17 research outputs found

    Records management and the accountability of governance

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    Governance is the process by which power and authority are exercised in a society by which government, the private sector, and citizens' groups articulate their interests, mediate their differences, and exercise their legal rights and obligations. Governance in public organisations is different from that in private organisations as they both possess different types of institutional stakeholders. Governments are directly answerable to the public. Therefore, it is essential for governments to be transparent in order to avoid any triggers in the accountability process that might adversely affect people's trust. The proper creation, capture, distribution and preservation of judicial evidence in the form of records can help avoid these problems. A trusted government is one that can demonstrate its accountability and transparency and is continually striving to improve value delivery and increase cost-effectiveness. The freedom of information demands governments to be more transparent and accountable for their actions and decisions. Whilst governments promote corporate governance to provide transparency and objectivity it can only give stakeholders better tools to do their job, it does not and cannot do it for them. The need for managing risk and audit culture is imperative to balance and satisfy the expectation of citizen and stakeholders. The accountability of a government can arguably only be achieved when it demonstrates considerable transparency, which in turn can only happen when trust is supported by authentic and reliable records. The records management community claims that records have to be preserved for accountability, but they rarely explore what 'accountability' is and what role records play in the accountability processes. In addition, the contribution of records management to good governance and accountability are often not recognised by other professions and management. In an age where corporate governance and transparency is a global agenda, it is imperative for the records management community to scrutinise their present role and approach in order to change the perception by other professions about their contribution towards achieving organisational goals in a highly regulated and compliant bound environment in the public and private sectors. The contention of this thesis is that record keeping is just a tool that ensures the availability of evidence for the accountability of governance, which in turn relies on the ethical standard of those involved

    Chemically produced of activated carbon from palm kernel shell for radioactive iodine scrubbing / Mohamad Azman Che Mat Isa

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    The biggest biomass source in Malaysia comes from oil palm industry. The biggest biomass source in Malaysia comes from oil palm industries. According to the statistic in 2009 Malaysia had approximately 4.75 million hectares of palm oil under cultivation which covers about 60% of the country's agricultural area. Malaysia is the second world's largest supplier of palm oil after Indonesia (Malaysia Palm Oil Sector, 2012) and Malaysia has supplied 30% of the world demand on palm oil and this trend is set to continue and is projected that the demand is rising by another 5 million (Mn) tonnes annually by 2015. According to the statistic in 2004, therefore; the biomass waste such as palm kernel shell can be used to produce granular adsorbent used for various applications such as for radioactive materials. For that reason, a new type of rotary kiln, called Rocking Kiln - Fluidized Bed (RK - FB) was developed to utilize large amount of the biomass to produce high value added product. Carbon Char or chemically produced activated carbon could be produced by using the kiln. In this research, the adsorbent produced was used to scrub iodine 131. In nuclear power reactor, iodine isotope 131 is produced during nuclear fission, and this elementary radioactive iodine may pollute exhaust air streams that could cause thyroid cancer. For removal of radioactive iodine, normally a potassium iodide - impregnated activated carbon (KI - AC) is used. Thus, a process developed to produce KI - AC and this product produced is to study the performance of to remove the radioactive iodine 131. The results obtained shows that adsorbent produced with the highest BET surface area produced is 1004 m2/g has a high potential to be used in radioactive adsorbing and likely more economics. This research elaborate further the experimental set-up of in Kiln - Fluidized Bed (RK - FB), chemically produced activated carbon, adsorbent quality and radioactive scrubbing process

    Maturity Analysis of the Information Governance Model Matrix in the Correspondence and Archives Department of the Batam Indonesia Free-Zone Authority

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    Activities in government institutions have many contain of information, that is managing in performing administrative functions. Law no. 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration and Law No. 34 of 2009 concerning Archives requires government institutions to manage information appropriately. Researchers investigated information governance carried out by the work unit at the Batam Indonesia Free-Zone Authority to support the good governance process. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach to get comprehensive results. The results of interviews, observations and documentation studies simultaneously use data triangulation techniques by displaying, presenting data and verifying data. Results of this research indicate on institutional demands, regulations, and standards, the Batam Indonesia Free-Zone Authority\u27s correspondence and archive sections have successfully implemented information governance. Availability is still at level 2 (development stage) and transparency, protection, and retention are at level 5 (maintenance stage) of the eight concepts investigated (has been implemented). The matrix Model used for the assessment has reached level 3, which is an essential level for the implementation of Information Governance. It is prospective that future research will try to analyze information governance principles to fix problems in each of these principles

    Developing a Framework of Citizen’s Engagement in Open Government Data’s Website

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    Website is one of the OGD initiatives that provide input and spread information to the public. This research’s objective is to develop a framework for citizen engagement in using OGD’s website, i.e. Ministry’s websites. This research proposes a few combinations of determinants from the Theory of Human Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), and Information System Success Model (ISSM). This research will provide input and information on how the implementation of OGD in Malaysia can become a sustainable innovation in developing a user-friendly website to attract engagement from the public

    Knowledge sharing behaviour in libraries: a case study of Raja Tun Uda Library Selangor, Malaysia

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    Knowledge management is adopted by many organizations in order to improve their performance and gain competitive advantage. Knowledge sharing has become a crucial activity in knowledge management.Being at the core of information management, librarians should demonstrate considerable level of knowledge management practice.This study investigates factors affecting knowledge sharing behavior in a state library namely, Raja Tun Uda Library, Selangor.It aims to identify relationships between individual, organizational and technological factors with knowledge sharing behavior in the organization.Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 16.The findings show that individual and technological factors have significant relationships with knowledge sharing behavior.However, there is no significant relationship between organizational factors and knowledge sharing behavior

    The evolutionary design of a community information service knowledge network

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    Knowledge Management (KM) and knowledge sharing are important factors that support community lifelong learning.The concept of a Community Information Service (CIS) (Kempson, 2000) is attractive in drawing together people whose work shares similar aspects, and consideration is given here to how technology can be used to develop and support such a community.In this paper, concepts from the Community Information Service literature are used to consider the development of a software environment for people working as a community in the area of lifelong learning. The intention was to design the system in an evolutionary way, using a minimal set of essential elements which would be elaborated according to user feedback. Three key design questions are considered: Who can contribute resources to such a system? What happens to existing practices? How is the community engaged

    Study Abroad Benefits and Graduates Employability: Asian International Mobility for Students Programme (AIMS): Malaysia Kebaikan Pengajian di Luar Negara dan Kebolehpasaran Graduan: Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS): Malaysia

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    The multitude of existing research conducted within the field of study abroad generally reinforces the popular understanding that the practice not only broadens the mind, provides valuable experiences and enhances stagnating perspectives, but also contributes to a skillset that is becoming increasingly necessary for success in the globally focused world of today. Despite the evidence supporting their effectiveness, relatively few undergraduate students of Malaysia choose to participate in some form of study abroad programmes especially to the ASEAN countries. The following analysis will examine the potential reasoning of why this is so. In this context the focus is on the mobility programme on the short-term exchange and study abroad issues. Through the survey, this research examined the attitudes and inhibitions of undergraduate university students as they relate to studying abroad and to what extent these perceptions fall in line with the escalating importance of employability. Used as an exemplifying case of Asian Mobility for Students Programmes (AIMS), ten participating public universities under the AIMS-Malaysia furnished the sample of participants used in this study. Factors such as a student’s previous international travel experience and awareness of available programmes are seen to influence these perceptions to some degree. The students highlighted the benefits of studying abroad as to have better understanding of cultural differences and new friends share the same highest mean. The students also developed their soft skills by being more independent, confident and improve their problem-solving skills. In addition, they also have better communication, self-assessment and personal skills. The finding also showed that the most important criteria that the alumni being hired for their first job after graduation are communication skills, high adaptability, analytical thinking and problem solving. These findings corroborate international student mobility programmes whilst providing additional insight through student testimony. Indeed, AIMS programme leverages the competency and employability of students, hence contributes to producing global citizens and ASEAN harmonization

    Study abroad benefits and graduates employability: Asian International Mobility for Students Programme (AIMS): Malaysia

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    The multitude of existing research conducted within the field of study abroad generally reinforces the popular understanding that the practice not only broadens the mind, provides valuable experiences and enhances stagnating perspectives, but also contributes to a skillset that is becoming increasingly necessary for success in the globally focused world of today. Despite the evidence supporting their effectiveness, relatively few undergraduate students of Malaysia choose to participate in some form of study abroad programmes especially to the ASEAN countries. The following analysis will examine the potential reasoning of why this is so. In this context the focus is on the mobility programme on the short-term exchange and study abroad issues. Through the survey, this research examined the attitudes and inhibitions of undergraduate university students as they relate to studying abroad and to what extent these perceptions fall in line with the escalating importance of employability. Used as an exemplifying case of Asian Mobility for Students Programmes (AIMS), ten participating public universities under the AIMS-Malaysia furnished the sample of participants used in this study. Factors such as a student’s previous international travel experience and awareness of available programmes are seen to influence these perceptions to some degree. The students highlighted the benefits of studying abroad as to have better understanding of cultural differences and new friends share the same highest mean. The students also developed their soft skills by being more independent, confident and improve their problem-solving skills. In addition, they also have better communication, self-assessment and personal skills. The finding also showed that the most important criteria that the alumni being hired for their first job after graduation are communication skills, high adaptability, analytical thinking and problem solving. These findings corroborate international student mobility programmes whilst providing additional insight through student testimony. Indeed, AIMS programme leverages the competency and employability of students, hence contributes to producing global citizens and ASEAN harmonization

    Peningkatan Kualiti Produk (Billet) Melalui Teknik Asas Kawalan Kualiti

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    Teknik asas kawalan kualiti merupakan satu kaedah untuk meningkatkan kualiti dan produktiviti pengeluaran dan memastikan keperluan atau spesifikasi pelanggan dipenuhi. Dalam kajian ini, beberapa daripada tujuh teknik asas kawalan kualiti telah dipraktikkan untuk menyelesaikan dua jenis kecacatan utama dalam proses pengeluaran produk billet dalam industri keluli. Dua jenis kecacatan utama tersebut berdasarkan Gambar rajah Pareto ialah pin hole dan herotan. Dengan mengaplikasikan beberapa teknik asas kawalan kualiti seperti Gambar rajah Pareto, Carta Kawalan, Gambar rajah Sebab dan Akibat, Proses Keupayaan dan Rajah Serakan, beberapa pelan tindakan penyelesaian pembaikan telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualiti produk billet. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan kadar penurunan peratus dua jenis kecacatan utama tersebut, iaitu pin hole sebanyak 11% dan herotan sebanyak 2%