62 research outputs found

    Seeing revolution non-linearly: www.filmingrevolution.org

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    Filming Revolution, launched in 2015, is an online interactive data base documentary tracing the strands and strains of independent (mostly) documentary filmmaking in Egypt since the revolution. Consisting of edited interviews with 30 filmmakers, archivists, activists, and artists based in Egypt, the website is organised by the themes that emerged from the material, allowing the viewer to engage in an unlimited set of “curated dialogues” about issues related to filmmaking in Egypt since 2011. With its constellatory interactive design, Filming Revolution creates as much as documents a community of makers, as it attempts to grapple with approaches to filmmaking in the wake of such momentous historical events. The non-hierarchical polysemous structure of the project is meant to echo the rhizomatic, open-ended aspect of the revolution and its aftermath, in yet another affirmation and instantiation of contemporary civil revolution as a non-linear, ever-unfolding, on-going, event

    Civil Imagination. Ontologia politica della fotografia

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    Traduzione in italiano del volume di Ariella Azoulay, "Civil Imagination". Nel testo l'autrice mira a costruire una 2ontologia politica della fotografia", rileggendo il prodotto fotografico come risultato di una serie di intrazioni all'interno di una "comuniit\ue0" della fotografia. In questo senso, la fotografia va al di l\ue0 della dimensione prettamente "politica", per caratterizzarsi come medium innanzitutto "civile", legato cio\ue8 a un superamento della logica del sistema a favore del discorso sugli individui. In tal senso, vengono esplorate opposizioni - reali o presunte . quali estetico/politico, pubblico/privato, artistico/visuale