10 research outputs found

    Word Sense Clustering

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací modulárního systému pro analýzu textového korpusu a následné vyhledávání sémanticky podobných slov. Systém umožňuje stemming korpusu, uživatel si může zvolit z různých způsobů analýzy korpus (matice spoluvýskytu, LSA).This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and implementation of a modular system focused on semantic similarity. System is able to stem the corpus and to analyze corpus in different ways - through coocurrence matrix or LSA.

    Radar receiver beamforming implementation in FPGA

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem, implementací a ověřením funkce digitálního tvarovače přijmových svazků 3D radaru. V textu práce je odvozen algoritmus tvarování a detailně popsána jeho implementace na desce osazené obvodem Cyclone V. V závěru je provedeno ověření funkce tvarovače a popsány možnosti jeho dalšího využití.This thesis deals with design and implementation of digital beamformer for 3D radar. The text of this thesis contains derivation of beamforming algorithm and detailed description of it’s implementation on development kit with Cyclone V circuit. At the end of the thesis the beamformer design is verified and it’s further usage is discused.

    Low-voltage low-power rectifiers for biological signals processing

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu usměrňovačů s nízkým napájecím napětím a nízkou spotřebou s důrazem na využití technologie CMOS. První kapitola se zabývá základními biologickými signály, způsoby jejich získávání a zpracování. Druhá kapitola popisuje nejčastější konstrukce usměrňovačů a posuzuje jejich vhodnost pro využití v biomedicínských aplikacích. Třetí kapitola popisuje různé struktury operačních zesilovačů využívaných při konstrukci usměrňovačů. Čtvrtá kapitola se zabývá návrhem usměrňovače s použitím různých struktur operačních zesilovačů a jejich porovnáním.This thesis deals with the design of precision rectifier for low voltage and low power aplocations in CMOS technology. First chapter introduces most common biological signals and it’s acquision and processing. Second chapter describes different types of rectifiers it’s usability in low power aplications and suitability for biomedical signal processing. Third chapter shows different operational amplifier topologies used in precision rectifier circuits. Fourth chapter deals with design of precision rectifier using different operational amplifier structures and it’s comparison.

    Analýza financování reálné investice podniku

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    Import 19/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (154) financ

    Android application development in Java language and its publishing

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    This thesis deals with the development of a gaming application for smartphones with Android operating system. This project also describes the situation on the mobile applications market and explains the basic principles of object-oriented programming, Java and Android development. The thesis includes a description of the publishment of the final application on the market and the important features of the Eclipse developing environment and of Android studio. As the next part follows methodology and detailed analysis of the application development, on which are demonstrated the possibilities of working with the mentioned instruments. Both, the theoretical and practical parts, are designed to describe the situations in which the developer of Android applications can get and what mistakes should he avoid. The game theme has been chosen to be original, easy to use and not too much graphically complicated. It is an expanded version of classical chess with special rules. Particular examples of the program development are chosen so that the reader gets enough information about how it works, and what steps were made during its creation

    Automatic data update of financial products

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vývojem aplikace s automaticky aktualizovanou databází v programovacím jazyku Java. Jsou zde popsány ekonomické oblasti sou-visející s danou aplikací a vysvětleny nejdůležitější rysy objektově orientovaného programování, Javy a vývojového prostředí Netbeans. Následuje popis vývoje aplikace, který demonstruje možnosti práce se zmíněným programovacím jazykem. Popis ekonomických oblastí se týká především investování, spoření a vybrané finanční společnosti. Aplikace by tedy měla sloužit jako pomůcka pro práci s těmito pojmy, informování se o finančních produktech a složité kalkulování. Jako testovací subjekt byl zvolen pojišťovací koncern Allianz. Jednotlivé ukázky vývoje programu jsou zvoleny tak, aby čtenář získal dostatek informací o tom, jak funguje a jak se při jeho tvorbě postupovalo

    Comparison of the impacts of acid and nitrogen additions on carbon fluxes in European conifer and broadleaf forests

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    Increased reactive nitrogen (N) loadings to terrestrial ecosystems are believed to have positive effects on ecosystem carbon (C) sequestration. Global “hot spots” of N deposition are often associated with currently or formerly high deposition of sulphur (S); C fluxes in these regions might therefore not be responding solely to N loading, and could be undergoing transient change as S inputs change. In a four-year, two-forest stand (mature Norway spruce and European beech) replicated field experiment involving acidity manipulation (sulphuric acid addition), N addition (NH4NO3) and combined treatments, we tested the extent to which altered soil solution acidity or/and soil N availability affected the concentration of soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC), soil respiration (Rs), microbial community characteristics (respiration, biomass, fungi and bacteria abundances) and enzyme activity. We demonstrated a large and consistent suppression of soil water DOC concentration driven by chemical changes associated with increased hydrogen ion concentrations under acid treatments, independent of forest type. Soil respiration was suppressed by sulphuric acid addition in the spruce forest, accompanied by reduced microbial biomass, increased fungal:bacterial ratios and increased C to N enzyme ratios. We did not observe equivalent effects of sulphuric acid treatments on Rs in the beech forest, where microbial activity appeared to be more tightly linked to N acquisition. The only changes in C cycling following N addition were increased C to N enzyme ratios, with no impact on C fluxes (either Rs or DOC). We conclude that C accumulation previously attributed solely to N deposition could be partly attributable to their simultaneous acidification

    Hunters or farmers? Microbiome characteristics help elucidate the diet composition in an aquatic carnivorous plant

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    Abstract Background Utricularia are rootless aquatic carnivorous plants which have recently attracted the attention of researchers due to the peculiarities of their miniaturized genomes. Here, we focus on a novel aspect of Utricularia ecophysiology—the interactions with and within the complex communities of microorganisms colonizing their traps and external surfaces. Results Bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa inhabit the miniature ecosystem of the Utricularia trap lumen and are involved in the regeneration of nutrients from complex organic matter. By combining molecular methods, microscopy, and other approaches to assess the trap-associated microbial community structure, diversity, function, as well as the nutrient turn-over potential of bacterivory, we gained insight into the nutrient acquisition strategies of the Utricularia hosts. Conclusions We conclude that Utricularia traps can, in terms of their ecophysiological function, be compared to microbial cultivators or farms, which center around complex microbial consortia acting synergistically to convert complex organic matter, often of algal origin, into a source of utilizable nutrients for the plants