was commissioned by a Finnish recruitment agency that operates mainly in the staffing and recruiting fields. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the recruitment process and how it could be made more efficient especially from the perspective of recruitment channels. The objective was to determine how different recruitment channels should be used to maximize the results so that good candidates are found for even the most challenging recruitment processes. Concepts of recruiting, recruiting processes, recruiting channels and operations of recruitment agencies in Finland are presented in the theoretical framework of the thesis. Thereafter follows the descriptions of the current situations of the company’s recruitment process and use of different recruiting channels. The empirical part of the thesis was implemented by interviewing the company’s four employees. All the four employees were responsible for recruiting. Based on the results a clear picture of the recruiting channels used in the company were obtained The company handled the traditional recruiting process and recruiting channels well, however, the newer ways of recruiting and modern methods and channels were not so up to date within the company. The results of the interviews showed that there should be a lot more monitoring about the efficiency and reachability of the used recruiting channels. With this monitoring the company would know better which specific recruiting channels to use with differing open positions. At the moment the company does not monitor the effectiveness of the recruiting channels and at the same time there are sometimes problems to find specialists in specific fields. Another finding based on the interviews was that there was a lack of knowledge about specific recruiting channels. This seems to be the main reason why employees do not use the modern channels as much as they would like to. There should be more education and open discussion so every recruiter in the company would have the best knowledge and skills as possible. There is already some knowledge within the company but it is not being used and shared as much as it could be. The company should take advantage of this knowledge better in the future

    Welfare states, social structure and the dynamics of poverty rates: A comparative study of 16 countries, 1980-2000

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold. The primary purpose is to try and explain both the temporal and the spatial variation of poverty rates in terms of unemployment insurance indicators and structural/sociodemographic factors. Secondly, the paper aims to test the 'convergence hypothesis' of the poverty rate, i.e. whether or not poverty rates in modern welfare states have converged in recent decades. The analyses tentatively suggest that structural change in terms of the unemployment rate, the proportion of single-earner households, the female labour-force participation rate, and the proportion of families with children primarily explains the temporal variation in poverty rates. The unemployment insurance factors primarily explain the spatial variation, i.e. variation between countries. In part, however, the temporal variation is explained by the cuts in net replacements in unemployment insurance. This factor alone explains a larger share of the overall variance than all the structural factors put together. Where the convergence hypothesis is concerned, a random-effects model is proposed as a statistical tool for testing convergence (and dispersion). The results of this analysis suggest that for the 16 countries and the time frame under review the convergence hypothesis must be rejected, an outcome that is in line with some other analyses presented recently

    Mellan idéer och nÀrvaro : En studie över utlandsfödda kandidaters representationsuppfattningar i samband med kommunalvalet 2012 i Helsingfors

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    UtgÄngspunkten för den hÀr studien Àr att Finlands invandrarbefolkning har ökat fort under de senaste Ären, detta har fört med sig en offentlig diskussion samt forskning om integrationen av invandrare, men fokus har frÀmst legat pÄ arbetsmarknadsintegration, sprÄkkunskaper samt tillÀgnandet av den lokala kulturen. DÀremot finns det relativt lite forskning som behandlar den politiska integrationen, Àven om Àmnet pÄ sistone har fÄtt mer uppmÀrksamhet. I dagslÀget Àr personer med invandrarbakgrund underrepresenterade inom det politiska systemet och röstar mer sÀllan Àn personer som tillhör majoritetsbefolkningen, vilket kan ses som ett demokratiskt problem. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte Àr att studera uppfattningar av och resonemang kring politisk representation bland utlandsfödda kommunalpolitiker som var uppstÀllda som kandidater i kommunalvalet 2012 i Helsingfors. Den huvudsakliga frÄgan Àr vilka samhÀllsgrupper och intressen kandidaterna ser sig sjÀlv som representanter för. Dessutom studeras Àven varför och hur kandidaterna har valt att aktivera sig inom politiken och deras synpunkter pÄ eventuella specifika invandrarintressen. I och med att integrationen under de senaste Ären har politiserats och pÄ grund av att debatten frÀmst har initierats av aktörer som förhÄller sig negativt till invandring och mÄnkulturalism Àr det Àven av intresse att studera hur politikerna har reagerat pÄ debatten och huruvida den har pÄverkat deras politiska engagemang. Den huvudsakliga teoretiska referensramen utgörs av teorier om minoritetsrepresentation och framför allt av Anne Phillips idé om nÀrvarons politik som utgÄr frÄn att en ökad representation av olika minoriteter Àr viktig för att uppnÄ ett mer jÀmlikt system som i högre grad beaktar olika politiska intressen. Dessutom anvÀnds olika perspektiv pÄ social identitet och tillhörande samt politisk integration och mobilisering av personer med invandrarbakgrund. Studien vÀgleds av en förstÄelse att förhÄllandet mellan politisk representation och sociala identiteter Àr komplext, vilket innebÀr att politikernas representationsuppfattningar kan vara mycket mÄngskiftande. Studiens empiriska del bestÄr av 10 semistrukturerade samtalsintervjuer av utlandsfödda kandidater som var uppstÀllda i 2012 Ärs kommunalval i Helsingfors. Intervjuerna genomfördes mellan oktober 2012 och januari 2013. Till sin natur Àr studien en beskrivande fallstudie och i analysen av materialet har ett teorikonsumerande tillvÀgagÄngasÀtt anvÀnts. Analysen av materialet har genomförts med hjÀlp av programmet Atlas.ti. Resultaten visar pÄ att kandidaterna ser sig sjÀlv som representanter för ett flertal olika grupper och intressen, men ocksÄ pÄ att mÄnga av dem vill föra invandrarnas talan inom politiken. Men det förkommer Àven politiker som tar avstÄnd frÄn idén att de pÄ grund av sin bakgrund ska fungera som representanter för invandrare och minoriteter, medan andra politiker anvÀnder sig av sin etniska bakgrund för att profilera sig politiskt. Resultaten speglar att Helsingfors har en allt större befolkning med invandrarbakgrund och att integrationspolitiken mer Àn tidigare har kommit upp pÄ den politiska agendan. Men pÄ grund av förvÀntningar frÄn partierna, medierna och det omgivande samhÀllet ser det Àven ut att finnas ett tryck pÄ politiker med invandrarbakgrund pÄ att de ska arbeta med minoritets- och integrationsfrÄgor och dÀrför tvingas de inom politiken förhÄlla sig till sin bakgrund pÄ ett eller annat sÀtt. Ofta har nÄgot specifikt samhÀllsproblem motiverat kandidaterna att aktivera sig inom partipolitiken Àven om det ocksÄ i varierande grad förekommer olika ideologiska motiv för den politiska aktiviteten. Olika organisationer inom tredje sektorn har fungerat som en viktig rekryteringskanal av kandidaterna. Ett intressant resultat Àr att somliga kandidater ser sin politiska aktivitet som ett sÀtt att motverka ett samhÀllsklimat som blivit mer fientligt gentemot invandrare och olika minoriteter. Det finns en utbredd uppfattning om att det finns somliga specifika invandrarintressen som frÀmst hÀnger ihop med integrationspolitiken. Men det förekommer Àven mÄnga reservationer gentemot uppfattningen i och med att personer med invandrarbakgrund utgör en sÄ heterogen grupp att det inte Àr meningsfullt att tala om specifika invandrarintressen. Studiens resultat visar pÄ idén om en mer deskriptiv politisk representation under de senaste Ären har haft inflytande pÄ hur man i Finland ser pÄ representation. Det hÀr syns bland annat i ett ökat fokus pÄ inkluderandet av minoriteter i beslutsfattandet, vilket ur demokratisynpunkt kan ses som en positiv utveckling. Men samtidigt finns en risk att man överbetonar politikers bakgrund och samtidigt för fokus bort frÄn deras handlingar och ÄsiktsöverenstÀmmelsen mellan dem och deras vÀljare

    A Queer Perspective on Sexuality and Normality in Folk Legends

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    The Noajdie and his ecstasy: a contribution to the discussion

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    It is obvious that the trance state of the noajdie (the Saami shaman) and his supposed abilities to discover hidden and unknown things have fascinated the neighbours of the Saamis ever since the first contacts were established. The view of the Saamis as the wizards (trollkarlar) has been dominant in the history of the Saamis from time immemorial right up to the present day, a history that has been written for example by the Scandinavians. From the Viking sagas, we know that a noajdie had an aura of sorcery, and that the "Finns", meaning the Saamis were in general looked upon as skilled in the arts of magic. In the historical sources, as well as in the archives, there are also documents from the time of the colonization of the Saami area, in which amazement at, and dread of, Saami sorcery is profoundly expressed by the intruders
