26 research outputs found

    Muslim Women in Western Europe

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    69 s., 15 s. příl. :obr. +CD ROMBakalářská práce pojednává o muslimkách žijících v evropském prostředí. První část popisuje islámské náboženství, jeho vznik a vývoj a některé důležité aspekty, jež islám obsahuje. Druhá část ve zkratce ukazuje postupný průnik islámu do Evropy a jeho vliv na náš kontinent. Třetí část je pak výpovědí o postavení žen v islámu, kde jsem se také pokusila vyvrátit některé falešné představy, zejména z oblasti vztahu ženy a muže. Čtvrtá hlavní část je o životě muslimek v Evropě. Zaměřuje se na Francii, Velkou Británii a Českou republiku a popisuje vybrané problémy, se kterými se musí ženy v neislámském prostředí potýkat. Poslední část zobrazuje životy třech muslimek, které se dokázaly prosadit na Západě a dnes jsou všechny ve svých profesích velice uznávanými osobnostmi

    Muslim Women in Western Europe

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    Microstructure and precipitates in annealed Co38Ni33Al29 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy

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    Transmission electron microscopy was performed to investigate the microstructure and precipitates in the annealed Co38Ni33Al29 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy. Apart from the dendritic secondary phase in the austenite matrix, micron-sized (up to 100 μm) fcc-based precipitates with partial γ′ L12 ordering and containing none, one or three {1 1 1}p parallel twin planes were found. The orientation relationship between the precipitates and matrix was found to be Kurdjumov–Sachs. STEM–EDX analysis indicates that twinned and non-twinned precipitates are Co-rich and Al- and Ni-deficient with respect to the matrix and with a lower Co/Al ratio for the latter. The 3D morphologies of precipitates were reconstructed with focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope dual-beam slice-and-view imaging, showing that the single {1 1 1}p plane twinned precipitates have a plate-like shape while the non-twinned precipitates are lath-like and often bent

    The Pharmacotherapy of Chronic Non-maligant Pain Among Geriatric Patients

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    Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy Candidate: Mgr. Barbora Bartova Consultant: PharmDr. Daniela Fialova, PhD. Title of Thesis: The Pharmacotherapy of Chronic Non-malignant Pain among Geriatric Patients Introduction: Epidemiological studies demonstrate that prevalence of chronic pain increases with higher age. Furthermore, pain among older patients is often underrecognized and/or undertreated. Although rational treatment of geriatric pain has been extensively studied during the past decade, many older people still suffer from uncontrolled or insufficiently treated pain. The aim of this study is to evaluate the treatment of non-malignant chronic pain by general practitioners (GPs) in geriatric patients. Further, we discuss the role of pharmacist in rational pain pharmacotherapy as well as complex pharmacotherapy management in these patients. Methods: Data were obtained by prospective assessment of 80 geriatric patients 65+ (mean age 75,0 years (range 65-94 yrs), 80 % females) suffering from chronic nonmalignant pain. Evaluation of pain management and complex drug regimens was provided by specifically trained pharmacist in two general practices in Brno, Czech Republic (between March 2010 and December 2011). To assess the..

    Malé a střední podniky a internet ? SWOT analýza cestovní agentury Net Travel.cz, s.r.o.

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    Práce si bere za cíl nalézt takové projekty, které využijí příležitostí společnosti a tím pádem i jejích silných stránek a které by dále měly pokud možno eliminovat slabé stránky a možná ohrožení. Tyto projekty budou sloužit vlastníkům jako podklady pro rozhodování při tvorbě plánu na rok 2008. První část práce je věnována obecným informacím o podnikání v cestovním ruchu a metodám marketingových analýz. Druhá část práce se věnuje popisu společnosti, SWOT analýze samotné a návrhu projektů

    Benefits of rehabilitation in patients with abdominal hernia

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    The thesis summarizes available information about the possibilities of rehabilitation in patients with abdominal hernia. The theoretical part presents current approach to prehabilitation and postoperative rehabilitation in patients with abdominal hernia. In the theoretical part of the thesis is brief list of risk factors which increase probability of occurrence of the postoperative complications. The possibilities of modification of these risk factors by prehabilitation are presented. The approaches supporting as well as questioning prescription of prehabilitation are discussed. The thesis also contains the guidelines for early postoperative period and guidelines for long-term postoperative programs. These guidelines are proceeded from foreign literature. Long-term training programs intensity is based on the preoperative examination results. Determining preoperative performance reduces the risk of overloading the patient and maximizes the benefits which the physical activity has to offer. In the experimental part of the thesis are presented data obtained from group of patients who underwent the Preoperative program for patients with hernia on the Clinic of Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine the Motol University Hospital. The comparison of data before and after therapy is concluded. Another..

    Benefits of rehabilitation in patients with abdominal hernia

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    Tato diplomová práce shrnuje dostupné poznatky o rehabilitaci u pacientů s břišní kýlou. V první části rešeršní formou představuje současný pohled na předoperační i pooperační rehabilitaci těchto pacientů. V souvislosti s předoperační rehabilitací jsou uvedeny faktory, které mohou zvýšit riziko výskytu pooperačních komplikací. Ovlivnění těchto faktorů je jedním z cílů, na které se předoperační rehabilitace zaměřuje. Uvedeny jsou argumenty autorů, kteří předoperační rehabilitaci doporučují, i názory, které naopak její význam zpochybňují. Z pooperační rehabilitace jsou zmíněny postupy vhodné pro rehabilitaci v časném pooperační období, dále jsou představeny programy pooperační rehabilitace uvedené v zahraniční literatuře. Ty podle výsledků předoperačního vyšetření nastavují pro konkrétního pacienta intenzitu zátěže tak, aby nedošlo k jeho přetížení. Zároveň je však intenzita dostatečná, aby mohl pacient z rehabilitace profitovat v co největší možné míře. V praktické části jsou vyhodnocena data pocházející od pacientů, kteří absolvovali program pro pacienty s kýlou v rámci Oddělení tělovýchovného lékařství Fakultní nemocnice Motol. Porovnána jsou data získaná od pacientů před terapií a po terapii. Rovněž jsou srovnávána data naměřená u pacientů před terapií s kontrolní skupinou tvořenou probandy bez...The thesis summarizes available information about the possibilities of rehabilitation in patients with abdominal hernia. The theoretical part presents current approach to prehabilitation and postoperative rehabilitation in patients with abdominal hernia. In the theoretical part of the thesis is brief list of risk factors which increase probability of occurrence of the postoperative complications. The possibilities of modification of these risk factors by prehabilitation are presented. The approaches supporting as well as questioning prescription of prehabilitation are discussed. The thesis also contains the guidelines for early postoperative period and guidelines for long-term postoperative programs. These guidelines are proceeded from foreign literature. Long-term training programs intensity is based on the preoperative examination results. Determining preoperative performance reduces the risk of overloading the patient and maximizes the benefits which the physical activity has to offer. In the experimental part of the thesis are presented data obtained from group of patients who underwent the Preoperative program for patients with hernia on the Clinic of Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine the Motol University Hospital. The comparison of data before and after therapy is concluded. Another...Department of Rehabilitation and Sports MedicineKlinika rehabilitace a tělovýchovného lékařství2. lékařská fakultaSecond Faculty of Medicin

    Methods of working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    This bachelor's thesis deals with methods od working with children with autism spectrum disorder. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to analyze these methods and find out which methods are the most used. Furthermore, the bachelor's thesis focuses on which aids are most used for working with children with autism spectrum disorders. The practical part was processed using a qualitative research strategy. The qualitative research strategy was implemented through semi-structured interviews with therapists working with children with autism spectrum disorder in preschool age. The research results were processed using open coding and subsequent categorization. The empirical part describes what methods of work and what aids we can use when working with children with ASD and which of these methods and aids are the most suitable. The research revealed the O.T.A. (Open Therapy of Autism) as the most used method for working with children with ASD in preschool age, music therapy and art therapy are also very popular within the intervention. Another suitable intervention method is the structured learning method. In practice, various relaxation aids are used, such as relaxation music, or the projection of shapes on the wall; aids for motor skills or communication training; pictograms for orientation in everyday activities. Electronic devices are also widely used, especially the iPad. We will probably never be able to claim with certainty which method is the most suitable, but it is certain that if we look at the individuality, uniqueness of the child, we will try to understand him as much as possible and get to know him. The bachelor thesis can be used as a theoretical guide to how to work with children with autism spectrum disorder

    (Y0.5Lu0.5)2O3:Eu3+ nanopowders: Combustion synthesis, structure and optical properties

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    In this work we explored the possibility of obtaining nanocrystalline (Y0.5Lu0.5)2O3 powders, doped with europium and co-doped with praseodium, employing polymer complex solution synthesis. Polyethylene glycol, with average molecular weight 200, served both as a fuel and dispersing medium for nanocrystals formation. We investigated structure, morphology, luminescence emission and decay characteristics of obtained powders and how different concentrations of Pr co-dopant affect theirs optical characteristics

    Characterization of Mechanical Properties of MgB2 Conductor for the Superconducting Link Project at CERN

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    In the framework of high luminosity upgrade of Large Hadron Collider at CERN, superconducting links are being developed. MgB2 wire is a candidate conductor for use in high- current cables. Mechanical properties of this material are of key importance for the definition of the cable design and operating conditions. In this study, we evaluated the Young’s modulus of MgB2 filaments extracted from ex situ processed composite wires. The wires were produced in unit lengths of about 1 km and used in high-current cables. Single fiber tensile test was carried out on fil- aments composed of MgB2, Nb barrier, and Nb–Ni reaction layer. From the unloading modulus of filament specimens measured with different gauge lengths, the Young’s modulus of composite filaments extracted from two different strands was determined to be 114 and 122 GPa at room temperature, respectively. By using the rule-of-mixture, the Young’s modulus of MgB2 was estimated to be lower than that reported for highly dense MgB2 bulks. The reason for such difference is discussed from the viewpoint of void fraction