6 research outputs found

    Clinical effect of Suvarna Bindu Prashan

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    The quest for excellence in mental and physical health is not new. We find various references and formulations in Ayurvedic classics meant for promoting mental and physical health of a child. Suvarna Prashan is one of the formulations explained in age old Ayurvedic classic Kashyap Samhita. This formulation is very widely used now days as a memory and immune booster for children. But there is very little systematic documented study which can be used to evaluate the efficacy of the formulation. Suvarna Bhasma was prepared in Ayurved Rasayani Pharmacy, Pune. Madhu and Ghrita were collected from KLE Ayurveda Pharmacy, Belgaum. Suvarna Bindu Prashan was prepared in KLE Ayurved pharmacy, Belgaum. It contains Suvarna Bhasma, Ghrita and Madhu. Twenty apparently healthy male and female children with age group of three to four years were ready to sign inform consent form were selected into two groups each. Subjects in Group A received Suvarna Bindu Prashan where as Group B (Control group) did not receive any treatment. Both the groups were observed for six months. Children in Suvarna Bindu Prashan group showed significant reduction in the scores of eating habits, behavior, mood, temperament and scores of event of illness. However there was no significant difference in the score of sleeping habit. There was significant increase in IQ percentage


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    Objective of the study was to assess the efficacy of Matra basti (enema) over Abhyanga (massage) and Sweda (sudation) in reducing spasticity in cerebral palsy. Study was carried out in IPD, Department of Kaumarbhritya, KLEs Shri BMK Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belgaum, Karnataka; India.30 children fulfilling diagnostic criteria between the age group of 2-12 years were included and enrolled as per computer generated block randomization into 2 groups of 15 children in each group. Group A was administered with Matra basti (enema) after local Abhyanga (massage) with Suddha bala taila and local Swedana (sudation) with Nadi sweda (type of sudation) method for a duration of 15 days. In group B spastic children were treated with Sarvanga Abhyanga (massage all over body) followed by plain Nadi sweda with Suddha bala taila. Follow up was done on 30th and 45th day of treatment. Both the procedures were helpful in reducing spasticity. Matra basti (enema) is more effective in treating the spasticity of cerebral palsy as compared to Abhyanga (massage) and Sweda, whereas Abhyanga (massage) and Sweda (sudation) is effective in treating fine motor functions. Suddha Bala taila is effective in treating Ekanga vata (monoplegia), Pakshaghata (diplegia) and other related Vata Vyadhi (neurological disorders) as attributed to its Rogaghnata (disease). Thus the procedures are effecting in reducing spasticity

    Clinical profile of nasal polyp in a pediatric patient: An Ayurvedic approach

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    Nasal polyp is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses. It is a relatively common disease occurring in 1%ā€“4% of the general population, but it is also seen in the pediatric population. Children present with nasal polyps are also known to have other underlying systemic diseases, mainly cystic fibrosis and bronchial asthma. Nasal polyp is common in the pediatric population especially in teenage, and is found usually bilateral. It is also commonly associated with bronchial asthma and many other systemic diseases. Beginning in preschool age, up to 50% of patients experience obstructing nasal polyp. In contemporary science, nasal polyp is not curable but can be clinically stabilized. When conservative measures are exhausted, surgical intervention combining endoscopic sinus surgery and supportive conservative treatment is performed. In the present paper, we aimed to present a treated patient of nasal polyp by the ayurvedic modalities such as Snehana, Swedana, Nasya, Gandusha, and Dhoompana with a positive change in the clinical picture

    Drug Dose Fixation in Baala Panchakarma (Classical Review)

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    According to Charaka In children dosha, dushya, & malas in different vyadhi are similar to adults but in smaller quantity based on body weight, age, & Agni of child. Whatever the disease the adult suffers the child also suffers. Thus induction of vomiting & purging etc are not done in Paratantra avastha. Panchakarma are the unique therapy of Ayurveda System of Medicine. They are equally benificial in the prevention and cure of the disorders there by improves the life span of the individual. In pediatric practice also these therapies are helpful provided administered with due consideration in stage of the diseases, dosage of medicines, proper method, vaya and Bala of the children. Care should be taken in the prevention of complications.Shodhana is advised to remove the vitiated doshas and to bring the doshas to normal condition. Kashyapa being kaumarabhritya physician explained panchakarma can be done in bala starting from infancy and advised vamana, virechana, basti, niruha or yapana bastis and anuvasana basti. He contraindicated raktamokshana in children. He attributes complete siddhisthana to explain this. At various places he explained doses of sneha, vamana and virechana drugs and given the quantity of basti as per different age.Ƃ

    Ayurvedic management of postlumbar myelomeningocele surgery: A case study

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    A 11-year-old male child presented with the complaints of urinary incontinence, passing hard stools associated with weakness in lower limbs, deformity of feet, reduced sensation below ankle joint since he was 5 years of age as noticed by parents. The clinical features were seen as postlumbar myelomeningocele surgery and child had congenital talipus equinovarus. For this, he was administered anulomana, sarvāį¹…ga abhyaį¹…ga (oleation / massage), saį¹…graha cikitsā, avagāha sveda (sudation) and matrā basti (type of oleaginous enema). After the treatment, child was able to get control over his bladder, he started feeling sense the fullness of the bladder, there was a desire to void urine and a reduction in a number of voids in daytime and a reduced degree of wetnes