142 research outputs found
Rannikkovesien ekologisen luokittelun perusteita – yhteenveto eurooppalaisista tyypittelyn, luokittelun ja seurannan ohjeistuksista
Raportissa esitellään EU:n vesipuitedirektiivin myötä kehitettävän ekologisen luokittelun taustaa ja perusteita rannikkovesien osalta. Tekstissä tarkastellaan sekä direktiivissä annettuja määritelmiä että EU:n asettamien, yhteistä lähestymistapaa (Common Implementation Startegy, CIS) työstäneiden työryhmien näkemyksiä ja tulkintoja direktiivin tekstistä. Raportissa käydään läpi direktiivissä rannikkovesien luokitteluun sisällytetyt laatutekijät, sekä selitetään vertailuolosuhteet ja ekologinen laatusuhde (ecological quality ratio, EQR). Siinä esitellään myös direktiivissä esitetyt menetelmät vertailuolosuhteiden määrittämiseksi, ja pohditaan niiden käyttökelpoisuutta. Raportissa tarkastellaan sekä direktiivissä lueteltuja että työryhmien ohjeistuksissaan esittämiä kriteereitä luokittelussa käytettävien laatutekijöiden ja muuttujien valitsemiseksi. Lisäksi esitellään lyhyesti vaihtoehtoisia menetelmiä luokkarajojen asettamiseksi. Lopuksi tarkastellaan biologisten tekijöiden ja niitä tukevien fysikaalis-kemiallisten ja hydrologis-morfologisten tekijöiden suhdetta luokittelussa ja annetaan katsaus interkalibrointiprosessista, jonka avulla on tarkoitus varmistaa eri maiden luokittelutulosten vertailukelpoisuus
Utbildning och utvärdering av Kronoby första delvårds teoretiska kunnande
Ambulansernas transportsträckor tenderar att växa och ansvaret sätts i allt högre grad på första delvården. I Kronoby kommun finns endast en ambulans och avstånden är långa. Därför utgör första delvården i Kronoby en väsentlig del av vårdkedjan. 50 % av traumapatienterna som dör på olyckplatsen kunde räddas genom enkla åtgärder som att öppna andningsvägarna, öka syretillförseln och ventilera patienten.
Kunskap är ett viktigt redskap när första delvårdarna vårdar patienten. Kunskapen ger patienten trygghet och är en förutsättning för att samarbetet mellan patient och vårdare ska fungera.
Avsikten med examensarbetet är att öka det teoretiska kunnandet om traumapatienten och testa första delvårdarnas teoretiska kunskaper. Syftet med projektet är att öka patientsäkerheten i kommunen samt skapa en grund för en utbildningsplan som ska uppgöras senare.
Utvecklingsarbetet följde Carlström och Hagmans arbetsmodell för utvecklingsarbete. Utgående från en litteratursökning och teoretisk referensram utformades en lektionsplan och en enkät som fylldes i genast efter utbildningstillfället. Enkäten undersökte första delvårdarnas utbildning och kursdeltagande, deras upplevelse av utbildningen i fråga, deras kunskaper om traumapatienten samt deras önskemål om vidare utbildningar. Utbildningstillfället hölls på kårens normala övningstid. Enkäten visade att ingen hade annan vårdutbildning än den som erbjudits under deras brandmannakarriär, en stor del deltar i kårens övningar och ett fåtal deltagit på kurser som anordnats av SPEK eller FRK. Alla hade lärt sig något eller mycket nytt under utbildningstillfället och de flesta kände sig delvis tryggare att vårda en traumapatient efter föreläsningen jämfört med innan.The ambulances transportation distances tend to grow and the first response system seems to get more and more responsibility. There is only one ambulance and the distances are long in the community of Kronoby. That is why the first response system in Kronoby has an essential role in the care chain. About 50 % of trauma patients who dies could be saved by simple actions as opening the airways, administrating oxygen and ventilating the patient.
Knowledge is an important equipment when the first responders are taking care of the patient. Knowledge gives the patient a feeling of safety and is a key in the cooperation between patient and caregiver.
The intention of this thesis is to increase the first responders theoretical knowing about the trauma patient and to test their theoretical knowledge. The aim with this thesis is to increase the patient safety in the community and to create a base for the plan of education that will be created later.
The thesis used the work model for the development work that Carlström and Hagman have made. After a literature study and a theoretical reference a plan of lecture was made and a form was created. The form was filled out right after the education event. The form examined the first responders’ education and which courses in first response they had been participating in, their thoughts about the education, their knowledge about the trau-ma patient and their wishes for further education. The education was held on their normal training time and place. The form showed that no one had another education in caregiving than the one they got from the firefighting. Many of the participants had been taking part of the first response systems own training. Only a few had been participating in the edu-cation that the Red Cross or the national organization for firefighters has been offering. The participants learnt something new or a lot new during the education. Almost everyone felt more secure to take care of a traumapatient after the education than before.Ambulanssien kuljetusmatkoilla on taipumus kasvaa ja ensivasteryhmät saavat enemmän vastuuta. Kruunupyyssä on vain yksi ambulanssi ja etäisyydet ovat pitkät. Siksi Kruunupyyn ensivasteryhmä on tärkeä osa hoitoketjussa. Puolet tapaturmapaikalla kuolevista traumapotilaista voidaan pelastaa vaatimattomilla toimenpiteillä kuten avaamalla hengitystiet, antamalla lisähappea ja ventiloimalla potilasta.
Osaaminen on tärkeä väline hoitotyössä. Hoitajan osaaminen antaa potilaalle turvallisuutta. Osaaminen on yksi tärkeä osa potilaan ja hoitajan yhteistyötä.
Opinnäytetyön aihe on lisätä ensivasteryhmän teoreettistä osaamista ja tutkia heidän tietämystä traumapotilaasta. Tavoite on lisätä potilasturvallisuutta kunnassa ja luoda hyvä pohja koulutussuunnitelmalle, joka tehdään myöhemmässä vaiheessa.
Carlström ja Hagmanin kehitystyön työmallia on käytetty opinnäytetyössä. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen ja teoreettisen viitekehyksen perusteella tein opetussuunnitelman ja kiertokyselyn joka täytettiin heti koulutustilaisuuden jälkeen. Kiertokysely tutki ensivasteryhmän osallistujien koulutusta ja kursseilla käyntiä, heidän mielipiteitä koulutuksesta ja heidän osaamistaan traumapotilaasta ja toiveita jatkokoulutuksista. Koulutustilaisuus pidettiin palokunnan normaalilla harjoitusajalla. Kiertokysely kertoi ettei kellään ollut muuta hoitokoulutusta kuin se jonka he ovat saaneet palomiesuran yhteyksissä. Suuri osa oli käynyt palokunnan omissa harjoituksissa ja vain muutama oli käynyt SPR:n tai SPEK:n kursissa. Kaikki ensivaste ryhmässä olivat sitä mieltä että he oppivat jotain uutta tai paljon uutta. Suurin osa oli sitä mieltä että tuntui turvallisemmalta hoitaa traumapotilasta koulutuksen jälkeen kuin ennen koulutusta
Shoah : att göra film om Förintelsen
Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Detta är en pro gradu-avhandling inom ämnet filmforskning och temat är Förintelsen på film.Jag har haft två syften med avhandlingen. Dels att beskriva när Förintelsen blev ett tema på film och dels att se på hur filmskapare har beskrivit denna händelse. Som material har använts tre franska dokumentärfilmer och tre tyska fiktionsfilmer. Mitt forskningsresultat visar att Förintelsen blev ett tema på film mycket sent. På några få undantag när förekommer det först decennier efter kriget på vita duken.Tyskarna tacklade ämnet på film senare än andra européer. Dokumentärerna tacklar Förintelsen direkt och händelserna kan fungera som filmens huvudtema.Fiktionsfilmerna betecknas däremot av att de berör händelserna flyktigt och allegoriskt och utan att placera Förintelsen i fokus. I stället lyfter man fram andra aspekter, som krigets fasor eller vilka dygder som hjälpte en att klara kriget. Som huvudkällor har jag använt följande böcker: Reimer, Robert och Carol: Nazi-retro Film, 1992. Colombat, Pierre André: The Holocaust in French film, 1993. Avisar, Ilan: Screening the Holocaust, 1988
Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning: Challenges and Directions Towards Human-Like Approaches
This paper surveys the field of multiagent deep reinforcement learning. The
combination of deep neural networks with reinforcement learning has gained
increased traction in recent years and is slowly shifting the focus from
single-agent to multiagent environments. Dealing with multiple agents is
inherently more complex as (a) the future rewards depend on the joint actions
of multiple players and (b) the computational complexity of functions
increases. We present the most common multiagent problem representations and
their main challenges, and identify five research areas that address one or
more of these challenges: centralised training and decentralised execution,
opponent modelling, communication, efficient coordination, and reward shaping.
We find that many computational studies rely on unrealistic assumptions or are
not generalisable to other settings; they struggle to overcome the curse of
dimensionality or nonstationarity. Approaches from psychology and sociology
capture promising relevant behaviours such as communication and coordination.
We suggest that, for multiagent reinforcement learning to be successful, future
research addresses these challenges with an interdisciplinary approach to open
up new possibilities for more human-oriented solutions in multiagent
reinforcement learning.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figure
Modular Differential Evolution
New contributions in the field of iterative optimisation heuristics are often
made in an iterative manner. Novel algorithmic ideas are not proposed in
isolation, but usually as an extension of a preexisting algorithm. Although
these contributions are often compared to the base algorithm, it is challenging
to make fair comparisons between larger sets of algorithm variants. This
happens because even small changes in the experimental setup, parameter
settings, or implementation details can cause results to become incomparable.
Modular algorithms offer a way to overcome these challenges. By implementing
the algorithmic modifications into a common framework, many algorithm variants
can be compared, while ensuring that implementation details match in all
In this work, we propose a version of a modular framework for the popular
Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. We show that this modular approach not
only aids in comparison, but also allows for a much more detailed exploration
of the space of possible DE variants. This is illustrated by showing that
tuning the settings of modular DE vastly outperforms a set of commonly used DE
versions which have been recreated in our framework. We then investigate these
tuned algorithms in detail, highlighting the relation between modules and
performance on particular problems
Explainable Benchmarking for Iterative Optimization Heuristics
Benchmarking heuristic algorithms is vital to understand under which
conditions and on what kind of problems certain algorithms perform well. In
most current research into heuristic optimization algorithms, only a very
limited number of scenarios, algorithm configurations and hyper-parameter
settings are explored, leading to incomplete and often biased insights and
results. This paper presents a novel approach we call explainable benchmarking.
Introducing the IOH-Xplainer software framework, for analyzing and
understanding the performance of various optimization algorithms and the impact
of their different components and hyper-parameters. We showcase the framework
in the context of two modular optimization frameworks. Through this framework,
we examine the impact of different algorithmic components and configurations,
offering insights into their performance across diverse scenarios. We provide a
systematic method for evaluating and interpreting the behaviour and efficiency
of iterative optimization heuristics in a more transparent and comprehensible
manner, allowing for better benchmarking and algorithm design.Comment: Submitted to ACM TEL
Large-scale Benchmarking of Metaphor-based Optimization Heuristics
The number of proposed iterative optimization heuristics is growing steadily,
and with this growth, there have been many points of discussion within the
wider community. One particular criticism that is raised towards many new
algorithms is their focus on metaphors used to present the method, rather than
emphasizing their potential algorithmic contributions. Several studies into
popular metaphor-based algorithms have highlighted these problems, even
showcasing algorithms that are functionally equivalent to older existing
methods. Unfortunately, this detailed approach is not scalable to the whole set
of metaphor-based algorithms. Because of this, we investigate ways in which
benchmarking can shed light on these algorithms. To this end, we run a set of
294 algorithm implementations on the BBOB function suite. We investigate how
the choice of the budget, the performance measure, or other aspects of
experimental design impact the comparison of these algorithms. Our results
emphasize why benchmarking is a key step in expanding our understanding of the
algorithm space, and what challenges still need to be overcome to fully gauge
the potential improvements to the state-of-the-art hiding behind the metaphors
MA-VAE: Multi-head Attention-based Variational Autoencoder Approach for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time-series Applied to Automotive Endurance Powertrain Testing
A clear need for automatic anomaly detection applied to automotive testing
has emerged as more and more attention is paid to the data recorded and manual
evaluation by humans reaches its capacity. Such real-world data is massive,
diverse, multivariate and temporal in nature, therefore requiring modelling of
the testee behaviour. We propose a variational autoencoder with multi-head
attention (MA-VAE), which, when trained on unlabelled data, not only provides
very few false positives but also manages to detect the majority of the
anomalies presented. In addition to that, the approach offers a novel way to
avoid the bypass phenomenon, an undesirable behaviour investigated in
literature. Lastly, the approach also introduces a new method to remap
individual windows to a continuous time series. The results are presented in
the context of a real-world industrial data set and several experiments are
undertaken to further investigate certain aspects of the proposed model. When
configured properly, it is 9% of the time wrong when an anomaly is flagged and
discovers 67% of the anomalies present. Also, MA-VAE has the potential to
perform well with only a fraction of the training and validation subset,
however, to extract it, a more sophisticated threshold estimation method is
required.Comment: Accepted in NCTA202
Multi-surrogate Assisted Efficient Global Optimization for Discrete Problems
Decades of progress in simulation-based surrogate-assisted optimization and
unprecedented growth in computational power have enabled researchers and
practitioners to optimize previously intractable complex engineering problems.
This paper investigates the possible benefit of a concurrent utilization of
multiple simulation-based surrogate models to solve complex discrete
optimization problems. To fulfill this, the so-called Self-Adaptive
Multi-surrogate Assisted Efficient Global Optimization algorithm (SAMA-DiEGO),
which features a two-stage online model management strategy, is proposed and
further benchmarked on fifteen binary-encoded combinatorial and fifteen ordinal
problems against several state-of-the-art non-surrogate or single surrogate
assisted optimization algorithms. Our findings indicate that SAMA-DiEGO can
rapidly converge to better solutions on a majority of the test problems, which
shows the feasibility and advantage of using multiple surrogate models in
optimizing discrete problems
When to be Discrete: Analyzing Algorithm Performance on Discretized Continuous Problems
The domain of an optimization problem is seen as one of its most important
characteristics. In particular, the distinction between continuous and discrete
optimization is rather impactful. Based on this, the optimizing algorithm,
analyzing method, and more are specified. However, in practice, no problem is
ever truly continuous. Whether this is caused by computing limits or more
tangible properties of the problem, most variables have a finite resolution.
In this work, we use the notion of the resolution of continuous variables to
discretize problems from the continuous domain. We explore how the resolution
impacts the performance of continuous optimization algorithms. Through a
mapping to integer space, we are able to compare these continuous optimizers to
discrete algorithms on the exact same problems. We show that the standard
-CMA-ES fails when discretization is added to the problem
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