52 research outputs found


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    An accident occurred in bauxite-carrying barge at Kijang Island that caused the death of 3 workers urged Mining Business Unit for Bauxite of PT Aneka Tambang to ask RDCMCT to conduct a series research on the barge. Observation on the site sampled gas and water. Results presented that NO2, SO2 and CO contents were still the threshold value as stated in a circular of Minister of Manpower no. SE.01/MEN/1997. Seawater analyses showed that all elements were still below the allowed figures except for nitrogen-ammonia (N-NH3) that exceeded the threshold value (0.213-0.47 mg/l). Based on observation on the site and laboratory analyses, oxygen deficiency within compartment was the caused of the worker death

    Perjanjian antarabangsa dan perlindungan hak kekayaan intelektual domestik: Kajian tentang perlindungan hak kekayaan folklore di Indonesia

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    One of important issues relating to intellectual property rights today is determining the extent to which protection of indigenous intellectual property commonly known as folklore or traditional cultural expression and traditional knowledge is undertaken by individual countries. Conflict of interest between developed countries and developing countries is causing major problems. The Problem Statement of this study is to examine to what extent Indonesian Law protects indigenous intellectual property rights and to what level has International Law been incorporated into Indonesian domestic law. This study employs the qualitative method with emphasis on descriptive research. Data an obtained by undertaking library research and through case studies. By using this method an examination in made of fate of folklore in Indonesia and the incorporation of international law into domestic Indonesian law. The result showed firstly that property in the form of folklore is traditional Indonesian values in the order of social life-political-culture-economic and living environment in the midst of the people of Indonesia. Secondly the system of International Laws pertaining to the protection of Intellectual Property Rights of folklore are still not satisfactory because they tend to protect the interest of developed countries. Thirdly efforts made to law enforcement against violation of the Copyright for folklore with enforcing the law is based on Law No. 22 of 2002 concerning copyrights in Indonesia. Fourthly protection of Intellectual Property Right of folklore in the future will not be accomplished either because it collided with the characters in folklore, mostly anonymous, communal (collective), does not contain a new element (novelty), no written or documented and forever belong to the public while in the IPR system requires otherwise. In to encourage further research on how developing countries can protect their national intellectual property rights pertaining to folklore

    Online Shopping Era Pasca Covid-19: Tinjauan Atas Pergeseran Tren Dalam Perdagangan Bebas

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    Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has limited human mobility due to the ongoing transmission. Countries in the world have issued various policies to prevent the transmission. The policies issued have made the mobility of people in the world become very limited. These limitations are also a challenge to meet economic needs. Online shopping was chosen as a solution to these limitations. Its use continues to show improvement. This paper will examine the increasing use of online shopping from the 1990s to the present using the free trade concept. The results of the study show that the widespread use of online shopping has led to online shopping as a form of shifting trend in free trade. Keywords Economy, free trade, online shopping, pandemic, shifting trend

    COVID-19 dan Eksistensi Multinational Corporation (MNC): Suatu Telaah dalam Perspektif Liberalisme

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    Pandemi COVID-19 yang melanda dunia sejak desember 2019 lalu menyebabkan terjadinya economic shock pada ekonomi global akibat berkurangnya aktivitas perekonomian. Hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan global supply chain yang berdampak pada seluruh aktor ekonomi politik global, termasuk perusahaan multinasional. Meski secara garis besar aspek ekonomi mengalami kemunduran dan banyak dari perusahaan di dunia mengalami kerugian, terdapat juga perusahaan perusahaan yang berhasil melewati masa krisis, bahkan mendapat keuntungan dari terjadinya COVID-19 ini, seperti Berkshire Hathaway dan Amazon. Kedua perusahaan ini memiliki cara yang berbeda dalam menangani virus COVID-19, tetapi sama-sama bertahan dan tetap beroperasi di tengah pandemi.  Berdasarkan perspektif liberalisme, penulis membahas perusahaan multinasional yang berfokus pada Berkshire Hathaway dan Amazon dalam caranya untuk bertahan dan perannya dalam memulihkan ekonomi global. Penulis menemukan bahwa keuntungan yang diraih oleh Berkshire Hathaway dan Amazon ini membantu memulihkan ekonomi negara di mana perusahaan tersebut beroperasi dengan cara meningkatkan produktivitas dan peningkatan standar hidup di negara di masa pandemi


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    Objective: The objective of present work was to evaluate the effectiveness of propofol in nanoemulsion based palm oil that called as NEMS™, which was a choice of anesthetic drug to induce and maintenance general anesthesia to reduce pain on injection activity and also to evaluate the in vivo characterization of propofol in NEMS™. Methods: Preparation of propofol nanoemulsion using NEMS™ technology has been performed for propofol 1% in NEMS™ (P1%), and propofol 2% in NEMS™ (P2%). Determination of free propofol concentration in aqueous phase was conducted using HPLC and rat paw lick test was evaluated as in vivo test to assay the intensity of pain on injection site. The sleep recovery test was conducted to evaluate the pharmacological effect and erythrocyte hemolysis test also conducted to ensure the safety of propofol in NEMS™. All of the test results were compared with Diprivan®1% as a positive standard. Results: The contents of free propofol in formulation P1% and Diprivan®1% in aqueous-phase were 6.20±0.03 µg/ml and 15.02±0.33 µg/ml, respectively (*P<0.05). The rat paw lick test showed that the formulation P1% was significantly (*P<0.05) less painful when compared to Diprivan®1%. There were no significant differences in pharmacological effect for all of the formulations (*P>0.05). The erythrocyte haemolysis test show that all formulation still safe for our blood. Conclusion: Palm oil can be used as a carrier for propofol and it was successfully reduced the free propofol contents and the intensity of pain on injection site in rats

    Bibliometric analysis of local wisdom-based learning: Direction for future history education research

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    The various cultures that have entered Indonesia country make national identity and character must be strengthened by involving local wisdom in the learning activity. This study provided the bibliometric and bibliographic review of many qualified literatures about local wisdom-based learning. A bibliometric analysis was employed to conduct this study supported by some software such as VOSviewer and Publish or Perish (PoP). There were 173 documents from Scopus database published in 2012–2021 involved in this study. Results revealed that publication trends on local wisdom-based learning increased slightly from 2012 to 2020, while the development of number of citations tended to be fluctuated in the period of 2012–2021. In addition, the influential papers about local wisdom-based learning were published by most of Indonesian researchers. The trending research on local wisdom-based learning was the development of local wisdom-based teaching materials in science or physics learning to educate Indonesian elementary students’ character in which ethno-medicine-based science learning was the newly trending research. This study provides information for researchers in history education that studies related to the development of local wisdom-based historical teaching materials and the use of these teaching materials in the implementation of history learning seem like not much have been conducted in which it is expected to reinforce students’ national identity and character

    Indonesian students’ reading literacy ability in the cooperative integrated reading and composition learning: A meta-analysis

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    A few of meta-analysis studies regarding the intervention of cooperative learning have been conducted. However, it has not been performed on the studies related to the intervention of cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) learning for Indonesian students’ reading literacy. This study aims to approximate and examine the effect of CIRC learning on students’ reading literacy ability across group size of intervention, educational level, and geographical location. A meta-analysis was performed to conduct this study. The search of document using the database of Google Scholar found 97 documents. The selection of document established 10 documents published from 2015–2021 consisting of one conference paper and nine journal articles. Hedges’ equation was employed to measure the effect size. The data analysis used the Z test and Q Cochrane test. The results revealed that the CIRC learning had a strong positive effect (g=2.041; p<0.05) on students’ reading literacy ability. It indicates that the CIRC learning is effective for enhancing students’ reading literacy ability. Furthermore, some moderating factors such as group size of intervention, educational level, and geographical location did not affect students’ heterogeneous reading literacy ability. This study suggests language teachers to use the CIRC learning in enhancing students’ reading literacy ability


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    Penyebaran pandemi virus corona membuat ekonomi global kewalahan dalam mempertahankan kestabilan kurva perdagangan yang saat ini tidak lagi menunjukkan kenaikan yang signifikan. Italia dibawah naungan Uni Eropa mengalami kekacauan ekonomi yang tak kalah merugikan sebab berbgai kebijakan yang diambil UE dan lambatnya penanganan dan bantuan. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa peningkatan jumlah lockdown, keputusan kebijakan moneter sangat mempengaruhi tingkat kegiatan ekonomi. Melalui pendekatan merkantilisme yang telah diadopsi banyak negara di Eropa, peneliti menemukan adanya ketidakpastian tentang seberapa buruk situasi tersebut mengarah pada keselamatan dalam konsumsi dan investasi di antara konsumen, investor dan mitra dagang internasional. Penelitian ini berfokus pada periode dari awal 2020 hingga Maret ketika virus Corona mulai menyebar ke Italia dan Uni Eropa. Peneliti mengacu pada pengamatan kualitatif dalam menilai tindakan kebijakan Uni Eropa selama periode tersebut. Peneliti juga menguji secara empiris dampak kebijakan lockdown terhadap kegiatan ekonomi danindeks ekspor impor

    Challenges and Implications of Indonesia's Strategic Position in Maritime Security

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    The primary goal is to evaluate the regional maritime security problems that Indonesia is now confronting. As is well known, with the beginning of the twenty-first century came the introduction of a new word in regional maritime architecture. The significance of the sea in the current era of globalization has prompted all countries to manage their maritime interests and share concerns in a collaborative, cooperative, and inclusive manner, according to the United Nations. Throughout the period, Indonesia grew more connected than it had been previously. Indonesia, located in Southeast Asia, rose to prominence as a worldwide power in this century. Of course, as a result of its actions, new issues in maritime security have arisen. International relations, maritime cooperation, port and shipping sectors, as well as comparative politics and international relations, as well as Southeast Asian politics and society, will find this article of interest on the topic of maritime security

    Seoul’s Paradiplomacy To The Global Public: The Involvement of Bangtan Sonyeondan (BTS) in the Tourism Industry

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    This study aims to analyze the use of the Bangtan Sonyeondan (BTS) as an instrument of the paradiplomacy of Seoul, South Korea, in promoting the city’s tourism to the global public on economic and cultural aspects. Seoul's paradiplomacy in promoting tourism is motivated by efforts to attract global public attention and to encourage foreign tourists to make Seoul a tourist destination. For that purpose, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has collaborated with various K-pop artists, such as BTS, in its paradiplomacy practice. This study uses transgovernmentalism, foreign relations, paradiplomacy, and art as theories and qualitative research as a method by taking data directly and indirectly. Direct data are obtained from interviews with several informants, while indirect data are obtained from studies of relevant documentation and literature. This study finds that BTS becomes an instrument of Seoul's paradiplomacy in tourism promotion. The researchers also discovered that the Seoul Metropolitan Government has restructured the Seoul Tourism Organization from a public-private partnership and government-invested institution to one that can increase the city's competitiveness in tourism and Meetings, Incentive Tours, Conventions, and Exhibitions (MICE), as well as contribute to Seoul's economic development by revitalizing tourism-related industries.
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