74 research outputs found

    A systematic literature review on the forest health biomonitoring technique: A decade of practice, progress, and challenge

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    The approach for monitoring forest health such as canopy layer, air quality, soil texture has evolved in tandem with the advancement of new technology such as lab analysis, remote sensing etc. The application of biomonitoring techniques for example species diversity and morphological observation, on the other hand, has been positive and has made its own contribution to forest management. Many studies have been conducted in the last decade (2011–2021), which use the biomonitoring techniques in assessing the forest health status. Therefore, this study aims to systematically review the forest health biomonitoring techniques in the last decade. This study used the PRISMA guidelines as the protocol to search and analyze all the papers. This study selected 72 out of 538 papers for a thematic analysis which eventually identified four main biomonitoring techniques, namely: 1) diversity distribution, 2) morphological observations, 3) trace elements, minerals and physiological measurements, and 4) behavioral observations. The biomonitoring techniques applied to monitor forest health has evolved with numerous ways that can support existing technologies, as well as help educate people on the necessity of protecting and safeguarding the natural forest environment. This also will give more options to the authority in monitoring the forest health and not only focusing on technology

    Przegląd usług pełnionych przez ekosystemy (ES) w kontekście ekoturystyki w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej (ASEAN)

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    Ecotourism ecosystem services can rarely been identified specifically in detail. Hence, little is known about  interactions and relationship between ecotourism and its services. We have chosen South-East Asia (ASEAN) as our case studies because of its multi-diverse ecotourism ecosystem. We conducted a systematic review of studies that aim to understand the relationship and interaction between the ecotourism ecosystem and its services to summarize research from this emerging topic and to identify the patterns for ecotourism ecosystem services in ASEAN from different case studies. The results show that 7 out 10 ASEAN countries have studied on ecotourism ecosystem services. Most studies indicated the importance of the services provided by the ecotourism sector as cultural (aesthetic, scientific research and recreational) and supporting (habitat conservation). Our review also found some limitations of this study: first, no data gathered from 3 countries (Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam and Myanmar) and second, the study only focused on monetary methods (WTP etc.) and third, calls for more studies and comparative studies to identify services provided by ecotourism sector in ASEAN. Finally, we discuss how our review fits into the Pakse Declaration 2016 and policy development to address climate change.Trudno szczegółowo określić usługi pełnione przez ekosystemy ekoturystyczne. Niewiele więc wiadomo na temat interakcji i związków między ekoturystyką a jej usługami. W naszych badaniach wybraliśmy kraje Azji Południowo-Wschodniej (ASEAN), ze względu na ich różnorodny ekosystem ekoturystyczny. Przeprowadziliśmy systematyczny przegląd, który miał na celu zrozumienie relacji i interakcji między ekosystemem ekoturystycznym i ich usługami, aby zidentyfikować wzorce usług ekosystemów ekoturystycznych w ASEAN na podstawie różnych studiów przypadku. Wyniki pokazują, że 7 na 10 krajów ASEAN przeprowadziło badania dotyczące ekoturystycznych usług ekosystemowych. Większość badań wskazywała na znaczenie usług świadczonych przez sektor ekoturystyki jako kulturowych (estetycznych, naukowo-badawczych i rekreacyjnych) oraz wspierających (ochrona siedlisk). W naszym przeglądzie występują także pewne ograniczenia. Po pierwsze, brak danych z 3 krajów (Brunei Darussalam, Wietnam i Mjanma). Po drugie, badanie dotyczyło tylko metod pieniężnych (WTP itp.). Po trzecie, przeprowadzone badania sugerują konieczność prowadzenia dalszych prac porównawcze w celu określenia usług świadczonych przez sektor ekoturystyki w ASEAN. Na koniec omawiamy, w jaki sposób nasz przegląd wpisuje się w Deklarację Pakse z 2016 r. i rozwój polityki dotyczącej zmian klimatycznych

    Pencemaran bunyi bising trafik di Bandar Batu Pahat, Johor

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    Pencemaran bunyi bising trafik di bandar sememangnya tidak dapat dielakkan bagi kawasan yang sedang membangun. Justeru itu, matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk menilai tahap pencemaran bunyi bising trafik di kawasan bandar yang sedang pesat membangun iaitu Bandar Batu Pahat, Johor. Alatan yang digunakan bagi mencerap data kebisingan trafik ialah Integrating Sound Level Meter RS-232. Nilai purata kebisingan serta bilangan kenderaan juga direkodkan bagi kesemua sembilan (9) stesen persampelan Bandar Batu Pahat yang dipilih secara persampelan mudah pada hari bekerja dan hari hujung minggu, di waktu pagi, tengah hari, petang dan malam. Hasil kajian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahawa nilai purata tertinggi keseluruhan bagi kawasan pusat bandar ialah 74.0 dBA pada hari hujung minggu mengatasi purata tertinggi pada hari bekerja iaitu 73.0 dBA. Secara keseluruhannya, purata kebisingan bunyi bising trafik di lokasi kajian ini adalah melebihi piawaian yang ditetapkan oleh JAS iaitu melebihi 65 dBA. Oleh itu, perundangan yang berkaitan dengan pencemaran bunyi perlu dikuatkuasakan dengan lebih tegas di samping langkah bukan perundangan. Sementara itu, masyarakat perlu sedar akan bahayanya pencemaran bunyi ini kepada manusia agar dapat bersama-sama membantu dalam meningkatkan kualiti hidup manusia dan pengurusan persekitaran yang sistematik

    Prediction model to determine natural frequency for integral abutment bridge: a simplified method

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    All bridges can be resonated with certain frequencies known as modal frequency. Different bridges will have their own natural frequencies depending on their types, parameters and configurations. In order to overcome this phenomenon, the engineer should ensure that the natural frequencies of the bridge to be within 1.5 Hz to 4.5 Hz which are the normal vibration induced by the vehicle. Therefore, it is necessary to have a reliable model to predict the natural frequency of an integral bridge when this type of bridge is a commonly being used this day. Whilst most of the previous researches have been focusing on predicting the natural frequencies of other types of bridges, less research can be found for integral bridges. The effect of span length with clay soil is discussed in this paper and the final expression is presented and verified

    Plasma fatty acid profile comparisons between the lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) and the common muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak)

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    The Lesser Mouse Deer and the Common Muntjac are native to the South-east Asian region. The main aim of this study was to compare the extent of plasma fatty acid unsaturation between these two species. Dietary unsaturated fatty acids are expected to undergo extensive biohydrogenation and saturation in the gut of the Common Muntjac, as is expected for a 'true' ruminant. Being a 'partial' ruminant, the Lesser Mouse Deer is expected to allow some dietary unsaturated fatty acids to escape rumen biohydrogenation, thus allowing accumulation of more unsaturated fatty acids in the plasma. Six Lesser Mouse Deer and six Common Muntjac, kept for recreational purposes, were used in this study. Plasma fatty acids were extracted from blood and feed samples, methylated using 14 % boron triflouride and separated using gas liquid chromatography. It was found that both species had higher unsaturated fatty acid content in their plasma compared to saturated fatty acids. This is different from domesticated ruminants where saturated fatty acids usually are about 60 % of total plasma fatty acids. The plasma unsaturated fatty acid content of the Lesser Mouse Deer is marginally higher (52.9 %) than the Common Muntjac (51.8 %). However, the Lesser Mouse Deer had higher plasma n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) at 16 %, and a more balanced n-3 PUFA content. This resulted in better and lower n-6 PUFA: n-3 PUFA ratios in the Lesser Mouse Deer (4.2). These findings could be attributed to the reduced biohydrogenation and destruction of dietary unsaturated fatty acids in the gut of Lesser Mouse Deer, thus enabling more of these fatty acids to be absorbed by the body. In conclusion, true and partial wild ruminants found to have different plasma fatty acid profile as a result of their differences in gut function and morpholog

    Phenolic content and α–glucosidase inhibitory activity of herbal mixture: effect of processing technique and honey ratio

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    Introduction: Preparation of herbal mixtures from the traditional knowledge has been used for over centuries to improve and maintain health condition. Nonetheless, lack of scientific evaluations on regard to their bioactive metabolites as a mixture and their pharmacological effects have yet to be reported. Therefore, the objectives of this study are 1) to determine the effect of processing techniques (blending and juicing) on extracting polyphenols and 2) to determine the effect ratio of honey in herbal mixture (containing ginger, garlic, honey, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice). Methods: Raw ingredients such as garlic, ginger, lemon and apple cider (1:1:1:1) were used as the base for this herbal mixture. The base was either blended using a blender or juiced using a juicer. The mixture was simmered (85oC - 100oC) until reduced to half of the initial volume and cooled down before being added with honey in 1:1 (rA) or 1:3 (rB) ratio. The mixtures were tested for pH, total phenolic, total flavonoid content and alpha glucosidase inhibitory activities. Results: Both of juiced samples in both honey ratio (rA and rB) have lower acidity compared to blended samples. Total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) also showed significantly higher levels (p <0.05) in juiced samples than blended samples especially in Juicer rB. The insignificant differences in α-glucosidase inhibitory activities among mixtures indicate both extraction and ratio did not influence α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of the mixtures. Conclusion: All of the results indicate that processing techniques and ratio can affect the pH and phenolic recovery

    The changes in endogenous metabolites in hyperlipidemic rats treated with herbal mixture containing lemon, apple cider, garlic, ginger, and honey

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    An herbal mixture composed of lemon, apple cider, garlic, ginger and honey as a polyphenolrich mixture (PRM) has been reported to contain hypolipidemic activity on human subjects and hyperlipidemic rats. However, the therapeutic effects of PRM on metabolites are not clearly understood. Therefore, this study aimed to provide new information on the causal impact of PRM on the endogenous metabolites, pathways and serum biochemistry. Serum samples of hyperlipidemic rats treated with PRM were subjected to biochemistry (lipid and liver profile) and hydroxymethylglutaryl- CoA enzyme reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) analyses. In contrast, the urine samples were subjected to urine metabolomics using 1H NMR. The serum biochemistry revealed that PRM at 500 mg/kg (PRM-H) managed to lower the total cholesterol level and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) (p < 0.05) and reduce the HMG-CoA reductase activity. The pathway analysis from urine metabolomics reveals that PRM-H altered 17 pathways, with the TCA cycle having the highest impact (0.26). Results also showed the relationship between the serum biochemistry of LDL-C and HMG-CoA reductase and urine metabolites (trimethylamine-N-oxide, dimethylglycine, allantoin and succinate). The study’s findings demonstrated the potential of PRM at 500 mg/kg as an anti hyperlipidemic by altering the TCA cycle, inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase and lowering the LDL-C in high cholesterol rats

    The Distribution of Buceros rhinoceros and Awareness of Its Conservation Status

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    A rapid survey on the distribution of hornbills in Santubong National Park, Sarawak, East Malaysia, was carried out in April 2013 using point sampling technique at various locations around the park. Only the Rhinoceros hornbill, Buceros rhinoceros , was recorded, with a total of 45 independent calls and 15 observations at 10 locations around the protected area, mostly during early mornings and late evenings from 162 h of survey. Most of Rhinoceros hornbills were observed in pairs (73 %), while a single observation recorded at least ten individuals at a location. Additionally, local communities were interviewed to collect information on the occurrence, status, ecology and perception on Hornbill conservation in Santubong National Park. A standard questionnaire was designed to meet the purpose of this study. This survey was conducted on local communities from fi ve local villages around Santubong National Park, local and international tourist visiting touristic areas in Santubong peninsula. In general the awareness on the conservation needs and status of the hornbill is high suggesting that the communities are interested and supportive of conservation related activities. Based on the socio-economic and ecological survey, the surrounding habitat of this protected area need to be protected through park extension that will increase connectivity between nearby forest patches which in turn may ensure the long term viability of the Rhinoceros hornbill in Santubong National Park

    Petunjuk persekitaran sebagai indikator ramalan cuaca berasaskan kearifan tempatan dalam komuniti tani sara hidup

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    Amalan meramal cuaca berasaskan petunjuk persekitaran merupakan satu kemahiran yang didapati dalam sesuatu komuniti termasuklah komuniti tani sara hidup. Kebergantungan kearifan tempatan melalui sumber alam sebagai petunjuk dalam ramalan cuaca membantu komuniti tani sara hidup menjalankan aktiviti pertanian dengan lebih teratur dan seiring dengan perubahan alam yang berlaku. Kearifan tempatan melalui amalan meramal cuaca berdasarkan petunjuk persekitaran dilihat mempunyai kekuatan dan kepentingannya tersendiri dalam aktiviti pertanian sara hidup. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti dan mengkaji praktis amalan meramal cuaca berasaskan petunjuk astronomi, tingkah laku haiwan, perubahan pada tumbuhan dan elemen fizikal. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui pengkaji sebagai instrumen kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan teknik temu bual semi berstruktur dan pemerhatian turut serta di lapangan. Seramai sebelas informan ditentukan secara persampelan purposive. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa amalan meramal cuaca berasaskan petunjuk persekitaran diamalkan komuniti tani sara hidup. Petunjuk ramalan astronomi dan perubahan tingkah laku haiwan digunakan komuniti tani sara hidup dalam meramal cuaca. Perubahan pada awan, bulan dan matahari membantu komuniti tani membuat ramalan cuaca. Pada masa yang sama, keupayaan kearifan tempatan dalam amalan meramal cuaca dilihat lebih didominasi dalam kalangan komuniti tani yang lebih berusia dan menjalankan pertanian sara hidup dalam tempoh masa yang lama. Kajian juga mendapati kearifan tempatan ini turut diketahui sebilangan komuniti tempatan walaupun komuniti ini tidak menjalankan aktiviti pertanian sara hidup. Kajian ini sekali gus membantu dalam mengekalkan warisan kaedah berasaskan kearifan tempatan supaya dapat dipelajari generasi akan datang

    Hepatoprotective effect of supercritical carbon dioxide extracted dabai pulp oil and its defatted pulp

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    All food scientists must utilize plants for their application as functional foods to reduce hypercholesterolemia incidence through diet. Canarium odontophyllum (dabai) is a novel source for new healthy oil and functional foods. In this work, we evaluate the hepatoprotective effects of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extracted dabai pulp oil (DPO) and defatted dabai pulp (DDP) against hypercholesterolemia elicited by a high-cholesterol diet in rats. Our results show that DPO and DDP supplementation exerted beneficial hypocholesterolemic effects against the high-cholesterol diet-fed rat. Nevertheless, supplementation with DDP revealed superior total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and HMG-CoA reductase lowering efficacy (p 0.05). Therefore, DDP and DPO are considered as having no toxicological significance. The histological section of rats treated with DPO and DDP showed improved steatosis in hepatocytes. HPLC analysis revealed that DPO and DDP contained syringic acid, which plays an important role in the beneficial effect. In conclusion, our results support the hypocholesterolemic and hepatoprotective effects of DPO and DDP in the hypercholesterolemic rats model