40 research outputs found

    Gyula László’s Theory of the “Two-Time Conquest of the Magyars” and the Archaeology of the Avars

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    Gyula László’s theory, published in 1970, was virtually ignored and received with tacit dismissal by the Hungarian archaeological scholarship and international archaeological community was largely unaware of it. This paper aims to provide clarity for the latter research. Not a single element of the theory was accepted or was acceptable even at the time of its birth: distribution of the late Avar and the Conquest-era sites do not complement each other; István Kniezsa's map is highly discussed and is not suitable for proving that the eighth century Avars were Hungarians; Byzantine sources record the immigration of a military group and not of a people, who later moved on; the “Ugri Bjelii” mentioned in the Russian Primary Chronicle cannot be applicable to this immigration; the so-called of “griffin-tendril” population is about 30 years later as the supposed immigration; there was not a migration from the Káma region in the seventh century connecting the “Uuangariorum marcha” with the “Onogurs” is highly uncertain; there is no trace of any immigration in the anthropological material of the Avar period

    A tárgy- és képtípusok hasonlóságairól

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    U arheološkim istraživanjima Nagyszentmiklósa, stepskih naroda i općenito srednje i istočne Europe nailazimo na različite probleme kao što su podrijetlo materijalnih kultura i umjetnost izrade metalnih posuda. Međutim, želimo li utvrditi kako vrednovati karakter predaje i preuzimanja umijeća izrade metalnih posuda – koje u slučaju stepskih naroda treba još i posebno istraživati – moramo si prethodno postaviti pitanje kakvo je uopće značenje sličnosti koje smo utvrdili, odnosno koje tek treba utvrditi na tipovima predmeta, ornamentalnim elementima i scenskim prikazima. Jasno je, dakle, da arheolozi koji se bave ranim srednjim vijekom srednje i istočne Europe moraju razraditi metodologiju za specifične probleme arheoloških nalaza. Kod vrednovanja prikaza na nalazima bilo bi važno, primjerice, pripaziti na ono što u europskoj povijesti umjetnosti srednjeg vijeka, novog vijeka i moderne spada u najnormalnije znanje kojemu se posvećuju i cijele izložbe. Zbog znanstvene rutine mnogima teško pada suočavanje s tim da puka činjenica što se ornamentalni elementi orijentalnih korijena, odnosno tipovi, pojavljuju na ranosrednjovjekovnim predmetima iz srednje, jugoistočne i istočne Europe – sama po sebi ne znači da predmeti posjeduju neposrednu vrijednost izvora za događajnu povijest. Sukladnost ornamentike ne treba automatski promatrati kao dokaz da je spomenuta ornamentika posljedica izravne veze mjesta podrijetla određenog predmeta sa svojom širom regijom i/ili kulturom, a još manje da su te sukladnosti izraz izravnog orijentalnog nasljeđa

    A Particle Emitting Source From an Accelerating, Perturbative Solution of Relativistic Hydrodynamics

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    The quark gluon plasma is formed in heavy-ion collisions, and it can be described by solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics. In this paper we utilize perturbative hydrodynamics, where we study first order perturbations on top of a known solution. We investigate the perturbations on top of the Hubble flow. From this perturbative solution we can give the form of the particle emitting source and calculate observables of heavy-ion collisions. We describe the source function and the single-particle momentum spectra for a spherically symmetric solution.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Perturbative Accelerating Solutions of Relativistic Hydrodynamics

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    In ultra-relativistic collisions of heavy ions, the strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma (sQGP) is created. The fluid nature of the sQGP was one of the important discoveries of high energy heavy ion physics in the last decades. Henceforth the explosion of this matter may be described by hydrodynamical models. Besides numerical simulations, it is important to study the analytic solutions of the equations of hydrodynamics, as these enable us to understand the connection of the final and initial states better. In this paper we present a perturbative, accelerating solution of relativistic hydrodynamics, on top of a known class of solutions describing Hubble-expansion. We describe the properties of this class of perturbative solutions, and investigate a few selected solutions in detail.Comment: Presented at the Bolyai-Gauss-Lobachevsky 2017 conferenc

    Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Railway Rescheduling

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    Malfunctions, congestions, and accidents occur in every railway system from time to time, which influences the railway traffic on a given section of the system. The disturbance may cause inconvenience for several passengers and disruption in rail freight. Both the schedule and route of the affected trains must be modified to avoid further congestion and minimalize delays. The rigidity of the railway system (e.g., single tracks, vast distances without a service station, no viable alternative in case of malfunction) poses restrictions, unlike other transportation systems. Replanning schedules and train routes (called the railway rescheduling problem) is complex and demanding, even for human operators, as one must consider numerous factors. Thus, finding a satisfying solution poses a significant challenge. This paper presents a MARL-base (Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning) solution that shows great potential for tackling this problem, even in the case of multiple connected stations

    Robust Independence Tests with Finite Sample Guarantees for Synchronous Stochastic Linear Systems

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    The paper introduces robust independence tests with non-asymptotically guaranteed significance levels for stochastic linear time-invariant systems, assuming that the observed outputs are synchronous, which means that the systems are driven by jointly i.i.d. noises. Our method provides bounds for the type I error probabilities that are distribution-free, i.e., the innovations can have arbitrary distributions. The algorithm combines confidence region estimates with permutation tests and general dependence measures, such as the Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion and the distance covariance, to detect any nonlinear dependence between the observed systems. We also prove the consistency of our hypothesis tests under mild assumptions and demonstrate the ideas through the example of autoregressive systems