920 research outputs found

    Plano nacional de políticas para as mulheres : necessidades práticas ou interesses estratégicos?

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    Este artigo analisa, utilizando as categorias Necessidades Práticas (das mulheres) e Interesses Estratégicos (de gênero), a efetividade das ações incluídas nos três Planos Nacionais de Políticas para as Mulheres (período: 2003-2015), considerando especificamente o eixo sobre o mundo do trabalho. A pesquisa qualitativa, bibliográfica e documental, evidenciou que essa recente política pública, executada pelo Estado brasileiro, não alterou substancialmente a realidade vivenciada pelas trabalhadoras. No artigo, defendemos a utilização das categorias Necessidades Práticas e Interesses Estratégicos como método de análise para a formulação, monitoramento e avaliação de políticas de gênero a fim de orientar as transformações para além do atendimento às necessidades básicas das mulheres, visando à superação da divisão sexual do trabalho.This article analyze, using the categories Practical Women Needs and Gender Strategic Interests, the effectiveness of the actions of the three National Plans of Policies for Women (2003-2015), emphasizing the axis of job market. The qualitative research, support on literature revision and documents analysis, revealed that recent public policy carried out by the Brazilian government, has not substantially altered the reality experienced by women workers. We advocate the use of categories Needs Practice and Strategic Interests as an analytical method for the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of gender policies to guide the transformation further the women practical needs to overcome the sexual division of work

    Are Land Based Surveys a Useful Tool for Managing Marine Species of Coastal Protected Areas?

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    One goal of the LIFE project “Del.Ta.” (NAT/IT/000163) was the preparation of an Action Plan to protect the bottlenose dolphin community in the Pelagie Archipelago (Sicily, Italy). It stressed the importance of regular monitoring of the spatial and temporal distribution of dolphins in order to evaluate the impact of local activities. This study assesses whether land-based surveys could be an effective alternative to vessel-based surveys. During the summer of 2006, both surveys’ methodologies were used at Lampedusa, with 35 sightings recorded from land and 31 from a boat. Comparison was based on the assessment of the type of information they provided in relation to the presence of the animals and their behavior. Both methodologies were applicable, but there were differences in their requirements, potential information generated, costs, and sensitivity to weather conditions. Vessel-based surveys require well trained observers and enable photo-identification and observation of social interaction and morphology. Animal movements, interactions with anthropogenic elements and group dynamics are better collected from land but spatial data can be documented up to 1 nautical mile from the coast. Weather conditions have a significant platform specific effect on sighting frequencies. The high sighting frequency during land surveys provides support for the development of zero-impact land-based dolphins watching activity

    Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer of a Non-Azeotropic Mixture inside a Single Microchannel

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    In the recent years much attention has been paid to the use of fluorinated propene isomers for the substitution of high-GWP refrigerants. However, the HFOs (hydrofluoroolefins) cannot cover all the air-conditioning, heat pump, and refrigeration applications. In a recent study, it was found that the coefficient of performance (COP) and the capacity of heat pump cycles using HFO-1234ze(E) are significantly lower than those of R410A (Koyama et al., 2010). The main causes are the small latent heat and vapor density of R1234ze(E). To improve the COP and capacity, in the latest literature it was attempted to blend R1234ze(E) into another refrigerant, R32 Although R32 is one of the HFCs, it has relatively low GWP and excellent thermodynamic characteristics. Therefore, a zeotropic mixture of R1234ze(E) and R32 can be used in the field of air-conditioning due to its mild impact on environment. In this paper, a mixture of R1234ze(E) and R32 (0.5/0.5 by mass) is under study. In particular the frictional pressure gradient and the local heat transfer coefficients during flow boiling and condensation of this mixture in a single minichannel with 0.96 mm diameter are measured. Tests are carried out in the experimental apparatus available at the Two Phase Heat Transfer Lab of the University of Padova. As a peculiar characteristic of the present technique, the flow boiling heat transfer coefficient is not measured by imposing the heat flux; instead, the boiling process is governed by controlling the inlet temperature of the heating secondary fluid. For the determination of the local heat transfer coefficient, three parameters are measured: the local heat flux, the saturation temperature and the wall temperature. The heat flux is determined from the temperature profile of the secondary fluid in the test section. The wall temperature is directly measured along the test section and the saturation temperature is obtained from the pressure measurements at the inlet and outlet of the test tube. During condensation tests, the heat is subtracted from the fluid by using cold water. As in flow boiling, the heat transfer coefficient is obtained through the measurement of the local heat flux and the saturation-to-wall temperature difference. The heat transfer coefficients are compared against predicting models available in the literature. The new experimental data are also compared to heat transfer data of pure R1234ze(E) and R32. This allows to analyze the heat transfer penalization due to the mass transfer resistance of this zeotropic mixture and to assess available predicting models for condensation and evaporation of zeotropic mixtures in minichannels. Pressure drop data are also used to assess predicting pressure gradient correlations

    A Reproducible Protocol to Assess Arrhythmia Vulnerability in Silico: Pacing at the End of the Effective Refractory Period

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    In both clinical and computational studies, different pacing protocols are used to induce arrhythmia and non-inducibility is often considered as the endpoint of treatment. The need for a standardized methodology is urgent since the choice of the protocol used to induce arrhythmia could lead to contrasting results, e.g., in assessing atrial fibrillation (AF) vulnerabilty. Therefore, we propose a novel method—pacing at the end of the effective refractory period (PEERP)—and compare it to state-of-the-art protocols, such as phase singularity distribution (PSD) and rapid pacing (RP) in a computational study. All methods were tested by pacing from evenly distributed endocardial points at 1 cm inter-point distance in two bi-atrial geometries. Seven different atrial models were implemented: five cases without specific AF-induced remodeling but with decreasing global conduction velocity and two persistent AF cases with an increasing amount of fibrosis resembling different substrate remodeling stages. Compared with PSD and RP, PEERP induced a larger variety of arrhythmia complexity requiring, on average, only 2.7 extra-stimuli and 3 s of simulation time to initiate reentry. Moreover, PEERP and PSD were the protocols which unveiled a larger number of areas vulnerable to sustain stable long living reentries compared to RP. Finally, PEERP can foster standardization and reproducibility, since, in contrast to the other protocols, it is a parameter-free method. Furthermore, we discuss its clinical applicability. We conclude that the choice of the inducing protocol has an influence on both initiation and maintenance of AF and we propose and provide PEERP as a reproducible method to assess arrhythmia vulnerability

    Il caso di un conflitto socio-ambientale nelle Ande peruviane sulla scia di una nuova e frammentata ondata di proteste

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    The conflict around the water management of an important Andean lake, considerably aggravated in 2008. The hydroelectric installations, that was granted to Duke Energy company, was in fact occupied by the Peruvian rural community, Cruz de Mayo (CdM). This nonviolent conflict, after several years of impasse, has seen the recent introduction of various negotiating tables between CdM, Duke Energy, CEAS (a Peruvian catholic organization), the local and state institutions.Il conflitto attorno alla gestione dell’acqua di un importante bacino lacustre andino si inasprì notevolmente nel 2008, a causa dell'occupazione dell’impianto concesso all’impresa idroelettrica Duke Energy, da parte della comunità rurale peruviana Cruz de Mayo (CdM). Tale conflitto non violento, dopo vari anni di impasse, ha visto la recente instaurazione di varie tavole di dialogo tra CdM, Duke Energy, CEAS (un’organizzazione cattolica peruviana), le istituzioni locali e statali.
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