23 research outputs found
Economic Evaluation and Biodiversity Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources
Rapidly declining biodiversity has made international and national policies focus on the question of how best to protect genetic resources. Loss of biodiversity does not only concern wildlife, but equally affects agriculturally used species. These species, of foremost importance for the subsistence of humankind, are subject to pressures sometimes similar and sometimes very distinct from those of their wild counterparts. And so are the losses implied by this decline in diversity. This handbook was conceived within the project Sustainable conservation of animal genetic resources in marginal rural areas: Integrating molecular genetics, socio-economics and geostatistical approaches (ECONOGENE â EC-QLK5-CT-2001-02461) to review and design methods that can serve as a basis to guide conservation policies for livestock breeds at risk of extinction. It is part of the broader effort of a multidisciplinary research team assessing the diversity of European sheep and goat breeds. The final goal of the project is to assess the impact of current and future policies on these breeds. --
Wich impacts of public-private partnership on the farms and valorization of irrigation water ? ââCase of El Guerdane project in Moroccoââ
peer reviewedLe Partenariat Public-Privé (PPP) en irrigation est un mode de collaboration et de gouvernance qui
permet Ă lâEtat de confier Ă une entreprise privĂ©e la conception, le financement, la construction,
lâexploitation et la maintenance des Ă©quipements dâirrigation. Le recours Ă ce mode de collaboration
dans le domaine de lâirrigation par le Maroc a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ© en 2005 dans le cadre du projet El Guerdane et
dont lâobjectif Ă©tait de sauvegarder un pĂ©rimĂštre agrumicole de 10 000 ha. Le but de ce travail de
recherche est, dâune part lâĂ©valuation de lâimpact du partenariat public-privĂ© sur la marge nette des
agrumiculteurs et sur la valorisation financiĂšre et agronomique de lâeau dâirrigation et dâautre part
lâanalyse des dĂ©terminants de ces deux types de valorisation de lâeau. La mĂ©thode dâĂ©chantillonnage
utilisĂ©e est celle de lâappariement par score de propension (ASP) effectuĂ©e par les logiciels R3.1.0 et
SPSS 23. LâĂ©valuation dâimpact du partenariat public-privĂ© sur la marge nette et sur la valorisation de
lâeau a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e par la mĂ©thode de double diffĂ©rence (MDD). Lâanalyse des dĂ©terminants choisis
sur la base des différents groupes cibles réalisés avec les agriculteurs sur le terrain, a été effectuée par
le logiciel GRETL en utilisant un modĂšle de rĂ©gression ordinaire. Lâimpact moyen du partenariat
public-privé est 2,1 Dh/m³ sur la valorisation financiÚre, 1,05 Kg/m³ sur la valorisation agronomique
et 10 902 Dh/ha sur la marge nette des agrumiculteurs. Le mode de gouvernance de partenariat publicprivé
et le niveau de lâencadrement ont un impact positif sur la valorisation financiĂšre et agronomique
de lâeau dâirrigation ainsi que sur la marge nette des agrumiculteurs, et ce pour la majoritĂ© des
exploitations enquĂȘtĂ©es. Au vu de ces rĂ©sultats, le volet de lâencadrement technique et son impact sur
le niveau de la valorisation de lâeau agricole reste une piste de rĂ©flexion qui mĂ©rite dâĂȘtre approfondie
The dynamism of the red berries sector and its implication on water resources in the Loukkos region of Morocco
La filiĂšre marocaine des fruits rouges a connu un essor consistant durant la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie, soutenue par la stratĂ©gie nationale agricole et tractĂ©e par lâexpansion de la demande sur les marchĂ©s internationaux. Cependant, lâĂ©volution quâa enregistrĂ©e la production marocaine interpelle sur la pĂ©rennitĂ© et la bonne gestion des ressources hydriques. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă Ă©valuer les implications du systĂšme de production des fruits rouges en matiĂšre dâutilisation et de valorisation de lâeau dâirrigation. Pour y rĂ©pondre, nous avons calculĂ© la valorisation financiĂšre et agronomique de lâeau, correspondant respectivement au rapport de la marge bĂ©nĂ©ficiaire nette et de la production totale sur le volume dâeau apportĂ©e. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es sur le terrain moyennant un Ă©chantillonnage alĂ©atoire et simple dans le pĂ©rimĂštre du Loukkos sur 93 exploitations de fruits rouges. Au niveau de la valorisation financiĂšre, la myrtille affiche une rentabilitĂ© de 67,3 DH/mÂł dâeau, expliquĂ©e principalement par son prix Ă©levĂ©, suivie de la framboise avec 54,2 DH/mÂł puis de la fraise avec 12,4 DH/mÂł dâeau. A lâinverse, la valorisation agronomique est plus importante chez la fraise avec 7,12 Kg/mÂł, suivie de la framboise avec 3,35 Kg/mÂł puis de la myrtille Ă 1,96 Kg/mÂł. Cet article met lâaccent sur les points cruciaux de la filiĂšre tels que la durabilitĂ© de lâapport hydrique, la disponibilitĂ© de la main dâĆuvre qualifiĂ©e et le foncier. Il prĂ©conise Ă©galement la conquĂȘte dâautres marchĂ©s dâexport et la mise aux normes nationales des produits destinĂ©s Ă aux marchĂ©s internationaux.
Mots-clĂ©s: Fruits rouges, valorisation de lâeau, productivitĂ© de lâeau, Loukkos, Irrigation.The Moroccan red fruits sector has grown steadily over the last decade, supported by the national agricultural strategy and pulled by the expansion of demand in the international markets. However, the evolution recorded by Moroccan production calls into question the sustainability and good management of water resources. This study aims to evaluate the implications of the red fruits production system for the use and valorization of irrigation water. For this purpose, we calculate the financial and agronomic valorization of water, corresponding respectively to the ratio of the net profit margin and the total production on the volume of water supplied. Data were collected in the field through random and simple sampling in the region of Loukkos on 93 farms producing the red berries. In terms of financial valorization, the blueberry has a profitability of 67.3 DH/mÂł of water, explained mainly by its high price, followed by raspberry with 54.2 DH/mÂł and strawberry with 12.4 DH/mÂł of water. Conversely, the agronomic valorization is higher for strawberries with 7.12 Kg / mÂł, followed by raspberry with 3.35 Kg/mÂł and blueberry with 1.96 Kg/mÂł. This article discusses the crucial points of the sector such as the sustainability of water supply, the availability of qualified labor and land issues. It also advocates the search of other international markets and setting up national standards for products for export.
Key words: Red berries, water valorization, water productivity, Loukkos, irrigation
Dynamic Field Experiments in Development Economics: Risk Valuation in Morocco, Kenya, and Peru
The effective design and implementation of interventions that reduce vulnerability and poverty require a solid understanding of underlying poverty dynamics and associated behavioral responses. Stochastic and dynamic benefit streams can make it difficult for the poor to learn the value of such interventions to them. We explore how dynamic field experiments can help (i) intended beneficiaries to learn and understand these complicated benefit streams, and (ii) researchers to better understand how the poor respond to risk when faced with nonlinear welfare dynamics. We discuss and analyze dynamic risk valuation experiments in Morocco, Peru, and Kenya.poverty, risk and uncertainty, dynamics, experiments, Kenya, Morocco, Peru, International Development, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Risk and Uncertainty,
Microsatellite diversity of the Nordic type of goats in relation to breed conservation: how relevant is pure ancestry?
In the last decades, several endangered breeds of livestock species have been re-established effectively. However, the successful revival of the Dutch and Danish Landrace goats involved crossing with exotic breeds and the ancestry of the current populations is therefore not clear. We have generated genotypes for 27 FAO-recommended microsatellites of these landraces and three phenotypically similar Nordic-type landraces and compared these breeds with central European, Mediterranean and south-west Asian goats. We found decreasing levels of genetic diversity with increasing distance from the south-west Asian domestication site with a south-east-to-north-west cline that is clearly steeper than the Mediterranean east-to-west cline. In terms of genetic diversity, the Dutch Landrace comes next to the isolated Icelandic breed, which has an extremely low diversity. The Norwegian coastal goat and the Finnish and Icelandic landraces are clearly related. It appears that by a combination of mixed origin and a population bottleneck, the Dutch and Danish Land-races are separated from the other breeds. However, the current Dutch and Danish populations with the multicoloured and long-horned appearance effectively substitute for the original breed, illustrating that for conservation of cultural heritage, the phenotype of a breed is more relevant than pure ancestry and the genetic diversity of the original breed. More in general, we propose that for conservation, the retention of genetic diversity of an original breed and of the visual phenotype by which the breed is recognized and defined needs to be considered separately
Modélisation bioéconomique de la conservation des ressources génétiques animales
Les techniques d'Ă©levage intensif appliquĂ©es dans les systĂšmes agricoles ont une influence nĂ©gative sur la biodiversitĂ© des animaux domestiques. Une des mesures mises en oeuvre afin de juguler ce phĂ©nomĂšne d'Ă©rosion gĂ©nĂ©tique est la conservation des ressources gĂ©nĂ©tiques des animaux d'Ă©levage (RGAs). La problĂ©matique de conservation est d'arbitrer entre des impĂ©ratifs de prĂ©servation et le caractĂšre fini des ressources financiĂšres. Cette problĂ©matique a Ă©tĂ© abordĂ©e en retenant l'approche dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Weitzman comme cadre d'analyse et des races ovines et caprines retenues dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche europĂ©en (Econogene) comme objet de recherche. Choisir les races Ă prĂ©server revient Ă Ă©laborer et Ă pondĂ©rer des critĂšres de conservation. Dans le cadre de cette thĂšse, cette question a Ă©tĂ© approchĂ©e sous trois angles prospectifs distincts : politique, gĂ©nĂ©tique et Ă©conomique. Le quatriĂšme angle, qualifiĂ© de mĂ©thodologique, a consistĂ© en l'Ă©laboration de modĂšles d'optimisation comme outils d'aide Ă la dĂ©cision. Le premier angle s'est focalisĂ© sur les dĂ©terminants des dĂ©cisions des choix de conservation observĂ©s au niveau de l'Union europĂ©enne. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les programmes de conservation opĂšrent indĂ©pendamment des risques d'extinction. Le second angle se place au niveau gĂ©nĂ©tique. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les races originales prĂ©sentent de faibles taux d'hĂ©tĂ©rozygotie et vice versa. Le troisiĂšme angle s'est attachĂ© Ă analyser les critĂšres de conservation et leur pondĂ©ration par le biais d'une analyse Ă©conomique intĂ©grant les points de vue d'un Ă©chantillon d'experts. Les rĂ©sultats ont permis de montrer que la dissemblance gĂ©nĂ©tique est perçue comme l'attribut le plus important. Enfin, le dernier angle, qualifiĂ© de mĂ©thodologique, a consistĂ© en l'Ă©laboration de modĂšles bioĂ©conomiques comme outils d'aide Ă la dĂ©cision. A travers les rĂ©sultats de ce travail, certaines implications empiriques et mĂ©thodologiques ont pu ĂȘtre identifiĂ©es. Celles-ci constituent une Ă©bauche d'une vision pour la conservation des RGAs qui devrait s'articuler en quatre volets : un volet protection, un volet conservation, un volet valorisation et un volet recherche.(AGRO 3)--UCL, 200
Of Experts, Politicians and Beasts: Setting Priorities in Farm Animal Conservation Choices
We consider the choice of farm animal breeds for conservation programmes. Based on an analysis of past decisions in EU member countries to enter breeds into the conservation programmes of rural development plans and based on the results of an expert survey among breed societies and scientists, we find an inconsistency in the valuation of breed characteristics. Policy makers seem to be less concerned about considering true extinction risk and diversity and more about cultural values and about means to benefit a larger number of farmers for raising rare breeds
Economic evaluation and biodiversity conservation of animal genetic resources
Rapidly declining biodiversity has made international and national policies focus on the question of how best to protect genetic resources. Loss of biodiversity does not only concern wildlife, but equally affects agriculturally used species. These species, of foremost importance for the subsistence of humankind, are subject to pressures sometimes similar and sometimes very distinct from those of their wild counterparts. And so are the losses implied by this decline in diversity. This handbook was conceived within the project Sustainable conservation of animal genetic resources in marginal rural areas: Integrating molecular genetics, socio-economics and geostatistical approaches (ECONOGENE - EC-QLK5-CT-2001-02461) to review and design methods that can serve as a basis to guide conservation policies for livestock breeds at risk of extinction. It is part of the broader effort of a multidisciplinary research team assessing the diversity of European sheep and goat breeds. The final goal of the project is to assess the impact of current and future policies on these breeds