17 research outputs found

    CoNIC Challenge: Pushing the Frontiers of Nuclear Detection, Segmentation, Classification and Counting

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    Nuclear detection, segmentation and morphometric profiling are essential in helping us further understand the relationship between histology and patient outcome. To drive innovation in this area, we setup a community-wide challenge using the largest available dataset of its kind to assess nuclear segmentation and cellular composition. Our challenge, named CoNIC, stimulated the development of reproducible algorithms for cellular recognition with real-time result inspection on public leaderboards. We conducted an extensive post-challenge analysis based on the top-performing models using 1,658 whole-slide images of colon tissue. With around 700 million detected nuclei per model, associated features were used for dysplasia grading and survival analysis, where we demonstrated that the challenge's improvement over the previous state-of-the-art led to significant boosts in downstream performance. Our findings also suggest that eosinophils and neutrophils play an important role in the tumour microevironment. We release challenge models and WSI-level results to foster the development of further methods for biomarker discovery

    La sindrome da faccia lunga (Analisi clinica e programmazione terapeutica)

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    Durante el abordaje terapéutico odontológico de los pacientes parcialmente edéntulos, resultaindispensable la obtención de una adecuada estabilidad esquelética, una buena dimensión vertical y unaadecuada rehabilitación protésica; a tal fin, es necesaria una programación terapéutica así como lacooperación de las distintas especialidades odontológicas: prótesis, ortodoncia y cirugía. El presente artículo resume la programación y principales fases terapéuticas durante el abordaje de una paciente parcialmente edéntula, diagnosticada con Síndrome de Apert, quien fue sometida a un tratamiento ortodóntico-quirúrgico, además de realizársele una rehabilitación protésica con adecuada dimensión vertical, logrando un equilibrio neuromuscular y una estabilidad oclusal y esqueletal a largo plazo.Abstract:A case of Apert´s Syndrome is reported as a contribution of better understanding of this disease. A literature review is done concluding that this disease has an important genetic component and belongs to those ones that present craneofacial deformities. The most important characteristics of this syndrome arethe associated craneofacial and limb deformities. It´s treatment requires a team aproach with participation of diverses specialities of dentists, in order to give the patient a better treatment from the functional, esthetic and social standpoint

    Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma: A case report and literature review

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    Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a rare odontogenic tumor of the jaw with a particular histology and a deceptive behavior. The clinical presentation may be misleading, that is why the contribution of incisional biopsy, molecular biology, immunohistochemistry and cytogenetics is essential in the diagnostic process. This review article aims to discuss its various aspects, summarizing the currently published studies of CCOC to enhance the diagnosis and to present a case report of a 41-year-old man that presented to the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at Gemelli University Hospital in Rome, Italy

    OSAS treatment with oral appliance: assessment of our experience through the use of a new device

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    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is defined as repeated episodes of obstruction of the upper airway and oxygen desaturation of the arterial hemoglobin. OSAS is associated with loud snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, cardiovascular and neurocognitive disease, increase risk of road accidents

    An Orthodontic Index assessment and its relationship with total treatment time in surgery first orthognathic approach: an observational study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to highlight the connection between orthodontic difficulty before surgical treatment and in the transient malocclusion as evaluated by the mean of the of Complexity, Outcome, and Need (ICON) Score and total treatment time in surgery-first approach (SFA). METHODS: For each patient, the ICON Score was evaluated preoperatively and on the 3rd postoperative day in order to assess the orthodontic difficulty of presurgical occlusion and the transient malocclusion. RESULTS: Our group of patients at the preoperative stage showed score values between hard and very hard with only one patient scored as "easy" and nine "medium" patients. All scores lowered after surgical treatment. This confirms that the surgery first approach can change a malocclusion from not orthodontically treatable to an orthodontically treatable one. In our study, this was objectified by improvements in the ICON Score. CONCLUSIONS: In the conventional three-phase approach of orthognathic surgery the total treatment time found in literature is around 18-36 months. In our study, even the most difficult cases do not have a duration of more than 15 months This demonstrates that the surgery-first approach can reduce the total treatment time even in more severe cases

    Autologous fat transplantation for the temporalis muscle flap donor site: our experience with 45 cases

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    Temporal depression after temporalis muscle flap transposition is characterized by a concavity of the soft tissue and associated with the relief of the orbital rim and zygomatic arch. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of autologous fat grafting for the treatment of postsurgical temporal contour deformities

    Reconstruction of severe atrophic jaws with Fresh Frized Bone Allografts: clinical histologic and histomorphometric evaluation

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    Rehabilitation of maxillary edentulism with implant-supported prostheses has come into common clinical practice. Although autologous bone has osteoinductive, osteoconductive and osteogenetic properties, its use is subject to certain disadvantages such as: Increased morbidity Limited amount of bone harvested from each donor site

    Anterior Retrograde Approach to the Myofascial Temporalis Muscle for the Orbital Reconstruction: Series of 9 Consecutive Cases

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    Among the reconstructive options after orbital exenteration, the temporalis myofascial flap (TMF) has been widely recognized as the one of the best available solutions. We think that the hemicoronal approach to harvest the TMF represents a disadvantage so we adopted a modified approach that we named the anterior retrograde approach to the TMF