15 research outputs found

    Kísérleti új típusú matematikaoktatás a Kaposvári Egyetemen

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    This publication is about an educational experiment in connection with teaching Calculus for first-year students of “Finance” and “Commerce and Marketing” of Kaposvár University in the framework of an EFOP project. Such experiments are more common in tertiary and secondary education, less at the university level. The literature review was about two fields. Studying the Hungarian educational experiences, statistics and the possible educational techniques, methodologies, worldwide. Based on them we wanted to plan the implementation of the pilot course, to find which methodologies are proper, achievable for us, match our situation, support our goals. We invited second-, third-year students to be mentors to help the students not only in the professional problems but support the cooperative learning process, the communication, team building, creativity, mentality change of the students. Our main goal was wider than to teach mathematical algorithms more efficient but improve the creativity, problem-solving skills, the braveness of the students to face new challenges. To use the internet in English and use the information, techniques with critics. In the course implementation part, a very detailed explanation of the pilot course takes place, with pictures, examples. In conclusion, the advantages and the problematic parts of the educational experiment are listed. Summarized, we can state, nowadays because of the changed mentality of the students and the newly available techniques, such educational experiences are important to establish new, efficient ways of teaching not only mathematics but improve the general problem-solving skill of the students. We consider, maybe we took only a small, but important step, but definitely in the right direction

    Kísérleti új típusú matematikaoktatás a Kaposvári Egyetemen

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    ABSTRACT This publication is about an educational experiment in connection with teaching Calculus for first-year students of “Finance” and “Commerce and Marketing” of Kaposvár University in the framework of an EFOP project. Such experiments are more common in tertiary and secondary education, less at the university level. The project team started with looking for Hungarian experiences, information, statistics, in this field. Thus, this additional literature review starts the publication. The second part of the literature review was in connection with possible methodologies, educational techniques. We wanted to find, predict which ones are proper, achievable for us, match our situation, support our goals. We wanted to plan the implementation of the pilot course. We invited second, third years students to be mentors to help the students not only in the professional problems but support the cooperative learning process, the communication, team building, creativity, mentality change of the students. In the publication, a very detailed explanation of the pilot course’s implementation comes next. In the conclusion the advantages and the problematic parts of the educational experiment are listed. Our main goal was wider than to teach mathematical algorithms more efficient but improve the creativity, problem-solving skills, the braveness of the students to face new challenges. To use the internet in English and use the information, techniques with critics. Summarized, we can state, nowadays because of the changed mentality of the students and the newly available techniques, such educational experiences are important to establish new, efficient ways of teaching. We consider maybe we took only a small, but important step, and definitely, into the right direction!&nbsp

    Analysis of the Turkish Islamic banking sector using CAMEL and Similarity Analysis methods

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    Rating the reliability of banks has always been an important practical problem for businesses and the economic policy makers. The best way to do this is the CAMEL analysis. The aim of this paper was to create a bank-rating indicator from the five fields of the CAMEL analysis using two-two indicators for each field for the Turkish Islamic banking system. According to the results of the analysis, we could rank the Turkish Islamic banks. Beside the widespread use of the CAMEL analysis, we applied the Similarity Analysis as a new method. We compared the results from the two methods and came to the conclusion that the CAMEL analysis does not adequately provide a fairly shaded picture about the banks. The Component-based Object Comparison for Objectivity (COCO) method gave us the yearly results in time series form. The comparison of the time series data leads to the problem of deciding about what is more important for us – average, standard deviation or the slope. For handling this problem, we used Analytic Hierarchy Process, which gave weights to these indicators

    A MEW és az ISEW alternatív gazdasági mutatók elméleti áttekintése = A Theoretical Overview of Alternative Economic Indicators MEW and ISEW

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    In our publication we focus on the economic well-being indicators that can be good substitutes or alternatives of the gross domestic product. After the brief overview of the often mentioned weaknesses and mistakes of GDP, we present the Measure of Economic Welfare (MEW) and the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW). We summarize that albeit there are more than enough indicators, none of them is so widely accepted as GDP. It is not clear yet which one(s) will replace it in its role. The study was created for the Economics Seminar of Kaposvár (KAKTUSZ) which is organized annually by the Kaposvár University. Another research team of the environmental economics session of KAKTUSZ 2016 undertakes to demonstrate other alternative economic indicators in the article titled "Theoretical overview of the GPI, the SNBI and the HDI alternative economic indicators" by Csuvár et al. (2018)