410 research outputs found

    SIDE, a fiber fed spectrograph for the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC)

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    SIDE (Super Ifu Deployable Experiment) will be a second-generation, common-user instrument for the Grantecan (GTC) on La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain). It is being proposed as a spectrograph of low and intermediate resolution, highly efficient in multi-object spectroscopy and 3D spectroscopy. SIDE features the unique possibility of performing simultaneous visible and NIR observations for selected ranges. The SIDE project is leaded by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC) in Granada (Spain) and the SIDE Consortium is formed by a total of 10 institutions from Spain, Mexico and USA. The SIDE Feasibility Study has been completed and currently the project is under revision by the GTC Project Office.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II" SPIE conference Proc. 7014, Marseille, 23-28 June 200

    Late Summer Phytoplankton Blooms in the Changing Polar Environment of the Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Arctic)

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    Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen, Svalbard) is an inlet treated as a model site for studies on the impact of climate change in the Arctic due to its hydrological features. In this research, seven-days monitoring was carried out to evaluate the effects of hydrological variability on phytoplankton biomass and diversity in the late summer period. Temperature, salinity, nutrients, total suspended matter, phytoplankton abundance and biomass were determined for each sample. The thermo-haline properties of the column water seemed to affect phytoplankton communities. Their abundances and biomass were correlated with the amount of the total suspended matter. Moreover, species composition and biomass dramatically changed throughout the study period. Cold-water and Atlantic species were replaced by temperatewarm water dinoflagellates, including harmful species. An increase in phytoplankton biomass as well as the presence of dinoflagellate aggregations, mainly composed of Prorocentrum cf. gracile, were detected. This kind of algal accumulation is a new phenomenon in the Arctic and was probably related to the mobilization of sediment-rich glacial meltwaters. These findings, even if preliminary, suggest the need to study how additional biomass pulses and the increase of harmful species may alter the food web structure and the biogeochemical cycles, leading to major ecosystem changes

    The Properties of Satellite Galaxies in External Systems. I. Morphology and Structural Parameters

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    We present the first results of an ongoing project to study the morphological, kinematical, dynamical, and chemical properties of satellite galaxies of external giant spiral galaxies. The sample of objects has been selected from the catalogue by Zaritsky et al. (1997). The paper analyzes the morphology and structural parameters of a subsample of 60 such objects. The satellites span a great variety of morphologies and surface brightness profiles. About two thirds of the sample are spirals and irregulars, the remaining third being early-types. Some cases showing interaction between pairs of satellites are presented and briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophys. Journal Supp. Se

    Modelling approach to the assessment of biogenic fluxes at a selected Ross Sea site, Antarctica

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    Abstract Several biogeochemical data have been collected in the last 10 years of Italian activity in Antarctica (ABIOCLEAR, ROSSMIZE, BIOSESO-I/II). A comprehensive 1-D biogeochemical model was implemented as a tool to link observations with processes and to investigate the mechanisms that regulate the flux of biogenic material through the water column. The model is ideally located at station B (175^{o}E - 74^{o}S) and was set up to reproduce the seasonal cycle of phytoplankton and organic matter fluxes as forced by the dominant water column physics over the period 1990-2001. Austral spring-summer bloom conditions are assessed by comparing simulated nutrient drawdown, primary production rates, bacterial respiration and biomass with the available observations. The simulated biogenic fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and silica have been compared with the fluxes derived from sediment traps data. The model reproduces quite well the magnitude of the biogenic fluxes, expecially those observed in the bottom sediment trap, but the peaks are delayed in time. Sensitivity experiments have shown that the characterization of detritus, the choice of the sinking velocity and the degradation rates are crucial for the timing and magnitude of the vertical fluxes. An increase of velocity leads to a shift towards observation but also to an overestimation of the deposition flux which can be counteracted by higher bacterial remineralization rates. Model results suggest that observed fluxes could be explained by the size-distribution and quality of the locally-produced biogenic material. It is hypothesized that the bottom sediment trap collects material originated from rapid sinking of particles and also from previous years production periods, likely modulated by advective and aggregation mechanisms which are still not resolved by the model

    Modelling approach to the assessment of biogenic fluxes at a selected Ross Sea site, Antarctica

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    Several biogeochemical data have been collected in the last 10 years of Italian activity in Antarctica (ABIOCLEAR, ROSSMIZE, BIOSESO-I/II). A comprehensive 1-D biogeochemical model was implemented as a tool to link observations with processes and to investigate the mechanisms that regulate the flux of biogenic material through the water column. The model is ideally located at station B (175° E–74° S) and was set up to reproduce the seasonal cycle of phytoplankton and organic matter fluxes as forced by the dominant water column physics over the period 1990–2001. Austral spring-summer bloom conditions are assessed by comparing simulated nutrient drawdown, primary production rates, bacterial respiration and biomass with the available observations. The simulated biogenic fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and silica have been compared with the fluxes derived from sediment traps data. The model reproduces the observed magnitude of the biogenic fluxes, especially those found in the bottom sediment trap, but the peaks are markedly delayed in time. Sensitivity experiments have shown that the characterization of detritus, the choice of the sinking velocity and the degradation rates are crucial for the timing and magnitude of the vertical fluxes. An increase of velocity leads to a shift towards observation but also to an overestimation of the deposition flux which can be counteracted by higher bacterial remineralization rates. Model results suggest that the timing of the observed fluxes depends first and foremost on the timing of surface production and on a combination of size-distribution and quality of the autochtonous biogenic material. It is hypothesized that the bottom sediment trap collects material originated from the rapid sinking of freshly-produced particles and also from the previous year's production period

    The SIDE dual VIS-NIR fiber fed spectrograph for the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias

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    SIDE (Super Ifu Deployable Experiment) is proposed as second-generation, common-user instrument for the GTC. It will be a low and intermediate resolution fiber fed spectrograph, highly efficient in multi-object and 3D spectroscopy. The low resolution part (R = 1500, 4000) is called Dual VIS-NIR because it will observe in the VIS and NIR bands (0.4 ~V 1.7 microns) simultaneously. Because of the large number of fibers, a set of ~10 identical spectrographs is needed, each with a mirror collimator, a dichroic and two refractive cameras. The cameras are optimized for 0.4 - 0.95 microns (VIS) and 0.95 - 1.7 microns (NIR) respectively.Comment: To appear in "Advanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation" SPIE conference Proc. 7018, Marseille, 23-28 June 200

    Antarctic Salt-Cones: An Oasis of Microbial Life? The Example of Boulder Clay Glacier (Northern Victoria Land)

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    The evaporation of a localized, highly saline water body of the Boulder Clay debris-covered glacier, in the Northern Victoria Land, probably generated the accumulation of mirabilite (Na2SO4 Ă— 10H2O) and thenardite (Na2SO4) in a glacier salt-cone. Such an extremely cold and salty environment resembles the conditions on Mars, so it can be considered a terrestrial analog. The study was aimed at gaining a first glimpse at the prokaryotic community associated with Antarctic mirabilite and thenardite minerals and also to find clues about the origin of the salts. For this purpose, samples were analyzed by a next generation approach to investigate the prokaryotic (Bacteria and Archaea) diversity. Phylogenetic analysis allowed the identification of Bacteroidota, Actinobacteriota, Firmicutes, and Gammaproteobacteria as the main bacterial lineages, in addition to Archaea in the phylum Halobacterota. The genera Arthrobacter, Rhodoglobus, Gillisia, Marinobacter and Psychrobacter were particularly abundant. Interestingly, several bacterial and archaeal sequences were related to halotolerant and halophilic genera, previously reported in a variety of marine environments and saline habitats, also in Antarctica. The analyzed salt community also included members that are believed to play a major role in the sulfur cycle

    Assessing seismic efficiency from scalar Moment-rates: an application to Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)

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    Here we propose an improved estimation of the scalar seismic (from instrumental and historical catalogues), geodetic and geologic moment-rates for the eastern flank of Mt. Etna. The estimated moment-rates have been compared in terms of seismic efficiency. Results show that all the calculated efficiency values are lower than 40%, i.e., the geodetic moment-rate estimations are generally larger than the seismic and the geologic ones. Although a number of reasons may account for the observed discrepancy, we are confident that a large amount of the deformation affecting the eastern flank occurs aseismically
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