216 research outputs found

    A véleménynyilvánítási szabadság büntetőjogi korlátairól alkotmánykonform értelmezésben

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    My paper deals with the criminal law boundaries of free speech: with the constitutional interpretation of defamation and insult. The Fourth Amendment of the Fundamental Law of Hungary declared the human dignity to be the explicit boundary of free speech. The new constitutional background made it necessary the re-thinking of the legal practice based on the Decision No. 16/1994 of the Constitutional Court (a fundamental decision of the topic). My research has been focusiong on the constitutional interpretation of this criminal law topic that examines such questions, about which the jurisprudence is not unified. The methodology of my research is the interpretation of the constitutional form, with which examines how the practice can be applied to the interpretation requirements laid down by the Constitutional Court. To this I I mainly used primary sources, which included the ordinary courts as well as the relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court. I consider domestic or foreign literature, as well as various journals and magazines as secondary sources. As a result, it can be determined that the practice is far from uniform, in the first interpretation requirement the personal focus is still an outstanding game and in many cases additional aspects are carried out at the level of factuality. Finally, a paradigm shift can also be observed in the practice of the Constitutional Court, therefore the board also seems to dissolve its residence behavior

    A gastroesophagealis reflux betegség légúti szövődményei és korszerű sebészi kezelése = The respiratory complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease and it`s up to date surgical management

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    A gastroesophagealis reflux betegség légúti tünetekkel járó eseteiben a betegek több mint 2/3-nál kifejezett savas expositio észlelhető a distalis és a proximalis mérő pontokon. Mind a distalis, mind a proximalis expositio a légúti panaszokkal bíró csoportban szignifikánsan magasabb volt a típusos panaszokkal jelentkező reflux betegek értékeinél. A nyelőcsőtest motilitási zavarára utaló manometriás eltérés (szimultán kontrakciók aránya >= 20%) nagyobb arányban volt megfigyelhető a légúti tünetekkel is érintett csoportban, mint a típusos panaszokkal rendelkező betegeknél. Az endoscopos morphologiai megjelenés és a tünetek jellege és a panaszok súlyossága között nem találtunk összefüggést. A műtét indikációjának felállításában fontos a tünetasszociáció megléte. A műtéti kezelés feltétele a beteg consensusa és a nyelőcsőtest motilitási zavarának hiánya. A műtéti után a standard reflux paraméterek és az alsó nyelőcső sphincter nyomás javulását láttuk. A típusos tünetek prompt csökkentek, míg a légúti tünetek fokozatosan javultak. A légúti tünetekkel érintett reflux betegeknél jól alkalmazható diagnosztikus algoritmus segít a légúti panaszok és a gastroesophagealis reflux betegség ok-okozati összefüggésének vizsgálatában. Algoritmus A Barrett metaplasia dysplasia és carcinoma sequentia vizsgálata vonatkozásában eredményeink kezdetinek minősíthetők, a munka folytatását indokoltnak tartjuk és multicentrikus formában prospektíve kívánjuk végezni. | Increased esophageal acid exposure in the distal and proximal esophagus was found in two thirds of the patients with reflux and respiratory symptoms. In patients with respiratory symptoms we could detect more extensive acid exposure in the distal and the proximal channels than in patients without respiratory symptoms. The presence of altered body motility (rate of simultaneous contractions >20%) among the patients with respiratory symptoms was higher then in patients with typical symptoms. The endoscopic findings did not correlate with the type of symptoms and the severity of symptoms. In the indication for surgery the symptom association is an important factor. The conditions of surgery are the consensus of the patient and the lack of severe esophageal body motility alteration. Surgery caused significant reflux control confirmed by the changes of standard reflux parameters and ba increase of resting lower sphincter pressure. The typical symptoms of the patients improved rapidly postoperatively while the respiratory symptoms showed gradual improvement. The diagnostic algorhytm of GERD patients with respiratory symptoms can be used in clinical practice. Algorhytm The Barrett metaplasia - dysplasia - carcinoma sequence can be evaluated by several collaborating centers only, using the same protocol performing a prospective study. Due to the small number of specimen and the short study period we are not able to draw conclusions from our preliminary data

    Hidroxiprolin meghatározására alkalmazott módszerek összehasonlító vizsgálata

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    Fünf verschiedene, in der Literatur beschriebene Bestimmungsverfahren wurden miteinander verglichen. Auf Grund der Ergebnisse wurde eine auch unter den industriellen Verhältnissen anwendbare rutinmässige Messmethode entwickelt. Die Reproduzierbarkeit der Bestimmungsmethoden des Hydroxiprolins wurde m it der der anderen in der Fleischindustrie zur Qualitätskontrolle verwendeten chemischen Verfahren verglichen. Five different methods described in literature were compared with each other. On the basis of the results a routine method applicable also under industrial conditions was developed. The reproducibility of the methods for the determination of hydroxyproline was compared with that of other chemical methods used in the quality control of products of the meat industry

    A hidroxilizin meghatározása : a hidroxilizin exponens

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    Ausser dem Hydroxyprolin wurde eine Methode auch zur Bestimmung der anderen bedeutenden Hydroxyaminosäure des Kollagens adaptiert. Mittels dieser Bestimmung ist es möglich, einen auf den Gehalt an Hydroxyprolin bezogenen sogenannten „Hydroxylysinexponent” anzugeben. Besides hydroxyproline also a method was adapted for the determination of another significant hydroxyaminoacid of collagen. By means of this determination it is possible to establish the so-called “ hydroxylysine exponent” related to the hydroxyproline content

    A hidroxiprolin-meghatározás módszerének alkalmazása : húsipari termékek analízise

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    Die Analyse von etwa 140 Produkten wurde durchgeführt. Auf Grund des Hydroxyprolingehaltes der Grundmaterialien und der Fertigprodukte wurde eine relative Qualitätsreihe, während auf Grund des tatsächlichen Bindegewebegehaltes eine absolute Qualitätsreihe aufgestellt. About 140 products were analyzed. On the basis of the contents of hydroxyproline in the basic materials and in the finished products a relative quality scale whereas on the basis of the real contents of connective tissue an absolute quality scale were developed

    PAC bounds of continuous Linear Parameter-Varying systems related to neural ODEs

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    We consider the problem of learning Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (neural ODEs) within the context of Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) systems in continuous-time. LPV systems contain bilinear systems which are known to be universal approximators for non-linear systems. Moreover, a large class of neural ODEs can be embedded into LPV systems. As our main contribution we provide Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) bounds under stability for LPV systems related to neural ODEs. The resulting bounds have the advantage that they do not depend on the integration interval.Comment: 12 page


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    A veszélyes üzemi felelősség jogtörténeti vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a bírói joggyakorlatra

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    The objective liability is still an actual question of the system of liability in the private law. There are different points of view in the legal literature whether the current system is based on a subjective or an objective liability. The doctrine of remedy is one of the most colourful and most antinomic area of the private law, since several scholars’ opinion or propose can be read in this topic. However, such questions emerge constantly which put the systems of liability into new perspectives. The aim of the study is to present the formation of the liability for hazardous activities, its legal realisation and its judicial practice in the national legal system. I did my research in the Hungarian National Archives, in its Archive of Csongrád County, where I worked up the practice of the Royal Regional Court of Appeal of Szeged between 1930 and 1940. Structurally, the study may be divided into two parts. In the first part, I present the theoretical basics of the objective liability, I touch upon those principles interpreting it, refer shortly to the legal development in Europe and the importance of the Act XVIII of 1874. In the second chapter I examine the legal practice, how the courts reacted to the introduction of the liability for the hazardous activities. As a conclusion, the court applied the objective liability for the ‘classic’ hazardous activities very strictly in the examined period. By right of the presented cases it can be seen, that when the hazardousness of an activity had to, be stated from case to case, the legal practice was divergent