3 research outputs found

    Networks collaboration between English schools to improve socio-educational inclusion

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    El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre cómo pueden las escuelas superar sus barreras para ser más inclusivas y responder eficazmente a la diversidad del alumnado mediante la involucración en redes de colaboración con otras instituciones del mismo ámbito geográfico. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de casos de naturaleza descriptiva en el que han participado tres escuelas inglesas que mantienen alianzas con otros centros educativos del entorno con los que han establecido redes de apoyo. La información derivada de las entrevistas realizadas al personal directivo, docente, administrativo e investigador ha sido analizada con el software Atlas.ti 7. Los hallazgos indican que las escuelas necesitan, entre otras cuestiones, disponer de un respaldo político que favorezca el desarrollo de la inclusión dentro y fuera de las aulas, crear redes de colaboración con las escuelas vecinas que permitan compartir experiencias y recursos, y abrir sus puertas a la comunidad local para un mejor aprovechamiento del capital social.The aim of this paper is to review how schools can overcome barriers to be more inclusive. Further this work examines ways in which schools in the same geographical area can use networks of collaboration to achieve student diversity. Case studies from three English schools which have already established networks with other schools are presented. Data has been collected by interviewing, leadership teams, teachers, administrative staff and researchers. This data has been analyzed using Atlas.ti 7 software. The findings indicate that schools need, among other things: a) to have a political support to develop inclusion inside and outside of the classrooms, b) to create networks with neighbouring schools for sharing experiences and resources and c) to open their gates to the local community for a better use of social capital.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Grupo FORCE (HUM386)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte por la Beca de Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU13/00580) y la financiación de la estancia (EST14/00681

    Collaboration Networks in Education: Evidences from Schools in Southampton

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer cómo opera una red de escuelas orientada a la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la ciudad de Southampton (al sur de Inglaterra). Con esta finalidad, se presenta un estudio de caso que incluye la realización de entrevistas al personal directivo y docente de las cinco escuelas participantes, y la revisión de documentos de carácter institucional que comparte la alianza. Esto ha permitido al equipo investigador ahondar en: 1) las aspiraciones que tiene la red, 2) las áreas de interés mutuo que predominan, y 3) el tipo de organización estructural que sustenta la colaboración. Los resultados apuntan al intercambio de experiencias e información; la gestión eficaz de recursos; y la mejora escolar como las principales aspiraciones. Por otro lado, algunos de los intereses de trabajo común a este respecto son el liderazgo, la inclusión y el apoyo entre iguales. En relación con la estructura que adopta este entramado, la red dispone de grupos interconectados que abordan diversos aspectos. Las conclusiones destacan la necesidad de abrir fronteras para que cada vez sean más las escuelas que trabajen en red.This paper seeks to ascertain how a network of schools aimed at enhancing the teaching-learning process in the city of Southampton (south England) operates. A case study is presented which includes interviews with leadership teams and teachers from the five schools participating along with a review of the institutional documents shared by the alliance in question. The research team was able to delve into: 1) the aspirations of the network; 2) the main areas of common interest; and 3) the type of structural organization underpinning the collaboration. The findings reveal that the main aspirations are sharing experiences and information, effective management of resources and school improvement. Other common issues of interest include leadership, inclusion and peer support. In terms of the structure of the network, there are interconnected groups that address a variety of aspects. The conclusions underline the need to open up so that more and more schools begin to network

    Analyzing YouTube Content Demand Patternsand Cacheabilityin a Swedish Municipal Network

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    User Generated Content (UGC) has boosted a high popularity since the birth of a wide range of web services allowing the distribution of such user-produced media content, whose patterns vary from textual information, photo galleries to videos on site. The boom of Internet of Things and the newly released HTML5 accelerate the development of multimedia patterns as well as the technology of distributing it. YouTube, as one of the most popular video sharing site, enjoys the top most numbers of video views and video uploads per day in the world. With the rapid growing of multimedia patterns as well as huge bandwidth demand from subscribers, the sheer volume of the traffic is going to severely strain the network resources.</p><p>Therefore, analyzing media streaming traffic patterns and cacheability in live IP-access networks today leads a hot issue among network operators and content providers. One possible solution could be caching popular contents with a high replay rate in a proxy server on LAN border or in users' terminals.</p><p>Based on the solution, this thesis project focuses on developing a measurement framework to associate network cacheability with video category and video duration under a typical Swedish municipal network. Experiments of focused parameters are performed to investigate potential user behavior rules. From the analysis of the results, Music traffic gets a rather ideal network gain as well as a remarkable terminal gain, indicating that it is more efficient to be stored close to end user. Film&Animation traffic, however, is preferable to be cached in the network due to its high net gain. Besides, it is optimal to cache the video clips with a length between 3 and 5 minutes, especially the Music and Film&Animation traffic. In addition, more than half of the replays occur during 16.00-24.00 and peak hours appear on average from 18.00 to 22.00. Lastly, only around 16% of the videos are global popular and very few heavy users tend to be local popular video viewers, depicting local limits and independent user interests  