38 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Kualitas Karet Peredam (Rubber Bushing) Produk Pasaran dengan Buatan Sendiri

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti dan mengetahui kualitas karet peredam per daun baik itu yang ada dipasaran maupun buatan sendiri, dalam hal ini untuk mengetahui kualitas tersebut, dilakukan beberapa pengujian yaitu pengujian tarik, tekan, kekerasan Shore A, Komposisi Kimia dengan metode SEM dan uji foto makro, dari pengujian tersebut didapatkan hasil sesuai dengan formulasi atau campuran yang ada. Dalam penelitiannya penulis menggunakan metode perbandingan, yaitu dengan melakukan pengujian yang telah ditentukan, pengujian itu berlaku untuk produk buatan sendiri maupun produk pasaran, yang kemudian dari pengujian tersebut diperoleh hasil atau data, yang berbeda-beda dan bervariasi, ini menunjukan bahwa tiap produk atau sampel memiliki kualitas yang berbeda-beda pula. Berdasarkan pengujian dan penelitian yang dilakukan maka diperoleh hasil yang bervariasi, dari pengujian tarik pada produk pasaran memiliki kekuatan tegangan tarik 22.35 kg sedangkan pada produk buatan sendiri nilai kekuatan tarik yang paling tinggi terdapat pada sampel C yaitu 12.12 kg, pada pengujian tekan antara produk buatan sendiri dengan produk yang ada dipasaran memiliki selisih kekuatan tekan antara 0.7 mm sampai 6.95 mm dari kesemua spesimen, dilihat dari ukuran baik itu panjang, tebal dan lebarnya, dari uji kekerasan diperoleh hasil pada produk pasaran atau spesimen pembanding memiliki nilai kekerasan 71 shore A dan pada spesimen buatan sendiri nilai kekerasan tertinggi terdapat pada sampel C yaitu 40.57, hasil dari pengujian komposisi kimia dengan metode uji sem total kandungan komposisi kimia yang terkandung pada spesimen produk pasaran lebih tinggi dari pada buatan sendiri yaitu 11.42 %, sedangkan spesimen buatan sendiri terdapat pada sampel A yaitu 10.84 %, dari pengujian foto struktur makro yang terlihat pada gambar spesimen produk pasaran pada permukaan agak kasar dibandingkan dengan produk buatan sendrii yang halus dan padat

    Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Variasi Tegangan Catu Terhadap Konsumsi Daya dan Intensitas Cahaya Lampu LED

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    Changes in voltage or voltage drop is one form of interference that occurs in power distribution systems. Due to the voltage drop caused the voltage obtained by customers of PLN is not accordance with the provisions of 220 V and affect the intensity of the LED light. So, will be conducted research the effect of voltage changes of the PLN source to the power consumption and the intensity of the LED light to know the quality and performance by comparing the lamp name plate. Research begins by looking for literature studies around power factor and light intensity then perform a series of tests on various brand LED lights by changing the source voltage using a voltage regulator. The testing was it, next steps is taking related data. After that the data obtained will be analyzed and concluded that the starlux brand LED lights have a low illumination despite high absorbed power. The hannochs and renesola brand have a high illumination despite low absorbed power. Power on LED light name plate is not suitable that is equal to 7W because voltage changes affect the power generated on the LED light and voltage changes affect the intensity of the LED light. Key Words : Voltage Supply, Power, Light Intensity, LED lights


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “ANALISIS DAMPAK PEMBANGUNAN TERAS CIHAMPELAS TERHADAP BISNIS SEKTOR FORMAL DAN PEDESTRIAN”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak kebijakan pembangunan infrastruktur public berupa Teras Cihampelas terhadap pedagang formal dan kemacetan lalulintas di kawasan perdagangan jalan Cihampelas dari sisi pedagang dan masyarakat yang dilihat dari sisi persepsi para pedagang dan persepsi masyarakat mengenai kepuasan kondisi kawasan yang baru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif yang didukung oleh analisis kuantitatif. Metode deskriptif digunakan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan dalam menjawab rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana dampak kebijakan relokasi pedagang kaki lima yang dirasakan oleh para pedagang formal kawasan Cihampelas dan Masyarakat sekitar, apakah kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah daerah memberikan dampak positif dan sudah berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan atau belum serta bagaimana persepsi masyarakat beraktivitas melalui jalan Cihampelas mengenai kenyamanan dan kemacetan kawasan. Metode analisis kuantitatif menggunakan uji beda bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kondisi para pedagang formal sebelum dan sesudah pembangunan Teras Cihampelas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya pembangunan Teras Cimapelas memberikan beberapa dampak terhadap kondisi kawasan perdagangan jalan Cihampelas. Pedagang dan masyarakat pun merasa cukup puas dengan kondisi kawasan perdagangan Cihampelas saat ini. Namun hal ini belum diikuti oleh perubahan dampak yang di hasilkan terhadap kemacetan lalulintas. Kata Kunci : Skywalk Teras Cihampelas, Penataan Kawasan, Kemacetan Lalulintas, Uji Beda, Paired Sample t-test dan Kebijakan Pemerinta

    Terminal Bus Semarang dengan Konsep Desain Green Architecture

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    Semarang is one of the most advanced city in java in various aspects of economic good, social and cultural, development, and technology.The population of the city of semarang more than 2 ( two ) million people making traffic jam in semarang getting worse.The city of semarang also are part the strategic the northern coast of central java for being access vital for vehicle from central java and east java to to west java and jakarta and vice versa.The development of transportation the highway, accordance with peoples needs and growth of the capital city, especially for public transport be a penjangkau for city people.Moreover for big cities having mobility like solid the provincial capital.One of them semarang who became the provincial capital of central java. Needs for good public transport should also be supported with good infrastructure targets are bus terminal .Currently has two main bus semarang city , terboyo terminal that is on the east of semarang and terminal mangkang is with western town semarang .The terminal is too far from the city center semarang experience to have an impact on the community and reluctant bus into the station because quiet from passengers .Type a terboyo terminal is a terminal to terminal busiest ports in semarang city with activity and akdp for transport and public transport in the city .But , currently the terminal terboyo can be apprehensive and not ideal .In addition the 2017 terboyo terminal 1 december will be closed and terminal parking trucks and transport goods .The impact of this akdp and buses will be diverted to terminal mangkang. Is considered lost many parties because the terminal terboyo very far from terminal and downtown. With the closing terminal terboyo it would impact in a pattern of the community in use the common the highway, this dikawatirkan will cause shadow terminal new as a result of the closing terboyo terminal.We need to done planning quickly to hold new terminal as solution of problems infrastructure public transportation thoroughfare in the city of semarang. Planning the new terminal have to take several factors among others easily reached by the general public, provide safety and comfort, easy dikangkau by the public buses, and having easy access to kesegala areas.Because of that terminal would facilitate the public in making use public transportation and give an advantage to actors transport service the highway in obtaining passengers

    Determination of fibernolytic enzyme activities of white rot fungi isolated from oil palm fronds

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    Oil palm fronds (OPF) is widely used as the source of roughage for the farm animals. However, the full potential of OPF as animal feed is limited by their high lignin content which limits the rumen microbe’s access to the cellulose and hemicellulose. White rot fungi (WRF) are a group of fungi belonging to basidiomycete phylum and are commonly found in decaying woody plant. They possess the ability to degrade lignin. This experiment aims to identify the phylum of the best lignin decaying fungi based on their enzymes activity. In this experiment, 11 fungi species were isolated from decaying oil palm fronds. They are labelled as WR1, WR 2, WR3, WR4, WR5, WR6, WR7, WR8, WR9, WR10 and WR11. Their fibernolytic enzyme activities which includes laccase, manganese peroxidase, lignin peroxidase, avicelase, carboxylmethylcellulase and xylanase are analysed using the solid state fermentation method. It is was found that 5 fungi species which are the WR1, WR2, WR4, WR7 and WR10 produced the highest ratio of lignin degrading enzyme to cellulose and hemicellulose degrading enzyme. The fungi are then analysed under microscope to determine the phylum of the fungi. From the observation, the fungi are identified to belong to the phylum basidiomycetes due to presence of clamp connection

    The association between serum prolactin levels and interleukin-6 and systemic lupus erythematosus activity

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    Based on the recent evidence of association between hyperprolactinemia and systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity (SLEDAI), a study was conducted to analyze the association of hyperprolactinemia with lupus nephritis disease activity. In this cross-sectional study, the analysis was conducted on SLE patients who visited the University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) Nephrology Clinic from August 2015 till February 2016. The disease activity was measured using the SLEDAI score, with more than 4 indicating active lupus nephritis. Basal resting prolactin level was analyzed in 43 patients with lupus nephritis, in 27.9% of them had raised serum prolactin. The median of serum prolactin level at 0 minutes was 19.91 ng/mL (IQR: 15.95-22.65 ng/ mL) for active lupus nephritis, which was significantly higher compared to the median of serum prolactin level of 14.34 ng/mL (IQR: 11.09-18.70 ng/mL) for patients in remission (p=0.014). The serum prolactin level positively correlated with SLEDAI (rhos: 0.449, p=0.003) and the UPCI level in lupus nephritis patients (rhos: 0.241, p=0.032). The results were reproduced when the serum prolactin was repeated after 30 minutes. However, the serum prolactin levels at 0 minutes were higher than those taken after 30 minutes (p=0.001). An assessment of serum IL-6 levels found that the active lupus nephritis patients had a higher median level of 65.91 pg/ mL (IQR: 21.96-146.14 pg/mL) compared to the in-remission level of 15.84 pg/mL (IQR: 8.38-92.84 pg/mL), (p=0.039). Further correlation analysis revealed that there was no statistical correlation between the interleukin (IL)-6 levels with serum prolactin, SLEDAI and other lupus nephritis parameters. An ROC curve analysis of serum prolactin at 0 minutes and serum prolactin after 30 minutes and IL-6 levels for prediction of SLE disease activity provided the cutoff value of serum prolactin at 0 minutes, which was 14.63 ng/mL with a sensitivity of 91.7% and specificity of 58.1% and AUC of 0.74 (p=0.015). This study concurred with the previous findings that stated that hyperprolactinemia is prevalent in SLE patients and correlated with clinical disease activity and UPCI level. The baseline of the fasting serum prolactin level was found to be a sensitive biomarker for the evaluation of lupus nephritis disease activity

    A case-control study on factors affecting the incidence of dengue fever in Johor Bahru

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    Introduction : Johor Bahru has one of the highest rates of dengue disease in this country in spite of the implementation of COMBI (Communication for Behavioural Impact) in 2001. Methods : To identify factors contributing to this problem, a case control study was conducted, focusing on risk factors such as the weather (rainfall and temperature), environment and sociodemography. Cases were selected from confirmed dengue cases from January to June, 2006. Controls were selected from patients who had no past history of having dengue illness from Health Clinics in Johore Bahru. Both case group and control group were matched by age and sex. All risk factors were analysed using SPSS version 11.5. Results : Results from time-series analysis indicated that the cases of dengue illness were related to changes in the minimum temperature (r =-0.149; p<0.05). It was also shown that the number of dengue illness on a particular week were affected by changes of the minimum temperature at two weeks prior, during that particular week and the week after. As for other risk factors, multivariate analysis indicated that those who were unmarried (Odd ratio (OR): 2.7; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.34 – 5.65), not wearing long sleeve clothes (OR: 5.4; 95% CI: 1.72 – 10.44) and whose homes were not protected with screen windows (OR: 4.2; 95% CI: 1.02 – 29.03) were at higher risk of contracting dengue. Other analysis indicated that the implementation of COMBI improved the knowledge and attitude about combating dengue but did not protect them from the illness. Conclusion : The high rate of dengue illness in Johor Bahru is due to presence of risk behaviour such as lack of personal and home protection which exposed them to the dengue vector, Aedes spp. There is also a need to enhance the COMBI activities, to better protect the population from dengue illness

    Occupational stress and personality characteristics: are they related?

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    Introduction : To determine association between occupational stress and personality characteristics among nurses at Maternal and Child Health Clinic in the state of Malacca, emphasizing on type of personality and personal perception of stress. Methods : A cross sectional study was conducted among 152 nurses of Maternal and Child Health Clinics in Malacca using self administered questionnaires and selected via multistage sampling. Results : This study showed that a total of 28.3% of the nurses were found to be stressed. Almost half (41.2%) of those who perceived that they were stressed were likely to be really stressed (p = 0.004). Therefore those who perceived themselves to be stressed should be referred for stress evaluation and further management if necessary. However self-perception of stress cannot be used as a screening tool for stress due to its lack of sensitivity (56.8%) and poor Positive Predictive Value (41.2%). Majority of the nurses were of Guardians Personality Type (98%) and 72.4% of them had extrovert trait. However there were no significant associations between stress with personality type or characteristic, most probably due to the preponderance of one personality type or characteristic. Other studied variables such as socio-demographic factors (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, educational level, body mass index, type of work place, position, duration of service and poverty level) and social factors (placement, chronic medical illness, chronic care taker, smoking status and alcohol drinker) were suggestive of an association between them and stress but were not statistically significant. Conclusion : There is no association between occupational stress and personal characteristics among nurses in Malacca


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    Indonesian transportation sector is the largest consumer of petroleum products and major source of greenhouse gas emissions. It happens because private transport is the most dominant transportation in Indonesian urban areas. The shifting of transport mode from private transport to mass public transport (buses) can reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Electric bus is a bus which the source of energy derived from electricity to drive the electric motor. Electric bus is an environmentally friendly vehicle because its utilization can reduce the CO2 emissions. Public transport used in Yogyakarta city is Transjogja. The number of Transjogja bus is estimated 297 up to 442 in 2030. This number will consume energy 49728.79 up to 74007.15 kl diesel per day and will produce CO2 emissions 131.88 up to 196.27 ton per day. If the 25% number of Transjogja buses replaced with electric buses, the energy savings will be obtained 157.81% up to 10.71% and the reduction of CO2 emissions are 8.60% up to 13.64%. If the 50% number of Transjogja buses replaced with electric buses, the energy savings will be obtained 15.62% up to 21.42% and the reduction of CO2 emissions are 17.20% up to 27.28%. The use of electric buses in the future require a centralized charging station and bus stop charging stations to support the operation of electric buses