262 research outputs found

    Exploring the Relationship between Infrastructure and Entrepreneurial Development in BRICS Countries “PMGARDL” approach

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    This article examines the significance of infrastructure in the emergence and development of entrepreneurship, focusing on policies and their interaction with other public support programs. The central issue is to emphasize the importance of considering various types and specificities of infrastructure. The article posits multiple hypotheses regarding the impact of infrastructure on entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on long-term influence. It assumes that incorporating infrastructure into public policies is essential for fostering entrepreneurial growth. Additionally, it suggests that diverse types of infrastructure play a crucial role in the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem, particularly in technology sectors. The methodology employed in this study is based on the PMG-ARDL method. Researchers used the “TEA” proxy to measure entrepreneurial dynamics and examine the impact of specific infrastructure characteristics. The sample consists of data from BRICS countries, enabling comparisons across institutional contexts and development levels. The main contributions of this study lie in highlighting the importance of infrastructure for entrepreneurship, especially in the long term. Results suggest that public policies should pay special attention to planning and improving infrastructure to energize the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The research also underscores the need for developing new indices to better measure the various specificities of infrastructure

    The impact of infrastructure and entrepreneurship support programs on the Female TEA Ratio: A PMG-ARDL approach in an urban context

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    The purpose of this article is to improve our understanding of the factors that influence the Female/Male Total Early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) ratio in urban environments. Its goal is to provide policymakers with a solid scientific foundation as well as to suggest new research directions in the field of female entrepreneurship. The study focuses on how macroenvironmental factors influence the Female/Male TEA Ratio in urban contexts within BRICS countries. Several key factors are considered in the analysis, including entrepreneurial finance, government support policies, entrepreneurship support programs, commercial and legal infrastructure, and physical infrastructure. The research findings confirm the hypothesis that commercial and legal infrastructure, as well as government measures to support entrepreneurship, have a negative long-term influence on the Female/Male TEA Ratio by using the PMG-ARDL method and examining data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Furthermore, the findings show that entrepreneurship support programs and physical infrastructure have a positive impact on the ratio. However, no significant impact on entrepreneurial finance has been observed in both the short and long term. The article emphasizes the importance of taking into account the regional dimension when developing entrepreneurship support policies, as well as the unique characteristics of each urban area

    Analisis Naratif Fasa Kehidupan Miskawayh (932-1030 M): Narrative Analysis on the Life Phases of Miskawayh (932-1030 M)

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    Miskawayh is an important figure in the development of Islamic ethical philosophy. The synthesis between Greek philosophy and Islamic knowledge which he developed in the Middle Ages is considered a significant innovation in the formation of Islamic ethical philosophy. Miskawayh’s scholarship can be seen in his career commitment and in academic circles during his stay in his hometown Rayy and Baghdad. Though Miskawayh’s biography has been widely presented, his biographical narrative in this study is needed to ascertain his life changes based on different phases of his life. Therefore, this qualitative study will discuss the biography of Miskawayh. A biographical narrative analysis of Miskawayh found four major phases in his life. The first phase (up until the age of about 20) was when he obtained basic Islamic knowledge and studied chemistry. The second phase was between 956 AD and 963 AD in Baghdad. During that period of time, he was involved in the discussion of philosophy and dealing with moral issues. The third phase was in 963 AD in Rayy, Iran, where he dedicated his time studying various themes of writing and teaching. The fourth phase was between 976 AD and 1030 AD, at the age of 44 until his death at the age of 96 in Iṣfahān, Iran. During this phase, he was active in philosophical writings and refining ethics. Due to the breadth of Miskawayh’s knowledge and experience, his writings on ethics have been influential, especially his magnum opus entitled Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq that has received a substantial amount of attention from the Islamic and Western scholars to this day. This work written to the end of Miskawayh’s life proved his scholarly interest in philosophy, self-development, and career. ABSTRAK  Miskawayh merupakan seorang tokoh penting dalam perkembangan ilmu falsafah akhlak. Sintesis falsafah Yunani dengan ilmu Islam yang telah dilakukan oleh beliau pada abad pertengahan dianggap sebagai suatu inovasi yang signifikan dalam pembentukan ilmu akhlak Islam. Kesarjanaan Miskawayh boleh dilihat melalui komitmennya terhadap kerjaya dan dunia akademik sepanjang beliau berada di Rayy, Iran kota kelahirannya dan juga ketika berada di Baghdad. Walaupun biografi Miskawayh telah banyak dibentangkan, naratif biografi beliau di dalam kajian ini diperlukan bagi mengenal pasti perubahan hidup Miskawayh berdasarkan kepada fasa kehidupannya yang berbeza. Oleh itu, kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini akan membahaskan tentang biografi Miskawayh. Analisis naratif terhadap biografi tersebut mendapati bahawa Miskawayh telah melalui empat fasa penting dalam kehidupannya. Fasa pertama (sehingga usiannya kira-kira 20 tahun) ialah ketika beliau mendapatkan ilmu asas Islam dan mempelajari tentang ilmu kimia. Fasa kedua ialah antara 956 sehingga 963 Masihi di Baghdad. Ketika ini beliau terlibat dengan perbincangan falsafah dan berhadapan dengan masalah akhlak. Fasa ketiga pula ialah pada tahun 963 Masihi di Rayy, Iran di mana beliau telah mendedikasikan masanya untuk menelaah pelbagai tema penulisan dan mengajar. Fasa yang keempat ialah pada 976 Masihi iaitu ketika usianya mencecah 44 tahun sehingga beliau meninggal dunia pada 1030 Masihi pada usia 96 tahun di Iṣfahān, Iran. Pada fasa ini, beliau aktif dalam penulisan falsafah dan melakukan mujahadah dalam akhlak. Oleh kerana keluasan ilmu dan pengalaman yang telah dilalui oleh Miskawayh dalam empat fasa ini, penulisan beliau tentang akhlak terutamanya di dalam magnum opus yang bertajuk Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq menjadi sebuah karya yang berpengaruh dan mendapat perhatian pengkaji Islam dan Barat sehingga kini. Karya yang telah ditulis di penghujung hayat Miskawayh ini telah membuktikan kesarjanaan beliau dalam ilmu falsafah, hal pembangunan kendiri serta kerjaya. &nbsp

    Exploration de l’acte de création d’entreprises à la lumière du continuum : « Entrepreneuriat de nécessité »-« Entrepreneuriat d’opportunité »

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    Dans la perspective de mieux approcher et prédire l’évolution du phénomène de l’entrepreneuriat pour le décrypter et le promouvoir, toute une série de recherches ont été entreprises. L’une des problématiques, qui a marqué cetengouement des travaux de recherche, est l’accompagnement de l’acteur qui se trouve au coeur de ce processus entrepreneurial, le créateur d’entreprise. Les bilans des programmes publics d’appuis à l’entrepreneuriat et les recherches, qui ont été menés, mettent l’accent sur la nécessité de l’adaptation de cet accompagnement aux réels besoins du créateur d’entreprise. Sur le plan académique, l’étude du profil de l’entrepreneur a fait l’objet de nombreuses investigations ayant pour finalité une meilleure qualification de ce dernier afin de lui adapter une offre d’accompagnement public capable de stimuler un entrepreneuriat tourné vers à une créativité favorable à la croissance.La problématique de la recherche dont nous exposons le résultat s’inscrit dans cette lignée de réflexion. Et elle se fixe pour finalité l’identification du profil motivationnel de l’entrepreneur marocain, dans un premier temps ; pourlui proposer un environnement d’appui favorable à la créativité, dans une étape seconde. En explorant la littérature sur les échelles de mesure de la motivation entrepreneuriale, nous avons interrogé un échantillon d’entrepreneursappartenant à divers secteurs et diverses régions du pays. Les résultats de cette recherche ont permis, en autres, de dresser un profilage motivationnel: (il s’agit d’un entrepreneur opportuniste) et, en perspectives, se positionner surla grille de A Cipriani (2012) pour orienter l’accompagnement vers un environnement de type « Perturbateur actif » capable de stimuler ce sens chez les entrepreneurs

    [Online Learning Challenges for Islamic Studies Programs in Higher Education Institutions (IPT)] Cabaran Pembelajaran Online bagi Program Pengajian Islam di Insitusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT)

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    The rapid development of multimedia technology has witnessed the high dependence of 21st century society on technology. Not to mention living in a movement control environment following the COVID-19 pandemic, causing almost everything to be done online. In the field of higher education, online learning has been introduced earlier and it is in line with the Malaysian Higher Education Development Plan (PPPM PT) 2015-2025. Online learning has proven to have advantages especially in terms of flexibility, however, there are issues in terms of student readiness, instructors and infrastructure. While in the field of Islamic Studies (especially in the study of the Quran), the traditional method that needs to be preserved is the method of talaqqī mushāfahah which emphasizes the relationship between teachers and students face to face. Therefore, this paper analyzes several issues and challenges for the implementation of online studies for Islamic Studies programs in IPT. The study uses content analysis methods on previous studies on issues and problems in online studies as well as studies on the method of talaqqī mushāfahah which is often used in Islamic Studies, especially in the study of the Qur'an. The results of the study found that the issues and challenges in online studies for Islamic Studies program are almost the same as other studies, namely the readiness of students and lecturers, the stigma that teaching can only be done face to face, the readiness of facilities, the negative effects of technology and the importance of continuity of talaqqī. While the proposed solution that can be considered is to provide good infrastructure and services for students and lecturers, the preparation of lecturers and institutions as well as the construction of a new model of talaqqī in accordance with online learning methods. Therefore, the findings of this study provide preliminary information to answer the question of how traditional aspects of Islamic studies such as talaqqī can be preserved in the development of online studies and whether talaqqī methods can be adapted to new and innovative forms as e-talaqqi. Perkembangan pesat teknologi multimedia telah menyaksikan kebergantungan yang tinggi masyarakat abad ke-21 kepada teknologi. Apatah lagi hidup dalam suasana kawalan pergerakan berikutan pandemik COVID-19, menyebabkan hampir semua urusan dilakukan secara online. Dalam bidang pendidikan tinggi, pengajian online telah diperkenalkan lebih awal lagi dan ianya menepati Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia Pendidikan Tinggi (PPPM PT) 2015-2025. Pengajian online terbukti mempunyai kelebihan terutamanya dari aspek fleksibiliti namun begitu, terdapat isu dari aspek kesediaan pelajar, pengajar dan prasarana. Manakala dalam bidang Pengajian Islam (terutamanya dalam pengajian al-Quran), kaedah tradisi yang perlu dipelihara adalah kaedah talaqqī mushāfahah yang menekankan hubungan guru dengan murid secara bersemuka. Justeru, penulisan ini menganalisis beberapa isu dan cabaran bagi perlaksanaan pengajian online bagi program Pengajian Islam di IPT. Kajian menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan terhadap kajian lepas tentang isu dan masalah dalam pengajian online dan juga kajian berkenaan dengan kaedah talaqqī mushāfahah yang sering diguna pakai dalam Pengajian Islam khususnya dalam pembelajaran al-Quran. Hasil kajian mendapati, isu dan cabaran yang dalam pengajian online bagi program Pengajian Islam adalah hampir sama dengan pengajian lain iaitu kesediaan pelajar dan pensyarah, stigma bahawa pengajaran hanya dapat dilakukan secara bersemuka, kesediaan prasarana, kesan negatif daripada teknologi serta kepentingan kesinambungan talaqqī. Manakala cadangan penyelesaian yang boleh dipertimbangkan ialah menyediakan infrastruktur dan perkhidmatan yang baik untuk pelajar dan pensyarah, persediaan pensyarah dan institusi serta pembinaan model talaqqī yang baharu sesuai dengan kaedah pembelajaran online. Oleh itu, dapatan kajian ini memberikan maklumat awal untuk menjawab persoalan bagaimana aspek tradisi pengajian Islam seperti talaqqī dapat dipelihara dalam perkembangan pengajian online dan adakah kaedah talaqqī boleh disesuaikan dengan bentuk yang baru dan diinovasi sebagai e-talaqqi


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Sales Growth dan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) secara parsial dan simultan terhadap Dividen Payout Ratio (DPR) pada PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk Periode 2010-2019. Peneilitian ini diolah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kuantitatif, serta menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis uji linear berganda. Secara simultan, Sales Growth dan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap Dividen Payout Ratio (DPR). Hal ini dibuktikan dengan perbandingan Fhitung dan nilai Ftabel yaitu sebesar 4.548 < 4.74. Secara parsial, Sales Growth berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap Dividen Payout Ratio (DPR) dan dan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Dividen Payout Ratio (DPR). Besaran pengaruh Sales Growth dan  Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) terhadap Dividen Payout Ratio (DPR) sebesar 33,6% sedangkan sisanya 66,4% tingkat Dividen Payout Ratio (DPR) dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    Factors associated with adherence to medication among depressed patients from Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Several studies have investigated the factors associated with adherence to antidepressants, with inconsistent conclusions. However, no similar study has investigated this issue among patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder in Saudi Arabia. The aim of this study is to explore patients’ adherence to antidepressant medications, and the factors associated with adherence. Methods: A non-experimental cross-sectional design was used to measure adherence to antidepressants among major depressive disorder patients, and the factors associated with adherence. The patients were recruited from the outpatient clinic at the Al-Amal Complex for Mental Health in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, between August 2013 and January 2014. Eligible participants met with one of the research coordinators for assessment of their adherence. Adherence was investigated indirectly by use of the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, and patients’ beliefs were assessed through the Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire. Information about the severity of their depression, demographics, and other study variables were collected. Results: A total of 403 patients met the inclusion criteria and participated in the study. Of those, 203 (50.37%) were females, while the remaining 200 (49.6%) were males. There was an average age of 39 years (standard deviation, ±11 years). Half of the patients (52.9%) reported low adherence to their antidepressant medication, with statistically significant differences between the low adherence and high adherence scores relating to sex, age, and duration of illness. Conclusion: Low medication adherence is a common problem among major depressive disorder patients in Saudi Arabia. Medication-taking behavior among depressed patients is influenced by several factors, mainly patients’ beliefs regarding antidepressants. This study has improved the understanding of the factors associated with adherence to antidepressants

    Millimeter wave fifth generation (5G) antenna for smartphone application

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    In this paper, a single element antenna is designed at millimeter-wave frequency bands for future 5G smartphone applications. The configuration of proposed antenna is multiple L-slots on the ground plane which is designed on a low cost FR4 board. The antenna covers a frequency range between 28 to 35 GHz with a higher bandwidth 4.7 GHz. The antenna shows an excellent performance when integrated with the mobile phone application. The single element antenna exhibits a maximum radiation pattern around 5.945 dBi

    Physicochemical and Organoleptic Quality of Dried Corn Noodles with Variations of Carrageenan

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    Konsumsi mi instan di Indonesia menempati peringkat kedua dunia. Secara umum, mi berbahan dasar tepung terigu yang berasal dari tanaman gandum. Di sisi lain, tanaman gandum tidak dapat tumbuh di Indonesia. Penggunaan tepung gandum dapat dikurangi dengan sumber karbohidrat lain dari pangan lokal, yaitu tepung jagung. Namun, komposisi mi perlu ditambahkan hidrokoloid yang berfungsi sebagai pengikat air dan pembentuk gel supaya hasil akhir produk menyerupai mi tepung terigu. Jenis hidrolokoid yang banyak terdapat di Nusa Tenggara Barat adalah karagenan yang berasal dari rumput laut merah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu fisik (daya rehidrasi dan warna), mutu kimia (kadar air dan kadar abu), dan mutu organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur) mi jagung kering dengan variasi penambahan karagenan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua faktor, yaitu jenis karagenan (kappa dan iota) dan penambahan konsentrasi karagenan (0,50%; 0,75%; dan 1,00%). Mi jagung mengalami peningkatan daya rehidrasi (72-120%); penurunan nilai L (58,65-63,84%); peningkatan kadar air (4,86-6,43%); peningkatan kadar abu (1,09-2,08%); dan perbedaan tingkatan penilaian panelis terhadap warna (2,8-4,0); aroma (2,7-3,2); rasa (2,4-2,8); dan tekstur (1,9-2,9). Jenis karagenan berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya rehidrasi, kadar air, kadar abu, organoleptik warna, dan tekstur. Konsentrasi karagenan berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya rehidrasi, kadar abu, organoleptik warna, dan tekstur. Interaksi kedua faktor tersebut hanya berpengaruh terhadap kadar abu.The consumption of instant noodles in Indonesia is ranked as second highest in the world. Noodles are generally made from wheat that cannot be grown in Indonesia. Corn flour as one of carbohydrate source from local food is suitable for wheat substitution. However, hydrocolloid addition is required as water binding and gel forming, so that the final product resembles wheat noodles. The type of hydrocholoid that is mostly found in West Nusa Tenggara is carrageenan derived from red seaweed. This study aims to determine the physical quality (water absorption and color), chemical quality (water content and ash content), and organoleptic quality (color, aroma, taste, and texture) of dried corn noodles with variations in the addition of carrageenan. The method used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors,the type of carrageenan (kappa and iota) and the addition of carrageenan concentration (0.50%; 0.75%; and 1.00%) respectively. Corn noodles have increased water absorption (72-120%); L value (58.65-63.84%); increased water content (4.86-6.43%); increased ash content (1.09-2.08%); and the different levels of panelists' assessments of color (2.8-4.0); aroma (2.7-3.2); taste (2,4-2,8); and texture (1.9-2.9). Carrageenan type significantly affected water absorption, moisture content, ash content, organoleptic color, and texture profile. In another hand, carrageenan concentration significantly affected water absorption, ash content, organoleptic color, and texture profile; whereas the interaction of these two factors only affected the ash content