23 research outputs found

    Els noms en català dels nous elements químics

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    El mes de novembre de 2016, la IUPAC publicava els noms anglesos oficials dels darrers quatre elements incorporats a la taula periòdica: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine i oganesson. Gairebé simultàniament, el Consell Supervisor del TERMCAT va iniciar l'estudi d'aquests neologismes per a establir-ne la denominació adequada en català. Aquest article presenta les denominacions normalitzades en català, amb els principals arguments terminològics en què es fonamenten: nihoni, moscovi, tennessi i oganessó. S'hi inclou una referència a les propostes denominatives en català que, un cop considerades, es van desestimar.Last November, the IUPAC published the official names of the four latest elements to be added to the periodic table: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson. Almost at the same time, the TERMCAT Supervisory Council started the study of these neologisms to set their appropriate names in Catalan. This article introduces the standardized Catalan denominations with the main terminological arguments that support them: nihoni, moscovi, tennessi and oganessó. Alternative Catalan names that were rejected after consideration are also included

    Pyrethroid bioaccumulation in Mediterranen dolphins

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    Pyrethroids are organic pollutants with high hydrophobicity used as insecticides. Concern exists about aquatic organisms¿ exposure to their toxicity. They were believed to be converted to non-toxic metabolites in mammals, but our group has detected them in human breast milk and has proved their bioaccumulation in marine mammals and river fish. The present study investigates the occurrence of pyrethroid compounds in liver samples from striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba)and common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from southern Spain, as the first attempt to determine the occurrence and bioaccumulation and distribution of pyrethroids in marine mammal tissues from the Mediterranean Sea. Samples of dolphin tissue were collected from the Abloran Sea (south of Spain) between 2003 and 2010, including 37 liver samples from striped dolphin and different tissues¿blubber, muscle, liver, brain and kidneys¿from 11 common dolphins. The analytical method monitored 10 pyrethroids, including cypermethrin and detamethrin. For the sample preparation?lyophilized sample was spiked with internal standards, extracted by sonication and underwent a clean-up with alumina and C18 SPE cartridges. Extracts were analysed by GC-NCI-MS/MS. Method recoveries for the pyrethroids ranged 53-116?% and method LODs and LOQs were 0.02-0.46?ng/g and 0.08-1.54?ng/g, respectively. Pyrethroids were detected in 87?% of the striped dolphins and 100?% of the common dolphins, with total concentrations of nd-5,210?ng/g?lw and 69-2,036?ng/g?lw, respectively. These levels were higher than those reported found in dolphins from Brazil (7.0-68?ng/g?lw). Permethrin and tetramethrin were the main contributors to the pyrethroid profiles for all tissues. The samples of striped dolphins where used to observe that bioaccumulation of pyrethroids was unlike that of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), as pyrethroid levels were not correlated to the age of the specimens. Levels slightly increase from calves to juveniles, whereas juveniles present similar levels to adults. Metabolization of pyrethroids after achieving sexual maturity might account for this pattern. Because of the pyrethroids lipophilic behaviour, blubber was the most contaminated tissue and brain showed the lowest levels. Normalizing the data to the lipid content, the highest value was for muscle by far, suggesting a preference for that tissue. SETA

    Occurrence of halogenated flame retardants in commercial seafood species available in European markets

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    PBDEs (congeners 28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183, 209), HBCD (α, β, γ), emerging brominated flame retardants (PBEB, HBB and DBDPE), dechloranes (Dec 602, 603, 604, syn- and anti-DP), TBBPA, 2,4,6-TBP and MeO-PBDEs (8 congeners) were analysed in commercial seafood samples from European countries. Levels were similar to literature and above the environmental quality standards (EQS) limit of the Directive 2013/39/EU for PBDEs. Contaminants were found in 90.5% of the seafood samples at n. d.-356 ng/g lw (n. d.-41.1 ng/g ww). DBDPE was not detected and 2,4,6-TBP was detected only in mussels, but at levels comparable to those of PBDEs. Mussel and seabream were the most contaminated species and the Mediterranean Sea (FAO Fishing Area 37) was the most contaminated location. The risk assessment revealed that there was no health risk related to the exposure to brominated flame retardants via seafood consumption. However, a refined risk assessment for BDE-99 is of interest in the future. Moreover, the cooking process concentrated PBDEs and HB

    Catalan names of the new chemical elements

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    El mes de novembre de l’any passat, la IUPAC publicava els noms anglesos oficials dels darrers quatre elements incorporats a la taula periòdica: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine i oganesson. Gairebé simultàniament, el Consell Supervisor del TERMCAT va iniciar l’estudi d’aquests neologismes per establir-ne la denominació adequada en català. Aquest article presenta les denominacions normalitzades en català, amb els principals arguments terminològics en què es fonamenten: nihoni, moscovi, tennessi i oganessó. S’hi inclou una referència a les propostes denominatives en català que, un cop considerades, es van desestimar.Paraules clau: Consell Supervisor del TERMCAT, normalització terminològica, nous elements químics, química inorgànica, taula periòdica.Last November, the IUPAC published the official names of the four latest elements to be added to the periodic table: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson. Almost at the same time, the TERMCAT Supervisory Council started the study of these neologisms to set their appropriate names in Catalan. This article introduces the standardized Catalan denominations with the main terminological arguments that support them: nihoni, moscovi, tennessi and oganessó. Alternative Catalan names that were rejected after consideration are also included.Keywords: TERMCAT Supervisory Council, terminological standardization, new chemical elements, inorganic chemistry, periodic table

    Effect of pyrethroid treatment against sea lice in salmon farming regarding consumers' health

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    Pyrethroids are the most popular drug against sea lice in salmon farming. Although they are more toxic to insects, they have toxic effects in mammals. Pyrethroids were detected in 100% of farmed salmon with a mean concentration of 1.31 ± 1.39 ng g−1 ww and in 50% of wild salmon with a mean of 0.02 ± 0.03 ng g−1 ww. Cypermethrin and deltamethrin, the active ingredients of anti-sea lice formulations, represented 77   ±  27% of the total contamination of farmed salmon. Although farmed salmon had higher concentrations than wild salmon, the daily intake of pyrethroids through salmon consumption was several orders of magnitude below the accepted daily intake (ADI). Thus, the pyrethroids treatment on salmon does not pose a threat on the health of the consumers. © 2017 Elsevier LtdThis work has been financially supported by the European project ‘Real time monitoring of SEA contaminants by an autonomous lab‐on‐a‐chip biosensor’ (SEA‐ona‐CHIP; No. 614168) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Group2014 SGR 418 – Water and Soil Quality Unit). Biotage is acknowledged for SPE cartridges. Wild Alaska Salmon is acknowledged for some wild salmon samples.Peer reviewe

    Decreasing but still high levels of halogenated flame retardants in wetland birds in central Spain

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    The occurrence of classical and emerging halogenated flame retardants in bird samples collected between 2010–17 from the Castrejón reservoir (central Spain)was studied. Different wetland bird samples were analysed, including unhatched bird eggs and liver of dead nestlings. Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs)were detected in all the samples at high concentration values, with levels up to 5167 ng/g lw. Dechloranes were found in 78% of analysed samples, but at lower concentration levels, between not detected (nd)and 2153 ng/g lw. The time trend evaluation over the sampling period showed an approximately 50% decline in mean concentrations of PBDEs. However, the most recent data for PBDEs (2016–17)still indicate that, in some cases, and based on reported LOECs, wetland birds were exposed to PBDE concentrations that are associated with possible ecological hazards. © 2019 Elsevier LtdThis work has been funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Group Water and Soil Quality Unit 2017 SGR 1404), and by the projects CGL2009-12753-C02-01/BOS , CGL2010-15726 and CGL2015-69445-P of the Spanish Ministerio of Economía y Competitividad . Biotage is acknowledged for providing SPE cartridges. We appreciate the help of Albert Estepa, Meritxell Mallén and Alba Martínez in the analytical work, and José C. Oliveros, Roberto Oliveros, Pilar Villalobos and Francisco Morales in the fieldwork. Appendix APeer reviewe

    Insecticide pyrethroids in liver of striped dolphin from the Mediterranean Sea

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    Pyrethroid pesticides were analysed in liver of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Alboran Sea (south of Spain, Mediterranean Sea). The occurrence and bioaccumulation of pyrethroid insecticides in marine mammal tissues from the northern hemisphere had never been determined before. Pyrethroids were detected in 87% of the specimens with a mean total concentration of 300 ng g lw ± 932 (range 2.7–5200 ng g lw). Permethrin and tetramethrin were the main contributors to the pyrethroid profiles, with enantiospecific accumulation for the first and isomer specific accumulation for the latter. Bioaccumulation of pyrethroids was unlike that of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), as pyrethroid concentrations were not correlated to the maturity stage of the specimens. Concentrations slightly increased from calves to juveniles, whereas juveniles presented similar concentrations to adults. Metabolization of pyrethroids after achieving sexual maturity might account for this pattern.This work has been financially supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Groups 2014 SGR 418 – Water and Soil Quality Unit), Loro Parque Foundation (Project Flame), CEPSA and EcoCet Project (CGL2011-25543, National Research Plan by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). R. de Stephanis and J. Giménez were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R+D+I (SEV-2012-0262) and R. de Stephanis by the Subprograma Juan de la Cierva. Thanks are due to the Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente and the Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua of the Junta de Andalucía, specially to María Soledad Vivas, Carolina Fernández and Eduardo Fernández, to Centro de Recuperación de Especies Marinas Amenazadas (CREMA), specially to Juan José Castillo, and to all the people who helped in the sample collection